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Interesting Facts

Largest Freshwater Lake Baikal in Russia. It

Lake (by volume): contains about as much
water as all 5 great lakes
Largest Freshwater Lake Superior is the
Lake (by surface worlds largest freshwater
area) lake by surface area
Country with the Most Finland
Freshwater Lakes:
Amount of Earth's 3%
Water that is in
Freshwater Biome:

Biotic and Abiotic Factors

Biotic: Freshwater plants, fish, worms, insects,
crustaceans, birds, reptiles, etc.

Location and Climate Abiotic: Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Sunlight, Freshwater Lakes
temperature, pollutants, etc.
Freshwater lakes are found on every continent. Biome Travel Brochure
Freshwater plants are a very important biotic factor
In fact, 1/5 of the Earth is covered by the in this biome because they feed a large number of
freshwater biome. the animals that live in it. Also, sunlight is a very Peyton Kinon
important because it is what feeds the aquatic
The temperature can range from 40°F at the plants. 5/1/18
bottom to 72°F at the top during the summer. In
the winter, the temperature ranges from 39°F at the
Bibliography Mr. Ippolito
Santhosh, Lakshmi. ?Climate in a Freshwater Biome.?
bottom to 32°F at the top. Sciencing, 30 Apr. 2018.

?FreshWater Biome: Climate, Precipitation, Plants, Animals and Types

The climate is largely determined by the location of Freshwater Biomes.?Earth Eclipse, 25 July 2017.

of the freshwater lake, however since the majority ?Largest Lake in the World.? Geology, ?Freshwater.?
of freshwater lakes stay relatively warm year round,
they can support a large amount of life. KDE Santa Barbara, 2004, ?Cleaner

On average, freshwater lakes and other Fish.? Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Apr. 2018,
freshwater bodies receive 10-80 inches per year.
Gilbert, Kimutai. ?Which Country Has the Most Lakes??
The lakes receive large amounts of sun during WorldAtlas, 7 June 2017,.

the spring and summer, but relatively small Roth, Richard A., and Susan L. Woodward. Freshwater Aquatic Biomes.
amounts during winter and fall. Greenwood Press, 2009.
Flora Fauna
Water lilies are flowering plants which float on the Frogs are aquatic reptiles which live in and
surface of many freshwater lakes. An adaptation is around freshwater lakes. One adaptation is that
that they live on the surface. This allows the they lay their eggs in the water. While many
flowers to be pollinated by the flies that live in reptiles lay their eggs on land, frogs have evolved
around the lake. Algae is a nonflowering plant that to lay their eggs in water since they have always
lives in many lakes. Its green color gives many lived around it. Eels are predatory fish which live in
lakes their characteristic hue. Duckweed is an freshwater all around the world. They are usually
aquatic plant which lives on the surface of about three feet long. Catfish are large aquatic fish
freshwater lakes and rivers. One adaptation is that that live in many freshwater lakes and rivers
they rely on the water to live. If they dry out, they around the world. They can get up to nine feet
will die. The water keeps them alive. Cattails are long and almost 700 pounds. Leeches are
plants that live on the shores of freshwater lakes. parasitic worms that live in many freshwater lakes
They are eaten by many different animals ranging and rivers around the world. One adaptation is the
from humans to birds. Water chestnut is a way they move. Leeches move in a wave-like way
freshwater plant grown in Asia and Africa. It is in order to swim in the water against currents.
edible and has been eaten for many years. Mayflies are aquatic insects which live on the
Liverworts are semi-aquatic plants which live surface of freshwater lakes. Freshwater plankton
around freshwater areas. They are similar to are microscopic organisms which live in the
mosses. freshwater. They are a vital part of the food web.

Symbiotic Relationships
Juvenile striped Raphael catfish clean out the
mouths of wolf fish. The wolf fish usually eat fish,
but they don't harm the small catfish. This is an
example of mutualism because both the small fish
and the large fish benefit

Lampreys feed off many differnt types of fish.

They latch on to the fish using their mouths to bore
into the flesh of the fish and feed on its blood. This
benefits the lamprey and damages the other fish.
This is an example of parasitism.

The American Shad lays its eggs in the mouths

of mussels. The mussels protect the eggs, which
benefits the Shad, but the mussel gets nothing in
return. It is not harmed or helped by this. This is
an example of commensalism, because the Shad
is helped and the mussel is not benefited.

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