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o Example: A student nurse fails the critical

care exam and daydreams about her heroic
role in a cardiac arrest.
NURSING 7. Fixation - becoming stagnated in a level of
emotional development in which one is
FROM SIR DUKE comfortable
o Example: A sixty year old man who
PAGE dresses and acts as if he were still in the
8. Identification - subconsciously attributing
to oneself qualities of others
o Example: Elvis impersonators.
9. Intellectualization - use of thinking, ideas,
or intellect to avoid emotions
o Example: Parent becomes extremely
knowledgeable about child's diabetes.
10. Introjection - incorporating the traits of
o Example: Husband's symptoms mimic
I. Coping Mechanisms (also called defense wife's before she died.
mechanisms) 11. Projection - unconsciously projecting
A. Definition: psychological techniques that one's own unacceptable qualities or feelings
the personality develops to manage anxiety, onto others
aggression, hostility, etc. o Example: Woman who is jealous of
B. Coping mechanisms represent conflicts another woman's wealth accuses her of
between the id and superego being a gold-digger.
C. Used by both mentally healthy and ill 12. Rationalization - justifying behaviors,
individuals emotions, motives, considered intolerable
D. May be used consciously, but are usually through acceptable excuses
unconscious o Example: "I didn't get chosen for the team
E. Types of coping mechanisms because the coach plays favorites."
Types of Coping Mechanisms 13. Reaction Formation - expressing
1. Compensation - extra effort in one area to unacceptable wishes or behavior by
offset real or imagined lack in another area opposite overt behavior
o Example: Short man becomes assertively o Example: Recovered smoker preaches
verbal and excels in business. about the dangers of second hand smoke.
2. Conversion - A mental conflict is 14. Regression - retreating to an earlier and
expressed through physical symptoms more comfortable emotional level of
o Example: Woman becomes blind after development
seeing her husband with another woman. o Example: Four year old insists on climbing
3. Denial - treating obvious reality factors as into crib with younger sibling.
though they do not exist because they are 15. Repression - unconscious, deliberate
consciously intolerable forgetting of unacceptable or painful
o Example: Mother refuses to believe her thoughts, impulses, feelings or acts
child has been diagnosed with leukemia. o Example: Adolescent "forgets"
"She just has the flu." appointment with counselor to discuss final
4. Displacement - transferring unacceptable grades.
feelings aroused by one object to another, 16. Sublimation - diversion of unacceptable
more acceptable substitute instinctual drives into personally and
o Example: Adolescent lashes out at parents socially acceptable areas.
after not being invited to party. o Example: Young woman who hated school
5. Dissociation - walling off specific areas of becomes a teacher.
the personality from consciousness 17. Therapeutic Communication -
o Example: Adolescent talks about failing Characterizes the Nurse-Client Relationship
grades as if they belong to someone else; o Nurse-client relationship: a therapeutic
jokes about them. professional relationship in which two
6. Fantasy - a conscious distortion of people interact
unconscious wishes and need to obtain 1. The nurse who possesses the skills and
satisfaction ability to provide counseling, crisis
intervention, health teaching, etc. and 3. Listen attentively
2. The client who seeks help for some
o Phases of the nurse-client relationship
o Five characteristics of nurse-client
1. Mutual definition: together, nurse and
client define relationship
2. Goal direction: purpose, time, and place
are specific
3. Specified boundaries: in time, space,
content, and confidentiality
4. Therapeutic communication: nurse eases
trust and open communication by these
interpersonal techniques
5. Nurse helps client toward resolution
18. Grief
o Loss
1. A universal phenomenon; it occurs across
the lifespan
2. There are many types of loss
1. loss of external objects
2. loss of significant other: through death,
3. loss of environment: by moving, taking a
new job, hospitalization
4. loss of an aspect of self: may include a
body part, physiologic or psychologic
3. Response to loss depends on
1. one's personality
2. culture
3. previous experience with loss
4. one's values
5. perceived value of loss
6. support system
4. Types of Grief
1. Anticipatory grief: person learns of
impending loss and responds with
processes of mourning, coping, interaction,
planning, and psychosocial reorganization
2. Disenfranchised grief: person experiences
a loss that is not or cannot be openly
acknowledged, publicly mourned, or
socially supported
3. Mourning: process used to resolve grief
4. Tasks of mourning (common to the
models of grief) spell R-E-A-L
1. Real: accept that the loss is real
2. Experience the emotions associated with
the loss
3. Adjust or re-adjust to life and activities
4. Let go: move on with one's own life
5. Grief theory models
5. Nursing care in grief
1. Support client's effective coping
2. Don't take client's responses personally

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