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● It is the study of absorption of infrared radiation

which results in vibrational transitions.
● IR spectrum is an important record which gives
sufficient information about the structure of a
compound and also determine the functional group.

IR spectroscopy is an useful tool to

identify functional groups in organic molecules
IR spectroscopy is a result of molecular vibrational
transitions that occur when light interacts with matter
Molecules are always vibrating For a molecule to be IR
active, the vibrations should give rise to a net change
in dipole moment Infrared spectroscopy
The absorption of IR radiations can be expressed either
in terms of wavelength() or in wave number ( ).
Relationship between wavelength() and wave number
( ).

wave number( )= 1/ wavelength() in cm

suppose wavelength() is 2.5  = 2.5× 10-4 cm, then

wave number( )= 1/ 2.5× 10-4 cm=4000 2.5× 10-4 cm

1m = 10-6 m ;
cm-1 = no. of waves per cm of path
= 1/[ (cm)]
 energy of wave

E = h = hc
Infrared region

LIMIT OF RED LIGHT: 800 nm, 0.8 m,

12500 cm-1
NEAR INFRARED: 0.8 -2.5 m, 12500 - 4000
MID INFRARED: 2.5 - 25 m, 4000 - 400 cm-1
FAR INFRARED: 25 - 1000 m, 400 - 10 cm-1
IR radiation does not have enough energy to induce
electronic transitions as seen with UV.
Absorption of IR is restricted
to compounds with small energy differences in the
possible vibrational and rotational states. For a molecule
to absorb IR, the vibrations or rotations within a
molecule must cause a net change in the dipole moment
of the molecule.
The alternating electrical field
of the radiation (remember that electromagnetic
radiation consists of an oscillating electrical field and an
oscillating magnetic field, perpendicular to each other)
interacts with fluctuations in the dipole moment of the
molecule. If the frequency of the radiation matches the
vibrational frequency of the molecule then radiation will
be absorbed, causing a change in the amplitude of
molecular vibration.
Theory of infra red absorption

IR radiation does not have enough energy to induce electronic

transitions as seen with UV. Absorption of IR is restricted to
compounds with small energy differences in the possible
vibrational and rotational states. For a molecule to absorb IR,
the vibrations or rotations within a molecule must cause a net
change in the dipole moment of the molecule.

The alternating electrical field of the radiation (remember that

electromagnetic radiation consists of an oscillating electrical field
and an oscillating magnetic field, perpendicular to each other)
interacts with fluctuations in the dipole moment of the molecule.
If the frequency of the radiation matches the vibrational
frequency of the molecule then radiation will be absorbed,
causing a change in the amplitude of molecular vibration.
Molecular rotations

Rotational transitions are of little use to the spectroscopist. Rotational levels

are quantized, and absorption of IR by gases yields line spectra. However, in
liquids or solids, these lines broaden into a continuum due to molecular
collisions and other interactions.

Molecular vibrations

The positions of atoms in a molecules are not fixed; they are subject to a
number of different vibrations. Vibrations fall into the two main catagories of
stretching and bending.
Stretching: Change in inter-atomic distance along bond axis
Bending: Change in angle between two bonds. There are four types of
Vibrational coupling
In addition to the vibrations mentioned above, interaction between
vibrations can occur (coupling) if the vibrating bonds are joined to a
single, central atom. Vibrational coupling is influenced by a number of

1.Strong coupling of stretching vibrations occurs when there is a

common atom between the two vibrating bonds

2.Coupling of bending vibrations occurs when there is a common bond

between vibrating groups

3.Coupling between a stretching vibration and a bending vibration occurs

if the stretching bond is one side of an angle varied by bending vibration

4.Coupling is greatest when the coupled groups have approximately

equal energies

5.No coupling is seen between groups separated by two or more bonds

Factors Affecting Frequency of Absorption
Bond strength
C=O stretching (1700 cm-1) vs C-O stretching (1200 cm-1)
C=C stretching (1650 cm-1) vs C-C stretching (1200 cm-1)
It takes more IR energy to stretch short strong bonds than it
does to stretch long weak bonds
It also takes more energy to stretch a bond between two heavy
than it does if the atoms are less massive
Atomic Size
C-H (3000 cm-1)
C-C (1200 cm-1)
C-Cl (800 cm-1)
C-Br (550 cm-1)
Bigger masses vibrate at lower energy
♦ As a bond stretches, the atoms are moved
apart from each other
♦ If the bond elongation changes the net
dipole moment of the molecule, an IR peak
is manifested
Examples of large and small peaks
♦ Large peaks are observed for C=O bonds
♦ Small peaks are observed for C=C bonds
♦ If the atoms that stretch have different
electro negativities, you are likely to see
larger peaks
Ranges are broad, not exact
• Peaks are generally broad, not sharp
• Exact frequency depends upon
– conjugation
– proximity effects
Simplified Infrared Spectrophotometer
focusing plates
Detection Electronics
and Computer

Determines Frequencies
of Infrared Absorbed and
plots them on a chart

Sample Spectrum

intensity of
Absorption absorption
• Tungsten incandescent lamp – black body source for
measurements in NIR
• Nichrome (or rhodium) wire – Coiled, heated by resistance to
Black oxide layer forms on surface. Temperature 1100°C. Requires little
maintenance and no cooling required. Emits in Mid-IR but less power
than other
sources. Cheaper instruments
• Nernst Glower (rare earth oxides) – More intense emitted
Constructed from mixture of fused oxides of Zr, Th and Cs. Non-
conducting at ambient temperatures but at temperatures >800 °C it is
electrically conducting, maintains high temperature by resistive heating.
Good energy output (intensity 2x nichrome wire or globar)
• Globar – A rod of silicon carbide 6-8 mm in diameter.
Characteristics between
nichrome wire and Nernst Glower. Self starting and operates at 1300
°C. Globar
must be water cooled – brass jacket surrounds globar.
• Carbon Dioxide Laser – Useful for narrow radiation bands
♦ Sample Cells and Preparation
• Solids
• Mull - suspend ground solid in oil of similar refractive index
(Nujol, perfluorocarbon)
• KBr Pellet - few mg sample + 0.5 to 1 g dry KBr ground +
compressed at very high pressure
• Disposable polyethylene film strips (dissolve solid in volatile
“paint” on the film or on a salt plate)
• Liquids
• Gases
♦Optics - dessicated salts such as NaCl, CsBr, LiF, KBr and front
surface mirrors. Glass and quartz lenses cannot be used because
they absorb IR radiation
♦Chopper (modulation and tuned amplifier)
Most flexible system for analyzing all 3 states
of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
“Neat” (analysis of liquids/oils)
Pellet (analysis of solids)
Thin Cell (analysis of dissolved solid samples -
Long Cell (analysis of gases)
Preparing a “Neat” IR Sample
Preparing a KBr Disk
Apparatus for KBr Disk
Sample cells

To obtain an IR spectrum, the sample must be placed in a

“container "or cell that is transparent in the IR region of
the spectrum. Sodium chloride or salt plates are a
common means of placing the sample in the light beam
of the instrument.
These plates are made of salt (NaCl or KBr) and must be
stored in a water free environment
b) Nernst glower
ceramic holder
aux. heated up
heater to 1500oC
2 - 5 cm

Pt leads

1 - 3 mm dia.

Has - temp coefficient.

of resistance.
c) Globar

SiC rod
5 cm 1300oC
+ temp brass
coeff. of tube
resistance 6 - 8 mm dia. with slot

G 15 m NG 10 m NG 1 m
650 cm -1 G 1000 cm -1 10000 cm -1
Photon detectors

e - p ro m o te d fro m v a le n c e b a n d
to u n fille d c o n d u c tio n b a n d ,
c a u s in g e - h o le p a ir fo rm a tio n .
N o . o f p a irs d e p e n d s o n lig h t
in te n s ity.
p h o to v o lta ic :
p d c a u s e d b y s e p a ra tio n o f e -
h o le p a irs b e tw e e n n , p la y e r.

p h o to c o n d u c tiv e :
R c h a n g e s w ith ra d ia tio n p o w e r,
fo r s e m ic o n d u c to r.

p h o to e le c tro m a g n e tic :
u tilis e H a ll E ffe c t in
s e m ic o n d u c to r.
 Look for C=O peak (1820-1660 cm-1)
 If C=O check for OH (3400-2400 cm-1)
◦ indicates carboxylic acid
 If C=O check for NH (3500 cm-1)
◦ indicates amide
 If C=O check for C-O (1300-1000 cm-1)
◦ indicates ester
 If no OH, NH or C-O then ketone

Analyzing IR Spectra
Analyzing IR Spectra

 If no C=O check for OH (3600-3300 cm-1)

◦ indicates alcohol
 If no C=O check for NH (3500 cm-1)
◦ indicates amine
 If no C=O & no OH check C-O (1300 cm-1)
◦ indicates ether
 Look for C=C (1650-1450 cm-1) then
IR Characteristic Vibrations
A - CO-OH stretch (3000)

B - CH stretch (2800)

C - C=O ester (1757)

D - C=O carboxy (1690)

E - C=C aromatic (1608)

F - C=C aromatic (1460)

Sample IR Spectrum #1
Sample IR Spectrum #2


A) C=O (1730) B) C=C aromatic (1590) C) C-H aromatic (3050)

 Qualitative “fingerprint” check for
identification of drugs
 Used for screening compounds and
rapid identification of C=O groups
 Can be used to characterize samples in
solid states (creams and tablets)
 Can detect different crystal isoforms
 Water content measurement
 Analysis of urine and other biofluids
(urea, creatinine, protein)
 Used in non-invasive measurement of
 Quality control of pharmaceutical
 Determination of particle size
 Determination of blend uniformity
 Determination or identification of
polymorphic drugs

Applications of Near IR (NIR)

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