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Bernstein, Lenny. "Study Links Greater Opioid use, Mental Disorders.

" Washington Post, 26


2017, pp. A.2, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Carey, Benedict. "Are Mass Murderers Insane? Usually Not, Researchers Say." New York Times,

09 Nov, 2017, pp. A.10, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Dillard, J. A., and Lisa A. Tucker. "Is C.T.E. a Defense for Murder?" New York Times,

23 Sep, 2017, pp. A.21, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Frank, Marshall. "Do Empty Mental Institutions Mean Crowded Prisons?"

Florida Today, 23 Sep, 2017, pp. A.10, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Friedman, R. A. (2017, 12 Oct). Psychiatrists can't stop mass killers.

New York Times Retrieved from https://j\

Zezima, Katie. "Democrats, Veterans Criticize Trump's Remarks about Troops' Mental.."

Washington Post, 05 Oct, 2016, pp. A.4, SIRS Issues Researcher,
O'Donnell, Jayne, and Terry DeMio. "Mental Health, Addiction Coverage in Jeopardy."

USA TODAY, 09 Jan, 2017, pp. A.1, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Rochford, Martha C. "The Mental Illness Bias." Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 10

Dec, 2017, pp. L.5, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Wiltz, Teresa. "Is Solitary Confinement on the Way Out?", 22 Nov, 2016,

SIRS Issues Researcher,

Skibba, Ramin. "Solitary Confinement Makes Prisoners Behave Badly and Screws Up.."

Newsweek, Apr, 2017, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Whiting, David. "Mental Health Treatment is Key to Slowing Gun Deaths." Orange

County Register, 15 Jun, 2016, SIRS Issues Researcher,

Williams, Misty. "The Invisible Epidemic: One Solution to Mental Health Care." Atlanta

Journal-Constitution, 27 Sep, 2015, pp. A.1, SIRS Issues Researcher,

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