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Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Unit 35: Video Installation

Installation Production Booklet


Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

□ Mind-mapping
□ Installation plans
□ Installation / set skecthes
□ Progress of ideas
□ Types of visuals
□ Sound design
□ Lighting design
□ Projection vs screen
□ Single or multiple screens
□ Technological convergence
□ Possible venues
□ Location recce
□ Identify venue facilities
□ Risk assessment of venue
□ Copyright issues
□ Venue booking confirmation
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Mindmap of ideas for your installation

Create a mindmap showing ideas of how you might install your video.
Define what type(s) of visuals you will use.
(Eg. video cameras, still cameras, hand crafted artwork, film, animation, digital technologies)
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Installation / set sketches

Draw a series of thumbnail sketches showing ideas for your installation. Add labels to your diagrams
to identify equipment, where the image will be seen, where the audience will stand etc.
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Sound design

What sound will your Productions have?

As my photographs are of an artist called GIRLI I thought I would play her music but also project speeches from people like
Emma Watson who have spoken a lot about feminism in the past.

Will you use headphones or speakers for this sound?


By using speakers it catches your attention more when walking past. It is a very vocal way of
using sound.

Lighting design

What lighting will you have in your installation? Consider health and safety.
I will not be using any artificial lighting for my installation
Sketch out your lighting plans for the installation.
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Projection vs screen
Will you project your video or play it on a screen?

I will be showing my photography by printing them onto photographic paper.

Why? If you are using a screen, will you

use a single screen, or multiple
I would rather show physical copies of my
photographs that show them digitally like
on a slide show projection. screens?

If you are projecting… what How will that change how your
will you project ONTO? (ie audience READS your animation?
fabric, screen, materials etc)
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Technological convergence

What is technological convergence?

Technological convergence is when different forms of media technology merges to bring different types
of applications. For example, you could watch my final project on a mobile phone at the same time as
using other applications

Will you be using this in your installation?

No because all of my instillation is print based. However, you can view my photos on different social
Medias it is all in print form for my installation.
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Locate and show research into two other possible venues for you to show your work.

Location: 66 Market Place, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2AG

Positive aspects of this venue: 1. Spacious

2. Minimalistic space giving the artist a lot of Leigh way with


3. well lit with lots of windows to allow natural light to come through

Negative aspects of this venue: 1.Henley on Thames as an area for a gallery isn’t the best place in
Terms of getting exposure for your work

Venue: The October gallery & Courtyard

Location: 24 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AL

Positive aspects of this venue: 1.A spot in central London will be great for exposure.

2. Has a diverse and unique space that enables visitors to look

around the gallery but also sit down and relax / have a drink etc…

Negative aspects of this venue: 1. Expensive

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Information on the actual venue

Venue: The Oxford House

Location: Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, London,
E2 6HG

Positive aspects of this venue: 1.A perfect minimalistic space for a photography gallery



Negative aspects of this venue: 1. Minimal resources, not ideal if you have a high tech instillation



Image of room
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Location recce
Complete the location recce for the final venue.
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Risk assessment of venue

Complete risk assessment for the VENUE




Walking through Tripping on cables M Making sure cables

Are tidy.
Plug sockets Electric shock M
By covering all
plug sockets
that aren’t in

Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name ………………………………………………….. Signed
…………………………………………………. Date ……………………

KEY: Activity : Describe the component part of your pursuit.

Hazard : List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your
activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm.
Risk: Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your
assessment consider all of the circumstances.
Precautions: Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
In Place: Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might
be whilst you are undertaking the activity.
Reviewer: Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.
A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Installation plans
From the ideas in your mindmap, create a more definite proposal for how you will install your videos.

Diagram of final plan:s

Add labels to clearly identify your diagram

List the equipment you will need:

Blue Tac
Mount Boards
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

How have the following influenced your ideas?

□ work of the artists you have researched By looking at how other artists work and ways
of presenting their exhibitions in different
ways it has help me to find my own style in
comparison to other artists.

□ venue and facilites
By looking at the different venues and
layouts, it has helped me to think
about the different ways I could
display my work.

□ lighting By researching different lighting displays
it made me realise, I would like a very
simple light display that just directly
lights up each photo

□ Through looking at how different artists use sound to
sound enhance their displays I have decided to keep it simple and
just use a song from the band that I photographed that
way everything links together and it does not draw
attention away from the photos

□ Screens / projectors It allows multiple people to experience the
exhibition at once as it is on a bigger scale.

□ speakers / headphones Gives the exhibition a more personal feel to
the experience.
Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Copyright issues

What potential copyright issues could your installation infringe?

As I will be using a song by the band ‘Smiling Ivy’ this could cause copyright issues with out permission from the

How can you be certain that the work you are displaying does not violate any
copyright infringements?

By contacting the band/management to get their permission to use the song.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

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