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Professional School of Mining Engineering

Professional School of Mining Engineering

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3
OBJECTIVES:................................................................................................................................. 4
EXPLORATION GEOCHEMISTRY. ............................................................................................... 5
1. PLANNING EXPLORATION. ......................................................................................5

2. SELECTION OF EXPLORATION METHODS ...............................................................5

3. EXPLORATION METHODOLOGIES geochemistry. ....................................................6

4. TRAINING ENVIRONMENTS ....................................................................................6

5. DEPOSITS FORMATION ...........................................................................................8

6. ANOMALY................................................................................................................9

7. THRESHOLD ............................................................................................................9

8. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 10

CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................ 11
BIBLIOGRAPHY: ......................................................................................................................... 12
Professional School of Mining Engineering


It is known that the process of transformation of rocks and mineral deposits occurs such that
at certain times we want to know the chemical content of these rocks and minerals that have
not been exposed to weathering and its products have been due to processes endogenous.

The use of Geochemistry search for Mineral Resources and Energy in different parts of Peru and
the world has succeeded in both tropical and temperate zones. The techniques used in
Geochemistry Application for location and delimitation of occurrences of metallic minerals, is
very fast and low costs, is a quick, practical and inexpensive tool to locate and delineate ore
manifestations (Applied Geochemistry).

Ranging from the search for mineral demonstrations in large areas (Prospection) unknown
geologically, to areas of small extent (Exploration) where you can perform detailed work and
research to define and characterize a known mineral deposit.
Professional School of Mining Engineering


 Knowing geochemical exploration method based on systematic measurement of one or

more chemical properties of naturally formed material.

 Distinguishing geochemical focused in a general recognition and more detailed

geochemical applied in a promising area for an orebody.

 Knowing geochemical anomalies related to a natural concentration.

Professional School of Mining Engineering


Exploration geochemistry, also called "Prospection Geochemistry" is the practical application

of theoretical geochemical principles to mineral exploration.

Exploration geochemistry is usually divided into two broad categories:

 The study of both metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits.

 The study of oil and natural gas.


 Selection of areas:
The main purpose of this step is to select areas or regions with good mineral potential
and can be prospected in full. The initial selection of areas can be based on the review of the
known geology and records of past prospecting and mining.

 Scanning sequence:
A scanning program is commonly organized as a logical sequence of operations. Each
step of this sequence involves the study of an area scanning by any method or combination of
methods that are most effective for the purpose of delimiting small areas where more detailed
study will be applied in subsequent steps.


 Target size
The features that characterize a reservoir are geological, physical or chemical and are
diagnostic in recognizing the environment in which the deposit was formed, and the
relationships between these features can be direct or indirect. Each geological, geophysical or
geochemical feature of the site defined in the target area the size and shape

 Property Control
Scanning methods can be applied to land without acquiring ownership or transfer
rights. Aerial geophysical surveys and geological and geochemical methods of recognition are
subject to local mining laws.
Professional School of Mining Engineering

 Reliability of the method

The reliability of a method refers to the probability to obtain and recognize indications
of a mineral body by the use of that method. Such reliability depends not only on the location
of the target, but also extends to specify the anomalies related to the site and the abundance of
no significant anomalies or false anomalies that may lead to an erroneous interpretation.


Include the following:

- Geochemistry active sediments

- Geochemistry of heavy mineral concentrates
- Soil geochemistry
- Rock chip geochemistry / pebble / rock
- Geochemistry water / vegetation
- Regolith geochemistry
- Geochemistry deep penetration

While the type of sampling to be used in examinations depends on the objectives and
scale of work, environmental characteristics dispersing a work area affect the type of sampling
and the possible interpretation of data.

 Information field
For field work and representation in maps, we recommend a symbology.

Figure 1. Symbology.
Professional School of Mining Engineering

 Systematic studies
The goal of a campaign of recognition is the location of anomalous areas.

The aim of the campaign is tracking more accurately delineate the areal extent of these

The goal of a campaign is to define detail the source of the anomaly and evaluate which one (s)
has (n) economic potential.

Figure 2. Geochemical anomaly.

 Soil sampling
The size of the sampling grid varies, from 12.5 x 50 m for streaks or failures up to 100 x 200 m
to porphyry.

In very rough terrain, which can not be defined sampling lines, you can follow knives hill or
contour lines.

 Rock sampling
Sampling of rock chips can be obtained for different purposes:

- Determining a value of regional, district or local background.

- Determine thresholds exploration.
- Search anomalous zones.
- Preliminarily evaluate a white previously defined.
- Assess a white surface exploration.
Professional School of Mining Engineering

 Water sampling
Inorganic elements will be transported by water in one of the following ways:

- cations
- anion
- ions adsorbed
- inorganic solutes undissociated
- soluble organic matter
- Suspension

Although the methods and parameters of a geochemical exploration are descriptive,
igneous rocks (the magmas that gave rise), without ruling out other sources such as volcanic
and sedimentary for some minerals, have been considered the main sources of metallic
minerals; evidenced by the various basic associations of minerals in various deposits. The
content distribution the elements crustal is measured in%, ppm, g / t and ppb. The elements
which account for 99%, because they are high (the measurement is in%) are called major
elements are: O2 (46.4), SiO2 (28.2), Al2O3 (8.2), FeO (3.1) Fe2O3 (2.5 ), CaO (4.1), Na2O3
(2.4), MgO (2.3), K2O (2.1), P2O5 (0.1).

 Oxides and hydroxides of Mn and Fe

Play an important role in retaining heavy metals. They have a high ability to bind to
heavy metals and immobilize them. Furthermore, these compounds are present in finely
dispersed soil mass so they are very active. Soils with high contents of Fe and Mn have a great
capacity to adsorb divalent metals, especially Cu, Pb and Zn lesser extent, Co, Cr, Mo and Ni.

 carbonates
The presence of carbonates ensures the maintenance of high pH, which as we have seen
tend to precipitate heavy metals. Cd, and other metals, have a marked tendency to be adsorbed
by the carbonates.

 Salinity
The increase in salinity may increase mobilization of heavy metals by two mechanisms.
First the cations associated with the salts (Na, K) can replace heavy metals adsorption sites.
Professional School of Mining Engineering

Second chloride anions can form stable soluble complexes with heavy metals such as Cd, Zn and
Hg. They tend to basic pH soils.


 Punctual anomaly zonation

They generated by the migration of certain components of the mineralizing solutions
through fractures and pre-existing channel during emplacement of the ore body. The direction
of movement of the fluid is controlled by geological structures that can reach the surface.

 Spill anomaly.
Caused by the same solutions present in the main mineral deposit. They are an aid to
determine the access channels solutions and identify areas where other deeper deposits are
located. This type of anomaly results in several high values close to the main tank and can
constitute indirect aid to guide drilling at depth and to locate other deposits not cut by them.
Such abnormalities can also bind Deposits are contiguous.

Figure 3. Delimitation and Reinterpretation of an Anomaly

The threshold value refers to the concentration of an element indicator on a sample can
be considered abnormal. Sometimes abnormalities associated with mineral deposit
overlapping a background characterized by a high threshold value (compared to common
threshold values). This fund is a geochemical relief defined by a lower value corresponding to
Professional School of Mining Engineering

the background regional and regional threshold value, which separates it from a higher level of
value I high generated mineralization or extended dispersion

It is defined as the normal range (not a single value) concentration of an element or
elements of an area, excluding the mineralized samples. To determine the values of the
background in an area, it requires relatively a large number of material samples which are
analyzed geochemically. These materials can be soil, stream sediments, rocks, water and others.
Professional School of Mining Engineering

 According to the recognition of alteration minerals having an area, mineral associations
corresponding to the type of alteration is identified.Its goal is to detect areas or rocks
with concentrations of elements of economic interest that are above the default values;
ie that they are anomalous with respect to some known and defined range.

 In the field is not uncommon geochemistry is our last technique used in an exploration
project being some stages of geology and geophysics which are generally combined
with geochemistry.
Professional School of Mining Engineering


 BERGER, B. AND BETHKE, P. (Editors), 1985. Geology and Geochemistry of epithermal

System. Reviews in Economic Geology, Volume 2, Society of Economic Geologists, 298
 GOLDSCHMIDT, V. 1954. Geochemistry. Clarendon Press, 730 p., Oxford.
 LEVINSON, A., 1980. Introducyouon to Exploreyouon Geochemistry. Second Ediyouon,
Applied Publishing Ltd., 924, pp.Illinois.
 MASON, B., 1960. Principles of Geochemistry. Editorial Omega, SA, 332 p., Barcelona.
 OYARZUN, J., 1977. Geochemistry. Class unpublished notes
 RANKAMA, K. and Sahama, Th., 1962. Geochemistry, Editorial Aguilar, 862 p., Madrid.
 ROSE, A., HAWKES, H. AND WEEB, J., 1980. Geochemistry in Mineral Exploreyouon.
Second Ediyouon Applied Publishing, Academic Press, p 657.

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