Sports-Related Concussions: What Can Happen in The Long Run?

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Hannah Reed

Instructor: Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104

05 April 2018

Sports-Related Concussions: What Can Happen in the Long Run? Formatted: Font: 12 pt


Imagine this; you’re the goalie for the varsity lacrosse team. The team is running and

shooting drills. You take a few hits to the head and start to get a splitting headache. You start

feeling nauseas. Then you start losing your footing. Chances are you have a concussion. A

concussion is traumatic brain damage that is caused from a hard hit to the head or having your

upper body shaken, causing the brain to move inside your skull. If you end up with numerous

concussions during a sports season, it can cause permanent brain damage over time. Suffering

from multiple concussions has led to players ending up with dementia, ALS, Parkinson’s disease,

and CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy) (Sullivan). When participating in sports you are Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

required to take a baseline test before the sports season begins. These tests are the most accurate

when it comes to seeing what an athlete is like pre-injury and are good for two sports seasons

(Covassin). Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Sports Concussions and Concussion Protocols in the Major Leagues

The first sentence of the last paragraph describes exactly how I ended up with a

concussion. Previously in my junior year of high school I had to take the ImPACT test because
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of starting a sport in the school system. In the CCPS (Charles County Public Schools) system, we

were required to take the baseline test before we could participate in any sport. When I got my

concussion I was miserable. My concussion was considered a “mild” one. I can only imagine

how some of the NFL and NHL players feel when they are out for weeks at a time due to a major

concussion. That’s probably why some players lie about their symptoms at first.

NHL Washington Capitals right wing, TJ Oshie took a hit during the game against the

San Jose Sharks on December 4 ,2017. At the time of the injury the Capitals had been through 28

games and Oshie had missed a total of 14 games. He was out for 4 of the 14 games due to a

concussion (Khurshundyan). Oshie only missed those four games due to that concussion and is Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

back on the ice today.

NHL Pittsburgh Penguins Center, Sidney Crosby, has had a total of 4 concussions in his

NHL career (SN). During his most recent concussion in May 2017, he was in game three of the Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

second-round playoff series against the Washington Capitals. Crosby took a cross-check from

Capitals defenseman, Matt Niskanen. He ended up only missing game four and was able to

return in game five (NBCSports). Crosby’s return was pretty quick. In the NHL Concussion Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Protocol there is no set time limit on how long a player must be out before being allowed to Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
return to play.

The NHL, NFL, NBA and MLB all have concussion protocols that are all along the same Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
guidelines. They have the players baseline test pre-concussion. After the concussion symptoms Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
pass they have the player re-take the test to see how the player is post-concussion and if they are

able to return to play.

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After my concussion symptoms had passed I had to take a second baseline test to make

sure I was able to start the return to play process. The return to play process took me about five

days, each day was a different type of exercise to make sure my symptoms were truly gone.

Some Sports aren’t as Prone to Concussions?

MLB concussions aren’t that common, but catchers are always at risk of getting them. In

2011 at the Detroit Tigers and Chicago White Socks game, A.J. Pierzynski hit a pitch right into

catcher, Alex Avila’s face mask. People say it was an unforgettable game. After Avila took the

pitch to the face, the address system started blasting the song “Ring My Bell” (CBS Sports), . Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Minnesota Twins Catcher Jason Castro played with a titanium mask up until he sustained a

concussion. After that he switched to a magnesium mask.

Baseball concussions are mostly looked over because they aren’t as common as those in contact

sports such as hockey and football. Minnesota Twins Catcher Jason Castro played with a

titanium mask up until he sustained a concussion. After that he switched to a magnesium mask.

Baseball concussions have had numerous cases where they have ruined a career. Joe

Mauer , Justin Morneau, Pete Reiser, Jason LaRue, Corey Koskie, John Jaso, Jason Bay, and

Ryan Freel all received numerous concussions while playing baseball. Do to the numerous

concussions, all of their brains showed signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Thisencephalopathy. This is also known as CTE. Later on I will go into more detail on CTE. To

obtain a concussion in baseball numerous times has to be from a strike of bad luck. As I mention

before, it’s not that common to hear of a baseball player getting a concussion.

As stated earlier on, MLB and NBA concussions aren’t as common as NFL or NHL

concussions. Although, there have been a few. In 2015; Warriors Klay Thompson got kneed in
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the head by Houston’s Trevor Ariza. The initial hit caused Thompson pain but he was able to

get up and walk off the court almost instantly according to the video of the hit. Thompson didn’t Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

have any symptoms until after the game. With the injury he was still able to score 20 points

during that game. Once Thompson started having concussion symptoms and was officially

diagnosed with a concussion he had to start following the NBA’s concussion protocol.

The NBA’s concussion protocol starts with the removal from participation. Once Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

removed the player goes through multiple evaluations; the first one being the concussion

evaluation, the second being the serial evaluation. If the player does indeed have a concussion

they are prohibited from playing in the game. Within 24 hours after the injury a player must be

looked at by a physician due to the fact that concussion symptoms don’t always start showing

right after the injury. As stated earlier on The NBAsports usesleagues use a baseline test that the

players took prior to the start of the season to help diagnose the player’s neurological and

cognitive state.

Baseline Testing

You keep hearing me mention ImPACT testing and are probably thinking what the heck

is that? ImPACT testing is a computerized neurocognitive test that helps in evaluating sport-

related concussions. The test ey provides the most accurate representation of an athlete pre-

injury (Covassin). The ImPACT test can test attention span, working memory, sustained and Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

selected attention time, non-verbal problem solving, and reaction time. ImPACT is the only FDA

cleared aid in assessing a concussion (ImPACT Applications). Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Long-Term Issues and Outcomes

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Earlier on I mentionedAs stated earlier on how athletes who suffered from multiple

concussions are now suffering from multiple brain diseases, CTE being one of them. CTE is

chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Junior Seau, former NFL linebacker committed suicide back

in 2012. His suicide was linked to CTE according to the National Institutes of Health (Belson, Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Pilon) . 99% of deceased NFL players were found to have CTE. CTE is marked by a buildup of

un-normal tau proteins (CNN) . Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Tau proteins are proteins that help with stabilizing microtubules (Mandal). Through Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

looking at tau proteins I found it is also linked to Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a form of

dementia. Dementia is another term for memory loss (What Is Alzheimer’s) . Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

Dementia was another one of the things that athletes who suffered from multiple head

injuries have to deal with in the long run. Dementia is not specified as a disease. It’s more a

group of symptoms. Along with memory problems, dementia reduces the ability to perform

everyday task (What Is Dementia). My grandmother has dementia. She’s at the point sometimes Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

she doesn’t even remember that I’ve gone away to college. I am six hours away from home.

Dementia starts out slow and gradually gets worse. These are just a few of the long-term effects

multiple concussions can cause.

Players Lying About Symptoms

I briefly mentioned previously that players have lied about having a concussion just to

stay in the game. Former Columbus Blue Jackets defenseman, James Wisniewski went head first

into the boards during the sixth game of the first- round playoff series against Pittsburgh. He

claimed he didn’t feel well during game six and said his back hurt so he wouldn’t have to go
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through the 20 minute evaluation (The Atlantic). You can see why a player would lie about that Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

just to stay in the game (especially if its playoffs), but it’s not a safe thing to do.


CIn conclusion concussions are a traumatic brain injury that shouldn’t be taken as a joke

or lied about. Major league sports clubs have protocols to help an athlete get back to normal after

a concussion. Concussions can take away things that people love to do but they need take a step

back to recover from head trauma. Sports clubs judge if an athlete has a concussion using a

baseline test, i.e. ImPACT Test. If athletes don’t take care of themselves when it comes to trying

to prevent multiple concussions it can cause serious issues over the long run.
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Work Cited Page

Covassin, Tracey et al. “Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing

(ImPACT) Practices of Sports Medicine Professionals.” Journal of Athletic Training 44.6
(2009): 639–644. PMC. WebAccess 9 Mar. 2018.

Fischer, Stuart J., Wayne J. Sebastianelli, Rick Wilkerson "Sports Concussions."

Ortho Info. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, June 2017. Web. Access 9 March

Sullivan, Chad. “Canada: Concussions & Varsity Sports: What Colleges And Universities
Should Know.” Concussions & Varsity Sports: What Colleges And Universities Should Know
Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment - Canada, 5 Mar. 2018, varsity. Access 9 March 2018

Vasilogambros, Matt. “Does the NHL Take Concussions Seriously?” The Atlantic, Atlantic
Media Company, 12 Oct. 2016 Access 9 March 2018

“NHL Updates Concussion Protocol.” NHL, NHL Public Relations, 11 Oct. 2016, accessed 5
April 2018

Committee, NFL Head, Neck, and Spine. NFL Head, Neck, and Spine Committee's Protocols
Regarding Diagnosis and Management of Concussion. images. Accessed 5 April 2018

NBA. National Basketball Association Concussion Policy Summary – 2016-17 Season. 2016,
Accessed 5 April 2018

Bell, Stephania. “Analyzing MLB's Concussion Policy.” ESPN, ESPN Internet Ventures, 1 Apr.
2011, Accessed 5 April 2018

Applications, ImPACT. 3:09 ImPACT Baseline and Post-Injury Administration ImPACT

Applications 708 Views 🔴 LIVE: CRS-14 Launch: NASA SpaceX Falcon 9 Dragon Launch of
CRS-14 Cargo Mission to ISS American News 1.6K Watching LIVE NOW 6:02 VOMS How-To
Video ImPACT Applications 213 Views 2:13 ImPACT Quick Test - A Screening Tool for
Removal from Activity Decisions ImPACT Applications 2K Views 4:33 ImPACT Pediatric
Concussion Test ImPACT Applications 671 Views 15:20 Role of a Physical Therapist in
Reed 8

Concussion Management ImPACT Applications 255 Views How to Examine Normal Pupils Sam
Tapsell 371K Views Readings from the Slave Narratives Talk Real Solutions Recommended for
You What Happens When You Have a Concussion? - Clifford Robbins TED-Ed 638K Views
Concussion Knowledge & Management ImPACT Applications 44 Views How to Develop a
Concussion Protocol ImPACT Applications 39 Views How to Take a Concussion Baseline Test
JoyVIVA Sports & Wellness Tools for Female Athletes 137 Views ImPACT Gives International
Coaches Confidence in Concussion Management ImPACT Applications 49 Views The ImPACT
Applications Advantage ImPACT Applications 577 Views BURTS BEES MAKEUP? Full Day
Wear Test!!! Tati Recommended for You ImPACT - FDA-Cleared Concussion Management
Aid. Youtube , 22 Aug. 2017, Accessed 5 April 2018

Emanuel, Daniella. “CTE Found in 99% of Studied Brains from Deceased NFL Players.” CNN,
Cable News Network, 26 July 2017, Accessed 5 April 2018

Pilon, Mary, and Ken Belson. “Seau Suffered From Brain Disease.” The New York Times, The
New York Times, 10 Jan. 2013, Accessed 5 April 2018

Mandal, Ananya. “What Are Tau Proteins?”, 21 Oct. 2014, accessed 5 April

Association, Alzeimer's. “Dementia | Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis.” Alzheimer's Association,

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Association, Alzeimer's. “Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia.” Alzheimer's Association, Accessed

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Anderson, R.J. “The Year of Catcher Concussions and MLB's Battle to Do Better with Head
Trauma.”, 28 Sept. 2017, Accessed 5 April 2018

Gonzalez, Antonio. “Warriors' Thompson Diagnosed with Concussion.”, 29 May

2015, Accessed 5 April 2018

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Thompson UNREAL 60 Pts in 29 Mins 2016.12.05 vs Pacers - 8 Threes, 21-33 FGM! |
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for you Top 10 Beautiful Moments of Respect Wrzzer Recommended for you Stephen Curry
Impresses Ayesha Curry On Her Birthday! CliveNBAParody Recommended for you Riley Curry
tells Stephen Curry to be quiet BASportsGuy 2.7M views NEW Klay Thompson FUNNY
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goes viral CBS This Morning Recommended for you Toddler ignores military rules, runs to
mom, becomes viral sensation! USA TODAY Recommended for you Klay Thompson Takes
Knee to Head, Throws Up After Game 5. Accessed 5 April 2018
Petchesky, Barry. “Surprise: A Hockey Player Lied About His Concussion.” Deadspin,, 7 May 2014, Accessed 5 April 2018

Anderson, R.J. “The Year of Catcher Concussions and MLB's Battle to Do Better with Head

Trauma.”, 28 Sept. 2017, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Line spacing: Double
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Association, Alzheimer's. “Dementia | Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis.” Alzheimer's Association, Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

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Bell, Stephania. “Analyzing MLB's Concussion Policy.” ESPN, ESPN Internet Ventures, 1 Apr.

2011, Field Code Changed

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Boruk, John, et al. “NHL Playoffs: Sidney Crosby Returns for Penguins after Concussion.” NBC

Sports Philadelphia, 6 May 2017, Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Line spacing: Double
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Covassin, Tracey, et al. “Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing

(ImPACT) Practices of Sports Medicine Professionals.” Journal of Athletic Training, The

National Athletic Trainers' Association, Inc, 2009, Field Code Changed

Emanuel, Daniella. “CTE Found in 99% of Studied Brains from Deceased NFL Players.” CNN,

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Khurshudyan, Isabelle. “Capitals' T.J. Oshie Exits with 'Upper-Body' Injury against San Jose

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Mandal, Ananya. “What Are Tau Proteins?”, 21 Oct. 2014, Field Code Changed Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.5", Line spacing:

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NHL. “NHL Updates Concussion Protocol.”, 11 Oct. 2016, Field Code Changed


Pilon, Mary, and Ken Belson. “Seau Suffered From Brain Disease.” The New York Times, The

New York Times, 10 Jan. 2013, Field Code Changed


Press, Associated. “A Look at Sidney Crosby's NHL Concussion History.”, 2 May

2017, Field Code Changed

Sullivan, Chad. “Canada: Concussions & Varsity Sports: What Colleges And Universities

Should Know.” Concussions & Varsity Sports: What Colleges And Universities Should

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Vasilogambros, Matt. “Does the NHL Take Concussions Seriously?” The Atlantic, Atlantic

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