Cartas de Tarot The Lord of The Rings

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Gandalf dedicated it may remain for a long time our friend

In “The hobbit” and in “The Lord of the Rings” J.R.R.Tolkien opened a far field for
mythischer symbolism, which one would not like to leave no more, if one entered it. The
master of the rings is the ark-typical narration of fight between property and bad, light
and darkness. The world is threatened by a powerful dark ruler, and who must overcome
free peoples of central earth their disputes and unite, in order to defeat its
intentions. Against it into the field to be led the enormous magic forces of the dark
ruler, army masses of savages Orks, enormous spider-like creatures, Daemonen and dragons.
The Elves, dwarves, hobbits and humans work together, in order to throw the one ring into
the flames of the fate mountain.
For thirteen years Tolkien wrote “The Lord of the rings”, to a continuation of “The
Hobbit”, in which a hobbit is entangled into the magic adventure of a troop of dwarves,
that want to remove its treasure from the dragon Smaug. Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit, meets
a creature named Gollum, which lives in caves under the mountains at an underground lake.
Gollum challenges Bilbo to a riddles contest, and during their guessing, a small ring
puts itself on Bilbo’s finger, which he found in the cave. The ring makes him invisible,
and so he can escape from Gollum’s cave. This is only one of many strange characteristics
of the ring. But “The Hobbit” ends when Bilbo returns to the Shire, its homeland, where
he takes up again his geruhsames life.
“The Lord of the Rings” begins where the hobbit finished and ploetylich becomes
clear that it has more to do with the ring still on itself, than Bilbo knew. The ring
lends to its carrier large power, but it has its own will and tried constantly, to its
creator zuruechzukehren, to Sauron, the dark ruler of Mordor. A community with
representatives of the different peoples is formed, in order to break the strength of the
ring. It must be thrown at the Mount Doom, where it was forged, in the volcanic fire, so
that the world becomes free of its power. On the way dorghin our adventurers must insist
many NOT and dangers, achieve however, although it in such a way looks for a long time,
as if they do not have a chance, at the end their target.
Everyone will find something else in such a history. In this play, which was
formulated according to the traditional rules of the Tarot, we meet both the mental
tradition of the Tarot and the world of central earth with deep respect: Both spheres are
vermaehlt together in peculiar way. But we went also a step beyond it and have at the
same time of a game meant which one with these cards play can. After old Bardensitte make
we thereby an affair the pleasure, which could become otherwise perhaps all too
seriously, academic or esoterisch. Thus we mean Gandalf, us quite would give. We made one
actual from three realms, a king play. As it is written: “Three rings for the Elven


Tolkien originally wrote “The Hobbit” to his own pleasure and read out to his three
sons from it, still before the history was finished. We can regard the work as a fairy
tale, but escapes then us somewhat to it. In truth Tolkien assembled in enormous mosaic.
In “The hobbit”, in “The Lord of the Rings” and particularly in “The Silmarillion” he
tells a symbolic history of the universe, with many mirror-image-ritual teachings also
for our daily life.
We experienced, like a small group of creatures, everyone together of other type
and history, but faithfully holding, a tremendous enemy overcomes, whose instruments of
power and magic forces are far larger than theirs. By their persistence, probity and
sacrifice for this thing they will protect the future of the free people when all
difficulties finished. In the end he sails towards the west, to the holly realm, where
they live together with the Gods.
It is said that mankind can be divided in two: those which read Tolkien’s books,
and others, which will still read them. And everyone of us, which read it, will win other
insights from it at other times. Who will find new impressions and realizations to the
hobbit, which Lord of the rings and the Silmarillion read already once and her now for
the second time make, therein. Those who does not know it yet, will perhaps first
hesitate a little, to be in on a such an enormous adventure, once permitted,
nevertheless, before we such a journey begin, should we ask ourselves, what we expect
from it. Some read these stories as parabolas, some read it as maintenance; and actually
no serious contradiction exists between these two experiencing ways.
Probably the most important shape in the narrations is the Zauberer Gandalf, which
protects, leads and advises the free peoples, in order to combine them against the dark
Lord of Mordor. The name Gandalf originates from the older Edda, a collection of
altislaendischser songs from Gods and Daemonen, and means sinng


In the following are indicated the primary meanings of the individual cards. On
each card you find a legend, which refers to its symbolic meaning.


The Lord of the rings

short play - and gain guidance

10 points of victory receive at the end of each round:

- the user, that as the first all cards stored
5 points of victory received at the end of each round:
- the user, that in the end of the round of the ring carriers is
- the user with most dark points in the end of the round
- 5 additional points, if the ring is in the possession of dunkelen powers
- the user with the few dark points in the end of the round
- -5 additional points, if the ring is in the possession of the free peoples 5
points of victory received at the end of the play:
- the user with the highest sum total in dark points in the end of the portion
- the user with the lowest sum total in dark points in the end of the portion.



The large Arkanen represent the mirror-image-ritual secrets or pointingnesses of the

0 - The FOOL
Gollum sits at a pond and has many possibilities to consider.
A new section in the life begins. Adventure, Exzentrik, originality.
Turned around: Waste of energy.

Gandalf controls the materials and forces of the universe.
A larger public achieve. The material pages of the life control. Its will implement.
Messages spread.
Turned around: Insufficient information; Fraud.


Mrs. Èowyn is guided by its intuition.
Of hidden thoughts and feelings to lead it can not be known, why one does something. Rely
on the intuition. Lickrufe of the Wildnis, influences of the past, normally
Turned around: Superstitiously, superficially, on self-manifestation mindfully.

Belladonna Tuk, Galadriel and Rosie Gamdschie embodies the three pages of female power.
Creative forces unfold and express; Things around itself to develop ago and prosper
leave. Growth and prosperity.
Turned around: All too leave; Necessity to fight for its rights.

Elrond does not want to touch the ring and retained so its independence.
Fight for Unabhaenglgkeit; Refusal to accept other authority. Defense of the own
territory against influences from the outside.
Turned around: Sense of rigid, inability, to assume advice.


Saruman swears to dark, secret powers. The Palantír showed him a picture of his future
Strong instructors and ideas affect influences behind the window blinds us. Rites and
ceremonies change the objective reality. Transition rites; schamanische influences.
Turned around: Embarrassment in rigid traditions.

6 - The LOVERS
Aragorn is again united with his engaged one, the Mrs. Arwen.
Strong feelings. Relations selection, devotion to everything dans we in the heart closed.
Sexuality as a self sign, physical one love.
Turned around: Dear obsession. Inconsistency.

Théoden leads his whole armed force to attack the Orks.
Concentration on the most important, one after the other one, collection of all scattered
forces, in order to create an appearance of order. Discipline, above all self-discipline.
Turned around: To bring inability something to end.

The white tree connects skies and earth. It displays the beginning of a new age.
Its impulses of the reason to steer leave. Bridges build between this sphere and the
sphere of higher energies. These new forces into itself to flow leave.
Turned around: Make no use from the own forces and abilities.

9 - The HERMIT
Tom Bombadil does not interfere wohlweislich.
Do not get involved over-hurried in new obligations! Check everything exactly before the
final decision! Caution.
Turned around: Overcautiousness.
The ring brings advantages, but then it becomes over powerful. “One ring, it to
Luck and misfortune on the life way. Contently give themselves or to its regulation
follow? Think about security for the future, as long as everything goes well.
Turned around: Too optimistically. Pay attention to possible pitfalls!

The oath-fragile of Erech embody the compensation of earlier errors.
A new equilibrium find. Harmony, and as one attains it. Own errors answer for, instead of
looking the debt up with others.
Turned around: Imbalance. Too much or too few compassion.


Faramir is put on the Scheiterhaufen. His life hangs on be-being those the thread.
Of others to confuse or influence do not leave themselves. The own errors detect. Are
waiting in a muddled situation, which occurs.
Turned around: The world in the head restraint and see. Unnecessary victims bring.

13 - DEATH
Gandalf fights with the Balrog, dies and is re-born.
Negative one clear, in order to create for something better workstation. in order for it
to received, the spirals in the continuation of the life give inferior up to something by
continuing value.
Turned around: One can not get free from the influences of the past for oneself.

Sam and Frodo take Gollum prisoner. Frodo pities and lets him live.
Look back into the past, in order to understand the present better. By damage become
intelligent, heal themselves by self realization.
Turned around: Inability to learn from the past.

15 - The DEVIL
Schlangenzunges fueckischer advice poisons the thoughts of the good king Théoden.
Do not let you from the own weaknesses paralyze! Become clear you over your invisible
boundaries and sensitivities! Avoid self sabotage! You have false friends.
Turned around: Restraining one, weakening influences.

16 - The TOWER
Isengart is attacked by the Ents. Which is delighted for bad purposes, debris will
Structure on fixed bases, i.e. on principles such as probity, truthfulness and humanity.
Place that, that you believe, over the own advantage.
Turned around: Anger, threatening danger.

17 - The STAR
Galadriel’s ring seems the evening star.
Peace, amusement, realization. Understand, to which one lives.
Turned around: Humanity lacking; Prinzipienlosigkeit.
18 - The MOON
The enemy is not so strong, as it looks.
The banknote deceives. Which occurs, is hidden background. Strange connections between
persons - without they knowing of it.
Turned around: Life in a fantasy world. Inability to differentiate between objective
reality and pure fancies.

19 - The SUN
The sun shines on the Shire, where everything grows and prospers peacefully.
Harmonious growing and prospering in all areas of life. Purposeful planning, building,
organizing. Objective estimating of measurable sizes.
Turned around: Overexertion. Restlessness.

Gandalf explains Frodo, which forces ago are around it at the factory.
Large modifications are approaching, possibly for emigration. Conversion to quite
different way of life. By strong forces from the course to be thrown, before a new target
is evident.
Turned around: Packed by obligations its. As chessman in the play of the Gods feel.

21 - The WORLD
Central earth, where we live, and in the west the benediction realm.
Success, but too few self-assurance. Functions and obligations fulfill. How we grow in
the apart with the life, if we do not evade to its request.
Turned around: Oppress-oppressing its, excessive demand. The whole world on the shoulders
carry. Fears, particularly of responsibility.


The small Arkanen represents 56 everyday situations and humans, which we all meet on or
other type. For the large Arkanen I also indicated, what means the card, if she is
situated in reverse around; not so with the small Arkanen. With the large Arkanen the
reversals are unique, while one must get along with the small even, general mean the
reversal as much as a question mark behind the type of influence, which can proceed from
the respective cards. It displays that somewhat too early or too late comes, is too much
or too little.


Schweter represent the item of air and thus at the same time mental conditions and some

The intervention of the eagle Gwaihir means a large success.
Break-through; sudden resolution, use of power in the correct measure, effective
intervention in the correct moment.
In Elronds advice the problem is thoroughly considered.
Good advice is given and assumed, weighing all possibilities, before one commits oneself
to one. Doubt of the consequences of each possible action.

SAM Frodo at the fate mountain troestet, after Gollum with the ring fell into the fire
Deep pain, but communication always helps. An indicated problem is only a half problem.
Need to loose-will somewhat to entrust itself someone. A friend or used trösten, if it
has it necessarily.

The impact of the Grabunholds one defeats, and which can draw a deep breath companions.
Resolve from voltages, Linderung of suffering, removal of obstacles.

Pippin and Merry are taken prisoner, bound and away-dragged by the Orks.
Crossed swords and way sheaths. Life ways separate, and suddenly is one alone. Ending
with a sudden loss.

Bilbo and the dwarves escape in barrels from the palace of the Elf king.
A way out of unpleasant and restraining circumstances, aborting the contact with
disturbing or annoying persons. Noise and Hektik no longer actually near-let. A step
back, which is a step at the same time forward.

The Trolle still raufen around the booty, when behind them already the sun comes up.
By other ones to be kidnapped, need after more security, watchfulness. Also plans, with
which large victims are to be brought.

Unconscious Frodo is situated in Kankras loops, when SAM takes up the fight with it.
Frustration, but patience is necessary, in order to find out from the difficulties.
Impact around you, does not wait for, until you know, where you your strength begin can!
Inability to see the way which is situated before one.

The nine black riders know only the will of the dark ruler. Feeling that the hands are
bound. The will of another restrains and influences your life. Obsessionen, Phobien. Need
to find new communication ways.

Saurons power umgarnt and binds everything, which is ready with it to negotiate. Large
events, which intervene without preliminary warning in the life. Shock, surprises.
Betrayed, self reproaches, because one did not do everything, feel what possible or it
was necessary embarrassed its in the old pattern, conspiracy.
Denethor speaks with Pippin about its dreams and hopes. Do not fall yourselves neck over
heading into the fight, neither for you, nor fue you won; now you win also the peace and
ensure you for the fact that you and other prektischen use pull from it.

The staffs are the colour of the fire and mean energy, power and activity.

In the fire of the fate mountain is forged the master ring. A new initiative, beginning
of an action sequence: Cause effect. Inspiration. A new thought, which will have
extensive consequences.

Sauron resists Gandalf and combines the free peoples against the power of the bad one.
Good advice, gives and assumed. Guidance and orientation for humans, who appreciate it.
Resistance against suppression.

Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas make themselves on the search for their kidnapped friends.
Guidance by exemplaryness. Others will follow, but one must be first, which revolts
itself against the bad.

Théoden calls Gandalf to united procedure against Saruman and Mordor. With others on a
common target Hinarbeiten. Humans to the agreement against those stop, those in favor of
a?hoeheren public interest? the liberties to cut would like. Mutual attention and

During Bilbos march by the dark forest become its friends of giant spiders imprisoned.
Embittered resistance; more determination is necessary, in order to overcome it.
Conflicting forces, blockings, printing.

The page turns in the battle of the five armies against the Orks. Victory, the page
turns. The apparently over-powerful enemy suddenly into the escape struck, pride on the
own performance; Time, where someone had to knock one on the shoulder.

With the weather point Aragorn prepares the companions for the attack of the black
riders. The problems over the heading to grow do not leave themselves; one after the
other distinguished. Resist an attack, even if it takes place inconspicuously.
Gandalf hunts on shadow skin by the flat country. It brings hope. Events in fast
consequence. Messages move from station to station. Life as on a flying carpet in the
midst of of experience and adventure.

Saruman accuses and resists Gandalf its betrayal Sarumans art of persuasion. Give the
restraint up only if you believe that is to be trusted the other one. This must be
certain only once.

TEN of the STAFFS:

Frodo carries SAM on the fate mountain, where they can destroy the ring. Soon the load
will be removed from it. Remove from others the burden only for a certain time and for a
certain reason, not at any time and as desired.


Radagast the brown one brings an important message to Gandalf. Learn, journeys. Through
the life go like an explorer.

Faramir prepares for the fight with the south countries. Dynamic-male energy. The
necessary do, in order to implement a modification.

Théodwyn, Théodens sister, thinks about the future of their children Éowyn and more
Éomer. Capacity to act despite weaknesses and threatening defeat. Independent, dynamic-
female-male energy. Resistance leads over for the fulfilment of an old plan.

Théoden must free itself only from the influence of its councellor queue tongue. A male
ark type of the leader. To be strong must in times of the danger. Strongly its by
attention of the own feelings, not by denial.

This colour means the item of the water and shows internal movements and feelings.

Galadriels mirror shows many things, but only who understands her, becomes point.
Emotional fulfilment with detecting the own fate. The value of the love in the own life.

Faramir and Éowyn become a pair. A new relationship develops or a new stage in an old
relationship. Friendship, loyalty, zusammengehoerigkeit.

Bilbo sees again Frodo after long time in break valley. See again with old friends.
Festivenesses, giving the restraint up.
Frodo, SAM, Merry and Pippin meet the farmer Maggot when mushroom collecting. Tie new
friendships and alliances. Detect, how valuable it is, which others have to offer and
which one has to offer.

The companions are oppressed, because Gandalf is not any more with them. Disappointment
over the occurring. New plans must be forged, in order to become finished with an
apparent setback. Negative feeling statuses.

Pippin and Merry recover and drive their jokes in the rubble of Isengart. Learn, how one
divides feelings together. The growth of a friendship by all its phases through.

Many faces are to be seen to in the seven Palantíri, but all are true. Confusion in view
of all too many options. Necessity to realize priorities and make a plan of action.

Frodo and SAM leads Gollum by the dead sumps, on the way after Mordor. Regard the things
on a deeper level than that of the status quo. Under the surface penetrate, in order to
detect its true way and its fate, renouncement of something, which became inconsequential

Bilbo celebrates his birthday in bag-end. The life as a celebration celebrate. In the
focal point of the attention are located. Attraction to others exercise. A long-preserved
desire to fulfill itself know.

As everything, sails the companions in the old persons the west is achieved. Círdan
remains in central earth. Emotional obligations are fulfilled. Now one can approach to
that, which may still bring the future.

Buttercup is a host around hotel to the Taenzelnden Pony. Many turn there in. New social
and other contacts. Learning and application of social talents. Influence of children on
our life.

Although wounded, resists Frodo the instruction of the riders. Then they are away-washed.
As a person a male ark type with sensitivity for the needs of other humans. As situation
a scene, in which more devotion one requires.

The Wassernymphe gold berry is the Hueterin of the source. As a person a female ark type
with sensitivity for the needs of other humans. As situation a scene, in which more
susceptibility one requires.
Thorin oak sign and Balin are leaders of the dwarves. Emotional fulfilled humans, who can
help others and strengthen the backs.


The coins mean the earth and the material and financial living conditions.

Celeborn on its throne has to make weighty decisions. A door to new work projects opens.
Herangehen to the material questions of the life with new adventure desire.

The Ents continue to pull to new acts. The same plan at different places at the same time
pursue. Jonglieren with finances, several different work in course keep simultaneous.

Bilbo reads in his study, on the search for new arts and talents. Gifts develop and new
to it-learned. Study diligence, love for books, interest in the thoughts of other humans.

The white tree one holds by all free peoples in honours. Order create in the financial
and material conditions. If bridgings between two separated areas book-lead across
outputs, budgeting of expected costs, then let people back and forth to go be able.

The underground labyrinth of the mines of Moria enters the ring community. Unexpected
outputs or difficulties, the unexpected obstacle is in reality a door. From a problem a
chance becomes. Humans unite, in order to take precautions together for everything, which
may still bring the future.

The treasure in Smaugs cave finds Bilbo, but the division of the booty will be later
still difficult. One would like to be generous, must however to measure, who gets how
much. Decisions for the distribution of the gain after earnings/services. Priorities of
an individual with those the society in agreement bring.

Up, it detects the companions stone towards the pass into the mountains however that they
must find another way. Hard work. Hold out, in order to be able to harvest the wages.
Persistent striving; always new efforts; do not give up. Conscientious fulfilling of the
function in the large factory, i.e. the own life function.
The Heilkundigen treat carefully Faramirs wounds. Koennerschaft, particularly the use of
training and book knowledge, its knowledge for the fulfilment of the own life plan and
for the use of others use. Technical skill, professionalism.

The nine rings around the tree of the life. mortal one, eternally death expires, to
nine...? A way out of the number of deaths? Acknowledgment on the part of others provide.
The courses of the life passed through and the value of its experiences judge.
Koeperliche of benefits, sense joys and sinnliche satisfaction. Proudly on successful

The inside one the mountain Smaug is awake over its enormous treasures. Fold up finances
and important investment decisions. Economic basic strategies come to carrying. Large
sums of money, movements of capital of ring around the planet. The internarionale finance
as driving force of world-wide change.

Glorfindel rides the ring carrier on the road to break valley against. Man would like to
change to another work area or take larger responsibility. Cross and crosswise by the
life in fulfilment of the functions per resulting. Possibility of holding before a
decision with the superior consultation.

A krieger of Gondor holds look out whether the enemy of the east approaches. As a person
a man, who would like to make for the career. When situation a financial situation, with
which more participation is necessary, if all possibilities are to be exhausted. The Gods

Lúthiens tears to show Beren the life Lúthiens mortal loving. When person would like to
make a Mrs., the career. As situation: Patience and passivitaet are necessary, so that an
advantage can be used.

Treebeard, the age-old, a spirit of the earth. A man or a male ark type, that on the
material level its Leistungsfaehi

In master of the rings we find a rich treasure of Syimbolen, over which we can
meditieren. The sense of the Meditation is to learn how we can keep still our thoughts,
in order to open the gates, by the deeper realizations in us to einstroemmen. Tarot,
particularly in connection with the symbolism from Tolkiens world, is very effective for
such purposes. The ark types (the figures in the narration) are strongly enough to lead
us to a deeper understanding of our life. To the Meditation you do not have to take a
certain seat attitude. It is sufficient, if you breathe deeply deeply. Let your heading
of all present problems become free. After few minutes - which should be shortened - to
leave however not impatient you for example Gandalf before your internal eye to step.
What would he say to you? Where would it lead you? Later you can?aufrufen then the
pictures Frodos, Galadriels, Samugs etc. in itself?. With this form of the Meditation you
make a?Reise in the reason?, your fantasy in motion brings and probably a light on your
past throws, which illuminates also your present and future. Try it! The master of the
rings gives us many pointers on psychological techniques, which we can use. For example
the scene, where Saruman demonstrates its aura Gandalf - she changed from white to
schillernder multicolorness. This is one for us all applicable technique: We concentrate
to radiate a certain colour ago around us! Bring in your personal aura different colours
out. If you do not know to thus begin next time anything with itself, then you are
around, do not only separate radiate you a colour or let you a certain colour into itself
flow! How said, you try it!

CARD-PUT Perhaps you will want to lay the cards out in the form of the famous
Keltenkreuzes. In the following diagram, as the meaning of each card is to be arranged in
the context. 1 the general situation. 2 other aspects of the general situation. 3 that
you at present think. 4 background influences from the last three years. 5 newer
influences. 6 which in the next year to you comes. 7 the gate from the presence into the
future. 8 family lives. 9 hopes or fears. 10 highlights, or another affair. The tenth
card shows no final result, but can everything mean, what by the preceding nine cards is
not taken off.

THE KELTI CROSS: MR. THE RINGS - TAROT (PACK OF CARDS) rules of Mike Fitzgerald For 2 to
6 fellow players age group: starting from 10 years and for adults. Mr. that ring pack of
cards is easy to learn and fast play. All users break open as a member of the free
peoples of central earth to a journey to the fate mountain, in order to destroy the one
ring there, so that it does not fall in Saurons boesse hands. The journey represented by
placings of cards on the?Reise? - batches. As group the fellow players achieve the fate
mountain (i.e. the round is to end), as soon as the first fellow player stored all its
cards. On the way they are influenced by the forces working in central earth, and some
can be perhaps over there-pulled to Sauron and dark powers, which try, to bring the ring
into their force. This shows up in the fact that they out-play dark outlawing cards and
wins dark points. The points of victory, which win the fellow players on the way,
recompence their bravery or application joy, either in the services Gandalfs or Saurons.
At the end of the portion that is with most points of victory of the winners. With point
resembling and it can be several winners. A portion has three rounds. Each round is for
one of the three tapes of Tolkiens master of the rings. To playing needs the gentleman
that ring Tarotkarten, coins or counters for the Dundelpunkte and the point list, on
which the scores are entered after each round and the sum total at the end of the portion
are calculated. Please you consider also the edited version of the rules on P. 38-40 and
the?Kurze play and gain guidance?, those the card package is attached.

TARGET OF THE PORTION On their journey to the fate mountain the fellow players try to win
as much as possible points of victory. 5 points of victory receive after each round: -
the first fellow player?aus? is (everything stored its cards). - that, that in the round
won few the dark points (5 points of bonus victory, if the ring possession is with the
free ones.) - that, that in the round won most dark points (5 points of bonus victory, if
the ring possession is with the dark ones.) - that, which is at the end of the round of
the ring carriers. Note: If several have the highest or lowest as a user with one of
these valuations punktzyhl, then everyone of them receives the full 5 points of victory.
Additionally those fellow players receive for each to 5-Siegpunkte, which has most or few
the dark points at the end of the portion either.
The cards The play consists of the 78 gentleman that ring Tarotkarten, in detail: - 10
numbered cards in each of the four colours of the small Arkanen (swords, staffs, cups,
coins). These are called in the rules the small Arkanen. - four yard cards (PAGE, knight,
queen, king), in each of the four colours of the small Arkanen. -22 large Arkanen cards,
in Roman numbers numbers from the fool (0) up to the world (XXI). In the upper right
corner each card is a symbol, which marks the affiliation of the card: 1. Symbol of the
free peoples: These cards are for Gandalf and the forces of the good one in central
earth. 51 free people cards are always in the play, the symbol on green reason. 2. Symbol
of dark powers: These cards are for Sauron and the forces of the bad one in central
earth. They provide for the users dark points, on the basis whose is to be estimated,
how?gut? or?boese? it on the journey behave. 20 dark outlawing cards are always in the
play, the symbol on red reason. 3. Neutral symbol: The neutral cards can be allied with
the bad one either with the good one or. Who a neutral card out easily, announces whether
her?frei? or?dunkel? to be is. 6 neutral cards are always in the play, the symbol on
golden reason. 4. Symbol of the ring: This symbol appears only on the wheel of the fate
(large Arkanum XX) and is in this play for the ring. At the beginning each round is put
the ring into the center of the play desk; while it goes to the round between the fellow
players around, depending on, who the ring carrier is (viz. P. 33). This card does not
have a numeric rank in the play.

Play plan 1. Before beginning play is inferred the ring (wheel of the fate), from the
card impact and put uncovered into the center. This card is for the ring, which the group
wants to bring to the fate mountain and destroy there. 2. Any user outputs the cards,
about 30 coins or counters is for everyone attainable to be laid out. They mean dark
points. The Austeilende gives sieved cards to each fellow player. In the second and third
round its cards sight all fellow player and select two, in order to pass it on to another
player. (viz. the following statements.) First round no cards are passed on. Second round
of everyone passes two cards on to the fellow player left from it. Third round of
everyone passes two cards on to the fellow player on the right from it. 3. The Austeiler
takes now the highest card of the remainder batch and puts it uncovered beside the batch,
when beginning of the travel batch of the users stores left from the Austeiler as the
first - and so on in the clockwise direction. During the play the users can decide
whether they want itself with Gandalf and the free peoples or with Saurons dark powers
networks. The users in the group of free peoples will out-play as many free people cards
as possible, on the other hand dark points (viz. P. 34-35) to avoid will look up. Who
allies itself with Sauron, so many dark outlawing cards will out-play and as many dark
points will collect as possible. After the first view into his page each player will have
an impression of it, whether he wants to rather hold it with the free ones or with the
dark ones, but can he in the course of the play the alliance change. The neutral cards
are explained with the placing for either freely or darkly.

The play Who at the play is, has four possibilities for the selection: 1. One stores a
card from its page on the travel batch, which is either from same colour or from same
rank as the highest card on this batch. 2. One stores a large Arkanen card on the ring.
3. One takes up a card of the remainder batch and stores then a card as after the
Puenkten 1 or 2. 4. One takes up a card of the remainder batch and decides then to store
no card on the travel batch or the ring. The placing on the travel batch brings the group
more near to its target, to the fate mountain, where the ring is to be destroyed. The
placing on the ring determines, which page controls the ring, i.e. either the free
peoples or dark powers; who stores a card on the ring, becomes thereby the ring carrier.

1. One stores a card from its page on the travel batch, which is either from same colour
or from same rank as the highest card on this batch. Example: The highest card is the two
of the cups: To be stored each two or each cup card can do. The large Arkanen is more?
Joker?; the fellow players can announce at each time a large Arkanum on the travel batch
placing and a new colour. The next stored card must be then by this colour or again a
large Arkanum. Example: On the king of the staffs the moderateness is stored. The player
says?Muenzen? as new colour on. Next each coin card or a large Arkanum can be stored. If
equal the first card on the travel batch is a large Arkanum, the Austeiler announces the
colour, those the first fellow player to serve must (swords, staffs, cups or coins).
Note: If on the travel batch a large Arkanum is situated zuoberst, on it a small Arkanum
can be stored, if it has the same rank number as the large Arkanum. This applies only to
the large Arkanen with the rank numbers I-IX. Example: The Herrscherin (III) is situated
above: To be stored each three or another large Arkanum can do. However if the hanging is
situated on the travel batch (large Arkanum XII) above and as new colour cups is
announced, the next player knows any cup card or a large Arkanum placing. To the large
Arkanen above the rank number IX it does not apply in this play correspondence both small
Arkanen. The yard cards do not have a rank number.

2. One stores a large Arkanen card on the ring. The large Arkanen can be stored on the
ring, in order to attain the check of the ring. The rank of the card stored on the ring
must be higher than the rank of the last card stored on it. Example: On the ring the
Hierophant (V) is. each large Arkanum above V (5) can now on the ring be stored.
Exceptions: The ring, although a large Arkanum is, in this play outside of the
consequence of the rank numbers. The first card stored on the ring can be therefore by
any rank, the fool, although the lowest large Arkanum (0) can, on every other large
Arkanum on the ring is stored. Since all other large Arkanen is struggle-higher than the
fool (0), afterwards each large Arkanum on the fools can be stored. If a user a large
Arkanum on the ring stores, he must immediately take up a card of the remainder batch, in
order to replace the large Arkanum. (even if the stored card were its the latter, it must
take up and is not thus yet?aus?.) As one ring carriers becomes: Who stores a large
Arkanum on the ring, the honour attains to become the ring carrier of the group and puts
the ring with the large Arkanum on it before itself puts down. This fellow player is now
the wackere traveler, who the ring to the fate mountain to bring is. Who at the end of
the round of the ring carriers is, receives 5 points of victory. Additionally the ring
carrier, as soon as it is in turn, may add or from it take off every other player (and
itself) ever one dark point to its account. Before every other measure the ring carrier
announces, which fellow player more or less receives one dark point. (dark point taken
away from a fellow player may not do another given, a fellow player more given may not
from another be taken away.)

3. One takes up a card of the remainder batch and stores then a card as after the
Puenkten 1 or 2. To forget not: Everyone, which a large Arkanum stores on the ring, must
take up for it another card of the remainder batch. If one takes up thus a card and then
a large Arkanum on the ring stores, one must take up still another further card.

4. One takes up a card of the remainder batch and decides then to store no card on the
travel batch or the ring (if it of the cards, which it has now on the hand, no placings
can or wants).

Dark points During the round the players receive dark points (to the counting should be
used during each round coins or counters). They symbolize, to what extent each fellow
player is influenced by Sauron or dark powers. Dark points can be acquired in the
following four ways: 1. By placings of a dark outlawing card or a one for darkly
explained neutral card on the travel batch: 2 dark points. 2. By placings of a large dark
power Arkanums or one for darkly explained neutral Arkanums on the ring: 3 dark points.
3. Each dark outlawing card and everyone for darkly explained neutral card, which the
user in the end of the round has still on the hand: ever 1 dark point. 4. Each time, if
the ring carrier comes to the series, it (or it) can remove or assign 1 dark point from
each fellow player (also itself). At the end of each round all fellow players enter the
total of their dark points on the point list and begin the next round with zero dark

Termination of a round If a player has only a card on the hand, should he for the warning
of the others?ein ring? announce. (on omitting the warning is no punishment.) The round
ends, if a fellow player?aus? is, i.e. his last card on the travel batch stored. If the
remainder batch is exhausted before a fellow player all cards stored, does the round end,
without for?Aus? Points of victory to be assigned. All other points of victory are
normally assigned nevertheless as. If a user in the end of the round has still more than
seven cards on the hand, he does not receive points of victory. Its dark points from this
round are added however to those from the other rounds.

Point valuation Who stored first all cards, the best leader is in the group he receives
10 points of victory, because he found the shortest way to the fate mountain for the
group. Who at the end of the round ring carrier is, much courage proved; otherwise it
would not have so far brought the ring. It receives 5 points of victory for bravery. The
user with most dark points, was influenced by dark powers and with them in the fight
against the free peoples common cause made. It receives 5 points of victory from Sauron,
to the wages for its loyalty. It receives further 5 points of victory, if on the ring
because of the end a dark outlawing card is to the round - a bonus, which Sauron grants
it, because he protected the ring the destruction. On the point valuation elbow this
appears in the column?Ringbesitz?. The user with the few dark points remained for the
free peoples of central earth faithfully and receives as reward 5 points of victory from
Gandalf and good powers in central earth. It receives further 5 points of victory, if on
the ring because of the end a free people card is to the round - a bonus, which Gandalf
grants it, because he helped to destroy the ring at the fate mountain. Also this on the
point valuation elbow under?Ringbesitz?. The Dnkelpunkte of all fellow players is entered
after each round on the point valuation elbow. At the end of the play the user with the
haechsten sum total in dark points receives additionally 5 points of victory; the user
with the lowest total in dark points receives likewise zusaetslich 5 points of victory.
If more than one user have the highest or lowest sum total at dark points, then everyone
of them receives 5 points of victory. Then all points of victory from all rounds are
added, and the user with the highest total in points of victory won the portion. With the
play with only two users it is to be noted that the output of the portion depends
completely on who first?aus? it is who the ring carrier is and which party has the ring
at the end in possession, because each player receives the points of victory then
automatically for the fact that he acquired either most or few the dark points.

Kurzanleitung: Options for Der-Herr-der ring Tarotspiel Option 1 stores a card from your
page on the travel batch, which is either from same colour or from same rank as the
highest card on this batch. v a small Arkanum: it must be by same colour or same rank as
the highest card on the travel batch v a large Arkanum: legend a new colour on, those the
next fellow player to serve must to v takes 2 dark points, if you store a dark outlawing
card or a one for darkly explained neutral card Option 2 puts a large Arkanum on the ring
starting from v a large Arkanum of higher Rank number as the last card stored on the
ring. Exceptions: § the first card stored on the ring can be from any rank number. The
ring does not have numeric value in this play. § although the fool (0) under the large
Arkanen has the lowest rank number, can he on every other large Arkanum, which is on the
ring, is stored. Subsequently, iedes large Arkanum can be stored of higher rank than 0 on
the fools. to v take 3 dark points, if you store a dark outlawing card or a neutral card,
which you explain for dark to v, if you stored a card on the ring, must a new card are
always taken up v you are now the ring carrier. You can each time assign or take, if you
come to the play, one dark point to each fellow player away Option 3 takes up a card of
the remainder batch and stores then a card as after the options 1 or 2 Option 4 takes up
a card of the remainder batch and decides you then to store no card on the travel batch
or the ring (if you of the cards, which you have now on the hand, no placings can or

Kurzanleitung: Dark points Dark points are assigned as follows (to the counting coins or
counters solten to be used) in each round. The users begin each new play round with zero
dark points. § for placings of a dark outlawing card or a one for darkly explained
neutral card: 2 dark points § for placings of a dark power Arkanums or a one for darkly
explained neutral card on the ring: 3 dark points § for each dark outlawing card and
everyone for darkly explained neutral card, which the user in the end of the round has
still on the hand: ever 1 dark point § dark points, which are given or taken by the ring
carrier after free discretion: plus or minus 1 dark point.

Kurzanleitung: Who wins? At the end of the portion won, who can indicate the highest
number at points of victory from all rounds. At the end of each round 10 points of
victory each receive: § the user, that first?aus? (stored all cards) at the end each
round is received per 5 points of victory: § the user, that in the end of the round of
the ring carriers is § the user, those most dark points won (plus 5 points of bonus, if
the ring is in the possession of dark powers) § the user, that few the dark points won
(plus 5 points of bonus victory, if the ring is in the possession of the free peoples) §
at the end of the play: The user with most dark points and the user with the few dark
points from all rounds.

Upper the inventors master of the ring Tarotspiels When it read Tolkiens of books to
erstan the mark, Peter Pracownik knew directly that he would paint the scenes and figures
once. It painted also the kite Tarot and the Wyvern play. Peter mostly lived in
Glastonbury and Tintagel in England. It had and leads art exhibitions in all world an art
gallery in Glastonbury. Terry Donaldson is professional Tarot Deuter, astroastrologe,
advisor, founder and director London of the Tarot Centre it is an author of step By step
Tarot, Principles OF Tarot and The Dragon Tarot, Mitgestalter of the kite Tarotkarten and
the Wyvern play. Terry is married and has a daughter, Claudia. Mike Fitzgerald is an
experienced play inventor. He arranged the Wyvern pack of cards for U.S. Games of system,
additionally Charlie Brown Plays baseball and the Peanuts Comic of Strip packs of cards.
Gentleman of the ring Tarot (point valuation elbow) attention it also the?Kurze play and
gain guidance? with the spielkarten. This Punkwertungsbogen can be copied by the
Benutzem. a daughter, Claudia. Mike Fitzgerald

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