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CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ADEPT EVALUATION FORM. Early Chldhood/Elementary Education Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor Candidate: Quincy Datel Agnew Cooperating Teacher: Me. Cu School: The Orangeburg Leadership Academy \Grade/Subjec: 3st 2nd rd ‘rections: This form st be used as a formative and summative asessment ofthe canddate’ progres throughout thecal practice. The candidote should ‘be assessed thre (3) umes: ofter 4 weeks, @ weeks and at the end ofthe placement. Rate the condidate on eachof the key elements under eech standard az {ellows: Seole: (1) Unacceptable/Developng; 2) Acceptable/Meets (3) Targe/Exceeds. Then give an overall rating othe box beside the ADEPT Performance Standard. An explanation ofthese ratings is given on the reverse side ofthis form. 167 Identifies and integrates Physial Educa 1D: Develops appropriate processes for eval 'APS 5: PLANNING ASSESSMENTS AND USING DATA 3e 4.0 | 3A Uses a Variety of Assessments = 3e__| 80] 38. Adminsters a Variety of assessment — Z & 3b | 40 J 3C. Uses Assessment Data to Assign Grades Z te a 4 ie 3a Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards 73. Uses Information to Guide Instruction 7C. Provides Instruction Feedback 08. Advocate for Children leche students o plan and provide Evaluator’s Signat SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM Unacceptable (1) “Thecandidate does not colaborate wth elleagues, acministators or agencies 6e experiences and assessment. ‘Thecandidate regulary atends and 5.1 comributes to meetings tothe extent th assole and appropriate td ‘Thecandidatestendsfecuty and _| Thecanddste dees not de level meetings, bt not other | attend mestings cr School erganzatonal meetings er | paticpatesin any Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards ‘earacuriedar seven, "Tre candaatesapoken word and E 106.1 Effective ‘The canldat's spoken word and written language conta many betant eros The candidate doesnot , | communiete with aren guards, commurieslon takes pice “Thecandidate complies wth 5.1 and procedures and/or ‘eeibita professional 6b ‘Thecandste does not Identify strengths weaknesses, ‘acts for adequate professional owth, frown, "Candidates must receive atleast 2.0 overall to successful pass ths ameszment. THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT ‘Acceptable /Meets (2) ‘campetoney hasbeen mastered examples, extesion, and enrichment examples, extesion, or enrehment Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards

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