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Human Resource Management


Assignment 2-Roles and Responsibilities of HR and Line


In partial fulfilment of the HRM Course.

Submitted to: Dr. P.C. Bahuguna
By: Group 15 ,MBA Oil & Gas Management, 2017-19 School of
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun

Madhur Chopra (R020217039, 500059596)

Rajdeep Baruah (R020217055, 500058089)
Tanya Daga (R020217077, 500059587)
Anas Mallik (R0202170103, 500064350)
Vipul Chandra (R020217099, 500063838)
Difference between Line and HR Managers

Some managers, like project managers, are responsible for directing the work of
other employees but are not responsible for the management of those
personnels. They do not discipline the employee, provide appraisal to them, do
salary rectification, etc.In a typical management structure, the project manager
gives work guidance to the planning team members regardless of what
department or functional group they came from.

The people who manage those sections and groups, who manage all the persons
in them, are the line managers. Also, some individuals have "manager" in their
title but don't really manage someone else. These people also are not line

Roles and Responsibilities Of HR

 Recruitment and Selection

Human resource managers create vital answers to meet workforce requests and
work compel patterns. A Manager really supervises the enlistment and choice
procedures; be that as it may, a HR supervisor is principally in charge of choices
identified with corporate marking as it identifies with selecting and holding skilled
workers. Corporate marking as it identifies with enrollment and maintenance
implies advancing the organization as a business of decision. Human resource
directors in charge of this generally take a peek at the enlistment and choice
process, and in addition pay and advantages to discover approaches to speak to
profoundly qualified candidates.
Weak hiring not merely causes losses when it comes to project delays but may
also help miss strategic opportunities. There's no guarantee that candidates who
performed well in the recruitment exercise can do well in performing
organizational functions. Therefore, it is very important that new employees are
given orientation right into a company's functions before they're given important
Recruitment is, therefore, among the main of HR functions, which requires careful
planning from begin to finish. Also, employment recruiter needs business
acumen, far-sightedness to judge organizations growth requirements and astute

 Training And Development

Training and development is among the key HR functions. Most organization

look at training and development as an intrinsic the main human resource
development activity. The turn of the century has seen increased focus for a
passing fancy in organizations globally. Many organizations have mandated
training hours each year for employees keeping in consideration the truth that
technology is deskilling the employees at a quickly rate.
Technically training involves change in attitude, skills or familiarity with an
individual with the resultant improvement in the behaviour. For training to work
it's to be always a planned activity conducted after having a thorough need
analysis and target at certain competencies, most critical it will be conducted in
an understanding atmosphere.
While designing working out program it needs to be considered that both the
employee goals and organisational goals are kept in mind. Though it might not be
fairly easy to make certain a sync, but competencies are chosen in ways a win-win
is established for the employee and the organisation.
Typically organisations prepare their training calendars at the start of the financial
year where training needs are identified for the employees. This need
identification called as ‘training need analysis'is really a the main performance
appraisal process. After need analysis the amount of training hours, combined
with training intervention are decided and exactly the same is spread strategically
over the following year.
A lot of time training is confused with development, both will vary using respects
yet the different parts of exactly the same system. Development implies
opportunities created to simply help employees grow. It's more of long haul or
futuristic in nature in place of training, which give attention to the present job. It
is not limited by the task avenues in the present organisation but may give
attention to other development aspects also.
Similarly many organisations choose certain employees preferentially for
programs to produce them for future positions. This is completed on the
foundation of existing attitude, skills and abilities, knowledge and performance of
the employee. A lot of the leadership programs are generally of the nature with a
vision of fabricating and nurturing leaders for tomorrow.
The major difference between training and development therefore is that while
training focuses often on the present employee needs or competency gaps,
development concerns itself with preparing people for future assignments and

 Compensation

Compensation packages with good pay and advantages can help attract and
retain the best employees..A company's compensation scheme also informs a
great deal about the firm's values and cultures. Employees often look at what a
company pays rather than what it says. In many aspects, people behave as they
are rewarded.

A compensation scheme projects what the company expects of its employees. For
example, if quality is an essential value, then it should be implemented through
some element of the total compensation system.

Human Resource supervisors give direction and bearing to pay and advantages
masters. Inside this , HR chiefs create key remuneration designs, adjust execution
administration frameworks with pay structure and screen arrangements for
gather social insurance benefits. Cases of human asset chief obligations
incorporate checking Family and Medical Leave Act consistence, and adherence to
secrecy arrangements for worker restorative records. Human asset chiefs for little
organizations may likewise direct open enlistment for workers' yearly decisions
relating to social insurance scope.
From a manager's point of view, the compensation package offered to a
company's employees is essential not only because it costs money, but because it
is likely to be the primary reason the employees work for the firm.

 Performance Evaluation

An efficient evaluation system is an important tool for small businesses. An

annual performance review places all employees on the same playing field and
allows the managers of the company to see which employees are creating
probably the most value for the company. Human resources plays a significant
role in performance evaluations by ensuring that the method is fair, accurate and
managed appropriately. Human resource personnel are in control of ensuring that
performance reviews are executed in a non-discriminatory fashion. This can be
achieved by calculating the percentage of employees that receive top rankings by
gender, age and any applicable criteria. In a reasonable work place, the
percentage of top-ranking employees will undoubtedly be relatively equal across
demographic groups. Human resources conducts performance system training for
every single manager in the company. This ensures that all manager is utilising the
system in the exact same way and is rating each employee on the basis of the
same standards.

Poor performance reviews can result in tense employee-manager relationships.

Often, the employee and manager are unsure how to enhance the relationship.
Human resources serves as a manager and mediator of any troubled
relationships. After performance reviews, human resources can sign in with
employees and managers and allow them to voice any concerns they have. For
just about any troubled relationships, setup regular meetings with the manager
and employee. Over these meetings, the HR representative can discuss the
character of the connection and provide feedback concerning how it could
improve. Additionally, make sure that only the correct personal view each
individual's evaluations by keeping a set of people authorized to see performance

 Labor Relations

Human Resource.Management is study regarding people at the office and those

actions related to recruitment and selection, training and development, retention,
and occupational health insurance and safety..A key ingredient is Organizational
Behaviour, which examines things such as leadership, motivation, employee
attitudes, and productivity. Labour study regarding how employers
and employees interact to generate a fair workplace.

Although the worker relations specialist is.liable for investigating and resolving
workplace issues, the hr manager has ultimate responsibility for preserving the
employer-employee relationship through effective employee relations strategies.
A powerful employee relations strategy contains specific steps for ensuring the
actual well-being of employees..What's more, it.means that employees have a
very safe working environment,.totally free of discrimination and harassment. Hr
managers for small companies conduct workplace.investigations and resolve
employee complaints. Hr managers are often the main contact for a lawyer in risk
mitigation activities and litigation associated with employee relations matters.

Roles and responsibilities of line manager

 Recruitment and Selection

Line managers operate their sections..They assign errands, manage work stream,
monitor the grade of work, handle operative problems etc. While HR managers
are.organizing strategy, and middle managers are establishing
budgets and planning how to.transport out corporate strategy, the line manager
is managing the folks who perform the task that creates their products and
As a line manager,.it's their.responsibility to recruit the proper person for the job.
By understanding the role and .responsibilities in the recruitment and selection
process, line managers are able to reduce and .typically eliminate the intention of
poor employing decisions. This is wonderful for effectiveness as a manager, best
for the team and organisation and best.for those who are hired. Getting it
correct matters because poor.staffing costs time, money .and effort – for them
personally and all involved. The expense may be direct or indirect Mutual, they
are capable to total up to 2.5 times the salary of the role. A.robust, well-
considered recruitment process ensures that you're better able to choose the
most effective person for a role.

Poor hiring decisions impact.negatively on an organisation. These decisions may

cost organisations a monetary and yield sense and also can badly
influence an organisation's drive and culture.Line managers are ultimately in
charge of implementing.and managing the recruitment and selection process and
the last hiring decision..By following best practice recruitment and selection
processes they are dramatically reduce or get rid of the likelihood of an
undesirable hiring decision.

 Training and Development

The potential features of line manager involvement in learning and development

has for ages been.recognised.

So how should a line manager be engaged inside their staff's management

training and development,here are some points

1. The initial part of involvement is for the line manager to motivate their
employees so that they get a sense of good competition among their

2. In agreeing personal development plans line managers must focus on

removing the weakness of sub-ordinate rather than pointing out.

3. Line managers must.also undertake more of a leadership and act as an idol

to their juniors.
4. Finally, the practices of line managers should be as such so that the sub-
ordinates can take a example from them.

 Performance Evaluation

While performance evaluation processes might be created by HR

professionals, they're implemented by line managers. Employee performance
and behaviors are.assessed and rated by direct line managers. Feedback is
provided in a one-to-one meeting involving the employee and line manager.
For response to work, it must.certainly be told in a polite and comprehensible
manner. If line managers appear unbiased and approach the appraisal as a tick
box exercise, the appraisal process will miss credibility.

Line Managers play a vital.role in delivering performance. Managers have to

manage to consistently deliver performance and results and get the perfect
performance from the teams and individuals they manage.

 Compensation

While compensation processes.may be designed by HR professionals, they are

implemented by line managers..Employee.performance and behaviors are
assessed and rated by direct line managers..Feedback is provided in a one-to-one
meeting between the employee and.line manager. For feedback to be effective, it
must be conveyed in a sincere and.understandable manner. If line managers
appear disinterested and.approach the appraisal as a formality, the appraisal
process will lose Co-ordination.

Salary decisions, incentive.payment and member benefits and services are

included here to find out the glassy.of responsibility of line managers in employee
compensation related matters. Overall, the line managers.have not much part to
play in this vibrant function of HRM as.the.mean score of all three items together
indicates the minimum accountability of.line.managers on compensation issues.
More than one-fourth.of the line managers.have no part to play with respect to
salary matters of their employees.
 Labour relations

Interactions between line managers and subordinate employees are

fundamental to the employment relationship and, therefore, to industrial
relations as a subject of both study and practice. Human resource
management literature has centered on the responsibilities line managers
have as implementers of employment policy and practice, like in working with
grievance and disciplinary matters, communication and involvement, the
application form of discrimination policies, and the management of pay.An
organisation which realises the significance of strong line management is
definitely an organisation that may flourish and grow .Line managers sit in the
centre of the partnership involving the employer and the employee and if this
really is flawed then it could result in serious problems

The approach line managers decide to try supervising their workers is probably
the most critical aspect in employee engagement. Line managers create the
organizational culture for his or her teams. If managers concentrate on their
workers'strengths and encourage open communication, they're prone to
engage and encourage their employees. Line managers who ponder on the
bad parts of employee performance, interfere their workers or seek only to
improve their very own position will generate disengaged and disgruntled
employees. HR specialists measure employee commitment through surveys,
but engagement is made or dowsed by line managers. Providing line managers
with the ability to manage staff effectively, fairly and reliable with the
organisation's goals and purposes may benefit everybody from the employee
to upper management.

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