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EEA Permanent Residence

EEA PR Packages

Here to help you

We offer an advice package and an application package to
assist with every aspect of applying for EEA Permanent
Residence (EEA PR).
With our EEA PR Application Package, you will be given
one-to-one, expert support by your personal immigration
lawyer. They will take all of your individual circumstances
into account and use their specialist knowledge to
evaluate all relevant options and advise you. They will
collate and organise your evidence and create a detailed,
structured evidence portfolio to present your case to the
Home Office.
With our EEA PR Advice Package, your lawyer will
evaluate your options and ensure you are eligible as well
as outline your next steps and requirements.
These packages will strengthen your application for EEA
PR and maximise your chances of securing settlement in
the UK.
Application Package

Stage 1: Tailored advice session

• Your assigned immigration lawyer will provide you with

expert advice which is tailored to your situation.
• This advice session can be conducted in person, over the
phone or via Skype.
• This is an untimed session; it usually lasts around an hour, but
your lawyer will spend as long as it takes to ensure every
aspect of your case is discussed in detail.
• It offers a chance to discuss your circumstances, goals and
any time constraints you have.
• It lets your lawyer build a picture of your case, assess your
eligibility and outline your next steps.
• You will receive written confirmation of the advice given,
which provides a detailed assessment of your circumstances
and eligibility.
• It allows you to stay in direct contact with your lawyer if you
have any further questions after your session has finished.
Application Package

Stage 2: Exercising your Treaty rights

If you are applying as an EEA citizen, your lawyer will advise you on
how to prove that you have been exercising your Treaty rights to
live in the UK for the required five years.
• They will assess your situation and ensure that you have been
in the country as a ‘qualified person’.
• A ‘qualified person’ comes under several categories, these
include students, workers and job seekers.
• Your lawyer will advise you on how to source documentation
to support your application for Permanent Residence, for
example, evidence that you are financially independent,
student records or evidence of employment.
• If necessary, your lawyer will confirm that you have had
adequate sickness cover for the time you have been in the
If you are applying as the family member of an EEA citizen, your
lawyer will determine whether your family member has been
exercising their rights and advise you on how to provide the
relevant proof.
Application Package

Stage 3: Thorough document check

• Your lawyer will draw up an extensive list of documents

agreed upon in your advice session which can be used to
support your EEA PR application.
• They will advise you on how to source these documents so
that you are in the strongest possible position to receive a
positive result.
• If necessary, you will receive advice on how to obtain your
Biometric Residence Permit.
• Your lawyer will locate and resolve any gaps or issues in your
supporting evidence, suggesting alternative documents where
• Once this check is complete, ensuring that your documents
are sufficient and meet the highest standard, your lawyer will
file them in your evidence portfolio.
Application Package

Stage 4: Portfolio of evidence

• Your lawyer will collate all of your evidence and application

documents into an evidence portfolio.
• This will be used to show that you clearly meet the
requirements for EEA Permanent Residence.
• It will display your supporting documents in a way which
conforms to the current procedural guidelines used by the
Home Office when they review your application.
• It will present your application in a way which is
comprehensive and organised.
• Your completed application form(s) will be included in this
portfolio in an accessible and detailed manner.
• This portfolio will present your application so that the Home
Office can easily navigate between your supporting
documents, evidence and application details without missing
any vital information.
Application Package

Stage 5: Letter of Representation

• This is written by your lawyer using expert, legal

knowledge and vocabulary.
• It details your case and its merits, using legal expertise and
knowledge to strengthen your application.
• It references your evidence portfolio, the application form(s)
and any other relevant material in support of your case.
• It cites other successful, relevant case law and legislation if
• It is submitted alongside your application as a cover letter and
increases your prospects of success.
Application Package

Stage 6: Communication with the Home Office

• Your lawyer will liaise with the Home Office throughout your
application, if they need to discuss any relevant information to
do with your application.
• They will continue this communication after your application
has been submitted, until a decision is reached.
• This means they will let you know the outcome of your
application as soon as a decision has been made by the Home
Application Package

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With the full Application Package, you will receive:
• Stage 1: Tailored advice session
• Stage 2: Exercising your Treaty rights
• Stage 3: Thorough document check
• Stage 4: Portfolio of evidence
• Stage 5: Letter of Representation
• Stage 6: Communication with the Home Office
EEA Permanent Residence Application Package fee:
We also offer an Advice Package, which includes:

• Stage 1 of the application package

• Detailed information on required documents and
• Assessment of your eligibility and advice on your next steps
EEA Permanent Residence Advice Package fee:
Case Study 1
Marta is a Polish national who arrived in the UK to study four years ago.
She knew that she would soon be in a position to apply for Permanent Residency but
wasn’t sure what she had to do to obtain it.
Marta came to our office on her lunch break for a consultation with one of our
immigration lawyers.

How IAS Helped Outcome

Marta was shown to one of our available immigration After we met up again with
lawyers once she arrived. Marta, we examined her
Our lawyer went through the UK immigration documents and confirmed
requirements as well as providing Marta with a that she had worked
comprehensive list of the documents she would need enough hours to be
to make an application. considered a worker,
One of the requirements Marta needed was to show instead of a student.
that she had comprehensive health insurance whilst Our expertise and the
she was a student – she did not have this. creative solution we found
Marta was upset as she was planning on becoming a for her ensured that Marta
Permanent Resident the following year. would be able to apply for
Our lawyer began to examine Marta’s time in the UK in Permanent Residency
more detail and noticed that, throughout her time without any issues.
studying, Marta worked as a waitress part-time.
Our lawyer drafted a list of required documents and
advised Marta to produce them at a follow-up session
the next week.
Case Study 2
Stanislav was an Estonian national who had never before been to the UK.
He was planning to enter the UK to begin a degree in Medicine and become a Doctor.
Because of the Referendum, he was unsure what he would have to do to enter the UK,
and the steps he would have to take to become a Permanent Resident.
Stanislav used our online enquiry service to request an immediate call-back.

How IAS Helped Outcome

The following day, one of our lawyers called Stanislav After his first semester, he
and arranged an Advice Session via Skype. realised he was not suited to
The lawyer made it clear that, as he was an EU Medicine and he left the
National, he would not require anything to both course. He decided to enrol in
study and work in the UK. He was advised that if he a different subject but this
wanted to secure Permanent Residency in the UK he did not start until the
would have to be careful how his time was spent following year.
while studying in the UK. In the meantime, Stanislav
To make this easy for him, we outlined a plan based sought employment and
on his circumstances that he should follow to ensure wondered how this would
his time in the UK would always be counted towards affect his immigration status.
residency. This included obtaining a comprehensive He got in touch with IAS
health insurance policy and retaining all travel again and we gave clear
confirmations make it very clear when he arrived in guidance as to how to ensure
the UK. that this was counted
We also offered our assistance to Stanislav should towards Permanent
his circumstances ever change, meaning he could Residency.
get in touch with us at any time.

“I dealt with IAS to apply for

“I have received a great service permanent residence cards for my
from IAS. I got an immediate Daughter-in-law and two
update from my caseworker granddaughters. My lawyer’s
every time they received a communication was excellent from
response from the Home Office. the time of confirming the
My lawyer was very professional appointment to handing over the
and welcoming.” residence cards to us. I would
- Syeda definitely recommend IAS to
prospective clients.”
- Brian
“I needed assistance with the
application for Permanent
“We were delighted when the
Residence, which is 100 pages in
visa arrived, we will be using IAS
length. I’ve received the necessary
for all of the visas we need. The
guidance from my lawyer
company is very professional
throughout the whole process of
and the best around.”
applying. IAS was extremely
helpful, answering all of my - Algert
questions regarding the application
and always responding to me when
I contacted.
- Trifon
More reviews
Start Your Journey

Whether you would like our help with your

application or would prefer our expert
advice, take the next step with IAS today.
Quote reference:

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03333 637 326 to request a call
to book and pay back

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