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BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design

Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

Test made in mouse DNA:
Gene is the smallest unit of inheritance. It is a 10% of the DNA consists of short lengths of less
segment of DNA that encodes the information than 10 base pairs that are repeated millions of
required to produce a functional biological product. times per cell. highly repetitive
20% of the DNA consists of about hundreds of base
The units of information are copied or converted pairs repeated at least a thousand times per cell.
into functional products through three major moderately repetitive
processes: The Central Dogma of Molecular 70% of the DNA are repeated only few times.
Genetics (unique sequence of base pairs)

Replication – copying of parental DNA to form Satellite DNA – most highly repeated sequence.
daughter DNA molecules having identical
nucleotide sequences. Junk DNA – some repetitive DNA.

Transcription – process by which parts of the coded Centromere – attachment site for proteins that
genetic message in DNA are copied precisely in the links chromosomes.
form of RNA.

Translation – in which genetic message coded in Many eukaryotic genes

mRNA is translated on the ribosome into a protein contain intervening
with a specific sequence of amino acids. non-transcribed sequence.

DNA’s are packaged into chromosomes.

A chromosome contains thousands of individual Nucleotide sequences of Eukaryotic genes contain
genes. The sum of all genes on all the different one or more intervening segments of DNA that do
chromosomes of a cell is referred to as genome. not code for the amino acid sequences of the
polypeptide product.
Viral DNA molecules are small.
DNAs found in some viruses are single stranded. Such non-translated DNA segments in genes are
The genomes of viruses are either made up of DNA called intervening sequence or introns and the
or RNA. coding sequences are called exons.

Bacteria contain much more DNA than viral DNA. Example:

gene coding for single polypeptide chain of the
Bacteriophage DNA is 17.5 µm long while that of an avian egg protein ovalbumin contains 7 introns and
E. coli is 1.7 mm long. Eukaryotic cells contain 8 exons. Introns make up 85% of DNA of this gene.
more DNA than Prokaryotes.
The Human Genome Project:
The total length of DNA in a single human cell is Genome is the complete set of genetic information
about 2 meters. of an organism
The human genome project:
Approximately 104 cells of adult, DNA would be - 2001 Draft of Human Genome Sequence
14 11
about 2 x 10 m or 2 x 10 km. - 2003 Finished Human Genome
- (50 years after DNA structure solved)
Genes are segments of DNA that codes for - Costed $3 billion
polypeptide chains and RNA’s.
The total length of the human genome is over 3
How many genes in a single chromosome? billion base pairs.
The average gene of an E. coli is 1,050 base pairs
long. Significance:
Genes encode for: to study gene expression in a specific tissue, organ
a) polypeptide or RNAs (structural genes) or tumor; to study human variation; to study how
b) regulatory genes humans relate to other organisms; to find
correlations how genome information relates to
Eukaryotic chromosomes are very complex. development of cancer, susceptibility to certain
diseases and drug metabolism Page 1
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

DNA REPLICATION Replication is orderly and sequential--it begins at a

fixed point called an origin (or ori) and closely
DNA replication is an essential aspect of cellular follows parental duplex unwinding. Replication can
and viral reproduction. Replication of a double- be broken down into three processes--initiation,
stranded DNA results in two double-stranded DNAs elongation, and termination.
as products.
DNA replication uses deoxynucleoside-5'-
Some important general points about DNA triphosphates (dNTPs) to build the DNA chains.
replication are as follows:

Replication is exceedingly accurate--far more

accurate than any other enzyme-catalyzed process.

Replication is rapid.

The mechanism of replication is semi-conservative-

-each newly made strand is copied from one of the
parental strands and the products of replication are
two molecules, each containing one parental strand
and one newly synthesized strand.

DNA replication is discontinuous--synthesis of one

strand (called the lagging strand) lags behind the
other (called the leading strand) and occurs in
pieces called Okazaki fragments. Replication of
the leading strand is continuous.

DNA chain growth (replication) proceeds only in the

5' to 3' direction. DNA polymerase catalyzes the
chemical reaction of DNA synthesis.

DNA replication is should be accurate. Page 2
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

DNA polymerases – synthesizes the new DNA

Rate of DNA Replication strand in the 5’ to 3’ direction anti-parallel to the
DNA template strand
Leading strand - the strand of DNA at a replication
fork that replicates continuously.

Lagging Strand - the strand of DNA at a replication

fork that replicates in pieces (Okazaki fragments).
Okazaki fragment - short discontinuous stretches of
DNA arising from replication on the lagging strand.

DNA replication is, by far, the most accurate of
known enzyme-catalyzed processes. The error rate
per base pair per round of replication is about 10
to 10 . The accuracy cannot be explained,
however, by the different binding energies between
Multiple proteins are required for DNA replication at correct and incorrect base pairs (this amounts to
a replication fork such as DNA helicases, DNA only a 100 to 1000 fold difference between correct
polymerases, topoisomerases, and DNA ligase. and incorrect pairing).
Some of these are multisubunit protein complexes.
Two cellular systems aid the fidelity of replication.
There are three major steps in DNA Replication: These include the following:
INITIATION 1. The 3'-5' exonuclease activity of DNA
polymerases acts as a "proofreading" system.
Helicases actively denature DNA and actively Incorrectly incorporated nucleotides are not readily
unwind duplex DNA strands. It provides this extended by the polymerase very efficiently,
function by catalyzing the ATP-dependent allowing them to be melted away to the 3'-5'
unwinding of double-strand DNA. exonuclease site of the polymerase for removal.
Topoisomerases are enzymes with a "swivel"
mechanism that can relieve torsional stress. 2. The mismatch repair system makes an additional
Bidirectional replication of the circular E. coli contribution to accuracy of about 100-fold. It works
chromosome unwinds about 100,000 base pairs per by scanning the newly replicated DNA, excising any
minute. At 10 bp per turn, this is 10,000 turns of residues that are not properly base-paired and
DNA per minute or over 160 per second. If there replacing them with the correct nucleotides.
were nothing to relieve this stress, DNA would be a
tangled mess in seconds. Relief of torsional stress
is essential for DNA replication to occur.


Replication of DNA occurs at a molecular junction

that is usually drawn schematically as a fork and is
hence called a replication fork. The leading strand
and lagging strand replication occur on opposite
strands at the same replication fork and that
replication proceeds for both strands in the 5' to 3'

Primase - DNA polymerases cannot initiate the

synthesis of new DNA chains, but can only extend
chains from preexisting 3' hydroxyl termini. Initiation
of new DNA strands in E. coli begins with RNA
fragments. Primase is the enzyme responsible for
catalyzing synthesis of these primers. Page 3
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

DNA ligase - Covalently closes nicks in double- TRANSCRIPTION
stranded DNA. The nick must contain 3' hydroxyl
and 5' phosphoryl termini and the nucleotides being - process of RNA Synthesis
linked must be adjacent in a duplex structure and - copying the 5’ – 3’ DNA in the form 5’ – 3’ RNA
properly base-paired. DNA ligase functions to seal
Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand of DNA -synthesis of 5’ to 3’ RNA antiparallel to DNA
replication. template strand (thru base pairing):

T in DNA is transcribed as A in RNA

G in DNA is transcribed as C in RNA
A in DNA is transcribed as U in RNA
C in DNA is transcribed as G in RNA

Structure of RNA

a. Ribosomal RNA, rRNA

- is associated with a number of different proteins
as components of the ribosome (complex as
site for protein synthesis)
Mitochondria: 23S, 16S and 5S (P) and (E)
Eukaryotic cytosol: 28S, 18S, 5.8S and 5S
- 80% of the RNA in the cell

b. Transfer RNA, tRNA

- smallest RNA molecule (4S)
- serves as adaptor molecule that carries its
specific amino acid to the site of protein
- 15% of the RNA in the cell

c. Messenger RNA, mRNA

- carries genetic information from the DNA to the
cytosol, where it is used as the template for
protein synthesis
- 5% of the RNA in the cell

structure Page 4
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics


Properties of RNA polymerases Promoter regions:

RNA polymerases recognize nucleotide sequence
at the beginning of a length of a DNA to be Hogness box – stretch of 4 nucleotides located
transcribed. RNA synthesized from its 5’ end to its approximately at -25 base with a consensus
3’end antiparallel to its DNA template. sequence TATA
Core enzymes – responsible for the 5’ – 3’ RNA
polymerase activity CAAT box – stretch of 4 nucleotides located
Holoenzymes – enables polymerase to recognize approximately at -50 to -110 base with a consensus
promoter region on the DNA. sequence of CAAT
Termination factor – RNA polymerase recognizes
regions that signal termination of transcription. RNA Polymerases of eukaryotic cells

Steps in RNA synthesis: RNA pol I – synthesize precursor of large rRNA’s in

the nucleolus.
Initiation – preparation of the DNA template for
RNA synthesis RNA pol II – synthesize precursor of mRNA’s that
RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds to a region of are translated to produce proteins.
the DNA upstream from the transcribable unit called Promoters for class II genes - recognition sites:
promoter regions. For prokaryotes the following are consensus sequence 25 nucleotides upstream of
promoter regions: the transcription start site, TATA or Hogness box;
second consensus sequence, CAAT box.
Pribnow box which is a stretch of 6 nucleotides
found approximately -7 to -10 upstream with a Enhancers – increase rate of initiation of
consensus sequence of TATAAT transcription of RNA pol II. The bind proteins that
interact with transcription factors bound to a
The –35 sequence located about 35 bases to the promoter.
left of transcription start site (-35 nucleotide) with a Inhibition of RNA pol II by -amanitin forms tight
consensus sequence TTGACA complex with the polymerase inhibiting mRNA
Elongation – RNA polymerase core enzyme
synthesize transcript of the DNA sequence and 3. RNA polymerase III – produces small RNAs
releases the sigma subunit. It synthesizes RNA including tRNAs, 5S rRNA, and some snRNAs.
from 5’ – 3’ direction anti-parallel to template DNA
strand. Transcription factors
Initiation complex – minimal complex capable of
Binding of RNA polymerase to DNA template result initiating transcription: the TATA binding protein
to local unwinding of the helix. Positive supercoils (TBP) and TFIID, a multi-subunit structure
are relaxed by gyrase, negative supercoils are incorporating both TBP and TATA binding
relaxed by topoisomerase I. associated factors (TAFs).

Termination Control elements - DNA sequence that binds a

transcription factor. Because the transcription of
-independent termination – requires RNA genes for proteins must be both tissue specific and
transcript to form a stable hairpin turn where at the developmentally specific, it requires a great deal of
stems contain G-C rich bases. regulation. These are proteins synthesized on other
RNA transcripts contain string of U’s. Bonding of U genes that enhance or repress the transcription of
with A is weak which facilitates separation of newly the gene in question.
synthesized RNA from its DNA template.

-dependent termination – requires an RNA-

dependent ATPase activity. A -factor binds at the
termination region of the DNA that signals RNA
polymerase a cease on transcription. Page 5
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

Post-transcriptional Modification (Eukaryotes) c. RNA Splicing - After being capped, the pre-
A. Ribosomal RNA mRNA becomes complexed with a number of
- intermediate-sized pieces of rRNAs are small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles
trimmed to produce the required rRNA (snRNPs), which are themselves complexes of
species. small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) and special
splicing enzymes. The snRNP--pre--mRNA
complex is called a spliceosome. snRNAs
recognize and bind intron--exon splice sites by
Ribosomal RNA gene means of complementary sequences. Excision
of a single intron involves assembling and
RNA pol I disassembling a spliceosome. The sequence of
reactions can be summarized as follows:
1. It begins with the attachment of the U1
(28S) (5.8S) (18S) snRNP to the G site at the 5' end of the intron.
2. The U2 snRNP then attaches at the branch
cleavage by RNases site.
3. Assembly of the spliceosome continues,
including the addition of several more snRNPs,
(28S) (5.8S) (18S) 4. The lariat loop in the intron is formed and the
Ribosomal RNAs two exons are joined. Splicing has now been
accomplished, and the products--a ligated
B. Transfer RNA mRNA and a looped intron--are released. As
-modifications include addition of –CCA the spliceosome disintegrates, the looped intron
sequence by nucleotidyltransferase on the 3’- is degraded, and the mRNA is exported from
terminal end of tRNAs the nucleus.
C. Messenger RNA
a. 5’ Capping - the first modification occurs at the
5' end of the pre-mRNA. A GTP residue is
added in reverse orientation and forms,
together with the first two nucleotides of the
chain, a structure known as a cap. The cap is
"decorated" by the addition of methyl groups to
the N-7 position of the guanine and to one or
two sugar hydroxyl groups of the cap
nucleotides. The cap structure serves to
position the mRNA on the ribosome for
b. Addition of poly-A tail – adenine nucleotide is
added after transcription by poly-A polymerase.
This modification helps stabilize the mRNA and
facilitate their exit from the nucleus. Page 6
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

TRANSLATION Process of translation:

- conversion of the information in the nucleic acid - requires a system to bring the mRNA together
sequence to polypeptides of a specific amino acid with the translating molecules (tRNAs).
sequence. - message in mRNAs is the sequence of nucleotide
bases and is always read in the 5' to 3' direction.
- each tRNA molecule for a particular amino acid
contains a three nucleotide sequence, called an
anticodon, which is complementary to the codon
for that amino acid.
- specific enzyme aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
catalyzes the attachment between each tRNA
and its corresponding amino acid. Page 7
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

Termination of Translation
Marshall Nirenberg and Philip Leder in 1964

In the genetic code, nucleotide triplets specify an

amino acid.
43 = 64 possible word codes

61 out of 64 possible word codes for

specific amino acids– referred to as codons

3 codons are stop signals

Characteristics of the genetic code:

1. Specificity – specific codon always code for the

same amino acid

2. Redundancy – an amino acid may have more

than one codon coding for it

3. Non-overlapping and commaless – code is read

from a fixed starting point as a continuous Page 8
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics


B. Deletion Mutation – removal of one or more
Mutation is the alteration in gene sequence. nucleotides in the DNA.
 Hereditary (mutation on the germline)

Consequence of Deletion:
 Change in structure of nucleotide sequence of the FRAMESHIFT MUTATION – a shift in the
DNA reading frame, which produces a non-functional
a. Mutation can be spontaneous or induced.
b. Mutation according to size:
Point mutation deletion of G at
Gross Chromosomal mutation codon 4
 Lethal --- reading frame was changed
 Branching in the evolutionary tree or specie
diversity C. Insertion – addition of one or more nucleotides
in the DNA
Point Mutation
Consequence of Deletion:
A. Substitution mutation FRAMESHIFT MUTATION – a shift in the
- single-base mutations, substitution of one or reading frame, which produces a non-functional
more nucleotides by the same number of protein
different nucleotides.
 Deletion and Insertion Mutations are
Types: Transition and Transversion usually caused by Replication Slippage
purine to purine D. Exon Skipping – results from mutation at the
A  G spliced site

pyrimidine to pyrimidine Splicing of an intron requires an essential

C  T signal, for example, “GT…….AG”. If the spliced
acceptor site AG is mutated, the splicing
Transversion machinery will look for the next acceptor site.
purine to pyrimidine (vice-versa) As a result, the exon between two introns is
A  C G  C also removed.
A  T G  T
Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon
Consequences: GT AG GT AG
1. SILENT MUTATION – no effect on the amino Intron 1 Intron 2
acid sequence of the protein.
Ex: CAG  CAA A to C mutation
Gln  Gln

2. MISSENSE MUTATION – results in the Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon

incorporation of a different amino acid in the GT CG GT AG
protein. The protein may be functional, partially Intron 1 Intron 2
functional or non-functional.
CAG  CAC Spliced Message:
Gln  His Exon 1 Exon 3

3. NONSENSE MUTATION – results in the

premature appearance of the stop codon
resulting to a shortened protein that is likely to Removed Introns:
be non-functional.
CAG  TAG Exon 2
Gln  Stop Intron 1 Intron 2 Page 9
BIO20 Introduction to Biomimetic Engineering and Component Design
Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics

SPONTANEOUS MUTATION  Intercalating agents

- likely mutations that occur because of the - contains a cyclic system that can interact with
following: the bases of the DNA
- it physically binds to the bases by inserting
1. During DNA Replication itself between adjacent base pairs because of
2. Insertion or deletion during replication slippage its planar structure. This affects the opening
3. Tautomer mispairing of the DNA during replication or transcription.
INDUCED MUTATION Benzo-a-pyrene (found in cigarette smoke)
- are mutations that were acquired from the Benzene (an organic solvent)
environment (environmental factors). Aflatoxin (a metabolic product of molds in peanuts,
oils and grains)
Physical Agents
- mutagens in the form of high energy radiation
 Viral agents
 UV Radiation – leads to the formation of - some viruses contain oncogenes which can
dimmers which can block DNA replication be activiated once they have inserted their
or interfere with base pairing. DNA in the host’s genome.
- When virus insert their DNA into the host’s
 X-rays – leads to single and double- genome, the sequence of the bases of the
stranded DNA breakage or may lead to host DNA may be altered or certain
formation of hydroxyl radicals from water. destructive genes can be activated.

Chemical and Mutagens

 Base Analogues
- have similar structures to the DNA bases References:
which undergo tautomerism enabling to
cause tautomer mispairing Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL, et al. Molecular Cell
Example: 5-bromouracil Biology, 5th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman;
 Alkylating agents Matthews, van Holde and Ahern, Biochemistry 3rd edition
- adds a methyl or ethyl group to a base Lehninger, Nelson and Cox (1993). Principles of
- the largest class of potential mutagens Biochemistry, 2nd edition, Worth Publishers, New
present in man’s environment York
Example: N-nitrosoamines (in cigarette smoke) Starr and Taggart, Biology. The Unity and Diversity
When N-nitrosoamine is in the liver, it is of Life, 10th edition, Wadsworth Group, Thomson
metabolized by liver enzymes to form alkylating Learning, Inc., California, 2010.
agents which can attack guanine. If alkylation
occurs, an apurinic site is produced. During
replication, an apurinic site may be ignored
resulting in a deletion in the daughter strand or a
base selected at random and place in the daughter

 Deaminating agents
- removes amino groups from a base
Example: Sodium nitrite (used as preservative,
color enhancer and color fixative bacon, smoked
fish, tocino, etc.)
When ingested, NaNO2 is converted to nitrous acid
in acidic conditions. HNO2 removes functional
groups from Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine. Like
deamination of adenine, will result in the formation
of hypoxanthine, a base analogue of guanine. Page 10

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