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Why Liberals Should Be Arrested for Treason Over the past decade, it's a generally accepted fact the

media has some serious liberal bias to it. Be it our so-called institutions of journalism like The New York Times, CBS News, or The Boston Globe, these organizations seem to delight in taking daily jabs at the Republican MAJORITY in our country. I don't know what planet these bastions of liberalism, socialism, and communism are originally from, but they need to either get with the program the rest of the country has already been on for years, or get lost. Oh, I know what their supporters would say. They would give us the same tired, old arguments about welfare moms, crack addicts, the homosexual agenda, poor people, and other liberal causes that Ted Kennedy and his partner in crime, Hillary "Cruella Da Ville" Clinton, always jump to defend. They might say, while sipping some fancy French wine and eating brie, "We've got to rehabilitate these terrorists and get them counseling". But their argument of big government, more taxes on the rest of us ordinary folk, and defending terrorists and apologizing for their behavior just doesn't hold water, and is exactly the kind of unpatriotic talk that does the most harm to our great country, our time-honored traditions, and our American values. When will they realize they just don't get it? To be fair, I don't look at them with contempt. Instead, I look at them and feel genuinely sad. These poor, pathetic liberal flip-floppers are trying to remain relevant in a country that has soundly rejected their attacks and their propaganda for years. They are like little children, throwing a year-old tantrum because the vote didn't go their way. Heck, even their weenie candidate from 2004, that communist Kerry, didn't dare ask for a recount. Instead, he went sniveling back to the Senate, where he and his cabal of decidedly undemocratic Democrats (including the sleeper agent Barack Hussein Obama!) are plotting to derail the Supreme Court nominees. We are at war. We have to take our country back from this so-called President and his communist agenda. The handful of wacko liberal extremists that still cling to relics like The New York Times should have their heads examined because they need professional help. My brother's wife is a doctor, and she always tells me how disturbed these liberals really are. These liberals are traitors. We need to lock them up for their own safety, and for the safety of our children. It's the only way we can truly move forward as a country, united in our support of our way of life.

Why the Right is Wrong (10/11/2008) This time Bush and his army of right-wing nut-jobs have gone too far. Apparently Dubya is now linking relief efforts in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina to pet projects by the administration, including using taxpayer money to send children displaced by Katrina to parochial schools. This country was founded on a separation of church and state. I want to help these flood victims as much as anyone else, but to think that my tax dollars are being used to send these kids to Bible schools just infuriates me. Our taxes should not be paying for kids to attend fundamentalist indoctrination camps such as these, where there can be little doubt as to the education they are receiving. These schools regularly teach such nonsense as young earth creationism, for example, that scoffs at science and reason by claiming the Earth is only 6000 years old, evolution is bunk, and that early human lived peacefully with dinosaurs and even rode them around like horses! Thats right our kids will be learning that humans had pet stegasaurs, that the Flintstones was reality TV, that neolithic civilizations such as the Catal-hoyuk and Natufian never actually existed (despite the ruins of their civilizations still standing today), and anyone who isnt some sort of Bible-thumping freak is going to hell, even if they come from a faith that doesnt believe in hell as one of their basic tenants. Bush wants to turn our kids into mini Branch-Davidians, more wackos from Waco, and our hard-earned money is paying for this to happen? With who did Lord Bush and Darth Cheney consult before issuing this imperial edict? Jerry Falwell? Pat Robertson? Or, was it another bigoted, intolerant, hatemonger from Fox News bent on twisting our country into some right-wing theocracy, some Christian version of Iran where difference must be crushed rather than celebrated? To be fair, I dont look at them with contempt. Instead, I look at them and feel genuinely sad. These poor, pathetic theocrats are trying to remain relevant in a country that has soundly rejected their attacks and their propaganda for years. They are like little children, throwing a years-old tantrum because their values are leftover from the stoneage (which, apparently, was quite recent). If we are to truly move forward as a country of reason, a country ruled by rational discourse where legitimate dissents and disagreements show the strength of our democracy rather than the weakness, these fanatics must be stopped. The values on which our great country was founded upon must be preserved. If Bush cant handle this, he needs to step back down into the bush leagues where he came from.

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