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Perfect Competition

1. The characteristics of perfect competition are:

___________________, _____________________, ________________________

___________________, ___________________

2. The demand curve in perfect competition is: ______________ (Shape or slope)

3. The firm operates at the quantity where _________ equals ___________.

4. Total profit is equal to ___________ minus ________________.

5. The marginal revenue curve in perfect competition is: ______________ (Shape or slope)

6. The entrance of one or two new firms (in perfect competition) does what to market price?


7. For a firm to operate, price must at least cover: ____________________________

8. In the long run, (in perfect competition) a firm will always: ______________ (make profits,
break even, operate at a loss)

9. The marginal revenue curve in perfect competition is equal to: ______________ (curve)

10.The entrance of one or two new buyers (in perfect competition) does what to market price?


11. In the long run, given increasing costs, the supply curve for the firm will be __________

12. In the long run, given constant costs, the supply curve for the firm will be ____________

13. In the long run, given decreasing costs, the supply curve for the firm will be __________

14. The profit maximizing quantity is where marginal costs equal ___________


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