Thematic Essay

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Kwabena Achampong

Thematic Essay

Turning points are major events that have led to lasting change. In
my essay I’m going to tell you how the Neothlithic Revolution and the
Renaissance changed the course of history.
The Neolithic revolution began in 10,000 B.C. when humans no
longer received their food by hunting and gathering, but rather started to
cultivate crops and domesticate animals. The climate and geography of the
Fertile Crescent in Mesopotamia led to the foundation of the first farmers in
this area. The natural resources available in the Fertile Crescent were
enough to maintain plant and animal domestication. The Neolithic
revolution symbols a shift in humanity from consumers of the environment
to producers of goods. Therefore, agriculture changed the role of humanity
within its environment.
The Neolithic revolution affected humanity because it changed the
way people lived. Farming caused humans to permanently settle. This way
of life differed drastically from the continuous traveling that took place when
hunting and gathering was the dominant structure in society. As people
began to settle in villages, these villages became towns and then cities.
The first cities emerged in Mesopotamia and Egypt, which eventually led to
the first establishment of civilizations. The development of these cities
provided the foundation for the social life that would therefore follow.The
Neolithic revolution introduced the idea of permanent settlement and class
stratification. he population increased as a result of the food obtainment
changes. Overall, the Neolithic revolution represents a turning point in the
way humans lived.

The Renaissance is a period from the 14th to the 17th century,

considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and Modern history. It
started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period and later
spread to the rest of Europe.The Renaissance was a time of great beauty
and art. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created greats
works of art during this time and brought techniques such as lighting and
shadows.The printing press was also an invention that helped give people
easy access to the bible. Writers like William Shakespeare were writing
their own masterpieces. It was also a time of creativity, imagination and
curiosity. The Renaissance was the age of exploration. The journeys of
many great explorers like Columbus, Vespucci, Ponce de Leon, Polo, De
Soto and Balboa happened during the Renaissance. The influence of the
Renaissance impacted and shaped the future. The changes that happened
led to a modern era which was the turning point. One of the establishment
that began to decline was the Catholic Church. Religion was still important ,
but new religions and ways of thinking were being discussed. Martin Luther
had broken away from the Catholic Church and was spreading the
Protestant religion throughout Europe. The Renaissance in conclusion
brought changes in religion, art, beliefs, and inventions which made in a
major turning point in history.

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