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Only for Romanian volunteers ( Urgent EVS stagium in France)

Cautam (de urgenta) voluntar EVS; stagiul se va desfasura in Franta pe o perioada de 10-12 luni.
Detalii despre proiect:
1 EVS placements in Mulhouse, France
MNE, une radio d’expressions citoyenne
Project Description :
Within the association "Old School", the mission of the volunteers will be to participate in
promoting cultural and artistic activities through the "MNE" radio station, which is broadcasted
on hertzian frequency and on the web.
The volunteer will work 30 hours per week, Monday to Friday. Schedules will be flexible
according to the activities of the volunteer and the needs of the radio programming.
This project has three objectives :
To promote the activities and projects of the local organisations and artists via the radio ;
Develop the local network of the Old School Association.
Volunteers will be surrounded by a team of local volunteers and professionals who provide the
necessary technical assistance.
All these activities should enable volunteers to acquire useful technical competencies in the field
of radio broadcasting, and make rapid progress in French language and integration in the local
Activities :
Conduct radio programs involving the preparation work (street microphone, reports, research
stakeholders) ;
Participate in the promotion and radio programming ;
Assist staff members in the the trainings organised in schools ;
Participate in the preparation of news review ;
In addition to the tasks related to the project, volunteers will be invited to take part in other
activities of the association and those of its partners.
Profile of the volunteers :
No experience or specific competences in radio broadcasting are required.
Venue : Mulhouse, France
Duration of the Service : 12 months
Activity Start date : As soon as possible
Accommodation :
Volunteers will be hosted in a shared house close to Mulhouse. They may be sharing a room with
2 beds.
They will receive food money and 115€/month as allowance.
A local transportation 24/24 and 7/7 membership will be provided.
Further information about the Host organisation ans its activities :
You can send your application to
1 loc disponibil pentru un voluntar EVS în Mulhouse, Franța.
Dacă ai un nivel începător/mediu de limbă franceză, ești disponibil/ă să stai în Franța timp de 9
luni, îți plac provocările și ți-ai dorit dintotdeauna să lucrezi într-un mediu intercultural, ești
persoana pe care o căutăm! APLICĂ ACUM trimițându-ne un email cu CV în ataș și cu titlul
EVS Mulhouse la adresa ASAP

1 available EVS for a Romanian volunteer in Mulhouse, France.
If you have a A2-B1 French level, you are available to live 9 months in France, you enjoy
challenges and working in an intercultural environment, you are the person we're looking for!
Apply for this project by sending an email to ASAP


Căutăm 1 voluntar EVS pentru un proiect creativ disponibil imediat în Mulhouse, Franța, pentru
o durată de 9 luni. Dacă ai cunoștințe începător/medii de limbă franceză, ești disponibil/ă să stai
în Franța pentru 9 luni și ai o atitudine proactivă, acesta este proiectul potrivit pentru tine!
Trimite-ne CV-ul pe adresa și începe aventura culturală ca voluntar
EVS în Franța!
Mai multe detalii aici:
1 EVS position available immediately in Mulhouse, France for 9 months. If you have a A2-B1
French level, you are available to live 9 months in France and you are proactive, this is the
project for you!
Send us your CV at and start your cultural adventure in France!

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