Probability Lesson Plan - Part 2

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Name: Hend Alyammahi / H00357629 Grade Lesson title: Probabilities

Level: 2/A

CCSS Standards:

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- The students will be able to color the balls in the bag depending on the chance if it was
(certain, impossible, likely and unlikely).

teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers Worksheets 1, bags flashcards.
teacher materials Bags flashcards, markers
student materials/ Worksheet 1, colors.
technology Data show, computer,
other Chances game
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Certain free from doubt or reservation; confident; sure:

Impossible not possible; unable to be, exist, happen
Likely the extent to which something is likely to happen or
be the case.
Unlikely not likely to be or occur; improbable; marked by
Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- Some students might know the meaning of the above vocabulary list.
- Few students might know what probability (chance) mean.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

- The students might know other terms like: uncertain and possible instead of
- Some students might get very excited when playing the game.
- I will write all the terms on the board, and I will tell the students about them.
- I will make sure to stop them if they were too loud.

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
- What is the chance of…/ certain mean it will happen for sure/ impossible mean it will
never happen/ likely mean it might happen/ unlikely mean it might not happen.
Student communication and use of math language
The students must use the (certain, likely, unlikely and impossible) to describe probabilities.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):
On the carpet
1- After the greeting, I will review the words (certain, impossible, likely
and unlikely) with the students. I will ask them when we use each one 3 min
of them? I will ask them to give me some examples.
2- We will play a game, I will ask the boys to stand up and the girls must
answer the questions. (I will ask them what are the chances to choose 7 min
Joud from the ones who is standing?). then I will ask the girls to stand
up and we will do the same by asking the boys questions about

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

3- I will show the students the picture of the bag with the empty circles. I
will tell them that we will color the circles according to the question 5 min
above. If it says certain red that’s mean, we will color all the circles
red. We will do all the chances together, I will ask some students to
4- I will give the students the worksheet to solve individually. But first I
will show it to them, I will solve the first question with them. I will send 6min
them back to their tables. I will move around to help the students and
watch their work.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

5- To practice using the new vocabulary, we will play what's in the bag 12 min
game. I will display the game on the board. The game is about
identifying the probability of pulling a particular colorful ball from the
bag. If the bag has all red balls so, the chances are certain because,
there are no other colors in the bag and so on…
6- I will try to choose different students each time. For the right answers I
will say: well done, good job, excellent. For the wrong answers I will
say: nice try, are you sure, may be next time.
What’s in the Bag
Certain to get red Impossible to get green

likely to get red than Unlikely to_________

From the core part where I showed them the bags on the board and asked to color
the chances.

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