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The drawing aims to depict the rejection of Ptolemy’s Model of the Universe, represented by a

basketball game. The main focus is the battle between “Ptolemy” and a tall man, who blocks his shot.
The tall man is Galileo, who was the main contributor in disproving the validity of the Ptolemaic Model
(which is represented by the ball). The referees and officials represent the Church (notice the cross on
the referee’s shirt and the priest- looking officials) because every proposal or discovery must adhere to
the Scriptures and the Catholic teachings, as much as possible.

Team Philo represents the early Greek philosophy, which states that the Celestial domain is perfect,
along with other views that try to explain the nature of things and how the Universe works. Notice that
the team Philo players have the digit 0 on their jerseys, symbolizing their belief in perfect and eternal
circular motion throughout the cosmos.

Team Astro represents modern astronomy, which began with the advent of look- glasses, telescopes and
more precise equipment. Through these new advances, astronomers were able to directly observe the
behavior of heavenly bodies and gather more accurate data. Various observations and results led to the
overthrow of Ptolemy’s model (specifically the discovery of the phases of Venus). Notice that one official
is using a look-glass to observe the game, signifying the eagerness of the Church to also discover the
truth using modern methods.

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