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Informal Letter Format

Purpose of a Friendly Letter

A friendly letter (or informal letter) is a way of communicating between two people
(sometimes more) who are usually well acquainted. There are many uses and reasons for
writing a friendly letter but friendly letters will usually consist of topics on a personal level.

Friendly Letter Writing

Usually, the first paragraph of the body will consist of an introduction which will give the
recipient an idea about why you're writing to them with a short summary of the main topic of
your letter. If you don't know the person you are writing to, you may want to introduce
yourself in this introductory paragraph as well.

The next few paragraphs will usually consist of the message you want to get across along
with any details you may want to convey.

The last paragraph will usually be the conclusion where you wrap everything up. You can
sum up your main idea in this paragraph, thank the recipient for their time, wish the recipient
well, and/or ask any questions.

Since friendly letters are less formal, you can feel free to write it however you like, but the
above format is fairly common.

Return Address Line 1 1

Return Address Line 2
Date (Month Day, Year) 2

Dear Name of Recipient, 3

Body Paragraph 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Body Paragraph 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Body Paragraph 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Closing (Yours sincerely...), 5

Signature 6
P.S. 7

In the formal letter format, your address, date, the closing, signature, and printed name are all
indented to the right half of the page (how far you indent in is up to you as long as the

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heading and closing is lined up, use your own discretion and make sure it looks presentable).
Also the first line of each paragraph is indented.

Your Address 1
All that is needed is your street address on the first line and the city, state and zip on the
second line. (Not needed if the letter is printed on paper with a letterhead already on it.)

Date 2
Put the date on which the letter was written in the format Month Day Year e.g. August 30,
2003. Skip a line between the date and the salutation.

Salutation 3
Usually starts out with Dear so and so, or Hi so and so. Note: There is a comma after the end
of the salutation (you can use an exclamation point also if there is a need for some emphasis).

Body 4
The body is where you write the content of the letter; the paragraphs should be single spaced
with a skipped line between each paragraph. Skip 2 lines between the end of the body and the

Closing/Signing off 5
Let's the reader know that you are finished with your letter; usually ends with Yours
sincerely. Note that there is a comma after the end of the closing and only the first word in
the closing is capitalized.

Signature 6
Your signature will go in this section, usually signed in black or blue ink with a pen. Skip a
line after your signature and the P.S.

P.S. 7
If you want to add anything additional to the letter you write a P.S. (post script) and the
message after that. You can also add a P.P.S after that and a P.P.P.S. after that and so on.

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Let us look at an incorrect sample of an informal letter.

Address of Cathy Nelson

Sender 45,Jalan Kemboja 6,
Taman Kaya Mewah,
733900 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
6 Ogos 2012
(To my beloved Penny who is now studying in Oxfordshire)
Introduction How have you been? I haven’t heard from you for ages since we
said goodbye to each other at the Bayan Lepas International Airport
last November. How are you? In the pink of health, I hope. How are
your parents? I do hope you mother is doing well in her law practice.

I know this is an important year for you as you are taking the PMR
examinations. Do study hard and you will get what you wish for.
Main Body: .
Purpose I I am writing to inform you that my family will be migrating to
London in October this year. My elder brother who is a cardiologist in
Manchester has completed all the documentation needed for our
emigration and while we are eager to leave for this new exciting
country, we are also sad to leave all our relatives and friends behind.
Dad says it is for the better as education is better for me and my
brother, Jerome in UK and he himself could find a job quite easily
there with a renowned computer software company.

I So before I leave for London, I intend to pay you a visit soon. I am

quite free during the month of August and if it is no trouble to you, I
could fly in on Air Asia on any of the week-end so that we can spend
some time together. We had so much fun the last time, remember?

Conclusion II hope to receive a reply from you soon. Meanwhile do take care and
send my regards to your parents and also to your sister, Sally.

Signing off Only me,

Signature Caithlin Jane

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Let us look at the correct sample of an informal letter.

Address of 45,Jalan Kemboja 6,

Sender Taman Kaya Mewah,
733900 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Date 3 November 2011

Dear Penny,
Introduction How have you been? I haven’t heard from you for ages since we
said goodbye to each other at the Bayan Lepas International Airport
last November. How are you? In pink, I hope. How are your parents? I
do hope you mother is doing well in her law practice.

I know this is an important year for you as you are taking the PMR
examinations. Do study hard and you will get what you wish for.
Main Body: .
Purpose I I am writing to inform you that my family will be migrating to
London in October this year. My elder brother who is a cardiologist in
Manchester has completed all the documentation needed for our
emigration and while we are eager to leave for this new exciting
country, we are also sad to leave all our relatives and friends behind.
Dad says it is for the better as education is better for me and my
brother, Jerome in UK and he himself could find a job quite easily
there with a renowned computer software company.

I So before I leave for London, I intend to pay you a visit soon. I am

quite free during the month of August and if it is no trouble to you, I
could fly in on Air Asia on any of the week-end so that we can spend
some time together. We had so much fun the last time, remember?

Conclusion II hope to receive a reply from you soon. Meanwhile do take care and
send my regards to your parents and also to your sister, Sally.

Signing off Yours sincerely,

Signature Caithlin Jane

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