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Bright yellow markings
indicate the existence of a
tundra Tundras
The climate of tundras is Locations across
cold and windy. Their the World
typical treeless geography
Tundras are located in the
provides little protection
Artic Circle or above
from such winds, but
mountaintops. The abiotic
astounding views for the
features of tundras include
surrounding areas. Such
heavy winds, rainfall, and
climate is beneficial for the
long winters. Despite these Discover these hidden,
earth because it contains an
somewhat harsh conditions, natural spectacles
abundance of carbon in the
life still flourishes with the
soil. Without the snow and
help of permafrost. The
permafrost, said carbon
biotic factors present on
would escape into the
tundras are fungi and
atmosphere. The average
mosses. There are also
winter temperature is -30
mammals and bird species.
degrees Fahrenheit while
The cold weather causes
the average summer
slow decomposition rates.
temperature is 45 degrees
Fahrenheit. The yearly
The plants and mosses 
present show fast-growing
precipitation is about 20 Created By: Máiréad
centimeters. Cain
Symbiotic Relationships Fun facts and Bibliography

An example of mutualism is found

in lichen. Lichen is actually a symbiotic
relationship between fungus and algae. o The word tundra is of
The fungus is fed by the algae and then Finnish origin. It means
protects said algae. barren land.
There is also commensalism o The tundra is currently
present. The fox follows the caribou who considered to be one of
removes snow covering. The fox then the most fragile biomes
feeds on what has been uncovered. as the permafrost
continues to rapidly
Floral and Faunal Features Food Webs o The sun can be up for
Despite the conditions, life can thrive in 24 hours in the Tundra
tundras. Both plants, animals and fungi have and also not rise for
weeks at a time.
been known to inhabit the area. When
concerning plant life, tundras are barren of Works Cited
tree life. Plant life includes: mosses, lichens,
sedges, shrubs, forget-me-not flowers, and “Arctic Tundra: Animals.” Earth
Floor: Biomes,
saxifrage flowers. Adaptations of these
plants include staying low to the ground, to earthsysflr/tundraA.html.
avoid the turbulent winds, and the ability to
grow after remaining dormant for some “Biomes.” Tundra - Flora and Fauna,
time. Examples of animal life include:
reindeer, caribou, polar bears, foxes, wolves, ora.html.
and migrating birds. The adaptations made
by such animals include either migration or Pot, Justin H. “Why Is the Tundra so
hibernation. Those animals not equipped Pictured above: A food web of the typical Important?” Sciencing, 24 Apr. 2017,
with hibernating will migrate to warmer Tundra plant, animal, and fungi life.
areas during the winter.

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