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Pakistan International School (English Section)

Riyadh, K.S.A
First Term Examination 2017-2018
(Afternoon/Morning Shift)

Subject: Islamic studies Grade: ____

Time Allowed: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Student’s Name: …………………………………………..

Section: …….. Date: ……….…………….

Instructions to Candidates

 Write your name, section and date on the cover page.

 Write in dark blue or black pen in the spaces provided on the question paper.
 Use a pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
 Do not use correction fluid.
 If any Extra Sheet is required, request the Invigilator.
 Attempt all questions.
 The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part of a question.
 This document consists of …… printed pages excluding the front page.

For Examiner’s Use Only

First Class/Home First Term Total For Result

Assessment Work Examination Card
(30) (10) (60) (100) (50)

___________________ ___________________
Invigilator’s Name and Signature Examiner’s Signature

Section A 30

Q 1 . Complete the following sentences: ( /7)

1. The first man Allah created was Adam.

2. For many _years Nuh (‫ )عليه السالم‬tried to turn his people to Allah.

3. The Arabic name for life after death is ___ Akhirah ___.

4. The Islamic calendar is based on the movements of _ the moon___.

5. Ramadan_ is the month of strict fasting.

6. Eed prayer is the Sunnah_ of the Prophet.

7. Eating and drinking is a form of __Ibadah__.

Q 2: Write True or False: ( /7)

a. Zakaat-ul-Fitr may be given after the Eed prayer. false

b. Zakaat-ul-Fitr falls on the first day of Shawwal false

c. The Eed prayer is held before sunrise. false

d. The Eed prayer has four rak'ahs. false

e. The Eed prayer has neither adhan nor iqamah true

f. Ramadan ends with the sighting of the new moon of shawwal. true

g. Swine is an animal whose meat is allowed. false

Q 3: Choose the correct answer: ( /4)

a) On day of judgement everyone will be judged according to their:

(a) Deeds (b) wealth

b) When Nuh (‫ )عليه السالم‬built a ship all the people

(a) Helped him (b) Laughed at him

c) Muslims must obey Allah and eat only

(a) Halaal foods (b) Any food

d) Disobedience and wickedness will be

(a) Punished (b) Rewarded

Q4: Circle the Haraam foods and drinks: ( /5)

Seafood bacon dry fruits wine fresh grapes juice

Butter lard pineapple pork vegetables blood

Q5: Match with the right endings. ( /7)

Festival of sacrifice
1. Prostration

2. Sermon

Festival of breaking the fast

3. Takbeeratul Ihraam

4. Eed ul Fitr

First Takbeer to start Salah

5. Eed ul Adh-haa

For the life to come

As the time passed
6. (_7__)

People began to worship false gods.

7. This life is the preparation

Section B 30

Q1. Write down the meaning of these words:

Halaal: ( /2)

Halal is an Arabic word which means ‘’allowed’’ , permitted

or lawful.

Haram: ( /2)

Haram is an Arabic word which means ‘’not

allowed’’prohibited or unlawful’’

Q2. Name the following: ( /5)

a) The end of the month of Ramadan is marked by a festival.

_________Eed-ul-Fitr__________ ____________________________

b) Where was Prophet Nuh (‫')عليه السالم‬s ship rested.


c) The Surah for guidance.

________Surah al-fatiah____________________________ ___________

d) The last message of Allah.

_________QURAN ___________________________________________

e) The Eed prayer is usually performed in.

_________In a large Mosque or in an open space__ __________________

Q3. What did Nuh (‫ )عليه السالم‬remind his people? ( /3)

Nuh A.S reminded his people that there is only one God, Allah, and that they

shoud worship Him alone. He warned them not to bow down before idols and false


Q4. What did they call him? ( /2)

When Nuh A.S called His people to worship Allah,they made fun of him.They

called him a liar and a madman.

Q5. Whom will Allah punish and whom will He reward? ( /4)

Allah will reward those who believe in Him,do good actions and obey His

messengers. He will also punish those who do not believe in Him,do bad actions

and reject His messengers.

Q6. What does Eed-ul-Fitr mean and when does it come about?

The end of the month of Ramadan is marked by a festival called Eed ul Fitr, which

means ‘’The festival of breaking fast ’’ it is held on the first day of shawwal.

Q7. What special things happen on the Day of Eed? ( /3)

It is the time for thanks giving and joy .Families get together to share happiness

and to exchange greetings .Muslims perform Salat-ul-Eed.

Q8. Why do you think Muslims should eat only Halaal food? ( /3)

Muslims must obey Allah and eat only halal food to live , to be healthy and

strong ,and to worship Allah better They must eat to do good deeds and to

become strong and to fight against evil.

Q9. How did Allah destroy the wicked people? ( /3)

Heavy rain began to fall.The flood covered the land.Wicked people were
drowned. All evil was washed away from the face of the earth.


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