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TE 405 Reading Lesson Plan

Small Group Reading Instruction Project

Name: Amelia Leng Date: March 21st, 2017

Mentor Name: Lee Ann McElmurry School: Steele Elementary

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Title/Topic: Long Vowel Sound /ai/ and final -e

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Big Ideas/Driving Questions (Identify your broad area of focus in instruction): Long vowel
sounds, more specifically long /a/ sounds. How do we spell words with long /a/ sounds?

Common Core State Standard(s) (CCSS) Focus on reading and speaking and listening
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI 1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF 1.3C Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for
representing long vowel sounds.

Learning Objectives: Develop ONE or TWO objectives that are specific to your lesson. These may
be written as one sentence: During [activity], students will be able to ________, as evidenced by
 Using RI 1.1 the student will be able to answer questions about the book, and pick out
words following the spelling inventory feature we are discussing.
 Using RF 1.3C the student will be able to distinguish and sort –e and –ai- conventions for
representing a long /a/ sound.

Content Rationale - Why is it important that students learn this content?

It is important for students to know this content so that they don’t spell words with long
vowel sounds like words with short vowel sounds. The final -e is an important concept for
students to know, and to know that a common vowel team such as -ai- can represent the
same as an a with a final -e.

Instructional Strategy Rationale- Why did you choose these pedagogical strategies?:
My rationale for the strategies is this lesson is so that students understand that words
can make the same long /a/ sound even if they are not spelled the same. By first sorting
out the word cards and then going over the pronunciation, the students will see that
even though they are spelled differently they create the same long vowel sound. The
read aloud will allow students to see the spelling along with hearing the pronunciation of
the word while I read.

Background and Context - Briefly describe your target students and the learning and/or
participation challenges they face that may require academic, social, or linguistic support
during the lesson. (Note that students may not need all three types of support, so be sure
your ideas listed below in your plan are specific to this student’s needs.):
Student 1: This student is a bit below grade level for reading and literacy, but a lot of it
has to do with her attention span and that she tends to rush on a lot of assignments.
There was evidence from the QRI and Elementary Spelling Inventory that she has trouble
reading and spelling longs with long vowel sounds, specifically long /a/ sounds. For both
social and academic support, I really want to make sure I can get this student to focus
and have as little distractions as possible. She also needs to take her time and not blurt
answers out or talk over others.

Student 2: (not assigned, did not teach this lesson)

Student 3: (not assigned, did not teach this lesson)

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence (Assessment)

Formative Assessment: How will you know what students learned / if they met the lesson
standard(s) and objective(s)?
My assessment will be to collect a writing sample from the students, along with
assessing their explanation of the word sort. The word sort will come before the read
aloud, where I will ask students to look out for long /a/ sound words, spelled both ways
and raise their hand when they do. After that, I will have students write a sentence or
two about something they liked in the story, using a long /a/ word in their response. This
will allow me to see if they spell it correctly and learned from the lesson.

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences (Procedure)

Instructional Sequence / Procedures: What activities will take place during Number
this lesson? (Note: Use bullet points to outline your ideas.) of

Opening/activator: How will you set the purpose for the lesson? 3 min

 Important to make sure that the students do not feel singled out,
make them feel special
 Tell them that we are going to learn about something I think they will
improve all of their writing. We are going to learn about how to read
and write the long /a/ sound in two ways.
 Say we are going to play a game to work on a specific sound, the
long /a/ sound. Say a few example words. Then, we are going to read
a story and have a word hunt while we read. Go over rules for raising
hand, taking turns talking, etc.


Modeling: What will you show students how to do?

 I will show students how different words can have the same
sound out different spellings.
 For the long /a/ sound, the spelling either has to have an -ai-
in the middle or an “a” in the middle with a final -e on the

Guided Practice: What will you engage in together as a class or small group?
 Together, the groups will listen to the read aloud and hunt
for long /a/ vowel words, raising their hands when they think
they have found one.
 There will be a discussion of the text just as any other read

Independent Practice: What will students do on their own? 7 min

 This will be done before the read aloud.
 On their own, students will sort the word sort cards based on
how they think they go together. This will lead into a larger
group discussion about their reasoning based on the
 After the read aloud, each student will independently write a
short 1-2 sentence writing sample of something they enjoyed
in the book, but they must use a long /a/ word and spell it

Share Time: What will students do to share their writing with one another 4 min
and receive feedback?
 As a group, we will share out, one-by-one, students’ writing
samples so that they can also practice reading their own
work. They will point out the long /a/ word they used.

Closure/Summary: How will you wrap-up the lesson? 1 min

 To summarize the lesson, I want to reiterate the point about
how even though words can rhyme and have the same
sounds they don’t necessarily have the same spelling.

Other Important Information:

Teacher Materials:
 Read-aloud book with many words starting with the long /a/ sound, with both -ai- and a
final -e.
o Froggy Bakes a Cake by Jonathan London

Student Materials:
 12 Word Sort cards, 6 with -ai- spelling and 6 with final -e spelling
 Piece of paper for writing sample
 Pencil/eraser

Modifications and Accommodations:

I need to give students a quiet spread-out space and a flat surface to write down their
answers. When I gave two of my students the Elementary Spelling Inventory on regular
lined notebook paper, the lines were too small for them to fit their writing in a legible
way. I will be making my own lines with larger separations on a piece of white printer
Extension Ideas:
The discussion could go further in depth to have students think of words that are
pronounced the same, but spelled differently. For example, “tale” and “tail” have the
same long vowel sound, but have different spellings.

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