Summary of Speed Reading Journal

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Name : Fathan Huda

Subject : Academic Reading & Writing

Source : e-journal of English language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol.2


According to Rizkoh et all (2014), in their journal about reading titled the
implementation of speed reading technique to improve comprehension achievement,
explained that how speed reading technique improve students reading achievement at the
eleventh grade science major students of MAN 2 Model Palu. Based on preliminaey
reasearch at the eleventh grade science major students of MAN 2 Model Palu, the researcher
identified some problems. Firsly, most of them have lack of vocabulary. Secondly, the
students read a log text slowly. Finally, students alwalys complain of the time allocation
which very limited to understand the text. in line with the journal, it describe that speed
reading is one of effective way in teaching reading comprehension that could be help students
to read quickly. Speed Reading is an ability to read faster than average without losing reading
comprehension by changing the way that you read. There were four steps in apllying speed
reading technique, they were :

1. Previewing main idea. Good readers preview the selection firt. This help to make
them good and fast reader.
2. Read for meaning.good readers see beyond the words, they read for meaning. This
make them faster reader.
3. Graps paragraph sense. The paragrap is basic unit of the meaning. Good readers know
how to find main ideas of paragraph quickly.
4. Organize facts. Understanding how the fact all fit together to deliver the author’s
message is, aftrl all, the reason for reading. Good readers organize facts as tgey read.

Regarding with the purpose of the journal, to find out the implementation of speed
reading technique can improve comprehension achievement of the eleventh grade science
major at MAN 2 Palu, methodology of the research used tru-experimental design which has
two groups, namely experimental group and control group. The number of the population was
97 students and it was selected by using cluster random sampling. Then, class XI IPA 2 was
chosen as experimental class and XI IPA 3 as control class. The instrumen of the data
collection was test which was administered twice called pre-tes and post-test. In order to find
out the result of data, the reseacher used t-counted formula that was calculated and analized

Fry in bell (2001:1) claim that readers can be devide into three parts. Good readers achive
a speed 350 wpm, while fair reeaders 250 wpm and the slow readers reach 150 wpm. As a
resul of the wpm data, students can be categorized as a fair readers and good readers. The
standar level for readers’ especially second language learners, they should be able to read 250
words per minute (wpm).
At the end, they conclude that by using speed reading technique in teaching reading, the
studets can improve reading comprehension. This technique caqn build the students’ reading
habit to read in speed rate.

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