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Annotated Bibliography

Child Poverty in the U.S.A, A Cycle of Maltreatment

Robert A. Reynolds

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104

March 16, 2018

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Annotated Bibliography

Barriere, Darlene. Child Abuse Effects. Canadian Red Cross RespectED Training

Program, 02 2017. Web. 03 2018.

This website is intended to give information and educate people on child abuse

and maltreatment. It gives a lot of information on child abuse in all forms

including physical and emotional abuse, sexual abuse, bullying and neglect. This

website has many different tabs and sections which I think would be helpful to

anyone interested in researching this topic. There are sections that include blog

posts and articles from abuse victims that have shared testimony’s, there are

articles about dating violence, a section full of statistics and information including

laws regarding child abuse.

The creator of this website was a victim of child abuse in her early years as well

as she states in an introduction on the home page. Personal experience in cases

like these can often make people almost, or even some ways more credible than

someone with educational experience in the issue. The site seems a little Commented [b1]: Great evaluation!!!! For me, I believe that
personal experiences are stronger in supporting or finding
discouraging at first. The set up is a little confusing at first but once you get used

to the site it holds an abundance of valuable information. Most of this information

is valid and has reliable sources.

I plan to read through this website to see how I can incorporate some of the laws

and signs of abuse into my final paper. Commented [b2]: Yeah I think this website will be a good spot
to start gathering information, and knowing about some
Deaton, Angus. "The U.S. Can No Longer Hide from Its Deep Poverty Problem." The

New York Times. The New York Times, January 2018. Accessed. March 2018. Commented [b3]: I think that the accessed part must appear
after the link.
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This article is from the world renown news paper site, The New York Times. The

article does an excellent job at explaining the poverty problem in America and

explaining how it relates to the rest of the world. This article talks about statistics

and the necessities of life, and the average amount of money that a person living

in poverty will live off of in a day, which amounted to “$1.90-$2.00”, also, the

author gives the number of impoverished people in the U.S. and compares that

number to the rest of the world including a pie chart for more visual

understanding. In addition to those comparisons, the author also gives examples

of reasons in which the poverty in America is becoming such and issue and

touches mostly on the fact that the U.S. and its citizens spend more money

donating to causes in other countries and issues and spend less on the poverty-

stricken people we have here in America. Commented [b4]: Great summary!!! I felt that reading this
summary helped me know what I will find if I opened the link.

The Author of this article is named Angus Deaton. At the bottom of the article it

gives the author credibility and background when it states that “Deaton is a

professor of economics and international affairs emeritus at Princeton University,

the presidential professor of economics at the University of Southern California

and the 2015 Nobel laureate in economics. Although this source is relatively Commented [b5]: Great credential.

short, it has very good information for basis and introduction to the overall topic

of my research. This source is also up to date being published in January of 2018.

This source is found in the opinion section of The New York Times. A part of the

newspaper where credible contributors can share opinions on popular issues. This

Article may be titled with opinion; however, it holds an abundance of statistics

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and information covered by a credible, educated source. The writing style is

argumentative although easy to read and well laid out for the circumstances.

This source will prove to be extremely useful in my paper and absolutely will

appear in some way; as stated before, I will most likely use it for introduction to

give a basis to my paper. Commented [b6]: I see how useful this source is going to be to
your research.

Eckenrode, PhD, John. "Income Inequality and Child Maltreatment in the United States."

AAP News & Journals Gateway. AAP Publications, February 2014. Accessed

March 2018. Commented [b7]: I think that the accessed part must appear
after the link.

This article is laid out mostly in the title, it touches base with income inequality,

poverty, child poverty, child maltreatment and the connections between all of

these. This source is a study from other sources like the “National Child Abuse

and Neglect Data System” and the “American Community Survey.” The article

focuses mainly on the point that “higher income inequality,” is “significantly

associated with higher county-level rates of child maltreatment.” The article gives

reasoning that this may be like the fact that income inequality comes with “social

stressors” between different classes in American counties. This article directly Commented [b8]: Great summary of the source.

links income ranks and poverty to levels of child maltreatment of all forms from

malnutrition to physical and mental abuse.

The authors of this source are all doctors that are involved with the Department of

Human Development and Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research in

Cornell University, the first one listed, and the one listed in the citation is Dr. Commented [b9]: Great!!

John Eckenrode PhD., Eckenrode is a professor of Human Development at

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Cornell University and is a co-director of the National Data Archive of Child

Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN). This gives him credibility to talk about the

subject matter. This source is a study conducted by Dr. Eckenrode and his

colleagues which uses statistics and data collected in the study to show the

correlation between poverty and child maltreatment.

This source will help me learn more about my core information and have a better Commented [b10]: Amazing!!!

idea about the topic and the correlations between the two aspects that I have

chosen to investigate.

Pascoe, John M et al. “Mediators and Adverse Effects of Child Poverty in the United

States.” American Academy of Pediatrics Technical Report April 2016 137.4

(2016): n. page. Accessed March 13, 2018 Commented [b11]: You are missing the like of the source, and
remember that “I think that the accessed part must appear after
the link.”
This source will be very important to my topic. I chose this source because it

highlights the effects of poverty on a child’s overall well-being and health and not

just the effects of the maltreatment that may be related to poverty. This journal

talks about the effects of poverty in all aspects including, physical, emotional,

psychological, biological and economical. The one line that caught my eye for

this source is that “Children inherit not only their parents’ genes, but also the

family ecology and its social milieu.” This sets the tone for the entire piece of

work in that; and everything that happens to children in their younger years will

affect them later in life in some way even in social environments including work,

school and recreation. This source gives insight into the reasoning these effects

are made including stress and how it affects children. Also giving reasoning for

which, these effects play out in what areas of life, focusing mostly on human
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development, biology, and economics. This article also gives charts and statistics

that show the number of impoverished children from state to state, talks of the

environment of poverty and its effects, the psychology of poverty and trends that

continue through generations.

The main author of this report is John Pascoe M.D. who is part of the Committee

on Psychological Aspects of Child and Family Health, and the Council on

Community Pediatrics. This information has been well studied and conducted to

put together a scholarly report on the true effects in which I am researching. This

information appears to be factual, is a little challenging of a read but, holds very

valuable information. Commented [b12]: The evaluation looks great

I will study this source to further my knowledge on the topic and expand it past

the limitations I may set myself, so I may better build my argument that child

poverty has many negative effects on children that can last a lifetime and they

aren’t all visible. Commented [b13]: Well done!!!

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