Weebly Observation Management

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Education Field Experience Observation

I. Observation #2:

a. Classroom Management and Routines

II. Grade Level and Subject Area:

a. 6th Grade

III. Setting:

a. 2 Educator

b. 1 Observer (me)

c. 4 Female Students

d. 10 Male Students

IV. Pre-Observation:

a. My previous observations in Foundations of Education helped me grasp lesson

plans and how to create a schedule for a class.

V. Data:

a. The teacher I am observing has a schedule posted that is announced every

morning when he changes it for the day. It is a generic plug and play schedule

where he just slides paper with the time of each subject into a slot. This schedule

is flexible and changes most days. Students will move quickly through some

material and grasp it faster than expected and other material will take longer than

expected. The schedule is a loose guide to the day, but it is still the back bone and

structure to the day.

b. Most of the time students can complete the activity in the allotted time, however

on some occasions the activity does run longer. The students are completely
aware of this schedule every morning when the teacher changes it and announces

it to the class.

c. The schedule seems effective for the most part.

d. The two teachers in the room create the schedule for the class and the only parts

they cannot change are breakfast, lunch, and dismissal.

e. Misbehavior is dealt with in the class unless it is constant.

f. Consequences are three strikes. The first two are talking to the class about an

issue which does not have to be prompted by an incident. If the third strike is

reached by a student, they will be sent to an administrator.

g. The teacher I am assigned to always offers guidance. He always models good

behavior and recognizes effort even when a student gets a question wrong.

h. As far as I have seen there is no conflicts that are unnoticed. When a conflict

arises the teacher usually has students resolve the issues with his guidance.

i. Sarcasm is not used by the teacher and he does not have a time out punishment.

j. There is no class system, just verbal complements.

k. If bad behavior is serious enough for an administrator to be involved the parents

will be notified.

l. The teachers are observed randomly once or twice a year. The observer will tell

the teacher some feedback after the observation.

VI. Analysis:

a. I noticed the class cannot sit still or be quiet. I was told the class is boarder line

IEP. This class seems to function despite these issues and these issues are

incorporated into fun learning games.

VII. Recommendations:

a. If I had to change something in the class, I would add more group work. This

could aid the talking issue and use their energy focused for talking on class

subjects instead of distracting subjects.

VIII. Post Observation:

a. This observation helped open my eyes to how classes might seem crazy and out of

control but are actually classes with issues that are being adapted to benefit

learning. The class plays a game called sparkle where they all get up and spell

words and sit down after they miss a letter. This taps into their need to move and

their need to talk.

IX. Citations:

X. Appendix:

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