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Annotated Bibliography

Parfit, Michael. “Powering the Future.” National Geographic, Date Accessed

The main topic of this article is how renewable energy is what will power the future. The author

of this academic article is Michael Parfit, who is an accredited writer who has produced and

directed more than twenty stories for the National Geographic Channel. He began to question the

overall effectiveness and the dependability of fossil fuels, earths main source of non-renewable

energy. One of the main concerns mentioned about fossil fuels was that oil is continually getting

more expensive because new sources of oil must constantly be located to keep a steady supply.

Another major concern he covers was that carbon emissions caused by fossil fuels is a large

contributor of global warming. The finite amount of oil leads the author to discuss the potential

of infinite energy created by the several sources of renewables. The main sources of clean energy

discussed were solar, wind, hydroelectric, nuclear and biomass. The issues and benefits of these

sources were mentioned to help give a background on each type of energy and how they have

continually progressed.

The publisher of this article and its author are extremely credible. National Geographic is one of

the most recognized academic magazines, especially in regard to the environment and global

warming. The article is also up to date with the current state of the energy crisis. The main

intention of this article is to inform people of the possibilities and potential of many kinds of

energy. This source provides a wide range of background information on my topic. In

comparison to my other sources it doesn’t have a significant amount of bias regarding which

energy source is preferred.

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This source was very useful in establishing a large amount of information regarding every major

type of energy. The article hasn’t changed my mind because it aligned with my views on energy.

This will make an appearance in my essay because it provides great information for arguments.

Concerned Scientists, Union of. “Benefits of Renewable Energy Use.” Union of Concerned Scientists, 20 Dec.

The main topic of this article is to inform people about the benefits of renewable energy. The

creators and authors of this organization are a group of accredited scientists who share a concern

for the wellbeing of Earth and its species. The article first mentions the positive environmental

impact that renewable energy would make, it would significantly cut down the large amounts of

emissions produced by the energy industry every year. Another positive impact renewable

energy would have on Earth would be the improvement of public health. Renewable energy

creates little to no pollutants, which means harmful pollutants would no longer contaminate air

or water sources which we depend upon. Also, it would boost the United States and global

economies by growing an industry and creating millions of jobs worldwide.

This is an extremely credible source. The creators of this article are a union of scientists with a

background in the topics discussed. This article is very up to date and has recent statistics to

support its claims. The main purpose of this article is to inform the audience of the benefits of

renewable energy. This source provides a lot of information supporting my argument regarding

renewable energy. In comparison to my other sources it has an extreme bias against non-

renewable energy.

This source was very useful for establishing the several benefits of renewable energy. This

article hasn’t changed my mind because it already supports my view on energy. The information
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gathered from this source will make an appearance in my essay because it provides great

information for my arguments.

Eilperin, Juliet, et al. “The Oil and Gas Industry Is Quickly Amassing Power in Trump's Washington.” The
Washington Post, WP Company, 14 Dec. 2016,

The main topic of this article talks about the lobbying power of the oil industry. The authors of

this article are Juliet Eilperin, Steve Mufson and Philip Rucker. They are all employed by the

publisher of this article, the Washington Post. They first discuss the progress in regard to

environmental protection which were put in place by the Obama administration over his eight-

year term as president. This was considered a decade of progress in the fight against global

warming. The main issue in this article specifically is the amount of lobbying power the oil

industry has gained under the trump administration. One of Trump’s main groups of supporters

financially during his campaign were oil and gas companies. After a successful election, most of

those company’s CEOs now hold positions in the government as advisors to President Trump.

The growing lobbying power of the oil industry poses a serious threat to the growth of the

renewable energy industry. This has already been shown when President Trump withdrew the

United States from the Paris climate accord, which essentially eliminated most previous

restrictions about emissions and operations for energy companies.

This is a credible source which is recognized in the United States as giving up to date political

information. Though this article is slightly out of date and does not mention some information

about the topic of energy which has occurred under the Trump administrations first year in

Washington. The main intention of this article is to talk about how the oil industry has a lot of

power in our governments decisions now and how it’s becoming a problem. Compared to my

other sources this article has an extreme amount of bias against the oil industry.
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This source was very useful in learning why the renewable energy industry has had such a hard

time growing. This will make an appearance in my source to help explain why the oil industry

has halted the progression of renewable energy.

Trainer, Ted. “Some Problems In Storing Renewable Energy.” Energy Policy, vol. 110, 30 Aug. 2017, pp. 386–
393., Renewable Energy. Science Direct.

The main topic of this article is about the limitations of renewable energy. The author of this

article is Ted Trainer, who is employed by the University of New South Wales in Australia. He

has over 30 publications regarding the economics and efficiency of renewable energy. He first

discusses how it is unlikely that renewable energy can meet all power demands at a convenient

cost. Another major concern discussed was the difficultly of effectively storing the energy

created. The batteries used for this are not cost effective and do not store energy well, and they

will stay that way until new innovations occur. He mentions these issues to give reasoning to

why the renewable energy will continually face problems in terms of growth until these problems

are solved.

The author of this is extremely credible. He has had over 30 publications on this topic alone over

the last few decades and works for a reputable university. The article is also published in an

academic journal that has over 100 volumes which have continually updated its information

regarding the topic of renewable energy. The main intention of this article is to inform people of

the economic and efficiency limitations that renewable energy has faced. The academic journal

this article was published in has an extremely large amount of information on my topic. In

comparison to my other sources it is the only one that provides arguments against renewable


This article was useful for providing information on why renewable energy has struggled to

grow. The article hasn’t changed my mind but rather has informed me on what needs to be done
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to continually develop the technology of renewable energy. This will be used in my essay to

present counter arguments against renewable energy.

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