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The negative effects on the health of amalgam fillings appear

repeatedly in studies. The Federal Institute of Medicines in

Germany states that "amalgam contributes censurablemente to
man's contamination". In many countries it has been banned for a
long time.

A study conducted in August 1996 by Kip Sullivan described

cases of patients recovering from "incurable" illnesses after their
amalgam obturations were eliminated.

It also declared mercury may be a cause of other central nervous

system diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple
sclerosis, and Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.

From the 20 years as very late will shed more and

more toxic metals. In this way there is a slow chronic
intoxication that weakens the immune system and can
be responsible for many diseases. Only a urine test
with DMPS offers a clear and safe diagnosis of the
patient's actual situation.
Mercury can evaporate at temperatures of 20 ° C being
highly toxic.
It will be essential to have a good dentist, to remove the fillings taking the necessary
precautions. Not all dentists have the necessary experience with these cases and therefore do
not take the necessary measures to remove the fillings.

The dentist will generally not remove all the fillings at once, but quadrant to quadrant. It will
protect the patient with a rubber dam, use a sistemaCleanUP, put the patient mask/goggles
and apply oxygen through the nose. The patient will wear protective goggles to not absorb the
gases dislodged by the mucosa of the eyes. The drill used will be slow-turning and remove the
fillings in pieces as large as possible. It will also use a special drill for heavy metals. It will be
taken in large pieces with a chisel.

It is essential to accompany the extraction of an appropriate chelating treatment with Chlorella

pyrenoidosa among others. The rate at which the fillings are taken varies. But especially for
allergies it is very important to know that 12-14 days after the first amalgam withdrawal, it
increases the number of immune cells that react to its components so there may be serious
allergic reactions. This is why it is sometimes advisable to make a quadrant every 2-4 days or
postpone it 8 weeks since then the immune response has decreased again. A retreat 2-3 weeks
later can cause a real disaster!
In all our protocols we will use Chlorella pyrenoidosa in good quality powder. Chlorella powder
is always superior to that in tablets, its detoxifying effect is much higher. Many even
recommend putting chlorella powder on top of the tooth once the amalgam has been
extracted to get rid of more.

Also be used garlic and coriander accompanying treatment with chlorella from a certain time
you may need MSM and also DMSA.



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