U Tube

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# Bourdon gages are commonly used to measure pressure.

When such a gage is attached to the closed water tank of the P2

gage reads 5 psi. What is the absolute air pressure in the
tank? Assume standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi.

SOLN: P1+γH2Ox12 in =P2

=> P2= 5 psi - 62.4 𝑓𝑡 3 x 1 ft

= 5 psi - 62.4 𝑓𝑡 2
= 5 psi - (62.4 / 144) 𝑖𝑛2

= 19.2 psia (ans)

# A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed tank

containing air and water as shown in Fig. At the closed end
P2 of the manometer the air pressure is 16 psia. Determine the
reading on the pressure gage for a differential reading of 4 ft
on the manometer. Express your answer in psi (gage).
Assume standard atmospheric pressure and neglect the
weight of the air columns in the manometer.

P1 - 𝛾h2ox 2ft – 𝛾Gx4 ft = P2

P1 = (16-14.7) psi + 62.4 lb/ft3x 2 ft + 90 lb/ft3x4 ft
= 1.3 psi + 484.8 lb/ft2
= 1.3 psi + (484.8/144) lb/in2
= 4.67 psi (ans)
# A closed cylindrical tank filled with water
has a hemispherical dome and is connected
to an inverted piping system as shown in
Fig. The liquid in the top part of the piping
system has a specific gravity of 0.8, and the
remaining parts of the system are filled with
water. If the pressure gage reading at A is
60 kPa, determine: (a) the pressure in pipe
B, and (b) the pressure head, in millimeters
of mercury, at the top of the dome (point C).

a) Pa + 𝛾0.8x3 + 𝛾h2ox2 = Pb
Pb= 60 kpa + 0.8x1000x9.81x3 + 1000x9.81x2
= (60 + 43.16) kpa
= 103.16 kpa
b) Pa = Pc + 1000x9.81x3
=> Pc = 60x1000 – 1000x9.81x3
= 30570 pa
Pc=ρhgg hc
hc = Pc/ρhgg
= 30570/13600x9.81
= 229.13 mm hg

# Two pipes are connected by a manometer as

shown in Fig. Determine the pressure difference,
between the pipes.

PA + 1000x9.81x1.1 – 2.6x1000x9.81x0.6 +
1000x9.81x0.8 = PB
PA – PB = -3335.4 pa
# A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed
tank as shown in Fig. The air pressure in the
tank is 0.50 psi and the liquid in the tank is oil(
γ=54 lb/ft3) . The pressure at point A is 2.00 psi.
Determine: (a) the depth of oil, z, and (b) the
differential reading, h, on the manometer.

PA= 0.5 psi + γoil x z

= 0.5 psi + 54 lb/ft3x z

=> 54 lb/ft3x z = (2 – 0.5) lb/in2

=> z = (1.5/54) x 𝑙𝑏/𝑓𝑡 3

= 0.028x1728 in

= 48.38 in

PA + γoil x 2ft – 3.05x 62.4 lb/ft3xh=0

=> 2 lb/in2 + 54 lb/ft3 x 2 ft – 3.05x 62.4 lb/ft3xh =0

=> 2x144 lb/ft2 + 108 lb/ft2– 3.05x 62.4 lb/ft3xh =0

=> h = 396/190.32 ft = 2.08 ft (ans)

# For the inclined-tube manometer of

Fig. the pressure in pipe A is 0.6 psi. The
fluid in both pipes A and B is water, and
the gage fluid in the manometer has a
specific gravity of 2.6. What is the
pressure in pipe B corresponding to the
differential reading shown?

Sonn: sin 300 = h/8 => h = sin 300x8 = 4 in

=> PA + γh2o x 3 in – γ2.6x4 in - γh2o x 3 in = PB

PB = PA – 2.6x γh2ox4 in

= 0.6 psi – 2.6x62.4 lb/ft3x(4/12)ft

= 0.6 psi – 54.08 lb/ft2

= 0.6 psi – (54.08/144) lb/in

= 0.6 psi – 0.38 psi = 0.22 psi (ans)

# The cylindrical tank with hemispherical ends shown
in Fig. contains a volatile liquid and its vapor. The liquid
density is 800 kg/m3 and its vapor density is negligible.
The pressure in the vapor is 120 kPa (abs), and the
atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa (abs). Determine: (a)
the gage pressure reading on the pressure gage; and (b)
the height, h, of the mercury manometer.

Soln: a) Pgage = Pv + ρliquidxgx1

= (120-101) kpa + 800x9.81x1/1000 kpa

= 19 kpa + 7.848 kpa

= 26.848 kpa

b) PA – γhgxh = 0

=> h = Pgage/γhg

= 26.848x1000/133416

= 0.201 m

# Determine the elevation

difference Δh, between the water
levels in the two open tanks shown
in Fig.

P2 P1 – γh2ox (X+0.4) + 0.9xγh2ox0.4 +

γh2ox(X+Δh) = P2=P1

=> - γh2ox X - γh2ox 0.4 + γh2ox 0.36 +

γh2ox X + γh2ox Δh =0

=> - γh2ox 0.04 + γh2ox Δh=0

=> Δh = 0.04 m (ans)

# For the configuration shown in Fig. what must be the P1 P2
value of the specific weight of the unknown fluid?
Express your answer in lb/ft3

P1 + γh2ox(5.5-1.4)in + γunx1.4in - γunx3.3in -


=> γh2ox 4.1in - γunx1.9in - γh2ox1.6in = 0

=> γh2ox 2.5in - γunx1.9in = 0

=> γun= γh2ox 2.5in/1.9in = γh2ox 1.32 = 62.4 lb/ft3x1.32

= 82.11 lb/ft3

# The inverted U-tube manometer of Fig contains oil (SG=0.9)

and water as shown. The pressure differential between pipes
A and B, PA-PB is -5 kpa. Determine the differential reading, h.

Soln :

PA - γh2ox0.2 + 0.9xγh2oxh + γh2ox0.3 = PB

PA – PB + γh2ox0.1 + 0.9xγh2oxh =0
- 5x1000 + γh2ox0.1 + 0.9xγh2oxh = 0
0.9xγh2oxh = 5000 – 9810x0.1
h = 4019/0.9x9810 = 0.455 m

# An inverted U-tube manometer containing oil (SG=0.8)

is located between two reservoirs as shown in Fig. The
reservoir on the left, which contains carbon tetrachloride,
is closed and pressurized to 8 psi. The reservoir on the
right contains water and is open to the atmosphere. With
the given data, determine the depth of water, h, in the
right reservoir. 99.5 lb/ft^3

Soln: 8 psi + γcx(3-1.7)ft = γh2ox(h-1)ft – 0.8 x γh2ox0.7

=> 8 psi + 99.5 lb/ft3x 1.3 ft = γh2ox h - γh2ox1ft - 0.8 x


=> 8 psi + 0.9 psi = γh2ox h - γh2ox1.56 ft

=> 8.9 psi + 62.4 lb/ft3x1.56ft = 62.4 lb/ft3x h

=> 8.9 psi + 0.676 psi = 0.43 psi/ft xh

=> h = 9.576 psi / 0.43 psi/ft = 22.3 ft

# Determine the pressure of the water in pipe A
shown in Fig. if the gage pressure of the air in the
tank is 2psi.

Soln: P2psi - γh2ox1ft + 0.9xγh2ox4ft + γh2ox2ft =PA

=> PA = 2 psi + 4.6 x γh2o = 2 psi + 4.6 ft x62.4 lb/ft3

= 2 psi + 287.04 lb/ft2

= 2 psi + ( 287.04/144) psi = 3.99 psi

# In Fig. pipe A contains gasoline (SG=0.7), pipe B

contains oil (SG=0.9), and the manometer fluid is
mercury. Determine the new differential reading if
the pressure in pipe A is decreased 25 kPa, and the
pressure in pipe B remains constant. The initial
differential reading is 0.30 m as shown.

Soln: PA + 0.3x γh2o – 13.6x γh2ox0.3 – 0.9x γh2ox0.4 = PB


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