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MUSLIM OPPOSITION TO NEHRU SCHEME Me. Jinnah on Fate of the Report. How and Why India became communal ??? Communalism in India basically evolved in three stages — a Communal Nationalism — Even though religious interests are different for different groups, there is a common secularism at national level. Liberal Communalism — Like the religious interests are different, there should be fel ace ule ame) ieee eee ELL Role Te eee Extreme Communalism — Not only that there in difference in interests , it is also incompatible in nature. So constant conflict and better to separate , than killing. ie Reeaemee eel ear eaM are A poy Socio Economic reasons — Rising middle class, bourgeoisie among both Hindus & SMSO aCe aoe ea tle mete Rom MU eli a AUC le mead British policy of divide and rule — Imperialist vest interests. INC vs Muslim League Communalism in History writing — Ancient(Hindus), Medieval{Muslims) RteYa tM rele Mmactie lei Mintel iti l1l mem EEL MCT TM ead Wrong policies in Nationalism - Tilak organized Ganpati , Shivaji festivals , dip in Cry Re eel See oe UC lee oe Lee rene Aurobindo’s vision of Aaryanized India . Unity movements did not help much . Communal reaction by Majority - In opposition to Muslim League separate electorates etc, the Hindus came up with Hindu Mahasaba , RSS etc Delhi Proposals , Nehru Report and Jinnah’s 14 points iy 1927 Muslim League session _@ Delhi- Evolved 4 proposals to be incorporated in the new constitution being drafted . This was called the “Delhi Proposals” a Pa 3. 4. Joint electorates instead of separate electorates with reservations for Muslims SVE ee eee CeCe ley Representation in Punjab and Bengal in proportion to their population el CMT sv MVE MT I Dts meena eee ae eT] ha However Hindu Mahasabha were against most of these proposals. 1927_INC session @ Madras — The INC accepted these proposals in this session 2] be i a i Ei liod -1-4 IN — Draftin; mmit with Motilal Nehri head. Done by August Peet tibeia iit title Linguistic provinces 19 fundamental rights with equal rights to women, form unions , adult suffrage Responsible government at centre as well as province Full protection to cultural and religious interests of Muslims Complete dissociation of state from religion Joint electorates , with reservation for Muslims only in areas of minority Sindh to be detached from Bombay only after getting dominion status Broadly had a unitary structure with residuary powers with the centre foe [TM ce) Lert] Me Colada ite) ela Tale aa eee Coded ne iy Other com: fee members—Tej Bahadur Sapru ,Subhash Bose,Mangal Singh, Ali Imam Those who unhappy with Nehru Report — Hindu Mahasabha , ML , JL Nehru and S.Bose Independence for India League OT as eee aac RCM k MN Laat ele eT La Coote Ce i SUE M ecee Reme eecRcL ee 2. Reservation to Muslims in Bengal & Punjab as per population , till suffrage comes ERO Lone RoR WM ela oo) All rejected by the INC and Hindu Mahasabha. So Jinnah came up with 14 points Ree LULL ee eo elec powers to provinces Re Ea selene) een) alo PR ey TCE lao formed at centre or provinces 3. Noconstitutional amendment without _10. Nobill tobe passed if 3/4" of minority Tait eye ae cia la eed BORE Cel ieee arti) Pee 7 F ; aa sc maak arabia all service and self governing bodies have representation of Muslims PPR eee Sue Ry PEM ace pleM ee m ava 1AN MWe ener ute ttc 7. Reforms in NWFP, Baluchistan pO aaa le od Prelude to Civil disobedience movement 1928 INC session at Calcutta — Nehru report was approved Seniors like Gandhi and Motilal Nehru wanted to give 2 years time to the government Youth like JL Nehru and Subhash Bose forced it to reduce to 1 year Now if government wont accept , then demand for Purna Swaraj and also launch CDM “Gandhi meanwhile travelled far and wide , gathering masses and making them ready . Sole See MU Cro ecu ohn) cee Sl Su RE Lakekeeet atin ca ciaterm ete rene] «Lord Irwin gave statement regarding Dominion status and promised Round Table Conference once Simon commission submits its report DELHI MANIFESTO , 1929 — Nationalist leaders to British government . *Right away accept demand for dominion status and during RTC, policy should be formulated for its implementation *Congress should have majority representation at RTC «Amnesty and a general policy of conciliation Lord Irwin rejected these demands Prelude to Civil disobedience movement 1929 INC session at Lahore - JL Nehru made president with Gandhiji’s backing . “We have an open conspiracy to free this country from foreign rule ,and you elie oMEO RL eel ee Uae el La ela} invited to join it “ Major decisions — ye) Boycott the RTC Solu acme (lelite (ue Me tate EET Oe «Launch CDM , don’t pay taxes and all to resign Dec 31, 1929 — Banks of river Ravi, JL Nehru hoisted flag , Slogan — Inquilab Zindabad BTW ACW CSE oe Mie aCe Lou aa RC fad Coleco cUatod os CRU od (att OR eae nacelle Bet . “British has ruined as politically , Economically , culturally and spiritually Tole Rod ORCL sole OSU aL Moa Com COMET *No real political power given to us and our administration skills are killed «The education system has torn us apart from our traditions and culture We will work towards Purna swaraj “Withdraw from all voluntary association with British and prepare for CDM isobedience movement Gandhiji’s_ 11 demands - To the British government. Accept by Jan 31, 1930 or CDM Reduce expenditure on Army and civil services by 50% ilicels Wecmcelcl mercedes) Carry out reforms in Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Legislative fe ee ee ale) eee eC ec Ooty Release all political prisoners ero aaa Cle) Cer ea culgracieat eect Introduce Textile protection - Reserve coastal shipping for Indians 10. Reduce land revenue Nel) ar Ome eet erence aut rela ute rel ke ey a eo Lemuel rary Feb 1930 — No response from Tanuitanig INC allocated full freedom to Gandhiji to initiate CDM. Gandhi chose “ SALT” as the means of protest. But WHY ?? * — The most inhuman poll tax ever. Ce Niece MSs lee mma Men ee ele) * Even the urban class could connect with the rural mass: DANDI MARCH, The Salt Satyagraha iy March 12 , 1930. - 8 members start from Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmedabad to Dandi Use F lute eee RRs Gandhiji gave instructions before starting the march — «In case he is arrested , the other local leaders should be listened to . aoe ed ele ReL Rel ce kel ia Se Men ee earn ca Tec) *Lawyers , Government servants should give u their jobs *Refuse to pay taxes if can *All these should be done on 2 ideals — Truth and Non violence April 6 , 1930 - Reached Dandi and picked up a handful of salt Tamil Nadu — C.Rajagoplachari (Thiriuchirapally to Vedaranniyam) Kerala — K.Kelappan ( Calicut to Payannur) Assam — Satyagrahis walked from Sylhet to Noakhali ( Bengal) Andra - A lot of camps came up, called sibirams as headquarters of salt satyagraha Nehru arrested in April 1930 . Gandhiji arrested in May 1930 Fierce protests everywhere . CWC sanctioned the following - Non payment of revenue in Ryotwari areas , No chowkidara tax campaign in Zamindari areas Niel MOe Rael RROU ucla} DANDI! MARCH, The Salt Satyagraha Impact of Salt Satvagraha and agitations across India Imports of foreign cloth and other items fell a 2. Government income from liquor , excise and land revenue fell eet oo RoR RT Cr eae rey eee Extent of Mass participation Women ~The highest ever participation , ene ecu cca datas It marked their entry into public sphere in huge numbers. Trey] jaidu — most prominent woman leader in Salt Satyagraha Students = Played a great role in boycott, burning of cloths and picketing of shops Muslims = Very less compared to NCM in 1921-22. Muslim leaders asked them to stay away. But still there was participation from middle class , NWFP region , Dacca leaders. Merchants and Traders — Active participation — Most in Punjab and Tamil Nadu Workers = Bombay , Calcutta , Madras and Sholapur Zier eed a OC eRCl ETc 1g Tribals — Central provinces, Maharashtra, Karnataka #ModernHistoryMCQ56 Arrange the following in sequence from oldest to newest based on its occurrence? 4. Jinnah's 14 points 2. Nehru Report 3. Delhi Proposals. 4. Purna Swaraj idea by Jawaharlal Nehru Options A 2-1-3-4 B.3-1-2-4 6.4324 D.3-2-1-4 ‘#ModernHistoryMCQ57 Which of the following are matched correctly? 1, Delhi Conspiracy; RashBihari Bose and Sachin Sanyal 2. Delhi Proposals: Muslim league #ModernHistoryMCQ99 Which of the following are true regarding Nehru Report? 1. Itdefined fundamental rights and citizenship 2. Itdemanded Complete Independence for India 3. There will be no separate electorates. 4, India will have a federal structure with Bicameralism at centre Options A.1and2only B. 3 and 4 only ¢. 1,3 and 4 only D. 1 only ¥ Thank you !!! 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