Vocabulary: Batakness - English

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Aha : used in questions to
ask for information about something
means the thing that

Ahu : used to mean

yourself when you are the subject of
the verb

Alai : an outer room,

especially in a two-roomed cottage

Alus : a thing that is said,

written, or done as a reaction to a
question, statement, or situation
Baba : the opening and
cavity in the lowyer part of the human
face, surround by the lips

Bagak : a combination of
qualities, such as shape, colour, or
form, that please the aesthetic
senses,especially the sight

Bagas : the inner side or

surface of something

Baririt : a number of people

or things in a more or less straight line

Barita : newly received or

noteworthy information, especially
about recent events

Begu : an apparition of a
dead person which is believed to
appear or become manifest to the
living, typically as a nebulous image

Bengkuk : the hooked staff of

a shepherd

Boasa : for what reason or


Boi : having the ability,

fitness, or quality necessary to do

Borngin : the period from

sunset to sunrise in each twenty-four

Dao : at, to, or by a great

Daong : used to indicate that

something is quite the opposite of
what is being specified
Ganup : as much or as many
as required

Garapus : not giving sufficient

attention or thought to avoiding harm
or errors

Ginjang roha : having or revealing

an exaggerated sense of one’s own
importance or abilities

Golap : with little or no light

Gok : containing or
holding as much or as many as

Gotap : separate into pieces

as a result of a blow, shock, or strain
Habang : move through the air
using wings

Hasonangan : an activity done

regularly in one’s leisure time for

Hatop : moving fast or

doing something in a short time

Holong : a strong feeling of


Hormat : having or showing

behavior that is respectful and
considerate of other people
Jonok : at or to a short
distance away, nearby

Karas : solid, firm, and
rigid, not easily broken, bent, or

Karejo : a paid position of

regular employment

Kasar : ( of a substance or
material ) capable of polishing or
cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or
Lao : travel or move in
order to engage in a specified activity

Leleng : measuring a great

distance from end to end

Luas : of great or more

than average width

Malo : ( of a person ) clean,
tidy, and well dressed

Malumpat :push oneself off a

surface and into the air by using the
muscles in one’s legs and feet

Makkatai : speak in order to

give, information or express ideas or
feelings, converse communicate by
spoken words

Mangan : into the mouth and

chew and swallow it

Mangolu : living things and

their activity

Manuhor : obtain in exchange

for payment

Manjual : give or hand over in

exchange for money

Mangingot : have in or be able to

bring to one’s mind an awareness

Manurat : mark ( letters,word,

or other symbols) on a surface,
typically paper, with a pen , pencil

Manukkun : say something in

order to obtain an answer or some
Manjalo : consent to receive
or undertake

Manangkup : intercept and hold

(something which has been thrown,
propelled, or dropped)

Manonton : look at or observe

attentively over a period of time

Manis : having a pleasant

taste characteristic of sugar or honey,
not salt, sour, or bitter

Mangapian : feeling or showing

an envious resentment of someone or
their achievements,possessions, or
perceived advantages

Marsihol : fail to hit ,reach, or

came into contact with (something
aimed at)

Mamereng : perceive with the

eyes ,discern visually
Marsak : feeling or showing
sorrow, unhappy

Mamboan : take or go with

(someone or something) to a place

Mamillit : pick out as being the

best or most appropriate of two or
more alternatives

Mabiar : make (someone)

afraid or anyous

Madabu : move from a higher

to a lower level, typically rapidly and
without control

Martabuni : put or keep out of


Mamereng : perceive with the

eyes, discern visually

Marpikir : have a particular

belief or idea
Maila : make (someone)
feel embarrassed, disconcerted, or

Mardalan : you move forward

by putting one foot in front of the

Marmeam : engage in activity

for enjoyment and recreation rather
than a serious or practical purpose

Menak : making little or no


Mohop : having a high

degree of heat or a high temperature

Mokmok : plump and rounded

Mosok : a long, narrow

sandbank ,especially at the mouth of a

Minum : take ( a liquid) into

the mouth and swallow it
Mulak : the rear surface of
the human body from the shoulders to
the hips

Namora : an abudance of
valuable possessions or money

Nasitoho : in actual fact, as

opposed to what is said or imagined to
be true or possible

Ngali : of or at a fairly low


Napogos : the state of being

extremely poor
Ontik : an economy of or
reduction in money, time, or another

Otik : containing nothing ,

not filled or occupied

Paet : having a sharp
,pungent taste or small : not sweet;

Pahabishon : give (money) to pay

for goods, services, or so as to benefit
someone or something

Paimahon : stay where one is or

delay action until a particular time or
Parpudi : coming after all
others in time or order

Parjolo : coming before all

others in time or order

Parduli : the provision of

what is necessary for the health,
welfare,maintenance, and protection
of someone or something

Porsea : accept that

(something) is true especially without

Roa : unpleasant or
repulsive ,especially in appearance
Sae : bring ( a task or
activity ) to an end

Sasahali : not often : seldom

Sarupa : having the same

characteristics or qualities as, similar

Sega : having been broken

Sibuk : having a great deal

to do

Sogot : on the after today

Sonari : be aware of through

observation ,inquiry, or information

Sompit : of small width in

relation to length
Tagelleng : of a size that is less
than normal or usual

Tangis : shed tears in

distress, pain, or sorrow

Tarsonggot : towards or situated

to the rear : back:

Tajom : unpleasantly bitter

or pungent;

Tarlupahon : fail to remember

Tubu : the origin or mode

of formation of something

Tupa : able to be used or

obtained; at someone’s disposal

Torus : persist in an activity

or process
Torang : giving out or
reflecting much light, shining.



Maria Br.Sihombing (163306020130)

Lecturer : Sri Ninta Tarigan, S.S.,M.Hum


Faculty of Teaching and Education

English Department



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