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Formal Peer observation – B.

Ed Teaching Practice ( year 3 – Semester 1 – Math)

Year3 Semester1

Name of the student/teacher: ID#: -

Maryam Abdulla Rashed Alsemeil H00296869
Name of the student/observer: ID#:
Maryam Bin Thani H00327121
Date of the observations: Subject:
4 March, 2018 Math
Unit / lesson title: Grade level:
Probability Grade 2
School name: RAKA PYP Number of students: 18 student
Competency Area
A- Commitment to the Profession *
B- Planning for Learning *
C- Managing Learning *
D- Implementing Learning *
E- Assessment *
F- Reflection on Practice *
E=Excellent G=Good S= Satisfactory M=Marginal US= Unsatisfactory
Strengths of the lesson:

- Using hands on materials.

- Identify similarities and differences in the assessment part.
- Identify grouping format (Individual, whole class and groups)
Areas for development:

- Try to explain the instructions twice to make sure that students understand
- Try to focus on the classroom management.
Student/teacher reflection on the feedback:

I highly agree with the feedback, I prepared a lesson with creative activity provided

with differentiation abilities. I also agree when you select the group formats in the

classroom because I used individual, group work, and pairs activity. However, I

will try to reflect on the area of development to be more professional in the future. I

will be more specific about the instructions and I will also manage the classroom by

using different strategies such as; points or checklist.

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