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“Corporate Social Responsibility: ATheory of

Firm Perspective
Impact Factor: 6.17 ■ DOI: 10.5465/AMR.2001.4011987

1,263 7,999

2 AUTHORS: Donald S. Siegel

University at Albany, The State University of ...
Abagail Mcwilliams University
of Illinois at Chicago


Available from: Abagail Mcwilliams

Retrieved on: 04 December 2015
e Acodemy oí Management fíeview
2001, Vol. 26, No. 1, 117-127.



University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Nottingham

We outline a supply and demand model of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on
this framework, we hypothesize that a lirm's level oi CSR will depend on its size, level oi
diversification, research and development, advertising, govemment sales, consumer in-
come, labor market conditions, and stage in the industry life cycle. From these hypothe-
ses, we conclude that there is an "ideal" level of CSR, which managers can determine via
cost-benefit analysis, and that there is a neutral relationship between CSR and financial

Managers contmually encounter demands from (Donaldson & Preston, 1995; Mitchell, Agle, &
múltiple stakeholder groups to devote resources to Wood, 1997). Other managers have a less
corporate social responsibility (CSR). These Progressive view of stakeholder relevance. They
pressures emerge from custom- ers, employees, eschew attempts to sat- isfy demand for CSR,
suppliers, community groups, governments, and because they believe that such efforts are
some stockholders, espe- cially institutional inconsistent with profit maximi- zation and the
shareholders. With so many conflicting goals and interests of shareholders, whom they perceive to be
objectives, the def- inition of CSR is not always the most important stakeholder.
clear. Here we define CSR as actions that appear to This divergence in response has stimulated an
further some social good, beyond the interests of the important debate regarding the relationship
firm and that which is required by law. This between CSR and financial performance. It has also
definition underscores that, to us, CSR means going raised two related questions regarding the provisión
beyond obeying the law. Thus, a com- pany that of CSR:
avoids discriminating against women and 1. Do socially responsible firms outperform or
minorities is not engaging in a socially responsible underperform other companies that do not
act; it is merely abiding by the law. meet the same social criteria?
Some examples of CSR actions inelude going 2. Precisely how much should a firm spend on
beyond legal requirements in adopting Progressive
human resource management programs, developing In existing studies of the relationship between
non-animal testing procedures, re- cycling, abating CSR and financial performance, researchers have
pollution, supporting local businesses, and primarily addressed the first question, and the
embodying producís with social attributes or results have been very mixed. Recent studies
characteristics. We limit the scope of our analysis to indicóte no relationship (McWilliams & Sie- gel,
satisfying the burgeon- ing demand for CSR 2000), a positive relationship (Waddock & Graves,
through the creation of product attributes that 1997), and a negative relationship (Wright & Ferris,
directly support social responsibility (e.g., pesticide- 1997).1 This leaves managers without a clear
free produce) or that signal the firm's commitment direction regarding the desir- ability oí investment
to CSR (e.g., dolphin-free-tuna labels). in CSR. More important, the second question, which
Many managers have responded to height- ened is oí greater impor- tánce to managers, has not been
stakeholder interest in CSR in a very pos- itive way,
by devoting additional resources to promote CSR. A 1 For a review oí theoretical and empirical studies oí the
primary reason for positive re- sponses is the relationship between corporate social performance and fi- nancial
recognition of the relevance of múltiple stakeholders performance, see Griffin and Mahon (1997).

118 Academy oí Management Review January
directly exam- ined in the academic literature. stakeholders both affect and are affected by the
The purpose oí our study is to fill this void. We actions of the firm. Stakeholder theory, which has
propose a methodology that enables managers to emerged as the dominant paradigm in CSR, has
determine the appropriate level oí CSR investment, evolved in several new and inter- esting ways.
based on a theory oí the firm perspec- tive. This According to Donaldson and Preston (1995), three
perspective is based on the presump- tion that aspect of this theory—norma- tive, instrumental,
managers oí publicly held firms usually attempt to and descriptive—are "mutually supportive." Jones
maximize shareholder wealth, with a vigorous and Wicks propose "converging" the social Science
"market for corporate control" as the primary (instrumental) and ethics (normative) components
control mechanism (Jensen, 1988). Our framework of stakeholder theory to arrive at a normative
applies generally to publicly held firms but not "theory" that illustrates "how managers can create
necessarily to prí- vately held companies that may mor- ally sound approaches to business and make
have alterna- tive objectives and are not subject to them work" (1999: 206).
the market for corporate control. Based on this The instrumental aspect and its relationship to
framework, we derive hypotheses regarding the conventional theories in economics and corporate
demand and supply of CSR attributes across strategy have also received considerable attention in
industries, firms, and products. Because these the literature. For instance. Jones (1995) developed a
hypotheses and the conclusions we draw from them model that integrates economic theory and ethics.
are relevant to the extent that managers wish to He concluded that firms conducting business with
enhance shareholder wealth, we are able to in- fer stakeholders on the basis of trust and Corporation
managerial implications. have an incentive to demónstrate a sincere
commitment to ethical behavior. The ethical
THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CSR behavior of firms will enable them to achieve a
competitive ad- vantage, because they will develop
Several theoretical frameworks have been used to lasting, pro- ductive relationships with these
examine CSR. Friedman (1970) asserts that engaging stakeholders. Russo and Fouts (1997) examined CSR
in CSR is symptomatic of an agency problem or a from a resource-based view of the firm perspective.
conflict between the inter- ests of managers and Using this framework, they argüe that CSP (spe-
shareholders. He argües that managers use CSR as a cifically, environmental performance) can constitute
means to further their own social, politicál, or career a source of competitive advantage, especially in
agendas, at the expense of shareholders. According high-growth industries.
to this view, resources devoted to CSR would be Although these frameworks are useful, we
more wisely spent, from a social perspective, on in- outline an alternative theoretical perspective that
creasing firm efficiency. This theory has been tested further develops instrumental aspeets of CSR. This
empirically by Wright and Ferris (1997), who found framework allows us to develop a set oí hypotheses
that stock prices reacted negatively to regarding the determinants and consequences oí
announcements of divestment of assets in South CSR. Additionally, managers can use this
Africa, which they interpreted as being consistent framework to determine precisely how much they
with agency theory. should spend on CSR.
The agency theory perspective has been chal-
lenged by other researchers, such as Preston (1978)
and Carroll (1979), who outline a corporate social
performance (CSP) framework. As expos- ited by We begin our analysis oí CSR by relating it to a
Carroll (1979), this model ineludes the philosophy of theory oí the firm, in which it is assumed that the
social responsiveness, the social issues involved, management oí publicly held íirms attempts to
and the social responsibility categories (one of maximize proíits (Jensen, 1988). Based on this
which is economic responsibility). An empirical test perspective, CSR can be viewed as a form oí
of the CSP framework is presented in the work of investment. One way to assess investment in CSR is
Waddock and Graves (1997), who report a positive as a mechanism íor product difíerentia- tion. In this
association between CSP and financial performance. context there are CSR "resources" and "outputs." A
The CSP model has much in common with the firm can create a certain level oí CSR by embodying
stake- holder perspective, which is the most widely its producís with CSR attributes (such as pesticide-
used theoretical framework. free íruit) or by using CSR-related resources in its
In a seminal paper on stakeholder theory, production process (such as naturally occurring
Freeman (1984) asserts that firms have relation- insect inhibitors and organic fertilizers). As such, it
ships with many constituent groups and that these seems natural to consider the nature oí the mar- kets
2001 McWUliams and Siegel 119
íor CSR attributes and CSR-related resources. Our interests and to achieve product differentiation. For
analysis oí these markets is based on a simple example, Ben Cohén oí Ben & Jerry's may have a
supply and demand íramework, which we outline personal, as well as a professional, commitment to
below. diversity.
Differentiating through the use oí CSR resources,
Demand íor CSR such as recycled products or organic pest control,
may also inelude investment in re- search and
We hypothesize that there are two major sources development (R&D). R&D investment may result in
oí demand íor CSR: (1) consumer demand and (2) both CSR-related process and product innovations,
demand from other stakeholders, such as investors, which are each valued by some consumers. For
employees, and the commu- nity. We begin by example, the "organic, pesticide-free" label
describing the nature oí consumer demand íor CSR. simultaneously indicates the use oí organic
CSR investment may entail embodying the methods, which constitutes a piocess innovation by
product with socially responsible attributes, such as the íarmei, and the cre- ation oí a new product
pesticide-íree or non-animal-tested in- gredients. It category, which is a product innovation oí the natural
may also involve the use oí signáis, such as the foods retailer. Ií the natural foods company is
unión label in clothing, that convey to the consumer vertically integrated, it engages in both CSR-related
that the company is concerned about certain social process and product innovation simultaneously.
issues. This results in the belief that, by using these This example underscores the point that some
products, consumers are indirectly supporting a consumers want the goods they purchase to have
cause and rewarding íirms that devote resources to certain socially responsible attributes (product
CSR. Consumer- oriented CSR may also involve innovation), while some also valué knowing that the
intangible attributes, such as a reputation íor quality goods they purchase are produced in a socially
or reli- ability. Fombrun and Shanley (1990) and responsible manner (process innovation).
Weigelt and Camerer (1988) have described how An additional example is New United Motor
reputation building is an integral component oí Manuíacturing, Inc. (NUMMI), the innovative joint
strat- egy íormulation. A reputation íor quality and venture between Toyota and General Motors, which
reliability may be especially important íor food was established in Fremont, California, in 1984 to
products. Thus, McDonald’s employs the handi- build small cars for both compa- nies. The NUMMI
capped and supports such organizations as the plant implemented many of the latest Japanese "lean
Ronald McDonald House, establishing a reputation manuíacturing" meth- ods (process innovation) and
íor CSR. The presumption is that íirms that actively produced the Geo Prism, the prototype for GM's
support CSR are more reliable and, therefore, their new generation of small cars (product innovation).
products are oí higher quality. These processes and the product innovations were
There is strong evidence that many (although the result of R&D investment undertaken by
certainly not all) consumers valué CSR attributes. A General Motors. Furthermore, through its unique
growing number oí companies have incorporated partnership with the United Auto Workers (UAW),
CSR into their marketing strate- gies, because they NUMMI also implemented a number of Progressive
wish to exploit the appeal oí CSR to key segments oí workplace practices, such as a strong emphasis on
the market, such as baby boomer or "generation X" teamwork and employee empowerment. Con-
shoppers. We need only look at the rapid growth oí sequently, some consumers perceived that NUMMI
such socially responsible companies as Ben & cars, such as the Geo Prism, were superior to
Jerry's, the Body Shop, and Health Valley to confirm traditional, American-made cars, in terms of quality
the importance oí CSR in marketing. and reliability. More important, many customers
CSR as a differentiation strategy. Product (Ser- also believed that by purchasing these cars, they
vice) difíerentiation is used to create new demand or were demonstrating their sup- port of Progressive
to command a premium price íor an existing human resource manage- ment practices and the
product (service). Firms that adopt a difíerentiation UAW.
strategy oíten pursüe múltiple means oí Although R&D may result in both process and
difíerentiation. An example is Ben & Jerry's, which product innovation, the vast majority of R&D is
differentiates its products by cre- ating unique devoted to product innovation (Link, 1982). The role
ílavors, using high-quality ingre- dients, supporting of CSR in product differentiation leads to our first
the local community, and pro- moting diversity in hypothesis.
the workplace. CSR may be a popular means oí
achieving differentiation, be- cause it allows Hypothesis 1: There is a positive corre-
managers to simultaneously sat- isíy personal lation between the level of product
differentiation (a proxy for which is the ratio
120 Academy oí Management Review January
of R&D expenditures to sales) and the Hypothesis 2: Because consumers rely more
provisión of CSR attributes. on firm reputation when purchasing
CSR and advertising. For CSR differentiation to experience goods than when purchasing
be successful, potential customers must be fully search goods, CSR attributes are more likely
aware of CSR characteristics; otherwise, they will to be associ- ated with experience than with
purchase a similar product without such attributes. search goods.
Some of these characteristics might not be evident to Hypothesis 3: Because consumers must be
the buyer at first glance. Thus, advertising plays an made aware of the existence of CSR
important role in raising the awareness of those attributes, there will be a positive correlation
individuáis who are interested in purchasing between the intensity of adveitising in an
products with CSR attributes. industry (a pioxy for which is the zafio oí
The literature on advertising distinguishes adveitising to sales) and the provisión oí
between two types of goods: search and experi- ence CSR.
(Nelson, 1970, 1974). Search goods are products
Additional determinants oí consumer de- mand.
whose attributes and quality can be deter- mined
We hypothesize that income is another determinant
before purchase. For example, furniture is usually
oí consumer demand for CSR. Whereas low-income
considered to be a search good. Consumers search
shoppers generally are quite price sensitive, aííluent
for the appropriate style and quality. These
consumers can more easily pay a higher price for
attributes can be established by examining the
additional CSR attributes. Goods whose demand
product before purchase. Cloth- ing is another
increases as income increases are called normal
example of a search good. With accurate labeling as
goods. We conjecture that CSR attributes are normal
to the textile contení, the consumer can establish the
goods, which means that greater levels of afflu-
quality of the good before purchasing it. For search
ence, as reflected in higher disposable income, will
goods, most advertising will be limited to informing
result in greater demand for CSR.2
the consumer as to the availability of the product
and its price. Hypothesis 4: Because CSR attributes are
Experience goods are products that must be normal goods, there will be a pos- itive
consumed before their true valué can be known. For correlation between consumer income and
example, food is an experience good. The consumer the provisión of CSR attributes.
cannot determine from viewing the product how it Other determinants of demand inelude tastes and
will taste or whether it will be safe to consume. preferences, demographics, and the price of
Advertising for experience goods, therefore, will substitute produets. Consumer taste and prefer-
provide more information, usually tying the ences may be affected by mass media, and CSR has
product to an established brand ñame, such as become a hot topic in media circles. Jour- nalists
Heinz. The association with brand ñame provides often provide free publicity of a firm's commitment
the consumer with information about the product or lack of commitment to CSR. The media closely
through the rep- utation of the brand. scrutinize some sectors, such as the film industry
As noted above, support of CSR creates a rep- and professional sports. Celeb- rities and sports
utation that a firm is reliable and honest. Consumers figures often use the media to highlight their
typically assume that the products of a reliable and commitment to social responsi- bility. Journalists
honest firm will be of high quality. Advertising that also closely follow the work of social activists.
provides information about CSR attributes can be Fedderson and Gilligan (1998) contend that media
used to build or sustain a reputation for quality, attention devoted to social activists provides the
reliability, or honesty— all attributes that are public with access to new information regarding
important but difficult to determine by search alone. social attributes and methods of production. This
free publicity, whether positive or negative, helps
For example, Heinz advertises its Starkist brand
heighten public awareness of CSR, reduces
tuna as being dol- phin free. This provides the
information asymmetry, and, thus, influences
consumer with information that the product has
demand for CSR.
CSR attributes but also that the company is
Demographics can also affect the demand for
trustworthy. By implication, the product Will be of
high quality. This type of advertising is used to
foster product differentiation, allowing the firm to 2 Some CSR attributes may even have the properties of a

charge a premium price. "luxury" good. That is, an increase in income may induce greater
The link between advertising and CSR leads to than proportional increases in the demand for CSR attributes
our next two hypotheses. (e.g., if income increases by 10 percent, the demand for CSR
attributes will increase by more than 10 per- cent).
2001 McWUliams and Siegel 121
CSR. For instance, baby boomers have smaller effect is not easily predicted.
families, greater household incomes, and more Other stakeholders' demand. Employees are
social awareness than previous generations. Thus, another important source oí stakeholder demand for
they have the means to purchase produets with CSR CSR. For example, they tend to support Progressive
attributes and are increasingly likely to make labor relations policies, safety, fi- nancial security,
consumption choices based on social grounds. and workplace amenities, such as child care.
Savvy firms will capitalize on this trend. Workers search for signáis that managers are
Because not all consumers place a high valué on responding to causes they support. Unions often
CSR attributes, the price of competing goods will play an important role in en- couraging firms to
still affect the demand for goods and Services adopt these CSR policies. Note that unions can also
provided by firms that embrace CSR, if these influence CSR policies at nonunion firms in the same
competing goods are lower-cost alternativos. industry. This is analogous to the well-documented
Although most consumers might choose a good "threat effect" of unions on nonunion wages
with CSR attributes if its price were equal to that of (Freeman & Medoff, 1983; Mills, 1994). For example,
another good and many might choose a good with nonunion firms may adopt Progressive work
CSR attributes if its price were only a little higher, practices to avoid unionism (Foulkes, 1980). Firms
some consumers will switch away from the CSR that sat- isfy employee demand for CSR may be re-
good if there is a substantial price difference. warded with increased worker loyalty, morale, and
Therefore, there is a positive relationship between productivity (Moskowitz, 1972; Parket & Eibert,
the demand for goods with CSR attributes and the 1975). There is also some evidence that firms in
price of competing, or substitute, produets (the
industries with skilled labor shortages have used
higher the price of competing goods, the higher the
CSR as a means to recruit and retain workers
demand for goods with CSR attributes). This leads
(Siegel, 1999).
to an additional hypothesis.
Other stakeholder groups, including minority
Hypothesis 5: There is a positive correlation and community groups and local and state gov-
between the price of substitute goods and the ernments, can contribute to the demand for
demand for goods with CSR attributes. producís with CSR attributes as well. For example,
To summarize, we conjecture that the key de- governments may encourage proactive en-
terminants of the demand for a product with CSR vironmental practices, and community groups may
attributes are the product's price, advertis- ing to desire support for local social Services, such as those
promote consumer awareness of CSR attributes, the provided by United Way. These groups will then
level of consumers' disposable income, consumers' reward the firms by increasing their consumption of
tastes and preferences, demographics, and the price the firms' products. For in- stance, government
of substitute produets. contracts might require that firms undertake a
Table 1 presents the determinants of demand and certain level of CSR invest- ment, such as minority
the predicted effect of each determinant on set-asides. Ultimately, these groups affect demand
through consumption, either their own or that of the
consumers they influence. The characteristics of
TABLE 1 demand from stakeholder groups other than
Determinants of Consumer Demand for CSR consumers lead to the following hypotheses.
Hypothesized Effecf on Hypothesis 6: Theie is a positive corre- lation
Demand between unionization oí the workfoice and
the provisión oí CSR; that is, in industries
Price of good with CSR attributes Negative that are highly
Advertising Positive
Income Positive unionized, there will be more CSR provided.
Tastes Indeterminate Hypothesis 7; There is a positive rela-
Demographics Indeterminate
Price oí substitute goods Positive tionship between the shortage oí skilled
workers in an industry and the provisión oí
the demand for CSR attributes—that is, whether CSR; that is, in industries with shortages of
demand increases or decreases when the deter- skilled labor, more CSR will be provided.
minará increases (as designated by a positive or Hypothesis 8: There is a positive corre-
negative sign). As shown in the table, for some lation between government contracts and the
determinants, such as tastes and demographics, the provisión oí CSR.
122 Academy oí Management Review January
The demand from all stakeholders can be
summed to arrive at the overall demand for
products with CSR attributes. Recognizing the
demand for CSR, managers can make decisions on
the number and level of CSR attributes and how to
produce them.

Supply of CSR
According to the resource-based view of the firm,
resources are "all assets, capabilities, or-
ganizational processes, firm attributes, informa-
tion, knowledge, etc. controlled by the firm" (Bar-
ney, 1991: 101). The resource-based view leads us to
a supply-side perspective, which begins with the
realization that firms must devote resources to
satisfy the demand for CSR. This in- dicates that we
can modify the microeconomic concepts of the
production and cost functions to inelude CSR-
related resources and output. Thus, we assume that
firms use CSR-related capital (land and equipment),
labor, materials, and pur- chased servicés to
generóte output.
In Table 2 we describe the inputs used in
generating CSR attributes and the attendant costs.
As shown in the table, additional capital might be
required to generóte CSR characteristics. For
example, pollution abatement to achieve an
environmental standard beyond that required by
law will require the purchase of additional
equipment. Similarly, office space, supplies,
computers, telephones, and other Communications
equipment may be devoted to CSR. To the extent
that additional capital is required, capital costs will
be higher.
Although capital costs will be higher for firms
that provide CSR, the costs will not increase
uniformly across firms. The use of capital in the
provisión of CSR attributes may result in scale
economies, because capital investment often
2001 McWilliams and Siegel 123

Resources or Inputs Used in the Provisión oí CSR
Resource or Input CSR-Related Resource or Input Additional Resource or Input Costs

Capital Special equipment, machinery, and real Higher capital expenditures

estáte devoted to CSR
Materials and Services Purchase of inputs írom suppliers who are Higher-cost materials and Services
socially responsible (intermedióte goods)
Labor Progressive human resource management Higher wages and benefits and
practices and stafí to implement CSR additional workers to enhance
policies social performance

entails substantial fixed costs. An example is a have entire departments devoted to CSR con- cerns.
smokestack scrubber. The cost oí a scrubber is fixed, The costs oí personnel devoted to CSR and
once a particular piece oí equipment is installed. The additional CSR-related benefits provided to workers
cost oí the scrubber will be amor- tized over the increase the overall labor costs oí firms. However,
number oí units oí output the firm produces. The human resources may also generate economies oí
higher the level oí output, the lower the per unit scale, because they represent a fixed cost that can be
cost oí the scrubber, resulting in an economy oí amortized over numerous units oí output.
scale.3 When scale economies exist, large firms will have
Intermedíate materials and Services may also be lower average costs for providing CSR attributes
related to the provisión oí CSR. For example, the than small firms. This implies that there may be
Body Shop purchases special ingredients and some differences in the return to firms within
formulas that have not been animal tested, Ben & industries. Therefore, within industries in which
Jerry's has a stated policy oí purchasing dairy CSR attributes are provided (because the
products írom local Vermont farmers, and Wal-Mart product/service can be differen- tiated), larger firms
advertises that its products are made in America. will provide more CSR attributes. .
Locally produced goods and Services may be more We conjecture that there are economies of scope
costly than those imported írom other States and in the provisión of CSR, or cost savings that arise
countries, resulting in higher costs for these socially from the joint production of CSR characteristics for
responsible íirms. There might be scale economies several related products. A large, diversified firm
related to these costs, however, because oí the can spread the cost of CSR provisión over many
ability oí large íirms such as Wal-Mart to obtain different products and Services. For example, the
quantity dis- counts an CSR-related intermedíate goodwill gen- erated from firm-level CSR-related
goods and materials. advertising can be leveraged across a variety of the
Firms may hire additional stafí to advance CSR firm's brands. When scope economies exist, more di-
through aífirmative action, improved labor versified firms will have lower average costs of
relations, and community outreach. Exist- ing providing CSR attributes than firms focus- ing on
employees also may be asked to promote these one particular industry. Thus, we ex- pect a positive
eííorts. At the 1997 Philadelphia "sum- mit" on
relationship between firm di- versification and the
voluntarism, sponsored by President Clinton and
provisión of CSR attributes, all else being equal.
Colín Powell, numerous compa- nies pledged to
Our discussion of the costs of providing CSR
dedicóte additional human resources to CSR
attributes has revealed that embodying products
activities. Many large firms
with CSR attributes requires the use of additional
resources, which results in higher costs. When
considering the appropriate level of CSR
characteristics, managers must make critical
decisions regarding the optimal use of inputs

3 There are limits to scale economies. After all economies oí

scale are exhausted, average cost will climb with additional

output. This diseconomy oí scale is usually associated with
physical capital constraints or with managerial limita- tions.
Managerial limitations might, for example, result in less
flexibility in responding to social issues in very large íirms.
124 Academy oí Management Review January
that generate these attributes.4 Thus, a firm's cost oí every price) demand curve than íirms that do
producing CSR attributes is positively related to the provide them. Firms that supply CSR will have
number oí these characteristics. The cost íunction higher costs for every level oí output than firms that
has the usual properties. First, it is monotonically do not supply CSR and produce similar goods.
increasing in CSR attributes; that is, it costs more to Those consumers who valué CSR are willing to
generate additional characteristics. Second, at some pay a higher price íor a product with an additional
point there are increasing incremental costs oí social characteristic than for an identical product
providing CSR, which results in a standard upward- without this characteristic. This result is contin- gent
sloping supply curve íor CSR attributes. The nature on consumers being aware oí the existence oí the
oí the supply oí CSR attributes leads to the follow- CSR attribute. If consumers are not aware oí this
ing hypotheses regarding the provisión oí CSR additional social feature, they will choose the lower-
across industries and íirms. priced product. Thus, advertising plays an
important role in determining the optimal level oí
Hypothesis 9: Firms that provide CSR CSR attributes or outputs provided. Advertising
attributes will have higher costs than firms also helps raise awareness regarding íirms' use oí
in the same industry that do not provide CSR inputs, which may be oí interest to several
CSR attributes. stakeholder groups.
The provisión oí CSR attributes will depend as
Hypothesis 10: The presence oí scale
well on certain characteristics oí the market, such as
economies in the provisión oí CSR attributes
the degree to which firms can differentiate their
results in a positive correla- tion between products and the industry life cycle. Thus, one is
firm size and the provisión oí CSR likely to íind CSR attributes in industries with
attributes. highly diíferentiated products, such as food, cos-
Hypothesis 11: The presence oí scope metics, pharmaceuticals, financial Services, and
economies in the provisión oí CSR attributes automobiles. In the embryonic and growth stages oí
results in a positive correla- tion between the the industry liíe cycle, we expect that. there is little
level oí diversiíica- tion oí a íirm and the product diíferentiation, as firms íocus on per-
provisión oí CSR attributes. fecting the production process and satisfying rap-
idly growing demand. As growth slows, and espe-
A caveat to Hypothesis 9 must be mentioned. As cially as the industry maturos, there is likely to be a
noted earlier, a íirm may fundamentally change its great deal oí differentiation. For example, in the ice
production process in response to a CSR concern, cream industry, simple flavors, such as va- nilla,
such as conservation. Thus, it is conceivable that a dominated in the embryonic and growth stages. As
CSR-oriented process innova - tion could result in the tastes and markets became more so- phisticated,
creation oí a CSR char- acteristic at the same or even more flavors were introduced. In the current
a lower level oí cost. Examples oí this, however, are maturity phase there is substantial product
differentiation (flavors, íat contení, modes oí
difíicult to íind, whereas examples oí higher costs
delivery, and so forth). Ben & Jerry's has capital-
íor CSR products abound. For instance, a trip to the
ized on the possibility oí diíferentiation through
su- permarket reveáis that goods with social char-
flavors and CSR attributes.
acteristics (e.g., organic produce) typically cost more
Demographic and technological changes also can
than similar goods without social characteristics stimulate demand for CSR attributes. The rapid rise
(e.g., nonorganic produce). in the number oí working women has resulted in an
Determining the Appropriate Level oí increase in the demand for corpo- rate-supplied day
CSR Investment care, flexible work schedules, and telecommuting.
The supply and demand íramework implies that On the supply side, the rise of the internet has made
there is some optimal level oí CSR attributes for it much easier for firms to target consumers who
firms to provide, depending on the demand for have social goals. This is evident in the substantial
these characteristics and the costs oí generating growth in the number of web sites devoted to CSR
them. Companies that do not supply CSR attributes activity. These have dramatically reduced the cost of
have lower costs, but they face a diíferent (lower at transmitting CSR information to consumers and
other interested stakeholders. Examples inelude the
Toyota and Honda web sites, which are devoted to
4 In our model we assume that the two íirms use the same
information about their electric cars. On the demand
production technology. This does not apply to a situation in side, the internet makes it easier for groups who
which firms adjust their production processes to reflect CSR share common social goals to exchange information.
2001 McWiüiams and Siegel 125
For example, there are virtual communities they will each have the same rate of profit.
(geocities) for those outside the mainstream of To assess the impact of CSR on profitability, we
society. present the following simple example. As- sume
there are two firms that produce identical goods,
except one company adds a social char- acteristic to
its product. Invoking the theory of the firm, we
Our analysis reveáis that there is some level of assume that each firm makes opti- mal choices,
CSR that will maximize profits while satisfying the which means that each produces at a profit-
demand for CSR from múltiple stakeholders. The maximizing level of output. It can be shown that, in
ideal level of CSR can be determined by cost- benefit equilibrium, both will be equally profitable. The
analysis. To maximize profit, the firm should offer firm that produces a CSR at- tribute will have higher
precisely that level of CSR for which the increased costs but also higher revenues, whereas the firm that
revenue (from increased demand) equals the higher produces no CSR attributes will have lower costs
cost (of using resources to pro- vide CSR). By doing but also lower revenues. Any other result—for
so, the firm meets the de- mands of relevant instance, one firm earning a higher rate of return—
stakeholders—both those that demand CSR would cause the other firm to switch product
(consumers, employees, community) and those that strategies. Note that our conclusión is based on the
"own" the firm (shareholders). as- sumption that there are no entry barriers asso-
On the demand side, managers will have to ciated with providing the social characteristic.
evalúate the possibility of product/service dif- Our conclusión that profits will be equal may
ferentiation. Where there is little ability to dif- explain why there is inconsistent evidence re-
ferentiate the product or Service, demand may not garding the relationship between CSR provisión and
increase with the provisión of CSR. On the supply firm performance. According to our argu- ment, in
side, managers will have to evalúate the resource equilibrium there should be no relationship. CSR
costs of promoting CSR while being cognizant of the attributes are like any other attributes a firm offers.
possibility that there may be scale and/or scope The firm chooses the level of the attribute that
economies associated with the provisión of CSR. In maximizes firm performance, given the demand for
sum, managers should treat decisions regarding the attribute and the cost of providing the attribute,
CSR precisely as they treat all investment decisions. subject to the caveat that this holds true to the extent
that managers are attempting to maximize
shareholder wealth. From this we predict that there
will generally be a neutral relationship between CSR
In this study we attempt to answer a question activity and firm financial performance.
that has received inadequate attention in the CSR It appears that the lack oí consistency in em-
literature: Precisely how much should a firm spend pirical studies of CSR is due to a lack oí theory
on CSR? We addressed this issue using a supply linking CSR to market torces. Our supply and
and demand theory of the firm framework and demand framework filis this void, allowing us to
found that there is a level of CSR investment that predict that the provisión oí CSR will vary across
maximizes profit, while also satisfying stakeholder industries, products, and firms. There- fore, those
demand for CSR. This level of investment can be empirical studies in which research- ers have not
determined through cost-benefit analysis. Managers controlled for all the firm or indus- try
can use our framework to make decisions regarding characteristics we have identified here are probably
CSR investment by employing the same analytical misspecified.
tools used to make other investment decisions. Uníortunately, many oí our hypotheses are dif-
We have also developed several hypotheses re- íicult to test empirically, given the lack of data on
garding CSR activity—for example, the provisión of the demand íor and supply of CSR. We propose that
CSR will depend on R&D spending, advertising the government or management re- searchers
intensity, the extent of product differentiation, the working with government support systematically
percentage of govemment sales, consumer income, collect information on the social characteristics of
the tightness of the labor market, and the stage of products and CSR activity at the firm and industry
the industry life eyele. Additionally, the likelihood level.5 This would enable researchers to test our
of economies of scale and scope in the provisión of
CSR implies that large, diversified companies will 5 The firm of Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini provides a

be more active in this arena. Most important, our "rating" of selected publicly held firms based on their social
model indicates that although firms providing CSR performance in eight categories, including community, di-
will have higher costs than firms not providing CSR, versity, employee relations, product, environment, South Africa,
military, and nuclear power. This rating has been used as a proxy
126 Academy oí Management Review January
hypotheses and also al- low them to conduct an Nelson, P. 1974. Advertising as information. Journal of Political
"hedonic" analysis (Griliches, 1990) of CSR to Economy, 81: 729-754.
determine exactly how much consumers and other Parket, I., & Eibert, H. 1975. Social responsibility; the under- lying
factors. Business Horízons, 18(4): 5-10.
stakeholders are willing to pay for CSR attributes.
Preston, L. (Ed.). 1978. Research in corporate social performance
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Carroll, A. 1979. A three dimensional model of corporate per-
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Donaldson, T., & Preston, L. 1995. The stakeholder theory of the Waddock, S., & Graves, S. 1997. The corporate social perfor-
Corporation: Concepts, evidence, and implications. mance—financial performance link. Strategic Management
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Fombrun, C., & Shanley, M. 1990. What's in a ñame? Repu- tation tegic Management Journal, 9: 443-454.
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increase its profits. New York Times. September 13: 122-126.
Griffin, J., & Mahon, J. F. 1997. The corporate social performance
and corporate financial performance debate: Twenty-five
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Griliches, Z. 1990. Hedonic price indexes and the measurement of
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Jensen, M. 1988. Takeovers: Their causes and consequences.
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2(1): 21-44.
Jones, T. 1995. Instrumental stakeholder theory: A synthesis of
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Jones, T., & Wicks, A. 1999. Convergent stakeholder theory.
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Link, A. 1982. A disaggregated analysis of industrial R&D:
Product versus process innovation. In D. Sahal (Ed.), The
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Mitchell, R., Agle, B., & Wood, D. 1997. Toward a theory of
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Business & Society Review, 1: 71-75.
Nelson, P. 1970. Information and consumer behavior. Journal of
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for the supply of CSR.

McWilliams and Siegel

Abagail McWilliams is professor and head oí the Managerial Studies Department,

University oí Illinois at Chicago. She received her Ph.D. in economics from The Ohio State
University. Her research interests inelude market structure and firm performance, strategic
human resource management, gender issues in worker mobility, and corporate social
Donald Siegel is professor of industrial economics at the Nottingham University Business
School in the United Kingdom. He received his Ph.D. in business economics from Columbio
University. His research interests inelude productivity analysis. the economic and
managerial implications of technological change, university technol- ogy transfer, Science
parks, and corporate social responsibility.

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/234074936

“Corporate Social Responsibility: A Theory of

Firm Perspective
Impact Factor: 6.17 ■ DOI: 10.5465/AMR.2001.4011987

1,263 7,999

2 AUTHORS: Donald S. Siegel

University at Albany, The State University of ...
Abagail Mcwilliams University
of Illinois at Chicago


Available from: Abagail Mcwilliams

Retrieved on: 04 December 2015
©Academy ol Management Review
2001, Vol. 26, No. 1, 117-127.



University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Nottingham

We outline a supply and demand model oi corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on
this framework, we hypothesize that a firm's level of CSR will depend on its size, level of
diversification, research and development, advertising, government sales, consumer in-
come, labor market conditions, and stage in the industry life cycle. From these hypotheses,
we conclude that there is an "ideal" level of CSR, which managers can determine via cost-
benefit analysis, and that there is a neutral relationship between CSR and financial

Managers continually encounter demands from (Donaldson & Preston, 1995; Mitchell, Agle, &
multiple stakeholder groups to devote resources to Wood, 1997). Other managers have a less
corporate social responsibility (CSR). These progressive view of stakeholder relevance. They
pressures emerge from customers, employees, eschew attempts to satisfy demand for CSR, because
suppliers, community groups, governments, and they believe that such efforts are inconsistent with
some stockholders, especially institutional profit maximization and the interests of
shareholders. With so many conflicting goals and shareholders, whom they perceive to be the most
objectives, the definition of CSR is not always clear. important stakeholder.
Here we define CSR as actions that appear to further This divergence in response has stimulated an
some social good, beyond the interests of the firm important debate regarding the relationship
and that which is required by law. This definition between CSR and financial performance. It has also
underscores that, to us, CSR means going beyond raised two related questions regarding the provision
obeying the law. Thus, a company that avoids of CSR:
discriminating against women and minorities is not 1. Do socially responsible firms outperform or
engaging in a socially responsible act; it is merely underperform other companies that do not
abiding by the law. meet the same social criteria?
Some examples of CSR actions include going 2. Precisely how much should a firm spend on
beyond legal requirements in adopting progressive
human resource management programs, developing In existing studies of the relationship between
non-animal testing procedures, recycling, abating CSR and financial performance, researchers have
pollution, supporting local businesses, and primarily addressed the first question, and the
embodying products with social attributes or results have been very mixed. Recent studies
characteristics. We limit the scope of our analysis to indicate no relationship (McWilliams & Siegel,
satisfying the burgeoning demand for CSR through 2000), a positive relationship (Waddock & Graves,
the creation of product attributes that directly 1997), and a negative relationship (Wright & Ferris,
support social responsibility (e.g., pesticide-free 1997).6 This leaves managers without a clear
produce) or that signal the firm's commitment to direction regarding the desirability of investment in
CSR (e.g., dolphin-free-tuna labels). CSR. More important, the second question, which is
Many managers have responded to heightened of greater importance to managers, has not been
stakeholder interest in CSR in a very positive way,
by devoting additional resources to promote CSR. A 6 For a review of theoretical and empirical studies of the
primary reason for positive responses is the relationship between corporate social performance and financial
recognition of the relevance of multiple stakeholders performance, see Griffin and Mahon (1997).

118 Academy ol Management Review January
directly examined in the academic literature. stakeholders both affect and are affected by the
The purpose of our study is to fill this void. We actions of the firm. Stakeholder theory, which has
propose a methodology that enables managers to emerged as the dominant paradigm in CSR, has
determine the appropriate level of CSR investment, evolved in several new and interesting ways.
based on a theory of the firm perspective. This According to Donaldson and Preston (1995), three
perspective is based on the presumption that aspect of this theory—normative, instrumental, and
managers of publicly held firms usually attempt to descriptive—are "mutually supportive." Jones and
maximize shareholder wealth, with a vigorous Wicks propose "converging" the social science
"market for corporate control" as the primary (instrumental) and ethics (normative) components
control mechanism (Jensen, 1988). Our framework of stakeholder theory to arrive at a normative
applies generally to publicly held firms but not "theory" that illustrates "how managers can create
necessarily to privately held companies that may morally sound approaches to business and make
have alternative objectives and are not subject to the them work" (1999: 206).
market for corporate control. Based on this The instrumental aspect and its relationship to
framework, we derive hypotheses regarding the conventional theories in economics and corporate
demand and supply of CSR attributes across strategy have also received considerable attention in
industries, firms, and products. Because these the literature. For instance, Jones (1995) developed a
hypotheses and the conclusions we draw from them model that integrates economic theory and ethics.
are relevant to the extent that managers wish to He concluded that firms conducting business with
enhance shareholder wealth, we are able to infer stakeholders on the basis of trust and corporation
managerial implications. have an incentive to demonstrate a sincere
commitment to ethical behavior. The ethical
THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CSR behavior of firms will enable them to achieve a
competitive advantage, because they will develop
Several theoretical frameworks have been used to lasting, productive relationships with these
examine CSR. Friedman (1970) asserts that engaging stakeholders. Russo and Fouts (1997) examined CSR
in CSR is symptomatic of an agency problem or a from a resource-based view of the firm perspective.
conflict between the interests of managers and Using this framework, they argue that CSP (spe-
shareholders. He argues that managers use CSR as a cifically, environmental performance) can constitute
means to further their own social, political, or career a source of competitive advantage, especially in
agendas, at the expense of shareholders. According high-growth industries.
to this view, resources devoted to CSR would be Although these frameworks are useful, we
more wisely spent, from a social perspective, on in- outline an alternative theoretical perspective that
creasing firm efficiency. This theory has been tested further develops instrumental aspects of CSR. This
empirically by Wright and Ferris (1997), who found framework allows us to develop a set of hypotheses
that stock prices reacted negatively to regarding the determinants and consequences of
announcements of divestment of assets in South CSR. Additionally, managers can use this
Africa, which they interpreted as being consistent framework to determine precisely how much they
with agency theory. should spend on CSR.
The agency theory perspective has been chal-
lenged by other researchers, such as Preston (1978)
and Carroll (1979), who outline a corporate social
performance (CSP) framework. As expos- ited by We begin our analysis of CSR by relating it to a
Carroll (1979), this model includes the philosophy of theory of the firm, in which it is assumed that the
social responsiveness, the social issues involved, management of publicly held firms attempts to
and the social responsibility categories (one of maximize profits (Jensen, 1988). Based on this
which is economic responsibility). An empirical test perspective, CSR can be viewed as a form of
of the CSP framework is presented in the work of investment. One way to assess investment in CSR is
Waddock and Graves (1997), who report a positive as a mechanism for product differentiation. In this
association between CSP and financial performance. context there are CSR "resources" and "outputs." A
The CSP model has much in common with the firm can create a certain level of CSR by embodying
stakeholder perspective, which is the most widely its products with CSR attributes (such as pesticide-
used theoretical framework. free fruit) or by using CSR-related resources in its
In a seminal paper on stakeholder theory, production process (such as naturally occurring
Freeman (1984) asserts that firms have relationships insect inhibitors and organic fertilizers). As such, it
with many constituent groups and that these seems natural to consider the nature of the markets
2001 McWilliams and Siegel 119
for CSR attributes and CSR-related resources. Our interests and to achieve product differentiation. For
analysis of these markets is based on a simple example, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's may have a
supply and demand framework, which we outline personal, as well as a professional, commitment to
below. diversity.
Differentiating through the use of CSR resources,
Demand for CSR such as recycled products or organic pest control,
may also include investment in research and
We hypothesize that there are two major sources development (R&D). R&D investment may result in
of demand for CSR: (1) consumer demand and (2) both CSR-related process and product innovations,
demand from other stakeholders, such as investors, which are each valued by some consumers. For
employees, and the community. We begin by example, the "organic, pesticide-free" label
describing the nature of consumer demand for CSR. simultaneously indicates the use of organic
CSR investment may entail embodying the methods, which constitutes a process innovation by
product with socially responsible attributes, such as the farmer, and the creation of a new product
pesticide-free or non-animal-tested ingredients. It category, which is a product innovation of the natural
may also involve the use of signals, such as the foods retailer. If the natural foods company is
union label in clothing, that convey to the consumer vertically integrated, it engages in both CSR-related
that the company is concerned about certain social process and product innovation simultaneously.
issues. This results in the belief that, by using these This example underscores the point that some
products, consumers are indirectly supporting a consumers want the goods they purchase to have
cause and rewarding firms that devote resources to certain socially responsible attributes (product
CSR. Consumer- oriented CSR may also involve innovation), while some also value knowing that the
intangible attributes, such as a reputation for quality goods they purchase are produced in a socially
or reliability. Fombrun and Shanley (1990) and responsible manner (process innovation).
Weigelt and Camerer (1988) have described how
reputation building is an integral component of
strategy formulation. A reputation for quality and
reliability may be especially important for food
products. Thus, McDonald’s employs the handi-
capped and supports such organizations as the
Ronald McDonald House, establishing a reputation
for CSR. The presumption is that firms that actively
support CSR are more reliable and, therefore, their
products are of higher quality.
There is strong evidence that many (although
certainly not all) consumers value CSR attributes. A
growing number of companies have incorporated
CSR into their marketing strategies, because they
wish to exploit the appeal of CSR to key segments of
the market, such as baby boomer or "generation X"
shoppers. We need only look at the rapid growth of
such socially responsible companies as Ben &
Jerry's, the Body Shop, and Health Valley to confirm
the importance of CSR in marketing.
CSR as a differentiation strategy. Product (ser-
vice) differentiation is used to create new demand
or to command a premium price for an existing
product (service). Firms that adopt a differentiation
strategy often pursue multiple means of
differentiation. An example is Ben & Jerry's, which
differentiates its products by creating unique
flavors, using high-quality ingredients, supporting
the local community, and promoting diversity in the
workplace. CSR may be a popular means of
achieving differentiation, because it allows
managers to simultaneously satisfy personal
120 Academy of Management Review January
An additional example is New United Motor goods, most advertising will be limited to informing
Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI), the innovative joint the consumer as to the availability of the product
venture between Toyota and General Motors, which and its price.
was established in Fremont, California, in 1984 to Experience goods are products that must be
build small cars for both companies. The NUMMI consumed before their true value can be known. For
plant implemented many of the latest Japanese "lean example, food is an experience good. The consumer
manufacturing" methods (process innovation) and cannot determine from viewing the product how it
produced the Geo Prism, the prototype for GM's will taste or whether it will be safe to consume.
new generation of small cars (product innovation). Advertising for experience goods, therefore, will
These processes and the product innovations were provide more information, usually tying the
the result of R&D investment undertaken by product to an established brand name, such as
General Motors. Furthermore, through its unique Heinz. The association with brand name provides
partnership with the United Auto Workers (UAW), the consumer with information about the product
NUMMI also implemented a number of progressive through the reputation of the brand.
workplace practices, such as a strong emphasis on As noted above, support of CSR creates a rep-
teamwork and employee empowerment. Con- utation that a firm is reliable and honest. Consumers
sequently, some consumers perceived that NUMMI typically assume that the products of a reliable and
cars, such as the Geo Prism, were superior to honest firm will be of high quality. Advertising that
traditional, American-made cars, in terms of quality provides information about CSR attributes can be
and reliability. More important, many customers used to build or sustain a reputation for quality,
also believed that by purchasing these cars, they reliability, or honesty— all attributes that are
were demonstrating their support of progressive important but difficult to determine by search alone.
human resource management practices and the
For example, Heinz advertises its Starkist brand
tuna as being dolphin free. This provides the
Although R&D may result in both process and
consumer with information that the product has
product innovation, the vast majority of R&D is
CSR attributes but also that the company is
devoted to product innovation (Link, 1982). The role
trustworthy. By implication, the product Will be of
of CSR in product differentiation leads to our first
high quality. This type of advertising is used to
foster product differentiation, allowing the firm to
Hypothesis 1: There is a positive correlation charge a premium price.
between the level of product differentiation The link between advertising and CSR leads to
(a proxy for which is the ratio of R&D our next two hypotheses.
expenditures to sales) and the provision of
CSR attributes. Hypothesis 2: Because consumers rely more
CSR and advertising. For CSR differentiation to on firm reputation when purchasing
be successful, potential customers must be fully experience goods than when purchasing
aware of CSR characteristics; otherwise, they will search goods, CSR attributes are more likely
purchase a similar product without such attributes. to be associated with experience than with
Some of these characteristics might not be evident to search goods.
the buyer at first glance. Thus, advertising plays an Hypothesis 3: Because consumers must be
important role in raising the awareness of those made aware of the existence of CSR
individuals who are interested in purchasing attributes, there will be a positive correlation
products with CSR attributes. between the intensity of advertising in an
The literature on advertising distinguishes industry (a proxy for which is the ratio of
between two types of goods: search and experience advertising to sales) and the provision of
(Nelson, 1970, 1974). Search goods are products CSR.
whose attributes and quality can be determined
Additional determinants of consumer demand.
before purchase. For example, furniture is usually
We hypothesize that income is another determinant
considered to be a search good. Consumers search
of consumer demand for CSR. Whereas low-income
for the appropriate style and quality. These
shoppers generally are quite price sensitive, affluent
attributes can be established by examining the
consumers can more easily pay a higher price for
product before purchase. Clothing is another
additional CSR attributes. Goods whose demand
example of a search good. With accurate labeling as
increases as income increases are called normal
to the textile content, the consumer can establish the
goods. We conjecture that CSR attributes are normal
quality of the good before purchasing it. For search
goods, which means that greater levels of affluence,
2001 McWilliams and Siegel 121
as reflected in higher disposable income, will result to an additional hypothesis.
in greater demand for CSR. 7 Hypothesis 5: There is a positive correlation
Hypothesis 4: Because CSR attributes are between the price of substitute goods and the
normal goods, there will be a positive demand for goods with CSR attributes.
correlation between consumer income and To summarize, we conjecture that the key de-
the provision of CSR attributes. terminants of the demand for a product with CSR
Other determinants of demand include tastes and attributes are the product's price, advertising to
preferences, demographics, and the price of promote consumer awareness of CSR attributes, the
substitute products. Consumer taste and preferences level of consumers' disposable income, consumers'
may be affected by mass media, and CSR has tastes and preferences, demographics, and the price
become a hot topic in media circles. Journalists often of substitute products.
provide free publicity of a firm's commitment or Table 1 presents the determinants of demand and
lack of commitment to CSR. The media closely the predicted effect of each determinant on
scrutinize some sectors, such as the film industry
and professional sports. Celebrities and sports
figures often use the media to highlight their TABLE 1
commitment to social responsibility. Journalists also Determinants of Consumer Demand for CSR
closely follow the work of social activists. Fedderson Attributes
and Gilligan (1998) contend that media attention Hypothesized Effect on
devoted to social activists provides the public with Demand
access to new information regarding social
attributes and methods of production. This free Price of good with CSR attributes Negative
publicity, whether positive or negative, helps Advertising Positive
Income Positive
heighten public awareness of CSR, reduces
Tastes Indeterminate
information asymmetry, and, thus, influences Demographics Indeterminate
demand for CSR. Price of substitute goods Positive
Demographics can also affect the demand for
CSR. For instance, baby boomers have smaller the demand for CSR attributes—that is, whether
families, greater household incomes, and more demand increases or decreases when the deter-
social awareness than previous generations. Thus, minant increases (as designated by a positive or
they have the means to purchase products with CSR negative sign). As shown in the table, for some
attributes and are increasingly likely to make determinants, such as tastes and demographics, the
consumption choices based on social grounds. effect is not easily predicted.
Savvy firms will capitalize on this trend. Other stakeholders' demand. Employees are
Because not all consumers place a high value on another important source of stakeholder demand for
CSR attributes, the price of competing goods will CSR. For example, they tend to support progressive
still affect the demand for goods and services labor relations policies, safety, financial security,
provided by firms that embrace CSR, if these and workplace amenities, such as child care.
competing goods are lower-cost alternatives. Workers search for signals that managers are
Although most consumers might choose a good responding to causes they support. Unions often
with CSR attributes if its price were equal to that of play an important role in encouraging firms to
another good and many might choose a good with adopt these CSR policies. Note that unions can also
CSR attributes if its price were only a little higher, influence CSR policies at nonunion firms in the same
some consumers will switch away from the CSR industry. This is analogous to the well-documented
good if there is a substantial price difference. "threat effect" of unions on nonunion wages
Therefore, there is a positive relationship between (Freeman & Medoff, 1983; Mills, 1994). For example,
the demand for goods with CSR attributes and the nonunion firms may adopt progressive work
price of competing, or substitute, products (the practices to avoid unionism (Foulkes, 1980). Firms
higher the price of competing goods, the higher the that satisfy employee demand for CSR may be re-
demand for goods with CSR attributes). This leads warded with increased worker loyalty, morale, and
productivity (Moskowitz, 1972; Parket & Eibert,
7 Some CSR attributes may even have the properties of a 1975). There is also some evidence that firms in
"luxury" good. That is, an increase in income may induce greater industries with skilled labor shortages have used
than proportional increases in the demand for CSR attributes CSR as a means to recruit and retain workers
(e.g., if income increases by 10 percent, the demand for CSR (Siegel, 1999).
attributes will increase by more than 10 percent).
122 Academy o/ Management Review January
Other stakeholder groups, including minority generating CSR attributes and the attendant costs.
and community groups and local and state gov- As shown in the table, additional capital might be
ernments, can contribute to the demand for required to generate CSR characteristics. For
products with CSR attributes as well. For example, example, pollution abatement to achieve an
governments may encourage proactive en- environmental standard beyond that required by
vironmental practices, and community groups may law will require the purchase of additional
desire support for local social services, such as those equipment. Similarly, office space, supplies,
provided by United Way. These groups will then computers, telephones, and other communications
reward the firms by increasing their consumption of equipment may be devoted to CSR. To the extent
the firms' products. For instance, government that additional capital is required, capital costs will
contracts might require that firms undertake a be higher.
certain level of CSR investment, such as minority Although capital costs will be higher for firms
set-asides. Ultimately, these groups affect demand that provide CSR, the costs will not increase
through consumption, either their own or that of the uniformly across firms. The use of capital in the
consumers they influence. The characteristics of provision of CSR attributes may result in scale
demand from stakeholder groups other than economies, because capital investment often
consumers lead to the following hypotheses.

Hypothesis 6: There is a positive correlation

between unionization of the workforce and
the provision of CSR; that is, in industries
that are highly
unionized, there will be more CSR provided.
Hypothesis 7; There is a positive relationship
between the shortage of skilled workers in an
industry and the provision of CSR; that is,
in industries with shortages of skilled labor,
more CSR will be provided.
Hypothesis 8: There is a positive correlation
between government contracts and the
provision of CSR.
The demand from all stakeholders can be
summed to arrive at the overall demand for
products with CSR attributes. Recognizing the
demand for CSR, managers can make decisions on
the number and level of CSR attributes and how to
produce them.

Supply of CSR
According to the resource-based view of the firm,
resources are "all assets, capabilities, organizational
processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge,
etc. controlled by the firm" (Barney, 1991: 101). The
resource-based view leads us to a supply-side
perspective, which begins with the realization that
firms must devote resources to satisfy the demand
for CSR. This indicates that we can modify the
microeconomic concepts of the production and cost
functions to include CSR-related resources and
output. Thus, we assume that firms use CSR-related
capital (land and equipment), labor, materials, and
purchased services to generate output.
In Table 2 we describe the inputs used in
2001 McWilliams and Siegel 123

Resources or Inputs Used in the Provision of CSR
Resource or Input CSR-Related Resource or Input Additional Resource or Input Costs

Capital Special equipment, machinery, and real Higher capital expenditures

estate devoted to CSR
Materials and services Purchase of inputs from suppliers who are Higher-cost materials and services
socially responsible (intermediate goods)
Labor Progressive human resource management Higher wages and benefits and
practices and staff to implement CSR additional workers to enhance
policies social performance

entails substantial fixed costs. An example is a have entire departments devoted to CSR concerns.
smokestack scrubber. The cost of a scrubber is fixed, The costs of personnel devoted to CSR and
once a particular piece of equipment is installed. additional CSR-related benefits provided to workers
The cost of the scrubber will be amortized over the increase the overall labor costs of firms. However,
number of units of output the firm produces. The human resources may also generate economies of
higher the level of output, the lower the per unit scale, because they represent a fixed cost that can be
cost of the scrubber, resulting in an economy of amortized over numerous units of output.
scale.8 When scale economies exist, large firms will have
Intermediate materials and services may also be lower average costs for providing CSR attributes
related to the provision of CSR. For example, the than small firms. This implies that there may be
Body Shop purchases special ingredients and some differences in the return to firms within
formulas that have not been animal tested, Ben & industries. Therefore, within industries in which
Jerry's has a stated policy of purchasing dairy CSR attributes are provided (because the
products from local Vermont farmers, and Wal-Mart product/service can be differentiated), larger firms
advertises that its products are made in America. will provide more CSR attributes. .
Locally produced goods and services may be more We conjecture that there are economies of scope
costly than those imported from other states and in the provision of CSR, or cost savings that arise
countries, resulting in higher costs for these socially from the joint production of CSR characteristics for
responsible firms. There might be scale economies several related products. A large, diversified firm
related to these costs, however, because of the can spread the cost of CSR provision over many
ability of large firms such as Wal-Mart to obtain different products and services. For example, the
quantity discounts on CSR-related intermediate goodwill generated from firm-level CSR-related
goods and materials. advertising can be leveraged across a variety of the
Firms may hire additional staff to advance CSR firm's brands. When scope economies exist, more di-
through affirmative action, improved labor versified firms will have lower average costs of
relations, and community outreach. Existing providing CSR attributes than firms focusing on one
employees also may be asked to promote these particular industry. Thus, we expect a positive
efforts. At the 1997 Philadelphia "summit" on
relationship between firm diversification and the
voluntarism, sponsored by President Clinton and
provision of CSR attributes, all else being equal.
Colin Powell, numerous companies pledged to
Our discussion of the costs of providing CSR
dedicate additional human resources to CSR
attributes has revealed that embodying products
activities. Many large firms
with CSR attributes requires the use of additional
resources, which results in higher costs. When
considering the appropriate level of CSR
characteristics, managers must make critical
decisions regarding the optimal use of inputs

8 There are limits to scale economies. After all economies of

scale are exhausted, average cost will climb with additional

output. This diseconomy of scale is usually associated with
physical capital constraints or with managerial limitations.
Managerial limitations might, for example, result in less
flexibility in responding to social issues in very large firms.
124 Academy o/ Management Review January
125 Academy o/ Management Review January
that generate these attributes.9 Thus, a firm's cost every price) demand curve than firms that do
of producing CSR attributes is positively related to provide them. Firms that supply CSR will have
the number of these characteristics. The cost higher costs for every level of output than firms that
function has the usual properties. First, it is do not supply CSR and produce similar goods.
monotonically increasing in CSR attributes; that is, it Those consumers who value CSR are willing to
costs more to generate additional characteristics. pay a higher price for a product with an additional
Second, at some point there are increasing social characteristic than for an identical product
incremental costs of providing CSR, which results in without this characteristic. This result is contingent
a standard upward-sloping supply curve for CSR on consumers being aware of the existence of the
attributes. The nature of the supply of CSR CSR attribute. If consumers are not aware of this
attributes leads to the following hypotheses additional social feature, they will choose the lower-
regarding the provision of CSR across industries priced product. Thus, advertising plays an
and firms. important role in determining the optimal level of
CSR attributes or outputs provided. Advertising
Hypothesis 9: Firms that provide CSR also helps raise awareness regarding firms' use of
attributes will have higher costs than firms CSR inputs, which may be of interest to several
in the same industry that do not provide stakeholder groups.
CSR attributes. The provision of CSR attributes will depend as
well on certain characteristics of the market, such as
Hypothesis 10: The presence of scale
the degree to which firms can differentiate their
economies in the provision of CSR attributes
products and the industry life cycle. Thus, one is
results in a positive correlation between firm likely to find CSR attributes in industries with
size and the provision of CSR attributes. highly differentiated products, such as food, cos-
Hypothesis 11: The presence of scope metics, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and
economies in the provision of CSR attributes automobiles. In the embryonic and growth stages of
results in a positive correlation between the the industry life cycle, we expect that, there is little
level of diversification of a firm and the product differentiation, as firms focus on perfecting
provision of CSR attributes. the production process and satisfying rapidly
growing demand. As growth slows, and especially
A caveat to Hypothesis 9 must be mentioned. As as the industry matures, there is likely to be a great
noted earlier, a firm may fundamentally change its deal of differentiation. For example, in the ice cream
production process in response to a CSR concern, industry, simple flavors, such as vanilla, dominated
such as conservation. Thus, it is conceivable that a in the embryonic and growth stages. As tastes and
CSR-oriented process innovation could result in the markets became more sophisticated, more flavors
creation of a CSR characteristic at the same or even a were introduced. In the current maturity phase
lower level of cost. Examples of this, however, are there is substantial product differentiation (flavors,
difficult to find, whereas examples of higher costs fat content, modes of delivery, and so forth). Ben &
Jerry's has capitalized on the possibility of
for CSR products abound. For instance, a trip to the
differentiation through flavors and CSR attributes.
supermarket reveals that goods with social char-
Demographic and technological changes also can
acteristics (e.g., organic produce) typically cost more
stimulate demand for CSR attributes. The rapid rise
than similar goods without social characteristics
in the number of working women has resulted in an
(e.g., nonorganic produce). increase in the demand for corporate-supplied day
Determining the Appropriate Level of care, flexible work schedules, and telecommuting.
CSR Investment On the supply side, the rise of the internet has made
The supply and demand framework implies that it much easier for firms to target consumers who
there is some optimal level of CSR attributes for have social goals. This is evident in the substantial
firms to provide, depending on the demand for growth in the number of web sites devoted to CSR
these characteristics and the costs of generating activity. These have dramatically reduced the cost of
them. Companies that do not supply CSR attributes transmitting CSR information to consumers and
have lower costs, but they face a different (lower at other interested stakeholders. Examples include the
Toyota and Honda web sites, which are devoted to
information about their electric cars. On the demand
9 In our model we assume that the two firms use the same
side, the internet makes it easier for groups who
production technology. This does not apply to a situation in share common social goals to exchange information.
which firms adjust their production processes to reflect CSR For example, there are virtual communities
126 Academy of Management Review January
(geocities) for those outside the mainstream of To assess the impact of CSR on profitability, we
society. present the following simple example. Assume there
are two firms that produce identical goods, except
one company adds a social characteristic to its
product. Invoking the theory of the firm, we assume
Our analysis reveals that there is some level of that each firm makes optimal choices, which means
CSR that will maximize profits while satisfying the that each produces at a profit-maximizing level of
demand for CSR from multiple stakeholders. The output. It can be shown that, in equilibrium, both
ideal level of CSR can be determined by cost- benefit will be equally profitable. The firm that produces a
analysis. To maximize profit, the firm should offer CSR attribute will have higher costs but also higher
precisely that level of CSR for which the increased revenues, whereas the firm that produces no CSR
revenue (from increased demand) equals the higher attributes will have lower costs but also lower
cost (of using resources to provide CSR). By doing revenues. Any other result—for instance, one firm
so, the firm meets the demands of relevant earning a higher rate of return—would cause the
stakeholders—both those that demand CSR other firm to switch product strategies. Note that
(consumers, employees, community) and those that our conclusion is based on the assumption that there
"own" the firm (shareholders). are no entry barriers associated with providing the
On the demand side, managers will have to social characteristic.
evaluate the possibility of product/service dif- Our conclusion that profits will be equal may
ferentiation. Where there is little ability to dif- explain why there is inconsistent evidence re-
ferentiate the product or service, demand may not garding the relationship between CSR provision and
increase with the provision of CSR. On the supply firm performance. According to our argument, in
side, managers will have to evaluate the resource equilibrium there should be no relationship. CSR
costs of promoting CSR while being cognizant of the attributes are like any other attributes a firm offers.
possibility that there may be scale and/or scope The firm chooses the level of the attribute that
economies associated with the provision of CSR. In maximizes firm performance, given the demand for
sum, managers should treat decisions regarding the attribute and the cost of providing the attribute,
CSR precisely as they treat all investment decisions. subject to the caveat that this holds true to the extent
that managers are attempting to maximize
shareholder wealth. From this we predict that there
will generally be a neutral relationship between CSR
In this study we attempt to answer a question activity and firm financial performance.
that has received inadequate attention in the CSR It appears that the lack of consistency in em-
literature: Precisely how much should a firm spend pirical studies of CSR is due to a lack of theory
on CSR? We addressed this issue using a supply linking CSR to market forces. Our supply and
and demand theory of the firm framework and demand framework fills this void, allowing us to
found that there is a level of CSR investment that predict that the provision of CSR will vary across
maximizes profit, while also satisfying stakeholder industries, products, and firms. Therefore, those
demand for CSR. This level of investment can be empirical studies in which researchers have not
determined through cost-benefit analysis. Managers controlled for all the firm or industry characteristics
can use our framework to make decisions regarding we have identified here are probably misspecified.
CSR investment by employing the same analytical Unfortunately, many of our hypotheses are dif-
tools used to make other investment decisions. ficult to test empirically, given the lack of data on
We have also developed several hypotheses re- the demand for and supply of CSR. We propose that
garding CSR activity—for example, the provision of the government or management researchers
CSR will depend on R&D spending, advertising working with government support systematically
intensity, the extent of product differentiation, the collect information on the social characteristics of
percentage of government sales, consumer income, products and CSR activity at the firm and industry
the tightness of the labor market, and the stage of level.10 This would enable researchers to test our
the industry life cycle. Additionally, the likelihood hypotheses and also allow them to conduct an
of economies of scale and scope in the provision of
CSR implies that large, diversified companies will 10 The firm of Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini provides a
be more active in this arena. Most important, our "rating" of selected publicly held firms based on their social
model indicates that although firms providing CSR performance in eight categories, including community, diversity,
will have higher costs than firms not providing CSR, employee relations, product, environment, South Africa, military,
they will each have the same rate of profit. and nuclear power. This rating has been used as a proxy for the
supply of CSR.
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McWilliams and Siegel

Abagail McWilliams is professor and head of the Managerial Studies Department,

University of Illinois at Chicago. She received her Ph.D. in economics from The Ohio State
University. Her research interests include market structure and firm performance, strategic
human resource management, gender issues in worker mobility, and corporate social
Donald Siegel is professor of industrial economics at the Nottingham University Business
School in the United Kingdom. He received his Ph.D. in business economics from Columbia
University. His research interests include productivity analysis, the economic and
managerial implications of technological change, university technology transfer, science
parks, and corporate social responsibility.

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