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Literal Meaning: Call out. You invite, ask, or request someone for something.

Imam Ibn Qayyim: Asking for a benefit, & removal of some harm that is afflicting
him & protection of some harm that might come to him.

Khattabi: * Servant asking his Lord for help * for continued support * shows his
neediness to Allah * admits that he does not have ability or power to change *
he praises his Lord, and attributes abundance, giver of reward, and generosity
to Him

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “DUA is Worship.” Dua is the essence of worship. (Tirmidhi)

Allah said:

“Make Dua to me. I will respond. Those who are too arrogant to worship me will
enter Hell, humiliated.” [Surat Ghafir 40:60]

“He is the Ever-Living, no deity except him. So make Dua to Him, and to him is
the Deen (entire religion)…” [Surat Ghafir 40:65]


Benefits of Dua

1. Increase of Imaan & Faith.

2. Appreciate Allah’s beautiful Names & Attributes.
3. Reminder of man’s limitations.
4. Reminder of Allah’s unlimited capability.
5. Proves that he believes that Allah hears him, and can respond.
6. Qadr of Allah, the good and bad. Destiny is in Allah’s Hands.
7. Feeling of Neediness to his Lord.
8. Affirm Allah’s infinite blessings and mercy

Two Types of Dua

1. Masalah - Asking - Ex. Give me good in this world and hereafter.

2. Ibadah - Worship - Praise, glorification and adoration of SURAH FATIHA – To
You only we worship and to You only we ask for help.
a. Best people do both, worship and asking Dua, only to Allah.
b. Ask for both. Duniyah (worldly) matters and AKHIRA (hereafter).
c. Ask at both times. Good and bad times.

All Dua fall into these 4 categories:

1. Request for a new blessing

2. Continuation of a current blessing
3. Prevention of potential harm
4. Removal of current harm

“Our Lord, Forgive our Sins, and erase our bad deeds. And cause us to die as
Muslims. Our Lord grant us what you have promised us through the Messengers,
and do not disgrace us on the Day of Judgment. For you never break your
promise.” [Surah Imran 3:193]

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