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CO .


Kristen Spencer Clint Lane

Faith Robertson Roman Cobb


According to Wikipedia, an annual report is a

comprehensive report on a company's activities
throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are
intended to give shareholders and other interested
people information about the company's activities
and financial performance. They may be considered
as grey literature. Most jurisdictions require
companies to prepare and disclose annual reports,
and many require the annual report to be filed at the
company's registry. Companies listed on a stock
exchange are also required to report at more
frequent intervals (depending upon the rules of the
stock exchange involved).

According to Wikipedia, an annual report is a

comprehensive report on a company's activities
throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are
intended to give shareholders and other interested
people information about the company's activities and
financial performance.

They may be considered as grey literature. Most

jurisdictions require companies to prepare and
disclose annual reports, and many require the annual
report to be filed at the company's registry.
Companies listed on a stock exchange are also
required to report at more frequent intervals
(depending upon the rules of the stock exchange

a year's overview


A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual

report is a c ompre he nsi ve report report is a c ompre he nsi ve report
on a c ompa ny's a ctiviti es on a c ompa ny's a ctiviti es
thr oughout the pr e ce di ng year. thr oughout the pr e ce di ng year.
A nnual reports are intended to A nnual reports are intended to
give s hare hol der s and other give s hare hol der s and other
inter e ste d pe ople inf or mati on inter e ste d pe ople inf or mati on
about the c ompa ny's a c tivities and about the c ompa ny's a c tivities and
fina nci al perf or ma nc e. They may fina nci al perf or ma nc e.
be c onsi der e d as grey l iterat ur e.
Most j uris di cti ons re quire They may be c onsider e d as grey
c ompa ni es to pre pare and disclose liter at ur e. Most j uris di ctions
annual reports, and many require require c ompa ni es to prepare and
the annual report to be filed at the disclose annual reports, and many
c ompa ny's r e gistr y. C ompa ni es require the annual report to be
listed on a stock e xc ha nge are also filed at the c ompa ny' s re gistr y.
required to re port at more Companies listed on a stock exchange
freque nt inter vals ( de pe ndi ng are also required to report at more
upon the rules of the stock frequent intervals ( depending upon
exc ha nge invol ve d) . A ccording to the rules of the stock exchange
Wi ki pe dia , an a nnual report is a involved) .
c ompr e he nsi ve re port on a A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual
c ompa ny's a ctiviti es t hroughout report is a c ompre he nsi ve report
the pr e ce di ng year. A nnual reports on a c ompa ny's a ctiviti es
are intende d to give s hare hol der s thr oughout the pr e ce di ng year.
and other i nte re ste d pe ople A nnual reports are intended to
inf or mati on about the c ompa ny's give s hare hol der s and other
acti vitie s and fina nci al inter e ste d pe ople inf or mati on
perf or ma nc e. about the c ompa ny's a c tivities and
fina nci al perf or ma nc e. They may
They may be c onsider e d as grey be c onsi der e d as grey l iterat ur e.
liter at ur e. Most j uris di ctions Most j uris di cti ons re quire
require c ompa ni es to prepare and c ompa ni es to pre pare and disclose
disclose annual reports, and many annual reports, and many require
require the annual report to be the annual report to be filed at the
filed at the c ompa ny' s re gistr y. c ompa ny's r e gistr y. C ompa ni es
Companies listed on a stock. listed on a stoc k.

5M 25M




Other information deemed relevant to

stakeholders may be included, such as a report
A GLOBAL on operations for manufacturing firms or
corporate social responsibility reports for

REVIEW companies with environmentally or socially

sensitive operations. In the case of larger
companies, it is usually a sleek, colorful, high-
gloss publication.

last year's


stock maturity
A ccording to Wikipedia, an annual report is a

comprehensive report on a company's
activities throughout the preceding year. A
nnual reports are intended to give shareholders
and other interested people information about finance growth
the company's activities and financial






Investment Stock Client Product Sales

A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual report is A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual report is

a c ompr e he nsi ve re port on a c ompa ny' s a c ompr e he nsi ve re port on a c ompa ny' s
acti vitie s t hr oughout the pr ec e di ng year. acti vitie s t hr oughout the pr ec e di ng year.
A nnual reports are intended to give A nnual reports are intended to give
s har e hol ders and other inter e ste d pe ople s har e hol ders and other inter e ste d pe ople
inf or mati on about the c ompa ny's a ctiviti es inf or mati on about the c ompa ny's a ctiviti es
and fina ncial perf or ma nce . A cc ording to and fina ncial perf or ma nce . A cc ording to
Wi ki pe dia , an a nnual report is a Wi ki pe dia , an a nnual report is a
c ompr e he nsi ve re port on a c ompa ny's c ompr e he nsi ve re port on a c ompa ny's
acti vitie s t hr oughout the pr ec e di ng year. acti vitie s t hr oughout the pr ec e di ng year.
A nnual reports are intended to give A nnual reports are intended to give
shareholders and other interested people. shareholders and other interested people.
the action or activity of
gathering information
about consumers' needs
and preferences.

the action or activity of
gathering information
about consumers' needs
and preferences.




Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

A cc ordi ng to Wi ki pedia, an annual report A cc ordi ng to Wi ki pedia, an annual
is a com pre he nsi ve report on a report is a c om pre he ns i ve report
com pa ny's acti vi ties t hr oughout the on a com pa ny's acti vities
preceding year. thr oughout the preceding year.
A nnual reports are intended to give A nnual reports are intended to give
shareholders and other interested people shareholders and other interested
information about the company's activities and people information about the
financial performance. company's activities and financial
They may be considered as grey performance.
literature. They may be considered as grey
Most j urisdictions require companies literature.


According to Wikipedia, an annual report is a

comprehensive report on a company's
activities throughout the preceding year.
Annual reports are intended to give
shareholders and other interested people
information about the company's activities and
financial performance. They may be
considered as grey literature. Most
jurisdictions require companies to prepare and
disclose annual reports, and many require the
annual report to be filed at the company's
registry. Companies listed on a stock exchange
are also required to report at more frequent
intervals (depending upon the rules of the

stock exchange involved).


The Directors are responsible for preparing the

Annual Report and the financial statements in
accordance with applicable Law of the Republic
of Ireland, including the accounting standards
issued by the Accounting Standards Board and
published by The Institute of Chartered
Accountants. Irish company law requires the
directors to prepare financial statements for each
financial period which give a true and fair view
of the state of affairs of the company and of the
profit or loss of the company for that period.

In preparing these financial statements, the

Directors are required to work these reports.

a year's overview


A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual

report is a c ompre he nsi ve report report is a c ompre he nsi ve report
on a c ompa ny's a ctiviti es on a c ompa ny' s a ctiviti es
thr oughout the pr e ce di ng year. thr oughout the pr e ce di ng year.
A nnual reports are intended to A nnual reports are intended to
give s hare hol der s and other give s hare hol der s and other
inter e ste d pe ople inf or mati on inter e ste d pe ople inf or mati on
about the c ompa ny's a c tivities and about the c ompa ny's a c tivities and
fina nci al perf or ma nc e. They may fina nci al perf or ma nc e.
be c onsi der e d as grey l iterat ur e.
Most j uris di cti ons re quire They may be c onsider e d as grey
c ompa ni es to pre pare and disclose liter at ur e. Most j uris di ctions
annual reports, and many require require c ompa ni es to prepare and
the annual report to be filed at the disclose annual reports, and many
c ompa ny's r e gistr y. C ompa ni es require the annual report to be
listed on a stock e xc ha nge are also filed at the c ompa ny' s re gistr y.
required to re port at more Companies listed on a stock exchange
freque nt inter vals ( de pe ndi ng are also required to report at more
upon the rules of the stock frequent intervals ( depending upon
exc ha nge invol ve d) . A ccording to the rules of the stock exchange
Wi ki pe dia , an a nnual report is a involved) .
c ompr e he nsi ve re port on a A cc ording to Wi ki pe di a, an a nnual
c ompa ny's a ctiviti es t hroughout report is a c ompre he nsi ve report
the pr e ce di ng year. A nnual reports on a c ompa ny's a ctiviti es
are intende d to give s hare hol der s thr oughout the pr e ce di ng year.
and other i nte re ste d pe ople A nnual reports are intended to
inf or mati on about the c ompa ny's give s hare hol der s and other
acti vitie s and fina nci al inter e ste d pe ople inf or mati on
perf or ma nc e. about the c ompa ny's a c tivities and
fina nci al perf or ma nc e. They may
They may be c onsider e d as grey be c onsi der e d as grey l iterat ur e.
liter at ur e. Most j uris di ctions Most j uris di cti ons re quire
require c ompa ni es to prepare and c ompa ni es to pre pare and disclose
disclose annual reports, and many annual reports, and many require
require the annual report to be the annual report to be filed at the
filed at the c ompa ny' s re gistr y. c ompa ny's r e gistr y. C ompa ni es
Companies listed on a stock. listed on a stoc k.

14M 10M
The A greement marks a qualitative A common factor is a sizeable increase in
change going forward. For the first renewable generation. Overall, this will
time, practically all emitting entail investments totalling more than 400
countries reached a co nsensus billion dollars per year over the next 1 5
about the need to reduce years.
greenho use gas

50% 35%
The year 201 6 and subsequent years Which has enabled the Board of
will undoubtedly bring their own DirectorsDirectors to propose a 25%
challenges and business opportunities. increase in the dividend with the goal of
We are moving forward from a solid setting a new baseline from which to
strategic position offer moderate


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