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TOPIC- Temperature Control And Ventilation

4. Explain the cooling effect of evaporation- latent heat of vaporization, sweating and
metabolic rate
5. Explain the effects of temperature and relative humidity on body functions-
physiological effects of exposure to the sun.
6. Explain the need for proper ventilation- effects of ventilation. Include air conditioner and


1. What is evaporation?

Evaporation is a process that occurs when a liquid changes to a gas.

2. What is latent heat of vaporization?

When water evaporates it takes heat (energy) with it from its surroundings hence cooling occurs. This
energy required for evaporation to occur is called the latent heat of vaporization.

3. Why is there a need for proper ventilation?

Stale air needs to be replaced by cool fresh air. Stale air can make us feel hot, sticky, dizzy, give us
headaches and make us less efficient at work. Some pollutants in the atmosphere may cause illnesses
such as hay fever, asthma, and even cancer. Damp warm air encourages the growth of bacteria, mould
and fungi which can be bad for health.

4. What is the function of an air conditioner and the importance of it-

An air conditioning unit removes the heat from a room or building thus cooling it, it also
removes pollutants from the air.

Air condition unit

5. What are humidifiers and the importance of it?

Humidifiers are devices used to increase or maintain the humidity of the air.
Humidifiers can help to prevent antiques, wooden furniture and fabrics from being damages by
an over- dry atmosphere.


The end of temperature control and ventilation

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