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The story of a Pious Man and Flying Horse

I admit everytime I pondered on this story, it amazed me, and no wonder when Muh
ammad came back from this trip, many of his friends did not accept it, and they
were right to say this, because this story as many others in Quran and Sunnah of
Holy Prophet is riddle with errors and confusion.
What happened that in one night Muhammad was visisted by Angel Gebrial, He asked
Muhammad to come out of his home and when he came out, He was saw that a Flying
horse was standing outside his home. Gabeiral asked Muhammad to ride on this ho
rse and so the story goes that it took him to Heavens, where Muhammad met and sa
w all other Prophets, and other mind blowing scenary. Then just before the dawn
or at dawn, Muhammad came back and this was it. It appeared from the story that
Muhammad spent 9 to 10 hourse or lets say 12 hourse in this journey. Why this is
important for the following reason. First we read some of the Quranic verses wh
ich will expose the errors and confusion in this story.
"22:47 Yet they ask thee to hasten on the Punishment! But God will not fail in H
is Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of y
our reckoning."
Well this verse is taken or borrowed almost exactly from Biblical account but th
is is not the topic here, just read the verse and the following and keep it in m
ind for a minute.
"32:05 He rules (all) affairs from the heavens to the earth: in the end will (al
l affairs) go up to Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be (as) a thousand ye
ars of your reckoning"
Another interesting verse.. nice exactly.. right.. so Muhammad when went to heav
ens he entered in the raum of Allah's time and space, where things go very slowl
y.. now if Muhammad came back in less then a day time on earth, then it must be
correct that he is still there.. because in order to complete a full day on eart
h, it has to be at least 1000 years on heavens.. so what was and who was then wh
o came back and said He was Muhammad himself ? or do we have to conclude that Mu
hammad made the whole story himself ? which is logical here ? You are intelligen
t, you can decide yourself.
This is not the end of the story here.. unfortunately for Muhammadans, oops.. so
rry, for Muslims, we find yet another marvel of literature in Quran which goes l
ike this.
"70:04 The angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] ascend to Him in a Day the mea
sure whereof is fifty thousand years,"
Oh my Ex god.. what is going on here ?? First Muhammad has spent thousand year i
n Allah's present.. well tehchnically less then as he came back in just 12 hours
e or so.. now we have another Problem.. The guy who took Muhammad on this journe
y.. is still on his way ? Angels has to come down in almost 25,000 years to eart
h if I calculate them as round trip of 50,000 years then the so called Angel who
took Muhammad was still on his way to him ! If this is true according to Quran
then who was the guy who according to Muhammad traveled with him ? Do we have to
conclude that Muhammad made this whole story up ? well now you have two evidenc
es from the Koran which suggests yes it was the case. Personaly I was disappoint
ed by the speed of Allah's angels, they are very slow in their works, Muhammad h
ad to made alot of up at his own.. not very helpful.
And by the way the verse which I mentioned above was taken from Bible.. here is
the Biblical reference. Enjoy !
"2 Peter 3:8 (King James Version)
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord a
s a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

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