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The Three Branches of

The Executive Branch
The executive branch is made up of the
President of the United States, the Vice
President, the Executive Office of the
President, and the Cabinet.

The President:
The President is seen as the leader of the
government. He or she is elected every 4 years by the
citizens of the United States. One of the main powers of
the President is to enforce, or put into place, the laws of
the country and to make sure that they are obeyed. The
President is also the Commander-in-Chief, or leader, of
the United States military. This means he or she is able
to make important decisions regarding the 5 sections of
the military including the Army, Marines, Air Force,
Navy, and Coast Guard. The President and his or her
family live at the White House in Washington D.C. during
his or her Presidency.
The Vice President:
The main job of the Vice President is to be ready to take
over for the President if something should happen to the
President. This has only happened a few times in US history.

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The Executive Branch

Executive Office of the President:

The President has a LOT to do. To help with the
responsibilities, the Executive Office of the President was
created. People that are part of the Executive Office of the
President help give the President advice on government
issues. This group of people is also there to speak on behalf of the
President so that the citizens of the US can stay informed on
important topics.
The Cabinet:
The Cabinet is another group of people that work closely with
the President. Each member of the Cabinet is chosen by the
President and is in charge of a different department. Some of
these departments include the Department of Education,
Department of Transportation, and the Department of Homeland
Security. Each of these departments are very important to
making sure that the United States runs correctly and protects its
1. What are the four main sections of the executive branch?
_______________ , _______________ , _______________ , & _______________

2. Who is considered the leader of the executive branch? ______________

3. Which member of this branch would take over the President’s job if
something were to happen to him or her? ________________________

4. Which part of this branch is made up of members who are in charge of

different departments that help protect and provide for US citizens?

5. List one responsibility of the Executive Office of the President?

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