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Sierra Nevada College Elementary Lesson Plan Sample

Teacher Viktoria Low Lead N/A

Candidate: Teacher:
Grade/Subject: 2nd grade District: N/A
Lesson Content: ELA School: N/A
SNC Supervisor: Mrs. McCune Time 50 minutes

Materials, including technology:

The Sea Maidens of Japan by Lili Bell, point of view worksheet, pencils, Hurricanes (for reference).

Standard(s), including literacy for all content areas and/or SMP

RI. 2.1- Ask and Answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.

RL.2.6- Acknowledge differences in points of view of characters.

How will learning be assessed at the end of the unit/learning cycle (summative):
The learning will be assessed at the end of the unit/ learning cycle by how the student answers to the
comprehension questions in their ELA journal. The students will also be graded on their completion of
the story strip template.

Objective(s): high cognitive demand for diverse learners Cognitive Level (DOK or
1. I will use clues and illustrations from the text to understand how the DOK 1 and 2
author tells the story.

2. I will understand the difference between first person and third person DOK 1
point of view.

Connections to past learning or experience, building background

In previous lessons, we have learned about what are somethings that make everyone unique, how
individuals can experience the same event very differently. These represent different perspectives; in this
lesson we will look at points of view in writing styles.

Essential Vocabulary Definitions

First Person POV When the narrator is a character in the story. Uses: I, Me, my,
ours etc.
Third Person POV When the narrator is telling the story, but is not in it.
Abalone A type of shell fish that lives in the ocean.
Strategy for teaching new vocabulary:
Fill out a chart on the wall that goes over the differences in first person and third person narrative.
Students will write down this same chart in their ELA notebooks to use when reading other books in the
Sierra Nevada College Elementary Lesson Plan Sample


Sequence and Scope of Instruction (include instructional Instructional Strategy estimated

strategies, questions, opportunities for meaning making time
through discourse and other engagement strategies,
formative assessments, opportunities for metacognition,
grouping, differentiation and transitions)
1. Vocabulary activity: Fill out big chart at the front Whole group instruction 15 min
of the class with student input. Have students
write this down in their ELA journal.
2. Read The Sea Maidens of Japan by Lili Bell. Whole Group Read aloud and 15 min
Students will fill out any clues I notice from the independent seat work.
book #1 in the appropriate box on the POV
worksheet independently while listening to the
read aloud. Once story is complete- fill out the
who, what, where, when, why, and how portion of Whole Group Read aloud and
the work sheet. independent seat work. 10 min
3. Read the first page and a half passage or two
from the book Hurricanes. Fill in the appropriate Whole group Instruction. 5 min
clues on the worksheet for book #2. Once story is
complete- Fill out the who, what, where, when,
why, and how portion of the work sheet
4. Finish filling out the worksheet and Identifying
the correct clues which tells us which POV the
author in book #2 is telling the story from.
5. Closure activity to allow for metacognition on Whole group discussion 5 min
what makes a narrative different and how did we
learn it. Answer any lingering questions.

Closure: specific activity to review content

Relate the fact that just like people can experience certain events very differently, authors can also tell a
story very differently.

Teacher Candidate Reflection on the lesson (after delivery)

[Type text]

SNC: April 3, 2014

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