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Practical 1 Momentum and momentum conservation - large trolleys “ean ofthis experimen sr ststymomentie des cancnation in an inet clision ‘ute large wooden uray with care. ‘Setup the experiment away fom the edges of ‘the Bench so thatthe trolleys donot fll of \ Youll net + Twos + pasienes + Two lhe gies and aitatieierice + Orig pit + Gghe 10g sonedmases + Adtese tape (+ Wooden vay 1 Meansof tng theramay ihe gate ht gte 2 Pastiene Figure: arangementof large les oinvesigate momentum andmmertum conservation Experimental instructions Setup the apparatus as shown in the diagram with five slotted masses fixed onto trolley A. Compensate for friction by tilting the runway slightly. Check by giving one trolley a small push and confirming that it runs down the runway with constant speed. Soften the Plasticene® and stick it to the front of one of the wolleys. Fix the drawing pin to the front of the other trolley with the adhesive tape, so itis facing out from the trolley as shown. Pur the two light gates quite close together: This is to minimise the effects of friction as the trolleys collide. Set the interface unit to record the speed of trolley A before the collision and the speed of the wo trolleys (A and B joined together) after the collision. Put trolley A at one end of the runway and trolley B just before light gate 2. Give tolley A a push (not too large) so that it runs down the track, cutting through the light beam of light gate 1 and colliding with, and sticking to, wolley B. ‘The vo tolleys will now wavel on, the mask on wolley A cutting through the light beam of light gate 2. Repeat the experiment for differing initial speeds and trolley masses. Do notallow the trolleys to fall off the bench. Analysis and conclusions Use your results to test the law of conservation of momentum. Calculate the total momentum of both trolleys before and after the collision. Comment on the most important sources of error in your experiment and how they might be reduced. Practical 2 Momentum and momentum conservation — small trolleys 7 ‘ The aim of this experiment is to study momentum | Lift the wooden support board with care. and ts corsenaton ian ines clison m trolley re Figure 1: Arrangement of small trolleys to investigate momentum and momentum conservation Experimental instructions Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram with four washers on each trolley: Zompensate for friction by tilting the runway slightly. Check by giving one trolley a small push and confirming that it runs down the runway with constant speed. Mount a piece of Velcro® on each trolley so that the trolleys stick together when they collide. Set the interface unit to record the speed of trolley A before the collision and the speed of the two trolleys (A and B joined together) after the collision. Pur trolley A at one end of the runway and trolley B just before light gate 2. Give trolley A a push (not too large) so thatit runs down the runway, cutting through the light beam of light gate 1 and colliding with, and sticking to, trolley B. ‘Ihe two trolleys will now travel on, the mask on trolley A cutting through the light beam of light gate 2. Repeat the experiment for differing initial speeds and trolley masses. Analysis and conclusions Use your results to test the law of conservation of momentum. Calculate the total momentum of both trolleys before and aiter the collision. Comment on the most important sources of error in your experiment and how they might be reduced. Practical 3 Momentum and momentum conservation u: linear air track between twa rdersusing a linear air track / You wil cee + Unear air track + Airblover + Twariders Two light gates and suitable interface Additional masses Ph attachment Plasticene® light gate | light gete 2 pinattachment Figure: Using linear ar track to investigate momentum ond momentum cansenstion Experimental instructions ‘ct up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Compensate for friction by tilting the air track slightly. Check by giving one rider a small push and confirming that it runs along the air track with constant speed. Put some Plasticene’ in the hole on one rider and fix the pin attachment to the other rider. Ser the interface unit to record the speed of rider A before the collision and the speed of the two riders (A and B joined together) after the collision. Put rider A at one end of the linear air track and rider B just before light gate 2 and switch on the air blower. Give rider A a push (not too large) so that itruns along the air track, cutting through the light beam of light gate 1 and colliding with, and sticking to, rider B."The two riders will now travel on, the mask on rider A cutting through the light beam of light gate 2. Repeat the experiment for differing initial speeds and rider masses. The mass of the rider can be changed by fitting additional masses to it. Analysis and conclusions Calculate the total momentum of both riders before and after the collision. Use your results to test the law of conservation of momeatum. Commentoa the most important sources of error in your experiment and how they might be reduced. Practical 4 Rate of change of momentum using a linear air track o= y of this experiment to investigate ate of change of momentum using 2 near ar tack. You will need + Linear ar track + Pulley suitable for Fixing tothe air tack + Air Blower + Thread + Rider + Setof slotted masses (108) + Two light gates and sutable nteriare slotted masses Figure 1: Using atinear ar track to investigate rate of change of mamentum Experimental instructions Set up your apparatus as shown in the diagram. Gompensate the air track for friction by raising one end slightly. Check by giving the rider a gentle push and measuring its velocity through hoth light gates — it should move along the air track at a constant velocity when there is no accelerating force on it. Set your interface unitto measure velocity at both gates and the time taken to travel between them. 1 with six of your ten masses on the rider and the other four (including the hanger) on the thread hanging down. ‘he mass to be accelerated is the mass of the rider and the set of slotted ‘masses while the accelerating foree is the weight of the four suspended slotted masses (0.4 N). Hold on to the rider. Switch on the air blower and timing devices. Release the rider and allow itto accelerate down the track. Do not allow it to crash into the end of the track. Record the velocities of the rider as it passes through light gates 1 and 2 and the time taken for the rider to travel between the gates. Repeat the readings and take an average. \Vary the accelerating force but keep the total mass constant by putting masses on the rider if they are removed from the hanger and vice versa. Record the values of accelerating force, velocity and momentum values at gates 1 and 2, the momentum change and the time between the light gates in a table. Analysis and conclusions Calculate the rate of change of momentum for each accelerating force. Plot a graph of rate of change of momentum against accelerating force. Comment on the shape of graph and deduce the relationship between rate of change of ‘momentum and accelerating force. Practical 5 Rate of change of momentum u! ig a trolley \ The aim ofthis experiment is to investigate rate of change of momentum using a trolley on | runway. ‘You will need: + Tealley + Thveas + White plastic wack + Twelve washers (mas: 10g each (2 set of + Board slotted masses could be used instead ofthe + Two light gates and sutatle nterace washers) + Bert pulley + Sponge to pur en floor below the masses masksize lem accelerating washers Figure 1: Using 2 troley to investigate ate of change of momentum Experimental instructions Set up your apparatus as shown in the diagram. Compensate the runway for friction by. raising one end slightly. Check by giving the trolley a gentle push and measuring its velocity through both light gates — it should move along the runway at a constant velocity when there is no accelerating force on it. Set your interface unit to measure velocity at both gates and the time taken to travel between them. Startwith ten of your twelve washers on the trolley and the other two on the thread hanging down. The mass to be accelerated is the mass of the trolley and twelve washers while the accelerating force is the weight of the two suspended washers (0.2 N) Allow the trolley to accelerate down the runway. Record the velocities of the trolley as it passes through light gates 1 and 2 and the time take for the trolley to travel between the gates. Repeat the readings and take an average. Repeat the procedure by taking one washer off the trolley and adding it to the suspended washers —the accelerating force is now 0.3 N (same total mass). Carry on until you have only nwo washers left on the trolley. Record the values of accelerating force, velocity and ‘momentum values at gates 1 and 2, the momentum change and the time between the light gates in a table. Analysis and conclusions Calculate the rate of change of momentum for each accelerating foree. Plot a graph of rate of change of momentum against accelerating force. Comment on the shape of graph and deduce the relationship between rate of change of momentum and accelerating force Practical 6 Centripetal force — whirling bung The ai ofthis experiment i to verily the ‘equation for centripetal force using @ whirling bung Do not swing the bungs round too fast and avoid ‘You will need + Rubber bungwith ahole through it, + Stopwatch or stop dock + Access to a balance + Length of string (about 1.5m) + Metre ruler Bye pmtecion \Washets or 10 slotted masses and \ hanger Shor lengih of glas tube with the ends burred over (ora short metal tube) suber bung mess glastabe neers or slotedmases| (oeigning) Experimental instructions ‘ie the pices of string to a rubber bung and then thread through a short length (10 em) of glass tube. Fis a small ‘weight (auch asa few washers with a mass a litte greater than the mass of the bung) to the lower end of the string, Whirl the bung round in a horizontal eircle (radius approximately 80 em) while holding the glass tube so that the radius of the bung’s orbit is constant. (A mark on the string will help you see if the radius ofthe orbit remains the Figure 1 Whiting burg arzngerent same.) [Measure the mass of the bung (1), the total mass of the ‘washers (mn), the radius ofthe orbit (8) and the time for ten orbits (10 7), ‘Repeat the experiment with different numbers of washers, different orbit radii and bungs of different masses. Analysis and conclusions Catetate the period of he obit, the veloc of he bangin theo ( then work out the centripetal force (= R 298 | and Me R Compare this value with the weight of the washers (1g) (he centripetal force should be equal to the weight of the washers. This will only be the case if the system is frictionless.) Plot a graph of m against 22 (Commenton the most important sources of error in your experimentand how they might be reduced. Practical 7 Centripetal force ~ rotating trolley “The aim ofthis experiment isto verily the Do not allow the rotating table to turn too fast! ‘equation for centripetal force. You will need + Tralley + Powersupply (O-12V) + Spring + Ruler + Plastic runway + Stop eck + Ween support + Newtoameter + Washers + Balance + Rotating table + Gams ) spring washers CUTAN rotating table runway Figure 1: Rotating telley setup Experimental instructions Setup the apparatus as shown, clamping the rotating table firmly to the bench. Carefully increase the speed of the motor until the trolley just touches the stop at the end of the runway. Measure the rotation rate and use it to calculate the speed (x) of the trolley in a circle of radius R. Measure the mass of the trolley and its load (on) and hence calculate the theoretical vahue of thecortrpetal force need te keep iin the rbiar tat speed (centripetal Fnce =") Using a newtonmeter, measure the force required to extend the spring by the amount needed {for the wolley to touch the end of the runway. Compare your wo values and comment on your findings. Repeat the experiment for different valves of the load on the trolley. Analysis and conclusions Plot a graph of the measured force against mv”. Use the graph to verify the equation for centripetal force. Comment on the most important sources of error in your experiment and how they might be reduced. Practical 8 Measuring the charge stored by a capacitor \ \ The aim ofthis expeent i to measute the charge stored by 2 IF you are using an electrolytic capacitor using a coulombsmeter and ta investigate the formula capacitor, take care to connect chatge (-_ @ Ie with the correct pola | sree ae §) ra \ J / r ~\ You wil ned + Copactors(01u.022uF, + ~Fowersupply {0-6Y de)(or + Dita coulombmneter 0047 ur SVbaterypackanda lM Digtalveuneter \ theostat) + SPOT switch \ = 1 2 S ° Grautusngtattery Yok © See aS Creu using variable Bs Vv = @ ‘voltage power supply -o Figure ': Circuit for measuring the charge toredby acapacitor Experimental instructions Connect up the circuit shown in the diagram using the 0.1 pF capacitor, with the switch in position 1. Switch on the power supply and adjust the output so that the voltmeter reads 0.5V. Move the switch to position 2 and record the reading of charge on the coulombmerer. Return the switch to position 1, and adjust the voltmeter to read 1.0 V. Move the switch to position 2 and again record the charge. Repeat the procedure in 0.5 V steps up to a maximum of 6.0 V. Record all your results in a table showing capacitor voltage and charge. Repeat for different values of capacitance. Analysis and conclusions For each capacitor plot a graph of capacitor voltage against charge. Calculate the gradient of each of your graphs and compare this with the stated value of the capacitor. Practical 9 Effect of length and current on the force on a wire in a magnetic field in a magnetic field depends on the length ofthe wire and the current passing through i ( \ You will need + Electronic balance + Two cocoa clips Length ofthe copper roc + ammeter (2-SAde) Power supply (0-12V de, 0-54) + 30cm wer ‘4mm connecting leads + Two retort tenes Strong U-shaped magnet (momagnadur + Bosses and camps, magnets on a yoke can be used ifthe balance is suiciantly sensitive) } ro power supply ‘agree fied {metal yoke side view Trent view Figue 1. The experimental arangement Experimental instructions Set up the apparatus as shown with the crocodile clips a measured distance apart (say dem) “Lake the reading on the balance and then switch on the power supply so that a current of 5A. flows through the rod. If necessary, change the direction of the current flow so that it causes aan increase in the balance reading. Record the new reading of the balance. Change the separation of the crocodile clips and repeat the reading, keeping the current constant. Note that the separation of the crocodile clips must not be greater than the length of the magnet poles. Repeat for a number of different crocodile clip separations. Return the crocodile clips to their original separation and repeat the experiment with a new value of the current. Repeat this fora number of different currents. Analysis and conclusions lculate the force on the current using the equation F’ = BIl (if Bis known) and compare it with the increase in the balance reading If the value of B is not known, use the increase in balance reading (= mg) to calculate it. Plot graphs of force against crocodile clip separation and force against current. Comment on your graphs. Practical 10 Specific heat capacity of a liquid \ The aim ofthis experiment to measure the Do not heat the contents of the calorimeter specie hea capacty ot aliguld using an elactical above 50°C. method. } ) NX A / > You wi need + Acopperor alumninium calorimeter with a Low-voltage power supply (0-12) volume of tween 250 and 400 mk + Thermomete (0+50°C) + insdating jacket with hole forthe + Stop clock ‘thermometer or sensor [A temperature sensor and data logger can + Electical immersion heater be used instead ofthe themometer and stop + voluneter lock} + Ammeter } a vA Figure 1: Calorimeter setup fer measuring the specific eatcopocity ofa liquid Experimental instructions Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Measure the mass of the calorimeter (im.) and fill with a known mass of water (iq). here must be enough water to cover the immersion heater when it is put in the calorimeter. Place the muff over the calorimeter. Switch on the heater. Set the voltage (V/) toa convenient value and record this with the value of the current (/). Measure the initial water temperature (9) using a thermometer and start the stop clock (or use a temperature sensor and data logger). Record the temperature at one- minute intervals, stirring just before the thermometer is read. Switch off the heater when the ‘temperature reaches 50°C. (You may need to adjust the value of V’ during the experimentso that the power input remains constant.) Analysis and conclusions loca graph of cemperature against time and choose a section of the graph where the ‘temperature is rising steadily. In this area find the temperature rise A in a time At Calculate the electrical energy supplied tothe heater (VIA). Assume that there are no heat losses during the experiment. Calculate the speciic heat capacity of water («,) from the equation: VIA = mcg MOF mgog AO where ¢, is the specific heat capacity of the material of the calorimeter. ('he value of ¢_can bbe found from a data book) Repeat the experiment with other liquids. Record any sources of error which you consider will affect your result. Predict the effect on your answer of significant heat loss. Practical 11 Specific heat capacity of a solid ‘The aim ofthis experiment isto measure the specic heat capacity of a soli using anelectical (method. } You will nee: + Aluminium (orother metal lect) witha + Stop lock massof 1g + Insulating jacket with 2 hole for the Heat-esiant mat thermometer or sensor Lowvoligeheacer and suitable power + Sikene grease supply (temperature sensor and datalogger can + fevmete and vlumerer be used instead of the thermometer and stop \. + Thermometer (0-50°C) clock] } immersion heater 3 heat-resistant mat metal Block insulating jacket Figure 1: Setup for measuring the specific heatcapacity ofa slid Experimental instructions ‘Measure the mass of the metal block (17). Put the thermometer in the small hole in the metal block, Place the heater in the large hole in the block and switch it on. A small amount of silicone grease in the holes in the block can improve thermal contact. Place the insulating jacket around the apparatus. Set the voltage (1) toa convenient value and record this with the value of the current (1) ‘Measure the initial temperature (9) and start the stop clock (or use a temperature sensor and data logger). Record the temperature at one-minute intervals. Switch off the heater when the temperature reaches 50° (You may need to adjust the value of V during the experiment so that the power input remains constant.) Analysis and conclusions Plota graph of temperature against time and choose section of the graph where the ‘temperature is rising steadily. In this area find the temperature rise 0 in a time At Calculate the electrical energy supplied to the heater (ViA0). Calculate the specific heat capacity (c) of the metal of your block using the formula: VIAL m0 where m is the mass of the block. Assume that there are no heat losses during the experiment. Predict the effect on your answer of significant heat loss. Suggest the most likely sources of error in your experiment and how they might be reduced. Practical 12 The relationship between the pressure and temperature of a gas The al ofthis experiment sto investigate how ‘Wear eye protection if your face Is tobe close to the pressure ofa gas changes when it is heated at the hot water. 1 constant volume. 6 “You will eed Round-bottomed flak + Length of uber tubing + Water Temperature cencorand probe + Pressure senscr orBourden gauge) + Ice {o-0-100 °C thermometer) + Bunsenburney pad, gauze andmat + Eye protection + Fubberbng with ashorclengih of glass + Glassbosker ‘ube fitted theaugh it Experimental instructions ‘Scrap the apparamis as shown in the diagram ith some ise in the wate to col it to near °C, ‘Record the temperature ofthe water (cfecrvely the ‘temperature ofthe arin the Hast) and the pressure ofthe ss shown on dhe Bourdon gauge. Ligh the Bunsen burner and heat the water soely. Recon the pressure and temperature ofthe air at [gre intercals ‘unui the water temperature reaches 80°C. (The temperature sensor may record temperanures av equal time intesals) Analysis and conclusions ota graph of the pressure ofthe tapped air (ass) against de temperature ofthe trapped it (mans). (Make ‘ure thar te pressure you recoed isthe pressure othe ‘rapped at, not ust the excess above atmospheric pressure) ‘gare mesgaing tears tc Is assumed shat dhe temperature ofthe trapped at willbe ‘snpereandprrs ‘thesame as that ofthe water inthe beaker Drawa second graph with the temperature axis showing minus 300 ° plus 100°C and find the intercept on the pressure axis (When the gas has zero pressure)."Ihis should be at absolute zero. Record your value for absolute zero, suggesting any inaccuracies in your experiment and how they might be reduced.

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