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SPE 65140

Design Methodology for Selection of Horizontal Open-Hole Sand Control Completions

Supported by Field Case Histories
C. Bennett and J.M. Gilchrist, BP; E. Pitoni, ENIAgip; R.C. Burton and R.M. Hodge, Conoco; J. Troncoso,
Repsol-YPF; S.A. Ali and R. Dickerson, Chevron; C. Price-Smith and M. Parlar, Schlumberger

Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

to many of the previous factors, critical drivers affecting
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 SPE European Petroleum Conference "what" are identified as wellbore architecture, reservoir
held in Paris, France, 24 and 25 October 2000.
lithology and petrophysical properties, and sandface
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
equipment reliability. Additional parameters impacting "how"
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to are reservoir drilling fluid, displacement and cleanup
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at methodology, screen type, operational
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
implementation/assurance (risk management, operational
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is timing and location logistics), torque and drag analysis, and
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous gravel placement simulations.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Secondly, examples of this methodology are presented in
detailed case histories pertaining to different types of
Abstract horizontal openhole sandface completions including slotted
liners, standalone screens (including expandable) and gravel
Reservoirs requiring sand control pose a major challenge for packs as well as various integrated cleanup methods, along
selection of a suitable completion method. Horizontal open- with a summary of lessons learnt by each company.
hole completions have been successfully utilised in such
reservoirs to eliminate sand production, while maximising
Introduction and Literature Review
productivity/injectivity and well deliverability throughout the
expected life of the completion and minimising risk and
complexity. Open-hole horizontal completions have been widely used in
oil and gas industry for effective exploitation of hydrocarbon
Although horizontal open hole sand control completions have reserves over the last two decades, in both sandstone and
been applied widely in the last decade, ranging from pre- carbonate formations. In sandstones, a major issue has been
perforated/slotted liners to gravel packs, and many case whether sand control is required during the life of a particular
histories have been discussed in the literature, a systematic well, and if so, what technique to use in order to minimise
methodology for selecting these completion methods remains overall completion and remediation costs, thus to increase
to be documented. It is the objective of this paper to propose profitability.
such a design methodology by unifying the broad experience
and understanding from a global and technically integrated Most recently Bennett1 has developed a cross plot (Figure 1)
perspective. that looks at the likelihood of wellbore failure with respect to
formation quality and has used this to provide guidelines as to
The paper first discusses a generalised and unified sandface completion methodology, based on experienced
methodology for determining when to install sand control, gained in the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico wells.
what to install for sand control and how to install sand control
in horizontal open-hole completions. Specific factors In earlier times others2 had developed a questionnaire based
recognised as affecting "when" are in-situ stresses and pore approach for pooling industry experience and providing a
pressure decline (sand prediction), expected well life, database of events from which to learn and share.
production rate, hydrocarbon and well type, gross product Unfortunately due to the anecdotal emphasis this encouraged,
value, sand tolerance capacity, environmental limitations and little remains or has been developed since, especially in light
intervention capabilities, whilst the integration of all these of the fact that the industry’s pace of technological
factors have an impact on the overall risk analysis. In addition

development and understanding has once again accelerated in sand prediction models and resultant strategies, in order to
the last 3-4 years. ascertain the extent of their validity.

So whilst we see that a tremendous level of expertise and Standalone Screens or Open Hole Gravel Packing?
experience has been gained, through a large number of
horizontal well applications in sandstone formations and Early horizontal wells requiring sand control were completed
numerous publications exist, a well-defined set of guidelines using screens or slotted liners in openhole. Screens were
for selecting the most suitable sand control technique in open often run in mud and wellbore clean-up techniques were
hole horizontal wells has not been published to date. It is evolving. The generally poor level of clean-up led to serious
therefore the objective of this paper to provide a unified set of plugging problems in many wells. 11-14 Although there were
guidelines based on 5 operators' and a completion service variations between operators, failure rates of 50% and higher
provider's experience and engineering expertise. occurred in a number of early projects using standalone
screens for sand control in horizontal wells.1 As better drill-in
The paper is organised as follows. First, we discuss sand fluids were developed and better clean-up techniques
prediction methodology that should be used in order to implemented, horizontal well failure rates declined to an
determine whether or not sand control is prescribed, and if so industry average of around 15 to 20%.
when in the life of the well/reservoir it would be required.
Once it is established that sand control is needed, the In order to combat well failures due to plugging and sand
subsequent step is to decide between gravel packing (GP) and breakthrough a number of operators began to implement
standalone screens (SAS), for which we offer criteria based on gravel packs in their horizontal wells requiring sand control.
current field experience, knowledge and experimental data.3 As with standalone screens in openhole, early gravel packing
For gravel packing, the next step is a selection methodology designs have evolved with time and study. At the current state
between the two techniques used in open-hole horizontals: of affairs gravel packing is widely thought to reduce the risk
water packing and shunt-packing. This is then followed by of well failure due to sand erosion, as the gravel pack
screen selection for the respective techniques; i.e., water stabilises the formation and minimises the risk of plugging
packing, shunt packing and standalone screen completions. and subsequent screen erosion, thus the associated
Numerous case histories are given to support the selection productivity losses. From a technical standpoint, gravel
methodology, both successes and failures. Finally, suggestions packing is the preferred method of sand control in open-hole
for future work and conclusions are made. horizontal completions, leading to the conclusion that all
horizontal wells should be gravel packed. However, gravel
Sand Prediction packing does not provide this insurance without additional
costs. In addition, up until 6-7 years ago, the two gravel
Prediction of formation failure criteria and subsequent packing techniques widely used today were not well
reservoir sand production tendency is a necessary first step in established and understood. Today, apart from economics,
horizontal well design. Use of an effective formation failure there is little reason not to gravel pack an open-hole horizontal
prediction system, allows the operator to determine if well.
downhole sand exclusion completions, with their attendant
high cost and complexity, are required. High pressure, high temperature wells may be exceptions and
are currently under-estimated from a technical and operational
A number of different failure prediction systems have been perspective, whereby the ability to gravel pack may be
discussed in the literature.4-10 These range from analog studies hampered by fluid availability and compatibility issues and
to log based predictions to core studies to integrated core and these amongst others, will be the serious challenges of the
failure simulation studies. From these studies the well future.
designer can determine reservoir sand production potential.
This information in turn can be used with estimated sand Expandable screens may provide an alternative to gravel
production costs and sand mitigation costs to determine the packing, and have shown a degree of applicability, in their
most economic sand control strategy. The details of this type early/maturing stages of product life. As this remains a
of analysis are beyond the scope of this paper, however, developing technology, issues with respect to determining
suffice to say that methods are available to determine when applicable selection criteria remains outside the scope of this
downhole sand exclusion is economically justified. Once paper.
justified the well designer must select the best method of In the criteria for selection between standalone screens and
downhole sand control to apply. gravel packing (Appendix A), we capture technical factors
Hence the integration of prediction / geomechanics into SC is explicitly and economic considerations implicitly. These
vital. Furthermore sand detection on surface and potentially in criteria were created through pooling of expert opinions from
the future real-time downhole, is critical to long term delivery 6 major operators and a service company, and reflect their
and provide the necessary deterministic feedback loop to the

worldwide experiences as well as consensus reached on formation sand size distribution, and not in net-to-gross. Thus,
establishing critical decision-making steps. net-to-gross refers to distinct non-pay shale/silt sections. High
net-to-gross indicates small amounts of non-pay sections that
In high-risk environments such as deep water (>1,500 ft.) could be isolated through inflatable packers or present a
and/or high rate gas + a gas contract for example, where the minimal risk in terms of plugging in a standalone screen
cost of intervention or remediation could upset the field completion. In non-uniform sand environment, all subsea
economics, the additional cost of gravel packing significantly producers or injectors should be gravel packed because of the
outweighs the risk associated with standalone screen high cost of intervention.
completions. In non-deep-water environments, the selection
between standalone screens and gravel packing depends In uniform sand environments with large sand grains (D50 >
primarily on formation sand size distribution and its fines 75 µm), the default is standalone screens due primarily to cost
content. For small formation sand sizes (D50 < 75 µm), fines and historically low-risk of screen failure. Exceptions are
(particles < 44 µm) constitute a large portion of the sand size listed in Appendix A, utilising similar considerations as to
distribution, thereby making design of standalone screens annular area, wellbore stability, net-to-gross, etc. Multiple
impractical based on data presented by Tiffin et al.3 (NOTE: shale sections can introduce complications and bring the cost
measurements to determine fines content etc., stated in this of standalone screen completions close to gravel packing
paper are mechanical sieve measurements and not based on when inflatable packers must be used for isolating shale
laser granulometry measurements). All wells that fall into this sections in order to prevent movement of fines (shales).
category must be gravel packed regardless of the other
parameters. In reservoirs with medium-to-large grains D50 > In such cases, gravel packing should be preferred since the
75 µm, the primary factors to consider are uniformity and packing of shale sections is possible through leakoff into the
fines content. In non-uniform sand environment, the default screen/wash-pipe annulus. In addition, depending on the
for the completion technique is also gravel-packing with few length of the shale section, a gravel pack can offer significant
exceptions. Examples of these exceptions are non-subsea resistance to undesired water production if a pay zone
producers with short well life (2-3 years) and uniform hole between two shale sections is internally isolated (e.g.,
collapse regardless of production rates or low-rate non-subsea polished bore receptacles) due to high water-cut.
producers with partial/no hole collapse and high net-to-gross, Alternatively, if inflatable packers (IPs) are required for
or non-subsea water injectors with annular-to-base-pipe area absolute isolation/compartmentalisation, such packers can be
ratio less than 1.25. The annular-to-base-pipe area ratio is an bypassed through the use of shunt tubes if shunt technique is
important parameter as it dictates the fraction of flow that used for gravel packing. This system has been designed and is
occurs in the wellbore/screen annulus bearing in mind partial available for in sizes from 4 in. to 5½ in. base pipe IPs and
hole collapse. High ratios promote more problems in terms of lengths up to 20 ft. long.
fines movement and consequently erosion and fines
production (or plugging of the formation in injectors). Water-Packing or Shunt-Packing?

Mean time to failure for standalone screen completions has Once gravel packing is selected as the completion method, the
been 3½ years in the North Sea15 and it has been noted that a next step is to decide on the placement technique; i.e. water or
large portion of primarily standalone screens used in shunt packing. The differences in packing mechanisms of
horizontal wells in the Gulf of Mexico have failed, within on these two methods have been discussed in several
average the first 2-3 years of production. 2, 16 Thus, we define publications.17, 18 Although both techniques have been used
short well life as 2-3 years based on statistical information. successfully to gravel pack open-hole horizontal wells
exceeding 3,000 ft, the success ratio in terms of gravel
Obviously in light of subsequent studies, conducted primarily packing the whole horizontal interval has been different.
by operators but to some degree by the screen providers and Based on overall industry experience, the success ratio
service companies, this criteria is changing, as a fuller (complete packing) has been about 70% for water packs and
appreciation of the limits of standalone screens is obtained. 100% for shunt packs. There many “environmental”
Thereby utilising standalone screens in a more purposeful and differences as to the level of overall success in water packing
applicable environments. Hence complimentary to these and it has been noted that a primary driver for success has
studies and the experiences gained since 1997, this paper goes been length of hole and shale content/reactivity in the
some way in providing broad guidelines as to use of reservoir. We have provided some additional guidelines,
standalone screen as well as a gravel pack methodology in whereby water packing has a high degree of risk associated
open hole horizontal wells. with it, in Appendix B, hence the requirement to shunt pack.
It is well known that water packing requires existence of a
By this definition, if clays are dispersed in the productive sand low-permeability filtercake in order to maintain an
bodies, they would be taken into account as part of the equilibrium gravel height below the wellbore diameter. As

long as a tight filtercake exists, the only limitation of water Screen Selection
packing is friction pressure and thus the potential to exceed
fracturing pressure. However, high fluid losses induced due to Standalone Screens
loss of cake integrity because of cake erosion or inadvertently
exceeding the fracturing pressure can result in a premature Screens in this case are sized to stop formation sand. Various
screen-out. The signature for the former is slow loss of returns criteria have been offered in the literature, ranging from those
while for the latter rapid increase in losses. The documented based on a single diameter in the formation sand size
rate of premature screen-outs in horizontal wells with shale distribution (either D10 as suggested by Rogers23 or 2*D10 as
sections is high. In addition, wells drilled with synthetic/oil- recommended by Coberly24) to attempts to better characterise
based reservoir drilling fluids (S/OB-RDFs), water (brine) the distribution through a uniformity coefficient (D40/D90).25
packing introduces a higher level of risk, due to the fluid-fluid Recently, Tiffin et al.3 provided guidelines based on further
compatibility and integrity of the S/OB-RDF filtercake in long experimental results, where they introduced two new
horizontal intervals.19 In wells where out-of-gauge sections parameters: Sorting coefficient D10/D95 and mass fraction of
are expected (e.g., shaly, low net-to-gross environments), the fines (particles smaller than 44 µm). Their recommendations
equilibrium gravel height in the enlarged section would be can be summarised as follows.
higher than the gauge hole section resulting in premature
termination of the α-wave. The same applies when the hole- Standalone Screens can be used if: D10 /D95 < 10 and
size decreases from the gauge hole (e.g., below the casing
shoe-previous casing rat hole). Furthermore issues with Wire-Wrapped Screens should be used if:
respect to rathole need to be considered, especially for subsea
wells, where typically there remains a large (over size) rat D40/D90 < 3 and Fines < 2% by Wt.
hole section below the last casing point and this enlarged hole
has lead to a number of premature screen outs when water Prepacked or Premium Screens should be used if:
packing has been used. 20
3 < D40/D90 < 5 and 2%< Fines < 5% by Wt.
In low-pressure reservoirs, the risk of premature screen-out
becomes higher should cake erosion occur. In cases where a Gravel Packing should be used if:
wash pipe cannot be run (e.g., shallow TVD and long
laterals), water-packing cannot be used as the placement D10 /D95 > 10 or D40/D90 > 5 or Fines > 5% by Wt.
technique.21 Similarly, in cases where inflatable packers
would be required to provide for zonal isolation in In this paper, the criteria set above have been used for
conjunction with a gravel pack, shunt technique can be decision between gravel packing and standalone screens as
applied to bypass the inflated packers and/or inflate the well as screen selection in standalone completions, with the
packers.22 In high-risk environments, where the reliance on exception of deep water environment where high cost of
the gravel pack is greatest (e.g., fine and/or non-uniform sand intervention justifies gravel packing. Appendix C shows the
environment) and keeping in mind the previously mentioned screen selection criteria for cases where standalone
factors, shunt packing is recommended (Appendix B). In deep completions are appropriate (see Appendix A).
water and/or subsea environment, water-packing is
recommended only in cases where the formation sand is Water Packing
relatively uniform and net-to-gross is relatively high (> 60 or
80% depending on wellbore stability considerations, annular- The most commonly used screens in water-packs are premium
to-base-pipe area ratio and expected production rates). screens. These screens typically have mesh openings
Furthermore, as water packing carries a large degree of risk equivalent to 20/40 or 12/20 gravel pack pore sizes (105 µm
associated with attaining a 100% pack other factors that need and 205 µm, respectively) on the average. The reason that the
to be considered in relation to those criteria mentioned above premium screens are popular with water packing is because
are; rat hole, frac gradient, potential for filter-cake swabbing, they offer back up for formation sand retention in case of
etc. These can be major issues that drive the completion premature screen-out. Although the unpacked screen segments
engineer to assess the risk associated with Water Packing, downstream may suffer from plugging as in standalone screen
especially in a high rate/value wells in subsea/deepwater completions, they do provide adequate sand retention.
environments Plugging can eventually lead to hot spots and erosion of the
screens depending on production rates, hydrocarbon type,
Logistical issues that should also be considered are those wellbore stability and length of screen exposed. Thus, as seen
associated with location, equipment, potential advantages of in Appendix D, the default for water packing is premium
simultaneous cleanup and gravel packing, particularly for screens, with few exceptions where large, relatively uniform
injectors. sands are encountered and standalone completions are
inappropriate (e.g., subsea, high rate producers/injectors).

string and in with the production tubing due to low-corrosion

Shunt Packing rates, and eliminate a subsequent use of coiled tubing. In
gravel packed completions, cake removal can in principle be
Because this technique does not rely on presence or the state done before, after or during gravel packing. It has been
of the filtercake and allows bypass of any bridges formed due demonstrated, through laboratory experiments, that cake
to either high leakoff or wellbore instability (e.g., shale removal during gravel packing with water is a risk that is not
collapse), it is more risk adverse. As such, the default for worth taking if a modified work string that allows circulation
shunt packing is wire-wrap screens. Exceptions where immediately after gravel packing is used.31 Recent work by
premium or prepacked screens may be used are listed in Brady et al32 has shown that gravel packed wells require an
Appendix E. These are primarily fine and/or highly non- enzyme or an oxidiser treatment as a minimum depending on
uniform sands in high value environments such as deep water the mineralogy (clays, clean sand etc.) along the horizontal
and/or subsea. well and gravel size, as also shown by Hodge and Burton.33
Simultaneous gravel packing and cake cleanup can provide a
What to do before and after installing Screens cost effective means in achieving optimal completion results
in terms of productivity and inflow profile as demonstrated by
Of equal importance to the selection of a completion several field case histories.34
technique are displacements prior to and after running the
screens into the wellbore. Wellbore displacements prior to Case Histories
running the screens in hole is dictated by the type of screens to
be used, irrespective of the completion type. RDF We now present 10 case histories where the proposed criteria
conditioning can be practical for wire-wrapped screens were checked against what was actually practiced and what
(depending on slot openings), although premium or shunted the results were. It should be kept in mind that some of these
screens (wire-wrapped or otherwise) should always be run in a field applications have been done when there was essentially
solids-free system to prevent plugging and/or to ensure little experience with horizontal sand control completions. The
effective displacement prior to gravel packing, respectively. 26, Case Histories are highlighted within the Appendices, in the
Torque and drag analysis must also be done to ensure comments section, in order to highlight and demonstrate the
trouble-free installation, eliminating mechanical screen rationale used and how it compares to the design methodology
damage during deployment that has been a significant source proposed.
of sand control failures around the world.1, 2, 16 Furthermore,
if the completion will be a gravel pack, sensitivity runs should Case History 1: Standalone Wire-Wrapped Screens, West
be made using gravel placement simulators in order to ensure Africa - Oil Wells (Low Rate)
successful execution and minimise the risk. 28, 29
These wells located offshore West Africa, not deep water and
Another significant aspect in sand control completions is the not subsea, are part of a field development of 8 wells all
issue of filtercake cleanup. For standalone screen completions, completed in the same vane. The reservoir permeability is 4.2
cleanup treatments are done after screens are installed. It has to 6.6 Darcy range, with a D50 of 170 µm, D10/D95 ~ 10,
been well established through field experience and supported D40/D90 ~ 3, and fines content less than 2%. Horizontal length
by laboratory experiments that rapid reacting breakers such as was 1,500 ft with a net to gross greater than 80%, and the
acids (more so for HCl) cannot provide uniform filtercake wellbore diameter was 8½ in. The selected completion method
removal. Slow-reacting breakers such as enzymes and was natural sand packing (standalone screens). The screens
oxidisers should be preferred to remove the polymeric were 10 gauge, 5½ in. wire-wrapped screens with 6 in. OD,
components of water-based RDF filtercakes. Furthermore, hence annular to base pipe area ratio is 1.41. The production
when removal of bridging agents such as CaCO3 is necessary, rate was 6,000 BOPD, which equates to 4 BOPD/ft. The
two-step treatments (e.g., enzyme or oxidiser soak followed resulting PI for the wells ranged from 61 to 102 BPD/psi. No
by acid) are considered ineffective, unless acid injection is PLTs have been performed and transient well testing indicated
done through a jetting or cup tool.26 Another major concern is a mechanical skin of –1 to zero for all wells. The wells have
corrosion of sand control screens due to ineffective been on production for 8 years without sand production, and
displacement of acids and low spots/holdup in well trajectory. no decline in production apart from natural depletion.
More effective means of removing both the polymeric Appendix A suggests that standalone screen completion
components and the bridging agents have recently been would be appropriate for this field. Furthermore, Appendix E
proposed and used successfully in field applications.30, 18 suggests wire-wrapped screens, as successfully practiced in
Such breakers allow placement of chemicals without creating the field.
thief zones, providing more uniform cleanup (thus preventing Case History 2: Standalone Prepacked Screens, West
premature gas/water breakthrough), save rig time by Africa - Oil Wells (Low Rate)
permitting cake removal during the trip out with the work

This is a field developed during last eight years with 4” sections were 166 ft. to 822 ft. of the total open-hole length
standalone prepack screens with a 5.1 in. OD. 6¼ in. i.e. providing a net to gross equal to 60 to 90%.
horizontal open holes were drilled in 2 Darcy sand at
approximately 1609 ft. (500 m) TVD, offshore in a non These wells produced for between ½ to 3 years until
subsea environment. Production from the filed has been at an catastrophic sand failure occurred resulting in their shut in.
average flow rate of 250-300 cu. m/d (1575 to 1885 BOPD)
on ESP with a 10 bar (147 psi) of drawdown pressure. The design and screen selection criteria presented in this paper
(see Appendices A through E) indicates that for wells of this
Screen base pipe/Annular open Hole ratio was 1.07 and type i.e. medium grain size (125 micron), non uniform and
average open lengths of 300 m (1000 ft) equating to 1.5 – 2 high fines content formation sands, medium net to gross (60-
BOPD/ft. 80%) and high flow rates that a Water or Shunt Gravel-Pack
open hole completion with a prepack or premium screen
Reservoir sand size distribution depending on formation layer would have been most appropriate to achieve extended well
ranged from life and minimise or eliminate sand production. In the case
where net to gross is higher than 80% and rates are lower (<10
D50 ≈ 175-225 µm, D10/D95 ≈ 30-150, D40/D90 ≈ 20- bpd/ft) with large annular to base pipe ratio then water
40 and fines percentage (<44 µm) >> 5% from 1613 packing would be preferred.
ft. (498.3m) to 1609 ft. (501.2m) TVD i.e. large very
non-uniform sand Case History 4: Water Pack using Premium Screens,
to North Sea - Oil Well (High Rate)
D50 ≈ 150-205 µm, D10/D95 ≈ 3-10, D40/D90 ≈ 2-5 and
fines percentage (<44 µm) < 5% from 1614 ft. Further to Case History 3 and due to the well failures that
(501.5m) to 1644 ft. (511.0m) TVD i.e. large resulted, the design was changed to open hole water packs in
uniform sand. the subsequent wells in the same field, as determined through
criteria given in Appendix A.
Oil is 40-60 API and low GOR and with an active water
injection program in place. All the reservoir conditions remained the same in terms of
formation sand characterisation, production rates (15,000 to
Hence by using the Appendices starting with A it is clear to 25,000 BPD) but the shale section encountered were typically
see that such wells: low rate, large sand (uniform to non 0 to 300 ft. resulting in a net to gross >80%.
uniform), low annular to base pipe area ratios can be
completed using standalone completions. The screen selection The screen type used was a premium screen due to the
for standalone screens (Appendix E) points to the fact that medium size and non-uniform nature of the sands and the high
prepack (cost) or premium screens would be the best screen flow rate conditions, as shown in Appendix D.
selection for this application especially in light of the
uniformity variance in the formation. Subsequently these wells have been flowing for 2½ years with
no sign of sand ingress and cumulative fluid off-takes from
Case History 3: Standalone Prepacked/Premium Screen, the reservoir have exceeded those from the previous case
North Sea - Oil Well (High Rate) history using prepack/premium standalone screens.

Located offshore in a non subsea or deepwater environment in Case History 5: Water Pack using Premium Screens,
the North Sea the completion design called for prepack and Europe - Gas Well (High Rate)
later premium standalone screens for the initial horizontal oil
wells. An offshore non subsea field development of four open hole
horizontal well, drilled and completed during the last three
Reservoir conditions were as follows: years, in a gas bearing sand of 500 mD to gas permeability at
a depth of 619 - 623 m (1992 - 2005 ft.) TVD. The wells were
D50 of 125 µm, D10/D95 ≈ >10, D40/D90 ≈ 5, and fines completed as water packs (20/40 gravel in a 1.3 s.g. CaCl2
content ≈ 7%. brine) in 6¼ in. 150 m (≈ 485 ft.) open hole, using premium
screens. Screen type used was 4 in. base pipe, premium (5.08
Production rates for the 2000 ft. open hole horizontal in. OD) 110 µm opening, giving an annular to base pipe area
completions ranged from 20,000 - 33,000 BFPD, which ratio ≈ 1.06.
equates to 10-16 BFPD/ft. (i.e. High rate wells). Annular to
base pipe ratio was 1.12 given 6.65 in. OD prepack screens Reservoir conditions were as follows:
(5½” base pipe) were run in 8½ in. open hole. Typically shale

D50 of 156 µm, D10/D95 ≈ >16, D40/D90 ≈ 5, and fines analysis data presented above, suggest that the fines content
content ≈ 11% (Non-uniform), does require the use of premium screens. The decision of
using a stand-alone premium screen completion agrees with
with no clay barriers or zones encountered during drilling, the selection criteria (Appendices A and E) but it could be
resulting in a net to gross for the reservoir of 100%. speculated that the reduction in productivity could have been
avoided by an integrated wellbore cleanup process,
Production rates for the 480 ft. open hole horizontal immediately after, the standalone screen installation.
completions has been typically 90 MMSCF/D, which equates
to 0.2 MMSCF/ft. (i.e. ≈ High rate gas wells). Case History 7: Water Packing using Premium Screens,
Far East - Oil Well (High Rate)
Hence in summary for high rate gas well in a non uniform
environment, non subsea then gravel pack is the preferred Well #17 in the same field as case history number 6, was
approach (Appendix A), whilst gravel pack type as can be completed in 407 ft. of clean sand and used an electric
seen in Appendix C is a water pack using a premium screen submersible pump for artificial lift. The reservoir drive
(Appendix D). mechanism is water drive with similar reservoir characteristics
to the ones described in the previous case. Although fines
Case History 6: Standalone Premium Screen, Far East - content is consistently less than 5%, fines migration problems
Oil Well (High Rate) occur in conventional gravel packs that produce at high fluid
rates and high water cuts in this particular field. To mitigate
Located offshore, in a non-subsea completion or deepwater potential problems in this openhole completion, it was decided
environment. The reservoir drive mechanism is pressure to use premium screens (110 µm absolute size rating, 5½ in.
depletion drive. The reservoir permeability is between 1 and 5 base pipe, 6½ in. OD, and 8½ in. open-hole) and gravel pack
Darcy. Core analysis in offset wells indicates the following: the open hole section with 20/40 mesh gravel pack sand.
“water packing” was used as the gravel packing technique,
D50 ≈ 130-210 µm, D10/D95 ≈ 3-6, D40/D90 ≈ 2-3 and however, insufficient slurry rate resulted in incomplete gravel
fines percentage ≈ 4 -5%. placement (73% of theoretical volume). Similarly, a less than
optimum DIF displacement velocity did not efficiently reduce
Well was completed as a stand-alone completion with the filter cake in the well face and likely did not remove
premium screens (110 µm absolute size rating, 5½ in. base cuttings from the open hole section. Well #17 initially
pipe, 6½ in. OD and 8½ in. openhole; annular to base pipe produced at a rate of 20,225 BFPD (19,416 BOPD / 4% water
ratio 1.20) in 1350 ft. clean sand section. This well was the cut) with a PI of 28 BFPD/psi (high rate). The well continued
first horizontal well in a field already developed by directional to produce at high rates and increasing water cuts
wells requiring conventional (internal/cased hole) gravel accompanied by a steady increase in productivity as well. Two
packs for sand control. years after completion, the well produced at approximately
The completion used an electric submersible pump equipped 15,500 BFPD (1100 BOPD / 93% water cut) and a PI of 107
with a downhole pressure sensor to monitor bottom hole BFPD/psi. But by then, there were some surface indications
conditions. The initial production rate was 12,048 BFPD that solids were being produced. A visual inspection and tear
(11,446 BOPD, 5% water cut) and a Productivity Index (PI) down of the downhole equipment (ESP) during a well
of 93 BFPD/psi (high rate). Production declined steadily with workover confirmed that solids were being produced. A video
reservoir pressure depletion accompanied with a slight decline camera and a gravel pack evaluation log run in the horizontal
in productivity. One and a half years later the PI was section determined the extent of the damage. The gravel pack
measured at ≈ 60 BFPD/psi. The decline in productivity was evaluation log indicated potential areas where formation or
attributed to remaining filter-cake and /or fines movement gravel pack sand were produced and the video camera showed
partially plugging the filter media. An enzyme treatment (in a solids in the low side of the wellbore and erosion of the screen
low pH system) was performed restoring the PI to 90 base pipe in several areas, in the unpacked section of the well.
BFPD/psi; similar to the PI measured immediately after Well #17 was repaired with a 3½ in. premium screen run
completion. The treatment targeted the starch and polymer inside the original gravel pack screen. The well was returned
base of the drill-in-fluid and acid sensitive material. This to production at a fluid rate of approximately 10,000 BFPD
indicates that the damage mechanism was filter-cake and a PI ≈ 20 BFPD/psi.
dominated. It is apparent that during production movement of
the remaining filter-cake occurred which did not flow through Based on the production and pressure data, combined with the
the screen filter media, resulting in the slightly lower information obtained from logging and the video camera, it is
productivity. clear that incomplete packing, inconjunction with the absence
of an integrated cleanup treatment, resulted in the majority of
The selection criteria presented in this paper, using the core the flux being attributed to the unpacked hole section. This

eventually resulted in erosion of the premium screens leading

to “sand” production. The wells were completed with a shrouded 4½ in., 16-gauge
wire-wrapped shunt screens. (Wire OD of these screens are
Similarly as in the previous case history, the selection process 4.86 in. given an annular to base pipe area ratio of 4.75 and
presented here suggests that a stand-alone completion using 3.1 respectively).
premium screens should be the recommended completion
type. It is interesting to note that a stand-alone completion Production rates for these wells are 7,700 – 10,000 BOPD
would have facilitated the removal of the excess filter cake respectively corresponding to 38 BOPD/ft. and 11 BOPD/ft.
left in the wellbore after the completion operations and of net interval (high rate). PIs are ≈ 40 bbl/day/psi.
probably improved the well productivity drastically in a
shorter period of time. Similarly, if this well had been a Using the design criteria we see that the use of the shunt
marginal well with a productive life of 2½ years the decision packing methodology is justified based on the high rate nature
to run a standalone screen completion might have been the of the wells and the high reactive shale component (Appendix
correct economic decision. In those wells where a longer life B) in the reservoir which is also the primary driver for the low
is anticipated, however, gravel packing may be a better rate well. Furthermore these wells were being drilled in a new
alternative, assuming you achieve a 100% pack. As mentioned reservoir in the same field, for which little frac gradient data
earlier incomplete gravel packing created “hot spots” that was available prior to drilling.
accelerated or created the failure of the completion, which
emphasises even more the importance of an efficient gravel Case History 9: Standalone Prepack/Premium Screens,
pack, when fines movement occurs with production. Improved North Sea - Gas Wells (High Rate)
reservoir drill-in-fluid displacement (to remove the majority of
the filter cake by displacing at rates greater than 300 ft. per Case History 9 provides data on a series of gas wells located
min. in conjunction with attaining minimum NTU readings, in the Southern Basin of the UK Sector of the North Sea. The
optimising bottomhole assembly e.g. full gauge stabiliser and wells are located offshore with a water depth of approximately
maintaining overbalance) and gravel packing techniques 250ft. Some wells are completed from platforms and some
(shunt packing/simultaneous cleanup or water packing/anti- wells have been completed subsea. Both horizontal and non-
swabbing tools as example combinations) have eliminated the horizontal wells have been used in the area. Average reservoir
recurrence of the problems described in this case history. 32, 34 permeabilities range from 0.1 mD to 200 mD with formation
D50 grain sizes ranging from 150 to 200 µm, 3<D10/D95 <8,
As a general remark, similar horizontal wells in water-drive 2<D40/D90 < 3 and fines content between 1 and 5%. Formation
reservoirs have produced formation sand when gravel failure analysis work conducted in the area show the
placement through water packing has been incomplete. reservoirs to be prone to sand production as depletion
proceeds. The case study wells were completed in an area of
Case History 8: Shunt Packing with Wire Wrap Screens, very low rock strength and were expected to produce sand
North Sea - Oil Well soon after completion if downhole sand exclusion was not
applied. To prevent damaging sand production while
The individual sand bodies in this reservoir consisted of clean, maintaining high productivity, the wells were completed using
well-sorted, 3 - 4 Darcy unconsolidated sands, with the standalone screens in open hole. Early wells were completed
following reservoir sand characteristics: with pre-packed screens using 20/40 resin coated pre-pack
material. Later wells have been completed with premium
D50 ≈ 210 - 260 µm, D10/D95 ≈ 3-4, D40/D90 ≈ 2 and screens. Typical screen ODs ranged from 4½ in. to 5.0 in. As
fines percentage ≈ 5%. noted above, both conventional and horizontal wells are
included in this case study.35 Conventional wells were drilled
The reservoir comprises of sand/shale sequences with through the reservoir at angles from 40 to 50 degrees
approximately 40% shales varying in thickness from several providing open hole completion intervals of from 400 to 500
meters to less than a millimeter. Up to 80% of the shale is ft. MD. Horizontal wells were used to improve rate and
highly reactive smectite clay. The formation has a long fines recovery in lower permeability areas of the field. These
tail when the pay and non-pay sections of the reservoir are horizontal wells provided open hole completion lengths from
combined in the sieve analysis. 2000 to 3500 ft. MD. Net to gross ratios were in excess of
90% for all wells. Drilled wellbore diameters were 6 in. for all
Open hole lengths for the 2 wells in this field, that had cases and production rates ranged from 10 to 150 MMSCFD,
typically been 1500ft for the previous horizontal 7 wells (all with the majority of the wells providing flow rates in the 100+
completed with standalone low profile prepack screen in 8 ½ MMSCFD range. High rate conventional wells produced at
in. open hole, 95% net to gross sands and < 2% fines content) rates of 150 to 450 MSCFD/ft. corresponding to inflow rates
were 300 ft. (10 in. OH) and 1550 ft. (8½ in. OH) of 120 to 350 BPD/ft. at initial flowing conditions of
respectively. approximately 3900 psi. The high rate horizontal wells

typically produced at normalised inflow rates of from 40 to 50 Reservoir conditions were as follows:
MSCFD/ft. which is equivalent to 30 to 40 BPD/ft. at initial
flowing pressures of around 3900 psi. PIs for conventional D50 of 210 µm, D10/D95 ≈ 4, D40/D90 ≈ 2, and fines
wells ranged from 300 to 3000 MSCFD/psi while the content < 2%. (uniform)
horizontal wells had PIs ranging from 500 to 2000
MSCFD/psi. Pressure transient tests performed on both the The completions were a combination of 5½ in. (6.05 in. OD)
conventional and horizontal wells showed completion skins to wire wrap and premium standalone screens Annular to base
be near zero initially with no deterioration over time. One PLT pipe area ratio (≈ 1.45), completed in 8½ in. openhole with net
was performed in a horizontal well. This log showed the well to gross ≈ 80%. Injection rates for the 1500 - 2000 ft.
to be producing with a near uniform flux inflow distribution horizontal completions ranged from 20 – 30,000 BWPD (i.e.
indicating good well clean-up all along the completion High rate wells). Injection pressure is above frac pressure and
interval. These wells have been on production for 6 years the wells have been injecting for over 3 years
without sand production, and no decline in production apart
from natural depletion. Appendix A suggests that standalone Utilising the design criteria as laid out in the Appendices (A
screen completion would be appropriate for this well. and E) these wells should have been gravel-packed. However
Furthermore, Appendix E suggests premium or prepack there remains a concern over open hole gravel-packing water
screens. injectors which will have to operate above frac pressure to get
sustainable injection rates, resulting in the potential to lose the
Case History 10: Standalone Wire Wrap Screens, North gravel to the fracture & plugging when Produced Water Re-
Sea – Water Injector injection (PWRI) is initiated. This raises the question as to
whether OH Frac Packing may be a solution for the future). 34
Case History 10 is a series of 9 water injector wells completed
at 1500 ft water depth, located in the North Sea. The criteria point to the use of wire wrap screens, given a net
to gross of 80%, regardless of standalone or gravel-pack

Future Work

Although we have provided guidelines for selection of a

completion technique in open-hole horizontal wells based on
experts' opinions developed over years of experience and have
supported some of the criteria with case histories, it is our
intention to extend the scope of this work through a joint
industry project. Specifically, we are in the process of
establishing a database for horizontal sand control
completions combined with a knowledge management system
that is supported by well-defined case histories (Case Based
Reasoning) and selection criteria proposed in this paper as a
starting point. This will require operators and service industry
to first define a set of questions in order to qualify successes
and failures, and secondly to provide the required data in
order to refine or validate the criteria.

Some of the criteria set forward may need to be revisited. For

example, completion life expressed in years may not
necessarily be the proper way of qualifying success (i.e., sand-
free production for so many years). High-rate producers (e.g.,
in the North Sea) can produce 25-50 MMbbls per well in 3 to
4 years while low-rate producers reach the same level of
cumulative production in 10-15 years. Similarly, apart from
considerations of high versus low-rates (i.e., length-
normalised rates), we have not utilised well length in our
criteria for selection of a sand control method. Furthermore,
the injector case histories presented have been limited to a
single area, requiring special attention in the future. An

additional area of investigation should be the presence or References

absence of filtercake cleanup treatments in these completions,
as cleanup treatments can have a significant impact on success 1. C.L Bennett: “Sand Control Design for Open Hole
or failure of a sand-control completion (injectors as well as Completions,” presentation, Distinguished Lecturer, 1999.
producers). For example, while a sand control technique could 2. J. McLarty: “How to Complete a Horizontal Well in the
have been successful with a proper cake cleanup methodology Gulf of Mexico: Operators Share Experiences,” Hart’s
(procedures and chemistry), it may end up being a failure (e.g. Petroleum Engineer International, Nov., 1997: pp 63-70.
produce sand). This could be due to incomplete cake cleanup, 3. D.L. Tiffin, G.E. King, R.E. Larese and L.K. Britt: “New
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Tiffin’s sand sorting, uniformity and fines criteria needs to 19, 1998.
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regions of the world, predicting both successes and failures; Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Norman, U.S.A., July
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completions is a necessity if we are to better engineer and Integrated Approach,” SPE 22792 presented at the 1991
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knowledge base developed that will form the platform for Production Prediction: Numerical Approach". SPE
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system. In addition we feel this approach will form the basis 10. R.C. Burton, E.R. Davis, N. Morita and H. O. McLeod:
for a more robust sand management strategy to complement “Application of Reservoir Strength Characterization and
the challenges of oil and gas reservoir management in the Formation Failure Modeling to Analyze Sand Production
future. Potential and Formulate Sand Control Strategies for a
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Acknowledgments presented at ATCE, New Orleans, U.S.A., Sept. 1998.
11. D.F. Ryan, S.V. Browne, and M.P. Burnham: “Mud
The authors thank BP, Chevron, Conoco, ENIAgip, Repsol- Cleanup in Horizontal Wells: A Major Joint Industry
YPF, Schlumberger and TotalFinaElf for permission to Study,” SPE 30528 presented at the SPE Annual Meeting,
publish this paper. Dallas, U.S.A., Oct. 22-25, 1995.
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Netherlands, June 2-3, 1997. and P. A. Monstad: “An Evaluation and Design Approach
15. Internal data within Schlumberger based on Horizontal to Gravel-Pack Treatments in the Gullfaks field,” SPE
job database 48978 presented at the SPE Annual Technical
16. J. M. Perdue: “Completion Experts Study Gulf of Mexico Conference, New Orleans, U.S.A., Sept. 27-30, 1998.
Horizontal Screen Failures,” Petroleum Engineer 29. T. M. Sherlock-Willis, R.H. Morales and P. Price: “A
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JPT, Jan. 2000: pp50-58. Horizontal Open Hole Completions,” SPE 50651
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20. Conversations with Clive Bennett, BP. Experiments,” SPE 58785 (Revised) to be presented at
21. R. J. Tibbles, G. D. Hurst, X. Qian, E. L. Blessen, R. the SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage
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Application of OHGP & Screen Technology

North Sea & GoM Fields

Field F
Field G
Field H
Likelihood of Solids Production

Major depletion Field E
during Well Life

(poor aquifer response,

depletion, compaction
drive, blowdown - gas)

Field D
Field A

Field B Field C
Pressure support Prem. Screen
Screen Only

(gas or water injection,

good aquifer support)
No Sand Control
Low Medium High

“Quality” of Sand (N/G, sorting…)

Figure 1: Cross Plot indicating Likelihood of Wellbore Failure vs. Quality of Formation

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