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Lorraine Broughton

Affiliations: Solo d10; Buddy d8; Team d

International Super Spy, What the Fuck am I Doing, Sarcastic, Dark Sense of Humor

Spy Training Power Set

Enhanced Reflexes d8

Enhanced Stamina d8

Senses d6

Speed d6

SFX: Effort. Step up or double any Spy power die on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do both. Then shut down
that power. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.
SFX: Counterattack. On a reaction against a Melee attack action, inflict Damage with your effect die at no PP
cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1
SFX: Second Wind. Before making an action with Spy power, you may move your physical stress to the doom
pool and step up that power by +1
Limit: Exhausted. Shut down any Spy power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or
during a transition scene.

Everything’s a weapon

Weapon D6 Enhanced Durability D8

SFX: Everythings a Shield 1 PP. An enemy cannot add your Physical Stress die in a dice pool that targets you for
the rest of the scene. Step up your Physical Stress at the end of the scene.
SFX: Krav Maga. If your pool includes the Combat specialty, in a close combat-based action or reaction, add
your Acrobatics specialty at no cost.

Limit: Equipment failure for 1 pp

Acrobatics Expert D8, Combat Master D10, Covert Master D10, Crime Expert D8, Psych Master D10, vehicle
expert D8

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