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Razel Jane A.


History 101
Philippine History with Politics and Governance

1. Draw the structure of Philippine Colonial Government during Spanish period and explain the specific
functions of each other’s branches

The Executive Branch (Governor General) Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was appointed by the King of Spain
as the first Governor General which is a highest official of the Colony and had the power to implement
laws and to appoint and remove government officials. It also had the power to establish diplomatic
and trade relations with other countries and sign agreements or treaties.

The Judicial Branch (Royal Audiencia, Residencia, Lower Courts, Governor-General) The highest court
in the Philippines during the Spanish Period it serves as an advisory body to the Governor General and
had the power to check and report his abuses and sent a yearly report to Spain.

2. Explain the Treaty of Zaragoza

3. Give the significance of Villabos Expedition

Answer: The Significance of Villabos Expedition is it named the Philippines as Las Islas Filipinas

4. Explain the Manila Acapulco Galleon trade as Government Monopoly

The Manila Acapulco Galleon trade as Government Monopoly because before the Spaniards arrived in
the Philippines, our ancestors were already trading natural resources with China, Japan, Siam,
Cambodia, Borneo, and Moluccas
5. How Polo Y Servicio Personel Implemented?

Answer: The Polo y Servicio or Prestacion Personal Repartimiento system is adapted to de Labor
implemented by Spain in Mexico. It is forced labor in the Philippines and Mestizo Chinese men aged
sixteen (16) to sixty (60). Working those forty (40) days per year. Polista call its workers.

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