Unit 5: Business Meetings - Travelling: Good Discussions

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Unit 5: Business Meetings – Travelling

Speaking exercise: Good discussions

Meetings are an essential part of business. When you are in a meeting with your managers,
colleagues, clients or friends you have to follow some basic rules to ensure that the meeting will
be a success.
Read the following pieces of advice and think about a headline for each one of them:

1. When you have to talk to other people, remember that your body language is very important. Keep eye contact, smile and try
to get relaxed. Take care of your tone of voice and choose the words you want to use.

2. In a meeting, you will not be the only person talking, so listen to the other people carefully or they could think that you are not
interested in what they are saying. ……………………………………………………………………….

3. Sometimes what a person is saying is not the same that we understand because our own feelings and ideas can play an
important role in the understanding of something. ………………………………………………………………………..

4. Don’t take others’ comments as something personal, and don’t react defensively. It could just be a problem of
misunderstanding. ……………………………………….…………………

Work in groups and think about other tips for a good discussion:

……………………………………………………… ………………….
……………………………………………..………. ………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………… ……………………………………

Vocabulary: Meetings

Match the words and the definitions:

business card appointment agenda minutes AOB absent
board of directors chairperson show of hands guest speaker attendee item
opening remarks swot analysis main point consensus summary proposal

1- List of items to be discussed. It includes time, 9- The essential idea to be discussed in the meeting:
place and attendees: ……………………….…………. …………………………………… ……………………….
2- Written record of what is discussed in a meeting: 10- Point of discussion on the agenda: ………………
…………………………………………………………….. 11- Any other business: …………………………..……
3- Group of directors who meet to decide about the 12- Brief statement of the points discussed: …...……
company: ………………………………………….……. 13- To raise hands to vote: ……………………..…….
4- The person who directs the meeting: …………….. 14- General agreement: ……………………………….
5- Person attending a meeting: ………………………. 15- A plan or suggestion for the consideration of
6- Somebody not present: …………………………….. others: ……………………………………………………
7- Somebody invited to the meeting: ……………..…. 16- Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
8- The leader’s first words to open the meeting: of an analysis: ……………………………….…………
……………………………………………………………. 17- Small card with your name, job and the company

details: …………………………………………………. place: …………………………………..……………….
18- Arrangement to meet somebody at a time and

Organizing a meeting:

Agendas and Minutes

An agenda is the list of things to be considered or done during the meeting.

- When planning the meeting you need to make sure that all the topics can be discussed.
- Begin the agenda with the most important points.
- Ensure that the points are clear and everybody knows what to discuss.
- Be aware of the time you have, don’t write more items on the agenda that can be discussed.
- Put the date, time and place of the meeting.
- Distribute the agenda to the people who have to attend the meeting in advance, so that they can be
prepared to talk and discuss the topics.

Minutes are a written record of the things said during the meeting.

- Take notes during the meeting. Record the things that have to be done and the person who has to do
- Record the agreements taken and the person responsible for them.
- At the end of the meeting revise your notes and write the minutes soon after the meeting has finished
to avoid forgetting important things or ideas.

Directors meeting

From: Scott Jackson – General Manager

Date: Friday, 17 March, 8 a.m.
Place: Meeting room, 2n floor

1 Welcome.
2 Reading minutes of the last meeting.
3 Actions taken to save money.
4 New budget.
5 Proposals and ideas to improve the situation of the company.
6 AOB.
7 Date, time and place of next meeting.

Directors meeting

Date: Wednesday, 3rd March – 10.30 a.m.

Chair: Scott Jackson
Present: Cary Prentis, Hugh Garcia, Mary Comin, Angela Clark
Absent: Peter Black, Sandra Blond

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Actions taken:

- Angela Clark has found a new supplier for office material with better prices.
- Cary Prentis has started working with the Marketing department to study expenses on promotion.
- Mary Comin and Angela Clark have revised last budget and are working on the new one.

Ideas to improve the situation of the company:

- Change premises (Angela Clark will study viability).

- Do market research (Cary Prentis will work with the Marketing department to do a market research to
find out customers’ satisfaction).
- Study other companies and compare products and prices. The marketing manager will work with the
sales manager.
- Ask all staff to reduce costs related to light, water, material, etc.

Any other business

- Angela Clark has suggested to reorganize the record of staff absences to know when somebody is
out of the office.
This was agreed and the Human Resources Department will work on the matter.

Next meeting: Friday, 31 March, 8.00 a.m.

Place: Meeting room, 2n floor
Next meeting’s Chair: Scott Jackson

Emails - Meetings: Put the sentences in this email in the right


From: Marian Castle

To: Sally Saunders
Subject: 28 September Meeting

Once again, please accept my apologies. …………..

As you know we are going to open a new office in Rome and we need a manager for this office. We have five
candidates to be interviewed, and for this reason, I will be in Rome for some days during next week. …………..

Good morning Sally, …………

As I will not be in the meeting in person, I am sending some ideas for the meeting which I hope will be of some
use. …………

Good luck with the meeting, I hope the meeting will be a success, as always. ………….

Thank you for the information about the meeting and for the agenda attached. I am very sorry to tell you that,
unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the meeting on 28 September due to previous engagements. ………….

Best wishes. …………….

Read and complete the emails with the words in the list:

fine – discuss – materials – change – responses – office – take – product – appointment – wonder – morning – hour

From: Brenda McArthur

To: James Martin, Johnny Watson
Subject: Meeting about new materials

Good morning,
as you know we have prepared new …………………………..…. for our new ……………..…………… I
……………………. if we could meet next Tuesday morning to ……………………. about them in my

Brenda McArthur

From: James Martin

To: Brenda McArthur, Johnny Watson
Subject: RE: Meeting about new materials

Good morning,
I am sorry but I have an ………………………………… with a supplier on Tuesday. Could we
…………………… the meeting to Wednesday ………………………….?

Thank you,
James Martin

From: Johnny Watson

To: Brenda McArthur, James Martin
Subject: RE: Meeting about materials

Good afternoon,
Wednesday morning is ………………………….. for me. How long do you think the meeting will

Thank you,
Johnny Watson

From: Brenda McArthur

To: Johnny Watson, James Martin
Subject: RE: Meeting about materials

Good morning,
Thank you for your ………………………... The meeting will be at 10 a.m. next Wednesday in my
…………………………… and I think it will last around one …………………………..

Thank you very much

Brenda McArthur

Listening: A SWOT analysis

The SWOT analysis is a technique carried out to analyse the company’s situation in the market
and plan future strategies:
S: Strengths - good points of the company.
W: Weaknesses - bad points of the company.
O: Opportunities - the advantages the company can take.
T: Threats - the disadvantages the company has to face, e.g. competition, prices, new products…

Listen to a meeting in which some people discuss the situation of their company, an online
business, and complete the chart:

Strengths: Opportunities:

1 good product knowledge. 1 can get access to new customers.

2 ………………………………………………….. 2 …………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….

3 ………………………………………………….. 3 …………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….

4 …………………………………………………..

Weaknesses: Threats:

1 limited to regional market. 1 strong competition from other established


2 ………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………… 2 …………………………………………………..

3 ………………………………………………….

4 ………………………………………………….

Organizing a meeting in a hotel

The P.A. of the Marketing manager has to arrange a meeting for the marketing team in a hotel. Read
the emails and put them in the correct order.

TO: Edward Sing TO: Edward Sing

FROM: Bernie Smith FROM: Bernie Smith
SUBJECT: Reservation SUBJECT: Reservation

Dear Mr Sing,
Dear Mr Sing, We can provide the Blue Room with the facilities you
require for 8 people on 2nd March.
In response to your demand, we would be able to offer
you a 15% discount on the price of the meeting room. The price is as follows:
We hope this will be helpful. Room £250
Morning refreshments £50
We look forward to your confirmation. Buffet lunch £120

Regards There would be a non-refundable booking fee of 15%

Bernie Smith of the total. If you cancel within 10 days of the booking,
the full price in payable.
Bernie Smith
Bookings Manager
TO: Walton Hotel TO: Bernie Smith
FROM: Edward Sing FROM: Edward Sing
SUBJECT: Reservation SUBJECT: Reservation

Dear Sir / Madam Dear Mr Smith,

I am writing to enquire about the possibility of a half- Thank you for your mail. As our company uses your
day meeting in your hotel for eight people on March, hotel for our meetings and our international staff on a
2nd. We would require a meeting room with facilities for regular basis, we wonder if you could offer us a
PowerPoint projection and a whiteboard. We would also discount on the price.
need morning refreshments and a buffet lunch.
Thank you very much.
I look forward to hearing from you. Edward Sing

Yours faithfully
Edward Sing

Writing exercise: Organizing a meeting.

Email 1 – You are the PA of the Sales manager and you have to organize a meeting for ten people at the
Central Hotel for two days on the 27th and 28th of March. Write an email to the hotel asking for prices and
availability. You need a meeting room with facilities, two days’ refreshments and two days’ lunches. Ask for
a discount because you company is a good client.

Email 2 - Jackson Bonham works at the reception of the Central Hotel. Write his email answering your mail
with the information requested, and saying that his company does not offer any discounts.

Agenda and minutes - Write the agenda and the minutes of the meeting you have organized.

Business meals
Business meals can be part of our relationship with colleagues, customers or other companies.
These meals have to be considered formal and require formal language. People must behave
politely. Remember that body language is also very important and that it can be different depending
on the country.
Sometimes a thank you letter is sent after the business meal, it’s considered business etiquette
and will reinforce the interest in this relationship.

Translate the following words or expressions.

To make a reservation ………………… Main course, second course …………………

A table for two / four … ………………… Multi-course meal …………………
Business lunch / dinner ………………… Side order …………………
To order ………………… To ask for the bill …………………
Menu ………………… To tip …………………
Starter, first course ………………… Medium …………………
Rare ………………… Silverware …………………
Raw ………………… Napkin …………………

Dialogue – At the restaurant

Put the lines in this conversation in the correct order:

__1__ - Good afternoon, do you have a reservation?

_____ - Our traditional roast beef.
_____ - Yes, of course. Here you are.
_____ - How would you like your steak? Medium, rare?
_____ - Are you ready to order?
_____ - Well-done, please. And we would also like a white wine. Can we have
the wine list?
_____ - Still or sparkling?
_____ - And I’ll have a steak.
_____ - Yes, please. I would like a beer.
_____ - Oh, I am a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.
_____ - Well, we have not decided yet. What’s the recommendation of the chef
_____ - This way, please. Here’s the menu. Would you like a drink?
_____ - We also have fresh salmon. It’s baked with lemon sauce.
_____ - Perfect Mr Johnson. Would you like a table by the window?
_____ - Yes, a table for two. My name is Johnson.
_____ - Oh, yes, it would be perfect.
_____ - And I would like some water.
_____ - Still, please.
_____ - Ok, I’ll have the fish.
A formal letter - Complaining about a restaurant
Imagine you went to a restaurant with an important customer but the restaurant, the food and the
service were not good. Complete the formal letter with the phrases in the list to complain about the

was not what we had expected - restaurant of your reputation - an apology for the situation and a full refund -
We had to wait for a long time – hope you will understand the reason - I am writing to complain about -
the food you serve is high quality - was very impolite - We felt very disappointed - by the time we arrived

Dear Sir / Madam,

............................................................................................ the meal that we ate in your restaurant last

You restaurant was recommended by one of my colleagues who told me that
………………………………………………………………………………….. and that your baked salmon is the best in the
city. ………………………………………………………………………. when we found that there was no salmon left
……………………………………………………………………………………. We ordered the chef’s recommendation but
the food we were served ……………………………………………………………………….
I am also writing to complain about the service. ……………………………………………………………………..………
between the starters and the main course and when we asked the waiter, he
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. why I am writing this letter.
The food and the service were not the quality expected from a
I look forward to receiving an answer with ………………………………………………………………………………………
I enclose the receipt.
Yours faithfully,

John Jameson

Dialogue - Booking a hotel

Imagine you are in another city and you need to spend the night there.
Put the lines in this conversation with the hotel receptionist in the correct order:

_____ - Certainly. A single room or a double?

_____ - Just this one bag.
_____ - Yes, sure.
_____ - Here’s your key. Your room number is 205. I hope you enjoy your stay.
_____ - Double, but sole occupancy, please.
_____ - Good evening. Can I help you?
_____ - Yes, please. Could I have a room for the night?
_____ - No, thanks. Just breakfast. I will pay by credit card.
_____ - Yes, of course. We take all credit cards. Could you sign the register?
_____ - Do you have any luggage?
_____ - Ok, would you like a room with a double bed or twin beds?
_____ - £ 85 for the room and breakfast. Would you like an evening meal?
_____ - Thanks.
_____ - A double bed. How much is the room?

Travelling to other countries

Advantages and disadvantages of working in
another country.

Read the comments of some people who went to work abroad:

‘I am from France and I work in an important multinational company. When I was young I could never
imagine that one day I would be working in China. But, I did it. Last year, I went to China because my
company was planning to open new markets. I had to meet business people who could become our new
customers. I was very excited because it was a great opportunity. I lived there for a period of two months
and at the end the results were very good, we signed a contract with a very big Chinese company. It was a
challenge and I had the chance to know a very different culture.”

‘I am English and I studied Law at university. I love languages and I also studied Spanish while I was at
university. When I got my degree, I got a contract with a multinational company in Barcelona. My main task
was to translate important legal documents, but I also had to assist clients when they had doubts. My
business Spanish improved a lot and my English was very valuable especially when we had to attend
international meetings. I am happy because I had the opportunity to practice what I had learnt and to
experience a culture different from mine.”

Speaking exercise - Comment:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a different country?

…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………

Listening: Cultural differences

Listen to five stories and say if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

Story 1:
1. People in the UK don’t mind to talk about personal life. TRUE / FALSE
2. You must know people well in France to ask for personal information. TRUE / FALSE

Story 2:
3. The speaker had to organize a congress with an French colleague who knew
everything about the congress. TRUE / FALSE
4. In Italy personal contacts are useful for making business. TRUE / FALSE

Story 3:
5. In America it is usual to praise people individually. TRUE / FALSE
6. In Japan you shouldn’t praise your team in front of the others. TRUE / FALSE

Story 4:
7. In the Middle East people usually offer gifts to guests. TRUE / FALSE
8. If you are having a meal with a Middle East family you should talk during the
whole meal. TRUE / FALSE

Story 5:
9. People in England don’t like to move while they are talking. TRUE / FALSE
10. Argentinian people stand closer to each other than English people. TRUE / FALSE

Listen to three people talking about cultural differences and complete the table:

Country Cultural mistake Why is it a mistake?

indonesia Touched the head of the boy They thing it is rude

australia Sitting back in the taxi they

Beijing Using choptsticks

Translate the following words:
Package tour: ………PACK DE
Journey: ……… TOUR………….
TRAYECTO…………. Ticket: ………TIQUET………….
Trip: ………VIATGE…………. Single ticket: ……TIQUET
Tour: …………RUTA………. DANADA………….
Return ticket: ……… Ticket collector: …………REVISOR..
TORNADA…………. …….
One-way ticket: .…………..NOMES Ship: ………barco
ANADA……. gran………….
Round ticket: …………ANADA I Boat: ……BARCO…………….
TORNADA………. Port: ………PORT………….
Luggage: ……… Dock: MUELLE ………………….
EQUIPATGE…………. Crew: ………………….
Baggage: ….…… Cockpit: ……CABINA
Suitcase: ………MALETA…………. Steward / stewardess: ………….AZAFATO.…..
Rucksack: ………… …..
MOCHILA………. To embark: ……
Customs: ………… EMBARCAR…………….
ADUANAS………. To disembark: ……………
Duty free: ………SENSE DESEMBARCAR…………..….
IMPOST…………. Boarding pass: …………TARGETA DE
Passport: ………… EMBARQUE………………...
PASAPORT………. To check in: ………
Visa: ……VISADO……………. FACTURACION………….
Coach: ………… To take off: ……
Train: ………TREN…………. To land: ………
Carriage: ………VAGON…………. ATERRAR………….
Compartment: ………… On board: ……A BORD…………….
COMPARTIMENTO………. Aisle or window: ………PASILLO O
Railway station: ………ESTACIO VENTANA………….
TREN………... Miss a connection: ………PERDER UNA
Platform: ……… ESCALA………….

At the airport - Match the columns:

1. security control d a. you go here to board your plane.
2. passport control f b. you collect your luggage after a flight.
3. duty free shop g c. you wait for information about your flight.
4. luggage / baggage reclaim b d. you and your things go through a metal detector.
5. gate a e. you show your booking confirmation or ticket and leave your luggage.
6. departure lounge c f. you show your passport and visa.
7. check-in e g. you can buy cheaper goods.

Add more words related to travelling and translate them:

Portaequipajes de tren Luggage rack
Cinturón de seguridad Safety belt
Llenar el deposito de gasolina To fill the tank
……………….…….. …………………………………………..
…………………………………….….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………… …………………………………………..
Emails - Booking a flight and a hotel
Complete with the words in the list: reach / flight / meeting / single / central / problems / tickets
To: Raul Evans Sent: 20 April 20…
From: Marion McArthur
Subject: Berlin meeting

Good morning, Raul.

As you know I am visiting our new customer in Paris and I will be back home on Friday night. Next week I
am also going to be out of the office because the Finance manager and I are going to Berlin for a ………
meeting…………… in our ……………central……………… offices. Could you book us a ………
flight………………. to Berlin on May, 4, and a flight back to London, please? We need to stay there for
three nights. We will also need a hotel, so please, make also a reservation for two …………
single……………. rooms. When you have everything ready, could you send me the ………
tickets……………. and the details of the reservation to my home? If there are any …………
problems……………….., you can ……………reach………….. me on my mobile phone.
Thank you and see you in some days.

special / booked / single / reference / requested / them / success / near / rate

To: Marion McArthur

From: Raul Evans
Subject: Booking request

Dear Marion,
I hope everything is going well in Paris with the new customer. As you told me I have ………………
booked……… the flights to Berlin and to London on the days you ………requested………………. I have
also booked the rooms in a hotel …………near……………. the office. I am afraid the hotel does not have
………………single………………… rooms for the nights you need, but since we are very good clients,
they have offered double rooms at a ……………special………………. …………………., breakfast
I will send you the tickets and the ……………reference………… of the hotel reservation as soon as I
have …………them………….

I hope the meeting will be a great …………rate……………………..

Writing exercise.

Choose one of the following topics:

1- Business journey – a dialogue

Imagine you went on a business journey to a foreign country. Write a conversation with a colleague talking
about your business journey.

2- Letter of complaint
You went on a business journey last week. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel because it was not what
you had expected. Complain about the room, the restaurant, the price, or any other thing you would like to

Grammar Revision
A conditional sentence links two actions expressed by two clauses:

- the if clause or conditional clause and - the result clause

If I get the job, I will be very happy. If people like your products, you’ll be successful

We use a comma after the if clause.

We can change the order of the clauses but the meaning doesn’t change:
I will be very happy if I get the job.

ZERO CONDITIONAL - For facts and situations that are true.

- Structure: If clause: present simple + result clause: present simple

If we achieve our targets, we get a bonus

Present S. Present S.

If you leave after 6 o’clock, you have to sign out at the security gate.
Present S. Present S.

FIRST CONDITIONAL - For possible future situations or actions:

- Structure: If clause: present simple + result clause: future will

Sales will improve if we lower the prices. If he doesn’t leave now, he will be late.
Future Present S. Present S. Future

SECOND CONDITIONAL - For untrue situations or situations which are unlikely possible.

- Structure: If clause: past simple + result clause: would + base form of the verb

If I were you, I would look for another job. If I travelled a lot, I would buy a new laptop.
Past S. would + verb Past S. would + verb

- We can also use could or might in the main clause:

If I didn’t have broadband, I couldn’t work from home.

Past S. could + verb

- We can use either were (formal) or was (informal) :

If I was / were you, I would learn a second foreign language

Past S. could + verb

THIRD COND. - Used to talk about a past action and its possible result in the present.
- Structure: If clause: past perfect + result clause: would have + participle
If you had asked me, I would have helped you.
Past Perfect would have + participle

If he had known the answers, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.

Past Perfect would have + participle

1.- Complete the sentences:
1.- If you .......ARE.................... (be) honest, your 8.- If I ............................ (win) the lottery, I ………
staff ……WILL RESPECT…..……..……… .................................. (travel) around the world –
(respect) you – First C. Second C.
2.- If you …TELL….……………....... (tell) me, I 9.- You .................................... (finish) the project
………. by this evening if I ........................................
…….…..……. (do) something for you – Third C. (help) you – First C.
3.- If he …………..…………. (not speak) English, 10.- Our manager ……………… (get) angry if we
he …………………………….. (not get) a new job. …………………. (leave) the office early – Zero C.
– First C. 11.- If I ...................... (see) Peter at the meeting,
4.- He …………………………………… (not miss) I ............................ (tell) him about our wedding –
the meeting with the customer if he ……………… First C.
..…………….… (receive) the email – Third C. 12.- If she ..................................... (not go) to bed
5.- She ........................................... (be able to) early, she ............................. (be) tired tomorrow
save for the future if she ..................................... – First C.
(not spend) all her money on going out – 13.- If you ............................... (visit) our family in
Second C. Paris, you ............................ (learn) a lot about
6.- If I ………WERE …….…… (be) you, I …… the city – First C.
WOULD INVEST………….. 14.- I …………………………… (feel) comfortable
…………. (invest) in that company – Second C. if I ………………………… (have) to wear high
7.- If she ............................ (accept) the job offer, heel shoes – Second C.
she .............................. (not have) to travel so 15.- We always …………..…… (get) extra money
much – First C. if we ………….………… (sell) a lot – Zero C.

2.- Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences in the Second Conditional.

1. If I had problems with my studies,

2. If I had several different tasks to complete, A I would write myself a timetable.
B I would go.
3. If I wanted to get some experience abroad, C I would give myself a budget.
4. If I had an interview for a job, D I would look for an exchange programme.
5. If I had trouble with money, E I would talk to my teacher.
6. If I had the chance to work in America, F I wouldn’t stay up late the night before.

3.- Complete the sentences with the correct conditional:

1.- Be careful, I wouldn’t do that if I …… 8.- We ………….….……..……………. (give) you

WERE……….. a 15% discount if you had paid cash.
(be) you. 9.- If Laura hadn’t helped Alex, he ……………..
2.- If her computer hadn’t crashed this morning, ........……..……...…. (get behind) with his duties.
she ………WOULD HAVE FINISHED….. 10.- We …………………………… (not be) in this
…………………..…...… (finish) her presentation. situation if we had discussed it earlier.
3.- If we ………HAD TTAKEN………………… 11.- The company will give her a present if she
(take) a shorter lunch, we wouldn’t have been in ………………………… (increase) her sales.
trouble with our manager. 12.- If I were you I ………………………….……..
4.- If she had more confidence, she …… (not gossip) so much.
WOULD BE……… 13.- If the meeting ……………………..….. (finish)
……………….. (be) a better manager. earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the last train.
5.- If the company cancels the launch of the new 14.- If they ……………..…………… (arrive) late,
products, the sales …………WILL BE……….. they will have problems with the manager.
…….. (be) worse next month. 15.- If you ………………..………. (deliver) the
6.- He wouldn’t be so exhausted if he …DIDN’T project on time you would have had a good
WORK………… opportunity for the promotion.
……….………. (not work) so hard.
7.- If I ………HAD TOLD………………….. (tell)
my problems to my colleague, I would have
avoided a difficult situation with her yesterday.
Relative Clauses
We use relative clauses to join two pieces of information in one sentence.

e.g.: Mr Johnson is the president of the company.

Mr Johnson is a nice person.
Mr Johnson, who is a nice person, is the president of the company.

We use the pronouns: Who  to refer to people

Which  to refer to things or animals
Where  to refer to places
That  for people / things / animals
(not used in non-defining relative clauses)
Whose  to refer to possession
When  to refer to time

Defining relative clauses

We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about the noun they follow.
Without the relative clause, the sentence would be incomplete and would not make sense.
Defining relative clauses are used to make clear what person, thing or place you are talking

e.g.: There’s an employee who left the company to set up her own business.
This is the place where they’re going to build a new warehouse.
Peter is the man whose car was stolen yesterday.

Non-defining relative clauses

They give supplementary, non-essential information. If you miss out the relative clause the
sentence can still make sense.
Remember: we don’t use that in non-defining relative clauses.

e.g.: Alice left the company.

Alice is now a successful entrepreneur.
Alice, who left the company, is now a successful entrepreneur.

I found this practical website while I was doing online research.

The website gives free help.
I found this practical website, which gives free help, while I was doing
some online research.

1.- Complete the sentences with who, which, whose, when or where:

1.- The website ………WHICH…………….….. I 9.- My manager is a good professional ……

visited was very useful. WHO………. has worked in many companies.

2.- I admire the people …………WHO…………. 10.- Do you know the place ……
….. founded the company. WHERE…………. we have to meet.

3.- We discussed the idea with the new 11.- The day ………WHEN…………….……… I
employee ……………………WHO……………. got my promotion was very important for me.
works in the sales department.
12.- Our order, ……………WHICH…………….….
4.- This is the company …………… we ordered last week, has just been delivered.
WHERE……………. I work.
13.- That’s the restaurant …………
5.- He has a free website …………… WHERE………….. they will have the meeting
WHERE…….……. people can advertise their reception.
14.- My personal assistant ………WHO…………
6.- I know a shop …………WHERE………….…. is in the festival committee, has been very busy
you can buy fantastic products. lately.

7.- That’s the man …………WHOSE……….…. 15.- Maria, …………WHOSE………………… son

company is number one. works in the media, gives us English lessons
twice a week.
8.- Let’s arrange a time …………WHEN………..
…. we can meet.

2.- Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1.- That’s the computer programme who I used

to like. 9.- Look! That’s the manager which secretary is
always late.
2.- Stephanie is the girl which helps me with my
work. 10.- Friday’s the day which I’m usually free.

3.- His school, that is very big, has a great 11.- Do you remember the time which we went to
library. visit our headquarters in London?

4.- That’s the report whose I had to read before 12.- The power point who I had to present was
going to the meeting. very interesting.

5.- The company which I work is a big business. 13.- There are times that my mind goes
completely blank.
6.- I know a place when you can buy what you
need for the meeting. 14.- My best friend, that was brilliant with
computers, set up her own business.
7.- The president of the company, which is over
70, is going to retire next month. 15.- Paul’s small shop, that was near my house,
closed down recently.
8.- That’s the place that we have to meet.
3.- Write relative clauses combining the two sentences:

1.- Anthony is a young entrepreneur. He has very good ideas.

2.- Karen has written an article. The article explains how to improve your soft skills.

3.- Peter has cashed the cheque. I gave the cheque to him.

4.- I spoke to the girl. She won the award.

5.- They developed the idea at university. They were working there.

6.- That’s the customer. I visited him yesterday.

7.- These are the reports. I wrote them last week.

8.- My employer’s husband is German. She’s moving to Bonn next month.

9.- Bob and Joe work in a restaurant. International dishes are served there.

10.- This is the girl. Her mother tongue is German.

Commerce I and II. Martyn Hobbs, Julia Starr. Oxford.
The Business 2.0. John Allison, Paul Emmerson. MacMillan.
Market Leader Pre-Intermediate. John Rogers. Pearson Longman.
Market Leader Elementary. David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. Person Longman.
Inside Out Intermediate. Philip Kerr. MacMillan Heineman.
English for Communications. Maria Zabala, Beatriz Papaseit. McMillan Professional
Steps to Success. Ben Wetz, Claire Thacker, Brigit Viney. Oxford.

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