LD 1719

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ww ieee PUR hon 27 April 2018, ‘The 128th Legislature ofthe State of Maine Site House ‘Augusta, ME. ‘Dear Honorable Membr of the 128° Legislature ‘Under the authority vested in me by Article TV, Pat Third, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Site of ‘Maine, Tam hereby vetoing LD 1719, “An Act To lmplemeat a Regulatory Structure for Adult Use Marijuana,” ‘Under federal law, marijuana is a Schodule 1 contollad substance. Asa Schedule 1 dg, the federal sovernment has deemed tht marijuana has «high potential for abuse an hs no curently accepted ‘medical use in wetment in the United States. In Maine, doctors eanot legally prescribe marijuana to Patients; they only “cry” its use, Possession of any amount of marijuana under federal law isa Imisdemeanor erime. In 011, Took an eat to support the Cnsttion ofthe United States, andl cannot in good conscience support aw tha, on its face, violates federal aw. Even if federal law were of no concer, there are cer significant issues that mat be addressed. This bill does not adequately address the filings of the medica marijuana program. It moved the oversight ofthe program from DHHS to DAFS, but then falls o truly integrate the two programs. The drafers ofthis bil hose to largely amore the significant effets on medical marijuana ofa reereatonal pogram-—a program ‘hat sl has different level of regulatory oversight snd a diffrent tax strctre. ‘As Ihave stato previously, «concurrent medical program with weaker regulation and lower tax rat willundermine the regulations established by tis il The two program mast be fuly integrated. In the run-up to the 2016 referendum, the medical program saw a significant increase inthe number of registered caregivers, as well as the explitation of loopholes in medical marijuana regulation to broaden the sales base for medical marijuana, which has a much lower tx rate ‘Theneed for policymakers to get this ssve comet has never been higher. As this administration looked to other states that have legalized adutase marijuana, we noticed a gruesome similarity. Inthe few shor years since marjuaa hasbeen legalized by some tates, those same sats have seen staggering increases inmotor vehicle fatalities resulting from marijuana impairment. After one of the worst yeas in recent memory for crashes, taliies, and pedestrian fatale, we should take every stp to ensure safety on ‘Maine roads instead of making them more hazardous. No branch of government has & ioaopol on good ideas if Maine is going to legalize and regulate marjuans, i will rire ou joint efoto get his. ingta aue ight. For these reasons Iretum LD 1719 unsigned and vetoed. I strongly urge the Legislature to sustain it senha ‘ah &

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