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Khalilah Daye

Scholar’s Challenge 2B
Who won the M.V.P Award in 2013? LeBron James is the winner of the 2013 Most

Valuable Player and the best basketball player of 2013. Last season Lebron James averaged

27 points per game with 76 games. I was told to imagine one more game being followed up last

year, which will go toward his final score. His original goal was to finish with 30 points per game.

I had to figure out how much points he needs to score on his 77th game to boost his average to

30 points per game.

At first I needed clarification on my problem so I asked a question of if he plays one

more game would it have to be more than the others? As I went through my steps to determine

my claim. I realized that it was a true statement.

My prediction was that “I think Lebron would have to score about 300 points to raise his

mean average to 30 points per game because if the score is higher than the previous numbers

then that is likely that the average will rise too. To solve this problem I think I will need to use the

following method or the mathematical concepts, strategies. What I will need to use division,

multiplication, addition, subtraction and make an equation because if I want to find the number

that created the average I must work backwards and check my work by doing the regular

formula for the mean. Which was given in to me and I had to change by adding one new value

to the data set.

The first thing I did was set up a formula to find more evidence to support my claim. I was a

little bit lost when I saw the word average because as I was taught in math class the average

could be the mean, median or the mode. Which are all the measures of center. So what my

teacher taught me in my class was that we can easily do the sharing method in order to find the

average. I began to using random numbers to add to all of my days so I figured that 1 wouldn't

really make a difference in anything or 2 which is just double what 1 can do.
So I started with a more reasonable number which was 3 for all the days he played. Since

I don't know the exact numbers I did 76 (the amount of days) multiplied by 3 which gave me

228. Then I added 30 to the day that we added do to the new mean 30 is the mean and the day

was added by one making it 77 so 228 + 30 equaled 258 which was my answer.

I felt like I needed another way to find the answer to the problem. This way was to make

an equation. My equation was 76*27+x/77=30. First I multiplied 76 and 27 because I felt that it

is the first problem in the equation. This gave me 2,052. Then, I divided 2,052 by 77 which gave

me 26.6. After I subtracted 30 this gave me 2,052, then I divided 2,052 by 77 which gave me -

3.35. I was confused with what I got so I went to my peers for help and it turned out that I was

right the first time.

In conclusion I feel that the scholars challenge was kind of challenging. But as I kept trying

and kept doing what I do when I don't know what to do as my teacher taught us I figured out my

answer. I was very surprised at the outcome of my response because it got extremely close to

my estimation or prediction which I told was 300. I wonder if you actually can score 300 points

or even 258 points in one game without any extra points added.

76 * 3 = 228 + 30 = 258 my prediction was 300
76 * 4 = 304 + 30 = 334 my prediction was 300

The reason why I chose 3 is because if he needed only a 30 average it

would be a smaller amount of a number.

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