Task 2 Adaptation Ideas-2

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Task 2: Adaptation Ideas

Synopsis: The Poison Tree-Erin Kelly

It is London in the sweltering summer of 1997. Karen is a strait-laced, straight-A university
student. When she meets the impossibly glamorous Biba, a bohemian orphan who lives in a
crumbling mansion in Highgate with her enigmatic brother Rex, she is soon drawn into their
world. As the summer progresses, Karen becomes tangled up in their tragic family history and
the idyll turns into a nightmare, culminating in murder.

A decade later, Karen collects Rex from prison. Together with their nine-year-old daughter Alice,
they try to settle into family life. While Rex has served his time, Karen keeps dark secrets that
mean she has her own life sentence to serve. What happened that summer casts a terrifying
shadow over her future. Will the past catch up with her?

Concept A:
The most suitable medium for your adaptation:
The first most suitable medium for this adaption would be a mini-web series, with this I could
use this as medium to divide the story into individual sections therefore allowing change and
adapt the storyline to the audience, based of the original ITV adaption each episode or storyline
would be different depending on the episode’s character, each webisode would follow three
characters with three alternate storylines one being the actual event, on one individual character
linking the whole piece together, the medium would also divide the story instead of an instant

The feasibility of adaptation (e.g. budget, locations, number of characters etc.)

In terms of feasibility of the adaption the budget is lower and easy to maintain as costing would
circulate around food, Camera equipment and shifting cast to each individual location at each
given time to record the production, also the number of character I have estimated to be in the
production a number of nine individuals would be hard to sustain all given individuals being
available at each given time slot that would be available for filming. Also locating the correct
production spots would not be too far of a challenge as I have checked different locations I
would intend to be used for the production.

Technological limitations (e.g. for creating imaginary worlds)

In addition to Technological limitations, the main issue would be creating alternate issues that
would make the story more life like such as excluded set’s that would allow for actor condition,
instead of instant interruption for consumers (public members) the may hamper the production,
overall secondary issues wouldon equipment and focal lenses not being able to create a high
quality standard of film.
Main facts of historical events/true life events (e.g. specific locations, timeline, main
In terms of specific timelines, locations and true events that have influenced my chronicling of
the plot are the crimes such as the school shootings and murders of young people within the
educational institution,I felt the concept of doing an actual adaption of a school shooting was to
inappropriate in reflection the recent parkland shooting, so the events have influenced the
production and facts are based around american chronicling murders and feuds between
families have addition to the events of the production

New opportunities
In terms of new opportunities that can be made through this adaption, the formatting could be a
protagonist of formats such as this to lead to other productions to follow similar formatts, the
opportunities that could arise is people from Criminal justice system could help guide the
production of the adaption as this would help produce a stronger formatt and they could help
influence the realism of the the production.

Use of new technology/effects

In terms of effects I could use lights to and tight camera angles, a production materials to
intertwine the story, so like paper tear it apart and then reassemble the pieces to a formatt story,
so effects of low lighting, Mise-En-Scene, this would help to create a more feasible and realistic
effect to the whole production.

New possible interpretations of creative product or part of it

In terms of possible interpretations from the existing product, they way I would divide the
production is as follows, each episode would begin in a police questioning, the client (Individual
accused) would be sitting within the room being questioned by either

Dect. Andrea Dixon, one time journalist fired from previous job at the Daily Herald, after publish
article on the ongoings within the British Parliament that have been covered over by
parliamentary taskforce. Now tasked to investigate the mysterious and cause of death of Tyler

Dect. Adam Huntley, has be closely working on an unsolved murder case leading many to
suspect he’s not up to the task of getting the job done and done properly can he and Andrea
and Adam find the murder before they strikes gain, in a matter of time.

Neither of which would be identified to the audience, the reason for this conconcept is to
connote human emotional impact, so the question would come for an individual playing the role
of either Dixon or Huntley but each would reflect an individual concept of the human psychology
that wires the mind of peers and human nature.
New characters/characterisation
James Bentley​, father to Tyler is a heavy drinker who has secretly being taking drugs out of the
knowledge of his family, which now leads to suspicion that his father has been the leader or
indeed the killer of his son.

Tyler Bentley​, is a straight A-Level student who has recently moved to the Lincolnshire Area,
after meeting up at college and establishing a relationship with Sinead O’Reilly, his torso is
found brutally battered, bruised and washed on the a beach

Anna Bentley​, single parent of parent, after a finalized divorce settlement has lead to Tyler now
living with his mother, but after the mother dismisses the new lover of Tyler could this lead to a
gruesome end for her one and only child.

Sinead O’Reilly​, former ex-girlfriend of Kyle, now forming a relationship of the new young
student Tyler leading Tyler asstar for his straight good grades can she truly be trusted and is
she just another person in the spider web of Tyler’s down fall?

David O’Reilly​, father of Sinead who attended the same School of Anna Bentley leading to old
feuds to reignite between the two former classmates, and leading them in a way that no one had

Sgt. Peter ‘Pete’ Scales​, close family friend to the Bentley family who has been appointed
recent Sargent of the Policing commission, but after one of his family members becomes
entangled in the world of Tyler's murder, can he truly be trusted.

Kyle Scales​, both Kyle and Tyler are close classmates but after Tyler hooks up with Kyle’s
ex-girlfriend, this leads to a threatening exchanged of text’s, Tweets and threatening messages
between the two friends which leads to an event that both friends never thought would ever
happen between them.

Dect. Andrea Dixon​, one time journalist fire from previous job at the Daily Herald, after publish
article on the ongoing within the British Parliament that have been covered over by
parliamentary taskforce. Now tasked to investigate the mysterious and cause of death of Tyler

Dect. Adam Huntley, ​has be closely working on an unsolved murder case leading many to
suspect he’s not up to the task of getting the job done and done properly can he and Andrea
and Adam find the murder before they strikes gain, in a matter of time.

Additional storylines etc. (New audiences - age, gender, interests, spending power,
James Bentley​, father to Tyler is a heavy drinker who has secretly being taking drugs out of the
knowledge of his family, which now leads to suspicion that his father has been the leader or
indeed the killer of his son.

Tyler Bentley​, is a straight A-Level student who has recently moved to the Lincolnshire Area,
after meeting up at college and establishing a relationship with Sinead O’Reilly, his torso is
found brutally battered, bruised and washed on the a beach

Anna Bentley​, single parent of parent, after a finalized divorce settlement has lead to Tyler now
living with his mother, but after the mother dismisses the new lover of Tyler could this lead to a
gruesome end for her one and only child.

Sinead O’Reilly​, former ex-girlfriend of Kyle, now forming a relationship of the new young
student Tyler leading Tyler asstar for his straight good grades can she truly be trusted and is
she just another person in the spider web of Tyler’s down fall?

David O’Reilly​, father of Sinead who attended the same School of Anna Bentley leading to old
feuds to reignite between the two former classmates, and leading them in a way that no one had

Sgt. Peter ‘Pete’ Scales​, close family friend to the Bentley family who has been appointed
recent Sargent of the Policing commission, but after one of his family members becomes
entangled in the world of Tyler's murder, can he truly be trusted.

Kyle Scales​, both Kyle and Tyler are close classmates but after Tyler hooks up with Kyle’s
ex-girlfriend, this leads to a threatening exchanged of text’s, Tweets and threatening messages
between the two friends which leads to an event that both friends never thought would ever
happen between them.

Dect. Andrea Dixon​, one time journalist fire from previous job at the Daily Herald, after publish
article on the ongoing within the British Parliament that have been covered over by
parliamentary taskforce. Now tasked to investigate the mysterious and cause of death of Tyler

The audience originalism for the production would between the ages 12A-15 as this would be
hopefully reflect some content that is outlined by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification)
which would be relatable to the stories outline such as the intimate relations between Tyler and

Target Audience
In terms of target audience, for my production would between the ages 12A-15 as this would be
hopefully reflect some content that is outlined by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification)
which would be relatable to the stories outline such as the intimate relations between Tyler and

After looking into the regulation set out by both OFCOM and BBFC Regulatory bodies I have
concluded that content within the production would be better suited to the outlined age as
explained within the first paragraph, I have come to conclusion after some content that could be
interpret by younger people (minors) could be interpreted as offense, or rude is not acceptable
to be shown, so the audience I have ruled down to is set to this age, violence swearing and the
stereotypical demnor of characters would not be appropriate to be shown in front of a younger

I am now going to reference the different groups to which the Medium I have used will work and
how they are related to the content I intend to use:

● Demographics
In the case of the demographics related to my product, I have tried to attract both a female and
male audience, between the ages of 20-45+ this as this is casual laid back entertainment
Streaming but has distribution, as these will be more family orientated as the streaming would
require a set up.
The way I have tried to display gender is having two outer sources (Andrea and Adam) being
impartial to the medium so in context being the audience within the production.
Specifically I have not related any character from any ethnic background, but I have tried to
avoid being stereotypical to any ethnic but I have tried in terms of cultural backgrounds to have
a variety to display a mixed amount of characters that from the British consumers point of
context would be deemed to have the context of being involved in the narrative of my

● Socio-Economic
In relation to the Socio-Economic group, I have focused on my two most critical points A)
Income, B) Occupation to explain the first point as me being the producer and poetinal investor I
want to make profit, so I have tried to look at how and where the most income could be sourced
from I have then looked at the audience who economic would be credible being as my target
audience so ages ranging from A-C2 with these consumers having a higher economic average.
B, I have also tried to base the occupation people who are able to finance themselves o basing
this people from these groups manual skilled workers would fit to my audience profile.

● Psychographics
In terms of the Psychographics of my medium firstly my primary would be Explorers “Seek
discovery, energy and individualism, Values and adventure, this being younger people” as this
is a new show my younger demographic for which my medium is based this would make
appropriate this Psychographic.

Information about soundtrack

In terms of soundtrack I intend to approach this in my work is to look at this composer in more
depth and specifically look what type of pitch, tempo, and instruments he uses to create a
certain feeling within the production from this I will integrate these types of music or similar so
that this could be used to fit in both characteristically and as well as creating a backdrop.

I intend on using his music as he has composed on many different contemporary mix of emotive
and tense music which would correctly display the both backdrop and feelings I would expect to
be displayed in the narrative. Having already looked at Sheridan Tongue he would be primary
composer for my piece. The reason is he has experience composing for the BBC One series
Silent Witness, this is one of the most closely relatable to my production so I think using his
approach and styles would work well and add more originality to my production.

Concept B:
The most suitable medium for your adaptation:
The second most suitable medium for this adaption would be a TV series, with this I could use
this as medium to divide the story into individual sections therefore allowing change and adapt
the storyline to the audience, this has been previously made into a TV series so adapting this
idea will be trick due to legal issues that exist with ownership, but overall I can adapt this idea so
it meets a medium no as closely relatable to the original plot line

The feasibility of adaptation (e.g. budget, locations, number of characters etc.)

In terms of feasibility of the adaption the budget is lower and easy to maintain as costing would
circulate around food, Camera equipment and shifting cast to each individual location at each
given time to record the production, also the number of character I have estimated to be in the
production a number of nine individuals would be hard to sustain all given individuals being
available at each given time slot that would be available for filming. Also locating the correct
production spots would not be too far of a challenge as I have checked different locations I
would intend to be used for the production.

Technological limitations (e.g. for creating imaginary worlds)

In addition to Technological limitations, the main issue would be creating alternate issues that
would make the story more life like such as excluded set’s that would allow for actor condition,
instead of instant interruption for consumers (public members) the may hamper the production,
overall secondary issues wouldon equipment and focal lenses not being able to create a high
quality standard of film.
Main facts of historical events/true life events (e.g. specific locations, timeline, main
In terms of specific timelines, locations and true events that have influenced my chronicling of
the plot are the crimes such as the school shootings and murders of young people within the
educational institution,I felt the concept of doing an actual adaption of a school shooting was to
inappropriate in reflection the recent parkland shooting, so the events have influenced the
production and facts are based around american chronicling murders and feuds between
families have addition to the events of the production

New opportunities
In terms of new opportunities that can be made through this adaption, the formatting could be a
protagonist of formats such as this to lead to other productions to follow similar formatts, the
opportunities that could arise is people from Criminal justice system could help guide the
production of the adaption as this would help produce a stronger formatt and they could help
influence the realism of the the production.

Use of new technology/effects

In terms of of effects, I could develop use of small props to help build the storyline these sorts of
effects would help to build a formative structure, and these low budget effects such as Fake
Blood, etc would direct the storyline to be more believable, this would help create a more
feasible effects to the story .

New possible interpretations of creative product or part of it

In terms of possible interpretations from the existing product, the way in which I would intend to
format this production would be to A. Change the Character from the Original text, but have
each TV episode resulting down to the killing, so formatting complete as to who actually kills
Tyler, this would indeed change formats of the stereotypical murder TV series this would adjust
the plot, so each episode would cultivate with a motive to murder for each character and
eventually the episode revealing the events of the day as to which Tyler will be killed.

New characters/characterisation
James Bentley​, father to Tyler is a heavy drinker who has secretly being taking drugs out of the
knowledge of his family, which now leads to suspicion that his father has been the leader or
indeed the killer of his son.

Tyler Bentley​, is a straight A-Level student who has recently moved to the Lincolnshire Area,
after meeting up at college and establishing a relationship with Sinead O’Reilly, his torso is
found brutally battered, bruised and washed on the a beach
Anna Bentley​, single parent of parent, after a finalized divorce settlement has lead to Tyler now
living with his mother, but after the mother dismisses the new lover of Tyler could this lead to a
gruesome end for her one and only child.

Sinead O’Reilly​, former ex-girlfriend of Kyle, now forming a relationship of the new young
student Tyler leading Tyler asstar for his straight good grades can she truly be trusted and is
she just another person in the spider web of Tyler’s down fall?

David O’Reilly​, father of Sinead who attended the same School of Anna Bentley leading to old
feuds to reignite between the two former classmates, and leading them in a way that no one had

Kyle Scales​, both Kyle and Tyler are close classmates but after Tyler hooks up with Kyle’s
ex-girlfriend, this leads to a threatening exchanged of text’s, Tweets and threatening messages
between the two friends which leads to an event that both friends never thought would ever
happen between them.

Additional storylines etc. (New audiences - age, gender, interests, spending power,

James Bentley​, father to Tyler is a heavy drinker who has secretly being taking drugs out of the
knowledge of his family, which now leads to suspicion that his father has been the leader or
indeed the killer of his son.

Tyler Bentley​, is a straight A-Level student who has recently moved to the Lincolnshire Area,
after meeting up at college and establishing a relationship with Sinead O’Reilly, his torso is
found brutally battered, bruised and washed on the a beach

Anna Bentley​, single parent of parent, after a finalized divorce settlement has lead to Tyler now
living with his mother, but after the mother dismisses the new lover of Tyler could this lead to a
gruesome end for her one and only child.

Sinead O’Reilly​, former ex-girlfriend of Kyle, now forming a relationship of the new young
student Tyler leading Tyler asstar for his straight good grades can she truly be trusted and is
she just another person in the spider web of Tyler’s down fall?

David O’Reilly​, father of Sinead who attended the same School of Anna Bentley leading to old
feuds to reignite between the two former classmates, and leading them in a way that no one had

Kyle Scales​, both Kyle and Tyler are close classmates but after Tyler hooks up with Kyle’s
ex-girlfriend, this leads to a threatening exchanged of text’s, Tweets and threatening messages
between the two friends which leads to an event that both friends never thought would ever
happen between them.

Target Audience
The audience originalism for the production would between the ages 12A-15 as this would be
hopefully reflect some content that is outlined by the OFCOM (Office of Communications) which
would be relatable to the stories outline such as the intimate relations between characters and
the brutality that would be displayed in the production.

I will now discuss the conventions of how the product would attract it’s consumers,

● Demographics
In the case of the demographics related to my product, I have tried to attract both a female and
male audience, between the ages of 20-45+ this as this is casual laid back entertainment
Streaming but has distribution, as these will be more family orientated as the streaming would
require a set up.
The way I have tried to display gender is having two outer sources (Andrea and Adam) being
impartial to the medium so in context being the audience within the production.
Specifically I have not related any character from any ethnic background, but I have tried to
avoid being stereotypical to any ethnic but I have tried in terms of cultural backgrounds to have
a variety to display a mixed amount of characters that from the British consumers point of
context would be deemed to have the context of being involved in the narrative of my

● Socio-Economic
In relation to the Socio-Economic group, I have focused on my two most critical points A)
Income, B) Occupation to explain the first point as me being the producer and poetinal investor I
want to make profit, so I have tried to look at how and where the most income could be sourced
from I have then looked at the audience who economic would be credible being as my target
audience so ages ranging from A-C2 with these consumers having a higher economic average.
B, I have also tried to base the occupation people who are able to finance themselves o basing
this people from these groups manual skilled workers would fit to my audience profile.

● Psychographics
In terms of the Psychographics of my medium firstly my primary would be Explorers “Seek
discovery, energy and individualism, Values and adventure, this being younger people” as this
is a new show my younger demographic for which my medium is based this would make
appropriate this Psychographic.
Information regarding Soundtrack
In terms of the types of composers I would intend to use is either Sheridan Tongue or Ólafur
Arnalds both have experience working on these types of productions with Sheridan working on
the BBC One series Silent Witness and Ólafur working on the ITV series Broadchurch both
approach their work and compositions very similar, they both use their music very individually
and stylistically, with both being very reserved as not to spoil the plot for their consumers they
both display a mix of emotive and tense music which would correctly display the both backdrop
and feelings I would expect to be displayed in the narrative.

Concept C:
The most suitable medium for your adaptation:
The third most suitable option for the medium would be a Movie (Cinematic Production), I could
create a more progressive and in depth storyline, creating a dialogue between the characters,
building a formative structure that would allow me to change the production but also develop
these characters into a fully formatted person as this would both create a reality and
atmosphere as to which the audience could relate.

The feasibility of adaptation (e.g. budget, locations, number of characters etc.)

In terms of feasibility of the adaption the budget is lower and easy to maintain as costing would
circulate around food, Camera equipment and shifting cast to each individual location at each
given time to record the production, also the number of character I have estimated to be in the
production a number of nine individuals would be hard to sustain all given individuals being
available at each given time slot that would be available for filming. Also locating the correct
production spots would not be too far of a challenge as I have checked different locations I
would intend to be used for the production.

Technological limitations (e.g. for creating imaginary worlds)

In addition to Technological limitations, the main issue would be creating alternate issues that
would make the story more life like such as excluded set’s that would allow for actor condition,
instead of instant interruption for consumers (public members) the may hamper the production,
overall secondary issues wouldon equipment and focal lenses not being able to create a high
quality standard of film.

Main facts of historical events/true life events (e.g. specific locations, timeline, main
In terms of specific timelines, locations and true events that have influenced my chronicling of
the plot are the crimes such as the school shootings and murders of young people within the
educational institution,I felt the concept of doing an actual adaption of a school shooting was to
inappropriate in reflection the recent parkland shooting, so the events have influenced the
production and facts are based around american chronicling murders and feuds between
families have addition to the events of the production

New opportunities
In terms of new opportunities that can be made through this adaption, the formatting could be a
protagonist of formats such as this to lead to other productions to follow similar formatts, the
opportunities that could arise is people from Criminal justice system could help guide the
production of the adaption as this would help produce a stronger formatt and they could help
influence the realism of the the production.

Use of new technology/effects

I could use technology effects such as fake blood, and relapse of time to so progression leading
to the murder, I could also use formatted sets’ to help produce torture chambers to show the
mental wellbeing of Tyler. The formatt of Technology could help designate different Type of
scenery to create a elements of confusion between the audience leading them to falsify the
murder which could help build the plot line.

New possible interpretations of creative product or part of it

In terms of possible interpretations from the existing product, they way I would divide the
production is as follows, each episode would begin in a police questioning, the client (Individual
accused) would be sitting within the room being questioned by either

Dect. Andrea Dixon, one time journalist fired from previous job at the Daily Herald, after publish
article on the ongoings within the British Parliament that have been covered over by
parliamentary taskforce. Now tasked to investigate the mysterious and cause of death of Tyler

Dect. Adam Huntley, has be closely working on an unsolved murder case leading many to
suspect he’s not up to the task of getting the job done and done properly can he and Andrea
and Adam find the murder before they strikes gain, in a matter of time.

Neither of which would be identified to the audience, the reason for this conconcept is to
connote human emotional impact, so the question would come for an individual playing the role
of either Dixon or Huntley but each would reflect an individual concept of the human psychology
that wires the mind of peers and human nature.

New characters/characterisation
James Bentley​, father to Tyler is a heavy drinker who has secretly being taking drugs out of the
knowledge of his family, which now leads to suspicion that his father has been the leader or
indeed the killer of his son.

Tyler Bentley​, is a straight A-Level student who has recently moved to the Lincolnshire Area,
after meeting up at college and establishing a relationship with Sinead O’Reilly, his torso is
found brutally battered, bruised and washed on the a beach

Anna Bentley​, single parent of parent, after a finalized divorce settlement has lead to Tyler now
living with his mother, but after the mother dismisses the new lover of Tyler could this lead to a
gruesome end for her one and only child.

Sinead O’Reilly​, former ex-girlfriend of Kyle, now forming a relationship of the new young
student Tyler leading Tyler asstar for his straight good grades can she truly be trusted and is
she just another person in the spider web of Tyler’s down fall?

David O’Reilly​, father of Sinead who attended the same School of Anna Bentley leading to old
feuds to reignite between the two former classmates, and leading them in a way that no one had

Sgt. Peter ‘Pete’ Scales​, close family friend to the Bentley family who has been appointed
recent Sargent of the Policing commission, but after one of his family members becomes
entangled in the world of Tyler's murder, can he truly be trusted.

Kyle Scales​, both Kyle and Tyler are close classmates but after Tyler hooks up with Kyle’s
ex-girlfriend, this leads to a threatening exchanged of text’s, Tweets and threatening messages
between the two friends which leads to an event that both friends never thought would ever
happen between them.

Dect. Andrea Dixon​, one time journalist fire from previous job at the Daily Herald, after publish
article on the ongoing within the British Parliament that have been covered over by
parliamentary taskforce. Now tasked to investigate the mysterious and cause of death of Tyler

Dect. Adam Huntley, ​has be closely working on an unsolved murder case leading many to
suspect he’s not up to the task of getting the job done and done properly can he and Andrea
and Adam find the murder before they strikes gain, in a matter of time.
Additional storylines etc. (New audiences - age, gender, interests, spending power,

James Bentley​, father to Tyler is a heavy drinker who has secretly being taking drugs out of the
knowledge of his family, which now leads to suspicion that his father has been the leader or
indeed the killer of his son.

Tyler Bentley​, is a straight A-Level student who has recently moved to the Lincolnshire Area,
after meeting up at college and establishing a relationship with Sinead O’Reilly, his torso is
found brutally battered, bruised and washed on the a beach

Anna Bentley​, single parent of parent, after a finalized divorce settlement has lead to Tyler now
living with his mother, but after the mother dismisses the new lover of Tyler could this lead to a
gruesome end for her one and only child.

Sinead O’Reilly​, former ex-girlfriend of Kyle, now forming a relationship of the new young
student Tyler leading Tyler asstar for his straight good grades can she truly be trusted and is
she just another person in the spider web of Tyler’s down fall?

David O’Reilly​, father of Sinead who attended the same School of Anna Bentley leading to old
feuds to reignite between the two former classmates, and leading them in a way that no one had

Sgt. Peter ‘Pete’ Scales​, close family friend to the Bentley family who has been appointed
recent Sargent of the Policing commission, but after one of his family members becomes
entangled in the world of Tyler's murder, can he truly be trusted.

Kyle Scales​, both Kyle and Tyler are close classmates but after Tyler hooks up with Kyle’s
ex-girlfriend, this leads to a threatening exchanged of text’s, Tweets and threatening messages
between the two friends which leads to an event that both friends never thought would ever
happen between them.

Dect. Andrea Dixon​, one time journalist fire from previous job at the Daily Herald, after publish
article on the ongoing within the British Parliament that have been covered over by
parliamentary taskforce. Now tasked to investigate the mysterious and cause of death of Tyler

Target Audience
The audience originalism for the production would between the ages 15-18 as this would be
hopefully reflect some content that is outlined by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification)
which would be relatable to the stories outline such as the intimate relations between Tyler and
Sinead. With the content being more realistic as to portray the setting both physically and
mentally for the audience.

I am now going to discuss the individual elements of the audience and how they would closely
relate to the medium of how this medium would work specifically with the audience
understanding of the narrative.

● Demographics
In the case of the demographics related to my product, I have tried to attract both a female and
male audience, between the ages of 20-45+ this as this is casual laid back entertainment
Streaming but has distribution, as these will be more family orientated as the streaming would
require a set up.
The way I have tried to display gender is having two outer sources (Andrea and Adam) being
impartial to the medium so in context being the audience within the production.
Specifically I have not related any character from any ethnic background, but I have tried to
avoid being stereotypical to any ethnic but I have tried in terms of cultural backgrounds to have
a variety to display a mixed amount of characters that from the British consumers point of
context would be deemed to have the context of being involved in the narrative of my

● Socio-Economic
In relation to the Socio-Economic group, I have focused on my two most critical points A)
Income, B) Occupation to explain the first point as me being the producer and poetinal investor I
want to make profit, so I have tried to look at how and where the most income could be sourced
from I have then looked at the audience who economic would be credible being as my target
audience so ages ranging from A-C1 with these consumers having a higher economic average.
B, I have also tried to base the occupation people who are able to finance themselves o basing
this people from these groups manual skilled workers would fit to my audience profile. The
reason I have my audience range higher in terms of A-C1 is this is a limited production with not
many resource so when coming to exhibition I would rather make more profit overall for is
coming back for a sequel this would allow for more investment in better overall scene, backdrop,
and action within the production.
● Psychographics
In terms of the Psychographics of my medium firstly my primary would be Explorers “Seek
discovery, energy and individualism, Values and adventure, this being younger people” as this
is a new show my younger demographic for which my medium is based this would make
appropriate this Psychographic.
Information in Regards to Soundtrack
In terms of the soundtrack or specific composer I intend to use if the American composer John
Williams he has major experience within the cinematic scene, having worked Jaws and Tintin
and Saving Private Ryan many of the films I have listed display a variety of emotions that work
well to convey the specific element that is being displayed on screen.

He approaches the work with very little prior knowledge to narrative, I feel that would make
appropriate the context so himself personalizing, creating a tense feeling that he has prior
knowledge working with the audience, this would relate to the significant of the previous
composer so allowing to personalize would make track more surprising to the audience to the
way it would be comprised within the narrative.

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