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Assignment 2 solution

Option in yellow is correct

1. With regard to the abrasion test on aggregates,
A. In Los-Angeles abrasion test, the limited value of the percentage weight of aggregates
sieved through 1.7 mm sieve is 30% for aggregates to be used for concrete applications other
than wearing surfaces.
B. Aggregate samples are subjected to little or no impact loads in Deval’s abrasion test

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

2. With regard to the chemical properties of aggregates,
A. In soundness test, the loss of weight of aggregates due to soaking in sodium sulfate
solution for fine aggregate shall be greater than 10%.
B. One factor that triggers expansion is alkali-silica reaction is availability of moisture.

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

3. With regard to the condition of aggregates exposed to atmosphere:
A. The difference between the weights of aggregates in the saturated wet and saturated
surface-dried condition is called ‘water absorption’.
B. If ‘air-dried’ aggregates are used, no additional water is required to be added to the mix or
free water while making concrete

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

4. With regard to the size distribution of aggregates,
A. Cumulative percentage retained values are used to determine the fineness modulus
while cumulative percentage passing values are used to establish grading curve.
B. A fineness modulus value of 8 for an aggregate sample indicates that it is fine

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

5. With regard to the effect of shape of aggregates on concrete property,
A. Rounded aggregates are preferred from the standpoint of workability.
B. Flat and elongated aggregates are preferred from the standpoint of strength.
Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

6. With regard to the aggregate production operations,

A. Cone and roller crushers are typical examples of primary and secondary crushers,
B. Ball mill grinders are used to reduce large-sized aggregates such as boulders to
small-sized coarse aggregate.

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

7. Two strategies to improve the workability of concrete without changing its proportions
A. Decrease the fine to coarse aggregate proportion keeping all other proportions fixed.
B. Increase the aggregate size.

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

8. With regard to the use of air-entraining agents,

A. Crystal pressures are developed when concrete does not have sufficient air-voids of
specific size range.
B. Air-entraining agents has polar chains with hydrophilic ends, which helps in
producing air-voids of specific size range.

Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

9. With regard to the use of chemical admixtures,
A. Accelerators are used to improve workability.
B. The dosage of chemical admixtures is usually greater than 2% by weight of cement
Both statements are True

Both statements are False

Statement A is False and B is True

Statement A is True and B is False

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