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Short Notes K11

phys. s t a t . s o l . (b) 78, K11 (1976)

Subject classification: 8 and 18
Paisii Hilendarskii University, Plovdiv
Numerical Computations on a Rigorously Solvable Model

Some basic spectral and thermodynamical characteristics of the rigorously

solvable model with the Hamiltonian 20 were considered in the fourth part of the
paper (1). By means of the F e r m i creation and annihilation operators a and a
k k'
we have written

2 0
(aLak - i) z(k), C(k) = H - I >m

L. cos j k
j =1 J
Here we present new numerical computations on some quantities of the system (1).
I. The temperature behaviour (STT = 0.01) of the magnetic susceptibility x / N
and the specific heat C/N a t L. = p , p = 0 . 1 (i. e. a t ?(k) =
2 J
1 - p 1
=H - + - ) for five values of the magnetic field strength H =
2 2 1,5
Z(1-2pcosk + p )

=H 0.1, H H i0.05, H = 0.1111, is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 , re-

3 3
2,4 3
spectively . N denotes the spin number in the system, we assume I = 1; H c o r r e -
sponds t o the point of phase transition (ppt) of the second kind about the field a t T = 0 .
It i s easily seen that the low- and high-temperature behaviour of x / N and
C/N, shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, completely corresponds to the analytical results
in the fourth part of (1).

A 3

0 at 02 a3 ab a a1 02 a3 a4 5
T- T-
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
K12 physica status solidi (b) 78

Table 1

a) p = 0.1;H = 0.0111 0.0611 0.1111 0.1611 0.2111

1 0.03 I 0.02 I 0.00 I 0.08 0.12

’3.53 <3.53 PPt 1.44 1.08

0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.09
T~ max
1 0.5 0.00 >1 1.33
Tx max/T c max
b) p = 0.105;H = 0.0173 0.0673 0.1173 0.1673 0.2173



T~ max

rnax I

0.32 I

0.27 1 0.07
c-I 0.08


TXmax’TC max
1 I 0.4 I 0.00
I >1

C) p = 0.2;H = 0.1500 0.2000 0.2500 0.3000 0.3500

0.04 0.02 0.00 0.14 0.19

1.49 1.81 PPt 0.77 0.65

T~ max
0.10 0.12 0.14
__ ~
0.15 0.16 1
0.29 0.28 0.30 0.32
/T 0.4 0.17 0.00 0.93
Txmax cmax

11. From our numerical results, partially used in section I. we give in Table 1
to within 0.01 the following quantities: the temperatures T and T at
Xmax C max’
which the susceptibility and the specific heat reach their maximum values
and Cmax, and their ratio.
Short Notes K13

F r o m the numerical data in Table l,, and some

other numerical results not mentioned in this note,
mark the following correlations :
decreases with H increase in the para- n/2
- TXmax
magnetic region, after the ppt H and T
X max increase -ol
simultaneously; the behaviour of x (H),however, 05 10 15
max kcr ~ *
is the opposite one; Fig. 3

- T~ max increases monotonously with H , however

(H) has a relative minimum in the paramagnetic region, after which it increa-
ses simultaneously with H;
- evidently, TXmaxlTC max has an absolute minimum in the ppt.
At equal distances about H from both sides of the ppt we observe the following
correlations :

- TXmax
increases simultaneously with p, while x max(H) decreases;
- T~ max increases simultaneously with p;
- T~max/T c max decreases when p increases.
Obviously, when p increases, the convergence velocity of the infinite s e r i e s
in c(k) d e c r e a s e s , and (as it should be expected) the typical behaviour of the func-
tions x(T) and C(T)is manifested weaker.
1111. It is easy to obtain the correlation function

The numerical computations of the function (2) a t 1 = 1, 2 , and 10 a r e shown graphi-

cally in Fig. 3.
The programs are written in algorithmic F o r t r a n , the computations are made
to within 1 0 .

(1)G. GEORGIEV, N . MILEV, and S. GOCHEVA, phys. s t a t . sol. (b) 70, 275 (1975).

(Received September 16, 1976)

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