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Studii şi Cercetări Biologie 13 56 - 67 Universitatea din Bacău Mai 2008



Maria Prisecaru, Roxana Voicu, Alin Iosob

Keywords: Triturus vulgaris L., embryonic development, segmentation, gastrulation, neurulation, larvae

INTRODUCTION one of males, and theirs are generally smaller. The

female does not develop crests. The stomach annd
Triturus vulgaris (common triton) is the most gizzard are also pale yellow with small black spots
common newt species of the Triturus genus which are not common.
of amphibians. In order to survive, just like the Triturus vulgaris is a member of the class
other amphibian species, it requires appropriate Amphibia, order Urodela, family Salamandridae,
swamps and ponds, surrounded by a high quality genus Triturus, species vulgaris, (Linnaeus 1758). In
terrestrial habitat. Romania there live two species of vulgaris: T.v.
Changes in agricultural practices over the past vulgari and T.v. ampelensis.
decade have had a serious impact on newts life They are one of the commonest amphibians in
conditions. As a result of arable lands extention, Europe, spread evreywhere in Romania, from the
many swamps and ponds have dissapeared. Danube Delta to altitudes of 1500 m. It is considered a
Intensive soil work, irrigation systems extention plain species. It breeds in almost any water area ( in a
and chemical substances usage have turned many variety of habitats sauch as deciduous woodland, wet
areas unhospitable for amphibians. The population heathland, bogs, marshes, gardens, parks and
of some ponds with some predatory fish species farmland). They prefer standing water with plenty of
and the habit of burning vegetal waste from the weeds, such as lake margins, ponds and ditches, in
fields after harvesting have greatly led to the which to breed. T. vulgaris enters in water early in
restraining of favourable areals for triton species. spring and after milder winters, we meet th first
Therefore, some species such as, Triturus cristatus species in mid February and at the beginning of March.
(Great Crested Newt), have been declared
endangered and protected species and are still BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL
threatened to become extinct.
The study of the embryonal development of The biological material has been represented by 20
Triturus vulgaris, of the preferred types of habitats adult individuals of Triturus vulgaris, 10 ♂♂ şi 10
and of life and reproduction conditions may largely ♀♀, which have been collected from a pond in the
contribute to the knowledge and preservation of this vicinity of Boghicea village, Neamţ department,
species. between 7 March and 4 April 2008.
Triturus vulgaris, smooth or common newt is The newt samples have been caught by hand,
the smallest newt species, roughly 6-11cm head to introduced in containers suitable for their
tail length. Relatively slender body. The male newt transportation and subsequently hosted in lab
has a single black line running down the centre of aquariums. There have been used 2 aquariums with a
the spine, the females have two parallel lines on capacity of 20 l with a gravel bed, 15 l of water,
either side of the centre. specific plants, leaving enough swimming space for
The male (fig.1.) has yellow-brown/olive the newts.
green or olive brown dorsal surface and flanks. Its
back and flanks have black spots and longitudinal RESEARCH METHOD
stripes. Wavy dorsal crest with black stripes, too.
The male's cloaca is very distended, whilst the There have been live observations made in
female's is nearly invisible. The stomach area is aquariums on the behaviour of common newts: female
pale yellow, with irregular black spots. On its head, courtship, egg-laying, embryonic and larval
there are three pairs of black stripes, along the development.
upper jaw, along the eyes and above them; on the All along the experiment, the observations have
crown there is another unpaired black stripe. been registered in the research log and tave been taken
The female (fig.2.)has a similar pale brown to numerous macroscopic photographs.
yellow colouration. The female also develops spots, With a view to observing the embryonal stages,
but not on the stomach area, which is paler than the there have been performed observations sing binocular

lenses on fresh samples, on zygotes and larvae. The GASTRULATION
most relevant images have been obtained by using
and Olympus camera attached to the binocular Gastrulation is achieved by a series of
lenses and the computer. Thse images have been simultaneous processes: delamination (the external
subsequently processed by the computer. cells divide, leaving the daughter cells in the cavity),
gastrulean cleavage, epiboly (expansion of one cell
RESULTS OBTAINED sheet over other cells) and emboly (the formation of a
gastrula from a blastula by invagination). During
The newt samples were placed in the gastrulation, many of the cells at or near the surface of
aquariums on the 10 of March 2008. The female the embryo move to a new, more interior location.
courtship by males has started the next day, being Gastrulation involves changes in cell motility, cell
followed by the ovocites laying and their shape, and cell adhesion.
fertilization. The first manifestation of gastrulation is
Each female laid approx. 10 – 15 eggs, delamination, which is characterized by a sheet of cells
individually (each attached to the submersed separating the internal macromeres from the exterior
plants). The egg is round, covered with three ones. In epiboly, a sheet of cells of yellow whitish
gelatinous membranes. These membranes, once in colour gets to spread by thinning. This reduction of
contact with water, become inflated and offer surface is explained by the fact that there begins the
protection to the newly-hatched egg against process of invagination, too. The cells below the centre
mechanical shocks. The adhesive membrane fixates of the gray crescent invaginate to form the lip of the
the egg onto the plant (fig.3, 4.). future blastopore. The blastopore develops in the
vegetal hemisphere, until it can be observed as a semi-
CELL DIVISION circular ring of involuting cells (the future dorsal lip
of the blastopore which forms due to the contraction of
At about 2 hours after fertilisation, the zygote bottle cells). The vegetal plate
splits along a longitudinal plane (which comprises undergoes invagination to produce the archenteronic
the animal and the vegetal poles) into two cells (the cavity (primitive gut).
two-cell stage). In subsequent stages, the blastopore changes
At approx. 1 hour after the first division, the shape, looks like a horse shoe due to the lateral lips
second division is also longitudinal, but at 90 and finally gets a ring shape when the ventral lip
degrees to the plane of the first, advancing towards forms. At this stage, the macromeres cannot be
the same direction (vegetal pole) and dividing the observed from the exterior anymore, only along the
zygote into 4 equal cells. The cells derived from blastopore streak where they form the Rusergni yolk
cleavage are called blastomeres. plug.
The third division appears 15-20 mins after With the elongation of the archenteron across the
second division; it is perpendicular to the first two blastocoel, where it attaches near the animal pole of
and is equatorial in position (closer to the animal the embryo, there appear two holes, corresponding to
pole). It results in the formation of uneven cells: 4 the neurenteric canal at the front and the cloacal orifice
smaller cells to the animal pole (micromeres) and 4 at the back.
bigger cells to the vegetal pole (macromeres). After about 15 hours since the blastula stage,
The next stages of plasmodieresis have split gastrulation is almost complete. The blastopore is
the zygote into smaller and smaller blastomeres and perfectly circular, the yolk-rich macromeres are
within 4 hours since fertilisation, they formed a completely internalised and form the endoblast. The
compact mass called the morula. micromeres at the exterior form the ectoblast.
At approx. 7-8 hours, after 13-14 division The primary layers (endoderm, mesoderm and
stages, the embryonic form of 8.000 – 16.000 ectoderm) are formed and organized in their proper
microscopic cells represents the blastula. locations during gastrulation. Endoderm, the most
Depending mostly on the amount of yolk in the internal layer, forms the lining of the gut and other
egg, the cleavage can be holoblastic (total or entire internal organs. Ectoderm, the most exterior layer,
cleavage) or meroblastic (partial cleavage). For forms skin, brain, the nervous system, and other
these organisms, the cleavage is total. Cleavage external tissues. Mesoderm, the middle layer, forms
ends with a perfectly sferical blastula muscle, the skeletal system, and the circulatory system.
(celloblastula), with a multi-layered wall which The archenteron wall will be formed of ventral
shelters the blastocoel). hypoblast (a tissue type that forms from the inner cell
Each division is followed by nuclear division mass; lying beneath the epiblast, it consists of small
preceded by the duplication of the genetic material cuboidal cell) results out of the mass of macromeres
in the mitotic interphase (fig.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, inside the gastrula (fig.14, 15, 16).

NEURULATION plates will generate the mesoblast (mesoderm germ-
layer cells that differentiate into mesothelium,
At the end of gastrulation, the embryonic form endothelium and myocardium) out of which the
is still spherical. Now there begin transformations medial-ventral blood island is formed and leads to
that lead to central neural system formation. This many different parts of the circulatory system (blood
complex and dynamic process can be followed by vessel and heart.
observing sectional images of the surface of the In the pharyngeal zone, the hypoblastic epitellium
embryonic form. forms 7 pairs of pharyngeal pouches. At the level of
On the dorsal side of the embryonal form, the first 5 pouches, there forms a double epiblastic-
called neurula, on both sides of the anterior- hypoblastic membrane which will not be resorbed in
posterior axis, there can be observed two darker the direction of the first pocuh (becoming the ear drum
stripes which are united in the anterior part by a membrane). At the other pouches, the obturant
transversal stripe. membranes are resorbed and establish communication
Neurulation begins with the formation of of pharynx with the exterior. The sixth pouch takes
a neural plate, a thickening of the ectoderm caused part in thyroid formation, whereas the seventh
when cuboidal epithelial cells become columnar. represents the lung primordial, which will become
Changes in cell shape and cell adhesion cause the fully functional in the second interval of larval stage
edges of the plate fold and rise, meeting in the (fig.17, 18, 19, 20, 21], 22, 23, 24, 25).
midline to form a tube. The anterior part of the tube The embryonal development duration is
becomes the encephalum, whereas the posterior determined, among other factors, by water
forms the spine. temperature. For Triturus vulgaris, it takes 7-10 days
The cells at the tips of the neural folds come to since the beginning of fecundation, until the embryo
lie between the neural tube and the emerges from the egg membranes and becomes a
overlying epidermis. These cells become the neural larva.
crest cells, which will differentiate neural ganglions Upon eclosion, the larva is 5-7 mm in length. The
and nerves. Sense organs begin to differentiate in hatching takes place at approx. 15 days. The caudal
the cephalic region. bud is well developed and there appears a clearly
When the neural tuber closes, from its lateral- deliniated caudal region. On the first days, the larva
ventral wall there emerge the paired evaginations of remains stuck to the water plants by means of an
the forebrain of the embryo from which the sensory adhesive organ which secretes a viscous substance.
and pigment layers of the retina of the eye develop The adhesive organ develops early in the
(ocular vesicles). In the formation of sense organs, embryonic stage on the sides and back of te pharingian
there are also involved some epiblastic regions membrane. The larva mouth appears by the pharygeal
called placodes (area of thickening in the membrane resorption, 3-5 days after hatching.
embryonic epithelial layer) wich may evolve into Until they begin to feed in the external
nasal, olfactory and otic placodes. environment and even after that, the main source of
Towards the end of the neurula stage, there plastic substances is represented by vitellus (yolk)
begins the mesoblast transformation. The mesoblast sferules. They are in larger quantities in hypoblastic
plates, placed between ectoblast and hypoblast, cells which form the ventral multi-layered wall of
divide into somites, intermediary pieces and lateral primitive gut. The vitellus sferules are found in all
plates. Somites emerge in a metameric pattern and embryo and larva cells. As the primordial cells have
lateral plates are unique. Somites evolve in specific metabolism, the vitellus disappears at different
sclerotome (forming the mesenchymal structure speeds. The most rapidly there dissappear the cells of
around the axillary zone resulting in the vertebral the cerobrospinal axis. After the mouth is formed, the
column), dermatome (the part of a mesodermal feeding regime is similar to that of adults, the
somite from which the dermis develops) and difference being that larvae feed on ciclops and
myotome (the segment that differentiates into axial zooplancton, whereas adults feed on living food such
muscles). as worms and insect larvae, such as mosquito larvae
Intermediary pieces contribute to excretory etc.
organs formation: pronephros, until metamorphosis, After eclosion, the larva breathes through its
mesonephros, at adults; metanephros organized in external gills, then through internal gills.
the second half of the larval period; part of it forms The larva has a high dorsal crest which begins at
the mesenchym. the point of insertion of fore limbs. The crest ends with
Lateral plates become fused in the ventral part, a sharp tip. The colour is yellow with dark spots. The
the coelom cavity being bordered by hind limbs appear in about 3 weeks after the first
splanchnopleure (visceral sheet) and somatopleure limbs. Upon metamorphosis, several changes occur,
(parietal sheet). Ventral hypoblast proliferates in leading to the animal preparation for live in the air
the dorsal part surrounding the primitive gut. The environment.
mesoblastic plates form the intestinal hypoblast, a
double wall called dorsal mesentery. The same

The epidermis thickens, the cutaneous glands REFERENCES
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22. *** Fauna RSR Vol 7 Amfibienii

Fig.1. ♂ Triturus vulgaris

Fig.2. ♀ Triturus vulgaris

Fig.3. Egg spawn Fig.4. Eggs of newt deposed isolated and fixed on
the submerse plant

Fig. 5. Egg of newt (on observe the gelatinous Fig.6. Zygote

Fig.8. Segmentation: four cells stage

Fig.7. Segmentation: two cells stage

Fig. 9. Segmentation: eight cells stage Fig.10. Segmentation: sixteen cells stage

Fig.11. Segmentation: thirty two cells stage Fig.12. Segmentation: morula

Fig.13. Segmentation blastula Fig.14. Gastrulating: apparition of blastopor

Fig.15. Gastrulating: apparition of antero-posterior Fig.16. Gastrulating: antero-posterior extension of

median line blastocel with the formation of two orifices

Fig.17. Neurulation: early neurula, forming of Fig.18. Neurulation: stage of neural plaque;
medullar lamella

Fig.19. Neurulation: forming of nervous tube and of

cerebral vesicle Fig.20. Neurulation: elongation of embryonic form
and the division of someite; apparition of tail bud

Fig.21. Neurulation: apparition of distinct Fig.22. Neurulation: advanced neurula, apparition of

protuberances at eye level anterior limb’s bud

Fig.23. Neurulation: apparition of external gills and Fig.24. Neurula before eclozation with eternal
of pigments on trunk and tail gills and tegument comb

Fig.25. Advanced neurula: head region (detail); on

observe the oral orifice, eyes and external gills Fig.26. Newt larva pulling out of egg

Fig.27. Newt larva immediately after eclozation Fig.28. Newt larva with the anterior limbs viewed
dorsal and ventral view ventrally

Fig.29. Detail of head: on observe the pigmentation, Fig.30. Detail of anterior limb: on observe
eyes, extern gills and limbs the finger presence

Fig.31. Newt larva with the posterior limb well developed and tegument comb, with limbs
completely formed

Fig.32. Newt larva with external gills 2 months old Fig.33. Newt larva with external gills and tegument

Fig.34. Stage of passing to dry land Fig.35. Larva with pulmonary respiration and
without external gills

Fig.36. Triturus vulgaris - junenile larva Fig.37. Triturus vulgaris - junenile larva


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