Ideation Phase Checklist

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Ideation Phase Checklist 

Part 1 – Generate Ideas

❏ Rewrite the last three points from phase 2 (Interpretation Phase checklist)
❏ Succinct one sentence definition of the Design Thinking question
What will make women feel safer traveling?

❏ A list of interesting findings

● Females don’t see catcalling as sexual assault
● Not a lot of people have a problem with Uber/Lyft
● Females feel uncomfortable with male uber/lyft drivers and walking by themselves

❏ A list of “how might we” questions

How might we develop an app that allows you to contact someone letting them know your destination and
whether you are safe or not?
How might we teach people to not catcall?
How might we ask Uber/Lyft on adding a gender request button to their app?
How might we create a culture where catcalling is seen as sexual assault?
How might we teach women ways to defend themselves?
How might we teach women ways to prepare for dangerous situations?
How might we teach women how to respond to catcalling?
How might we teach boys to not view women as sexual objects?
How might we develop ways to make transportation a safer environment for women?

❏ Does the Design Thinking Challenge Question need to be rewritten in a

more focused way?
❏ Yes
❏ No
❏ Rewrite the Design Thinking Challenge Question in a succinct manner if

❏ Prepare for brainstorming

❏ Define brainstorm end goals
● Come up with 3 at least different ideas that I want to try out
● Come up with in total 100 ideas
● Have ideas that haven’t been done before
● Think outside of the box

❏ Establish rules for the brainstorming exercise

● No saying that an idea is stupid
● Speak all ideas that come to mind
● Try to think in a different way

❏ Determine a good space for the brainstorming process

My room

❏ Determine protocols to ensure every voice is equally heard

I am the only person in my team

❏ Select a facilitator for the brainstorming session(s) to engage the team and
keep them on task
I am the only person in my team

❏ Use visuals as part of the brainstorming process and/or to generate more

❏ Plan brainstorming sessions and more brainstorming sessions and more
brainstorming sessions.
Session 1 date & location: 3/12/2018 & In my room
Session 2 date & location: 3/14/2018 & In my room
Session 3 date & location: 3/15/2018 & In my room
Additional sessions:

Part 2- Select Promising Ideas

● Select specific ideas in an effective manner (idea voting)
○ Selecting ​inspiring​ ideas

● Teach boys to notice whether they should go up to a female by noticing the environment, such as if
it’s dark or she has her headphones in
● Having a security guard on a bus
● Teach boys that sexual comments are not okay, even when a female isn’t around

○ Selecting ​rational (practical and realistic)​ ideas

● Creating a facebook page to spread awareness on the issue and free resources available
● Creating an Instagram page to spread awareness on the issue and free resources available
● Creating an infographic to spread awareness on the issue and free resources available

○ Selecting ​darling​ (favorite) ideas

● Giving presentations/assemblies on how we can help with the danger of transportation for females
● Teaching families about the different types of sexual harassment
● Adding a self defense section in the PE curriculum
● Teaching boys in middle school and high school that catcalling and sexual harassment isn’t okay with

○ Selecting ​long shot (excellent but tough to reach)​ ideas

● Develop an app that allows you to request a female driver
● Develop an app that allows you to contact a team of people letting them know your location, where
you are heading and he information of the car/bus you are in
● Having a Ted Talk about the dangers of transportation with females
● Placing Police around dark alleys or unsafe places
● Having more street lamps in dark areas

○ Selecting ​most likely to delight​ idea

● Having more street lamps in dark areas
● Creating a button that warns the police, gives them your location and creates a really loud siren noise
● Creating a hashtag against street harassment

Part 3 - Reality Check and Refining Ideas

❏ Most promising ideas identified with explanation
● Adding a self defence section to the PE curriculum
○ Adding to the PE curriculum for high school girls a section on self
defense that teaches you how to defend yourself against an attacker
and also how to disarm someone with a knife or other weapons they
may try to use against you
● Giving presentations to high school students about the different types of
sexual harassment, how to avoid it and give information on the free
○ Talking about the different types of sexual harassment that can
happen during public transportation, what you can do to prevent it
from happening, free resources that are available to you
○ Explain why we need to stop victim blaming and also constituting
catcalling as normal
● Make a youtube video on sexual harassment in the streets
○ Using visuals and having a background voice talking Talking about the
different types of sexual harassment that can happen during public
transportation, what you can do to prevent it from happening, free
resources that are available to you, Explain why we need to stop
victim blaming and also constituting catcalling as normal
○ Maybe have some acting out scenes of real life situations
● Creating a Facebook page to spread awareness about sexual harassment on
the streets and free resources for help
○ Talking about the different types of sexual harassment that can
happen during public transportation, what you can do to prevent it
from happening, free resources that are available to you
○ Explain why we need to stop victim blaming and also constituting
catcalling as normal
● Creating an Infographic to spread awareness about sexual harassment on
the streets and free resources for help
○ Talking about the different types of sexual harassment that can
happen during public transportation, what you can do to prevent it
from happening, free resources that are available to you
○ Explain why we need to stop victim blaming and also constituting
catcalling as normal
○ Stating facts about the rates of sexual harassment

❏ Real value of final ideas to the end users clearly described

❏ To teach everyone how to defend themselves against sexual harassment
and also that is not okay
❏ To limit the possibility of someone who might be taking the bus home or to
work getting sexually assaulted

❏ Constraints for each idea clearly delineated. Examples:

❏ Adding a self defence section to the PE curriculum
❏ Who would oppose: School Board
❏ What’s the cost: I’m not sure, nothing?
❏ Where will we get the funding: I don’t think there would be funding
❏ What are the time constraints: Would take years to develop
❏ Giving presentations to high school students about the different types of
sexual harassment, how to avoid it and give information on the free
❏ Who would oppose: School Faculty, People who think that what
women wear matters
❏ What’s the cost: Nothing
❏ Where will we get the funding: No need
❏ What are the time constraints: Would take a few months to develop
❏ Make a youtube video on sexual harassment in the streets
❏ Who would oppose: People who disagree with the dangers of sexual
❏ What’s the cost: Nothing
❏ Where will we get the funding: No need
❏ What are the time constraints: Takes a few months to record and edit a
❏ Creating a Facebook page to spread awareness about sexual harassment on
the streets and free resources for help
❏ Who would oppose: People who disagree with the dangers of sexual
❏ What’s the cost: Nothing
❏ Where will we get the funding: No Need
❏ What are the time constraints: Really no time constraints
❏ Creating an Infographic to spread awareness about sexual harassment on the
streets and free resources for help
❏ Who would oppose: People who disagree with the dangers of sexual
❏ What’s the cost: Nothing
❏ Where will we get the funding: No Need
❏ What are the time constraints: Really no time constraints
❏ Brainstorm ways to address the constraints
● Creating a strict schedule for time constraints that lists out everything that
needs to be done
● Having more facts than opinions so there is nothing to argue against
● Understanding that not everyone will agree with you

❏ Revise your ideas if necessary

● I really like my ideas I don’t find that necessary

❏ Select multiple ideas to move forward to experimentation

● Adding a self defence section to the PE curriculum
● Giving presentations to high school students about the different types of
sexual harassment, how to avoid it and give information on the free
● Make a youtube video on sexual harassment in the streets
● Creating a Facebook page to spread awareness about sexual harassment on
the streets and free resources for help
● Creating an Infographic to spread awareness about sexual harassment on
the streets and free resources for help

❏ Describe final ideas in single succinct sentences

1. Add a self defense section to the PE curriculum for high school students
that goes over how to defend themselves against an attacker and disarm
someone with a weapon.
2. Doing assemblies at high school and middle school on street harassment
and free resources to protect yourself against it.
3. Create a youtube video that talks about street harassment and how we can
stop it from happening.
4. Create a facebook page that posts facts about street harassment and free
resource to help protect yourself.
5. Create an infographic with facts about street harassment and free
resources and place them around San Diego.

❏ Identify experts needed for experimentation phase

● Professional speakers
● Self defense teachers
● PE teachers
● Sexual harassment activists

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